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[PKMN-CC] Event de Février et Mars + Animation

Voir l'image en taille réelle
Dessins pour le groupe d'ARPG Pokémon sur Deviantart : PKMN-CrescentCavern

La compilation complète des dessins pour les événements de Février et Mars (avec une petite animation pour des membres du groupe en bonus).



Events :

Février --> 1ère semaine

Février --> 2ème semaine (ATTENTION ! GROS FICHIER)

Février --> 3ème semaine

(Texte en anglais qui va avec :
L'information suivante est susceptible de révéler quelque chose d'important et de gâcher une surprise
«The small group of travellers continued their journey through the snow-covered land, when they suddenly heard the sound of
several explosions, followed almost immediately by a loud thud.

"An avalanche !" shouted Rampa. "We're doomed ! With Mosaic not being able to run, we won't be able to get away in time !"

"Are you sure there's no other way out ? Like climbing on a big rock or a tree ?" Replied Om Nom.

"Where do you see a tree around here ? We're in the middle of a valley !!!"

Between the ruckus caused by the snowfall and the quarrel between the two elders, the younger one finally woke up.
Although, Mosaic felt a little odd... Probably her previous fight that had shaken her up a little.

She started to feel palpitations spreading throughout her body, which were getting worse and worse. She barely had the
time to panic, not understanding what was happening at all, that she began to emit a bright light around her.

Her limbs lengthened, her body metamorphosed... She evolved ! And not once, but twice !!!

When the process finally stopped, the avalanche was just a few meters from them. Instinctively, she immediately grabbed her
two companions and took to the skies, determined to bring her friends to a safe place.»

Mars --> 1ère semaine

Mars --> 2ème semaine

Mars --> 3ème semaine

Mars --> Animal Crossing X Pokémon

(Fait en collaboration avec Osphene)

Image en plus grand : lien
Image ajoutée le 27/03/2020 à 13:36 | |

Mots-clés : pokemon arcko crefadet animal crossing pokemonfanart

