Pokébip Pokédex Espace Membre

~[.Galerie de Kiro.]~ Avec du Pokémon et autre! [BD en pause.]
de Kiro-DS


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[Eleutheria in her past life.]

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Greece is standing on a wall - because the global financial markets have put her there, and now she can't do anything.!
She has her hands tied, she's beautiful, but helpless. She just wait for the end to come...
But you can see a little hit of hope in her eyes! That flower reminds her that there is hope in this world.
So she must not quit, she must keep on fighting!

[ ‎A part ça je vais bien, et je me suis remis au traditionnel! Je suis plutot content du résultat, fait en quelques minutes ce soir. :)]
Image ajoutée le 20/05/2012 à 22:42 | |

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