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de Myschin


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[Archive] Fan-fiction Kantai Collection écrite en anglais qui sera traduite proprement ici plus tard
Prologue (Traduit)
Note : The whole story takes place in an alternative reality of the Magic the Gathering multiverse, which explains the presence of fantastic elements in the story (And I'm sorry if my english isn't perfectly understandable !).

His name is Mystia Lore., or Myschin as a recurrent nickname. He was born as a normal human being somewhere in the plane of Ravnica, the city of guilds, but he never pledged allegiance to any of the ten guilds. He preferred to remain neutral and life was pretty boring until the Time Spiral incident occurs. At the end of that incident, many people gained the ability to awake his planeswalker's spark. He was one of them so he took advantage of this to leave this plan and travel around some others. Among them there was a foreign-looking plan where many Yokais lived peacefully. Some of them actually wanted to spread their knowledge, the Eastern Culture, around other plans so he stayed here for 5 years in order to help them, until he has desires of change.

Myschin left the Yokais and the plan and went to a more exciting place : the plan of Zendikar. Unfortunately, it was around the time where ancients powerful beings, the Eldrazis, awakened and went on a rampage in Zendikar. But thanks to his new knowledges learned during the years where he was with the Yokais, he was able to tame all of them and ensure that they will never cause anymore troubles. He has find a new homeworld where he will return sometimes, but then, he has another desire of change but also wanted a less exciting challenge than tame some powerful creatures.

A friend of him, named Suna, took the position of an admiral in another plan. A plan where war is settled with naval battles and no other mean. Skeptical at first, then Myschin seemed to be more and more interested by the way this world works and the progression of his friend, until the Event know as Fall 2014 Event occurs, were Myschin decided to become an admiral himself. Then Suna helped him to complete all the formalities (Who were even worse than the passage of a law in the Azorius senate !) and 8 month later, during which he learned a lot about this world and the way it work, meeting some shipgirls such as Nagatsuki in the process, he was officially nominated to took command of one of the naval base in Hashirajima anchorage.

And then the story of this admiral begins now...

The earliest days - A new adventure is about to start
The arrival - 1st day at the naval base

The sun was high in the cloudless sky, and yet the two guys still stand despite the intense heat. One of them fiddles his laptop frantically.

Myschin : Say, how many time we have to wait again ?

Suna : A long time ! Now I'm still searching a way to make it quicker !

Myschin : Man, this heat is killing me !

Suna : Wait a minute, I have something... ... ... Yes ! You're nominated to took command of a naval base !

Myschin : Finally... Wait, what are you doing ?!

Suna has took Myschin's hand to force his friend to follow him while he start running.

Suna : We have no time to spare ! If we can't reach the base within 5 minutes, you will have to wait again before getting another chance !

Myschin : How can you run so quickly with this heat ?!

Suna : Experience my friend ! I'm planning to go to the Comiket one day ! By the way, did you choice your Starter ship already ?

Myschin : I have, she might currently wait in the base now, but please slow down !

Suna : No way !

Meanwhile, in front of said naval base, a lone girl still waited nervously.

Inazuma : Awawawa ! I can't calm down-nanodesu ! The commander might be there in any second now...

Myschin : LOOK OUT !!

Surprised, Inazuma made a leap forward, just in time to avoid a collision with the falling-from-the-sky newly assigned admiral, who failed to land correctly.

Inazuma : Uwaaah, are you alright mister ?!

Myschin : Ouch, I think I am... Why did you throw me like that ?!

He yelled at Suna who came by walking

Suna : You made it just in time you know ? 5 seconds later and it would have been too late ! Trust my experience I say !

Inazuma : hmm, excuse me... Are you the new commander ?

Myschin : Ah yes... Yes I am.

Immediately, she perform a military salute.

Inazuma : Fourth ship of the Akatsuki-class Destroyers ! I'm Inazuma, I'll be in your care-nanodesu !

Myschin : Yes, pleased to meet you too Inazuma... Could you stop with the military formalities please ? It bothers me a little...

Inazuma : Y-Yes commander !

Suna : OK, now that you are the admiral of this naval base, follow me, we have little time to spare !

Again Suna grabbed Myschin's hand and force his friend to follow him. Inazuma followed them as best as she could. Inside the base, the three people meet a twin-tailed brown-haired little girl who was holding a white cat by its front legs.

Tutorial Musume : Hello and welcome in your brand new naval base !

Suna : It's poorly decorated as always...

Tutorial Musume : The Headquarters didn't allocate much money for that in the first place... Anyway admiral, here is your first task : Go to the construction dock and craft a new shipgirl !

Myschin : Okay...

At the construction dock...

Myschin : So, I have to choose the number of ressources I want to put in the recipe ?

Suna : Yes, you can put any amount of ressources in.

Myschin : Let's see... What ?! We only have 300 of each ressources ?!

Tutorial Musume : Well, we are currently in a time of crisis...

Suna : Whatever, just put some ressources in the Recipe and do the construction !

Myschin : ... Don't tell me we are in a hurry again ?

Suna : Unfortunately, yes we are. We need to complete some other paperworks and everything else.

Myschin : Come on, give me a break, I didn't even talk that much with Inazuma !

Suna : Just input your recipe !

Myschin : Ok, ok...

He decided to put 30 of each ressources in the recipe.

Myschin : Okay, now what ?

Suna : Launch the construction by pressing this button, then a timer will appear. It's show how much time is left until the construction is finished.

Myschin : OK... The timer indicate 1 hour...

Suna : Which mean you will get at least one Light Cruiser. Now we have to hurry.

Myschin : Wait a second please. Give me some times and then I'll follow you without complaining OK ?

Suna : As long as you do your thing quickly, okay.

Myschin : Thank you. Inazuma ? Come here please.

Inazuma : Yes commander... What do you want from me ?

Myschin : Can I ask you a favor ?

Inazuma : Y-Yes I suppose-nanodesu...

Myschin : I have to go and I can't bring you with me... So could you stay here while I'm out and wait until I'll return ? I'll make it as quick as possible...

Inazuma suddenly displays a sad face.

Inazuma : Does... Does it mean that you will never come back and left me here all alone-nanodesu ?

Myschin : Of course not ! I didn't went through all thoses formalities to abandon you just like that. But still I'm sorry for the situation... At least you have this Tutorial Musume here with you...

Tutorial Musume : I really don't have any other choice because you need to do 4 others tasks before taking full command of this base, admiral.

Inazuma : B-But still, I have heard scary stories about admirals who abandon their base.

Myschin : ... OK, hold your hands for a second.

Then the admiral gives something to the Destroyer.

Inazuma : Is that a... Card ?

Myschin : Not an ordinary card.

Myschin snap his fingers and the card suddenly transform into a shining green bird. Inazuma remain speechless.

Inazuma : Wha... What is that-nanodesu ? So pretty...

Myschin : You see, this little creature is called Birds of paradise. It's a rare specimen of bird that can only be found in foreigns worlds... This one in particular is the rarest I've never tamed. I lend it to you as a proof that I will return as soon as possible.

Inazuma : What ? But I don't know how to take care of it-nanodesu !

Myschin : Don't worry, you don't have to take care of it, it can survive without eating much longer than you think. If you really worry about it, just feed it with some seeds or bread, he will like it. Also, I'll give you something else.

Myschin gives a... Nintendo 3DS to Inazuma.

Inazuma : Hu ? You are a magician and you give me something like that-nanodesu ?

Myschin : We have to kill time with something sometimes... Anyway, I also give this to you so will not get bored over time.

Inazuma : But I'm really bad at video games-nanodesu...

Myschin : Don't worry, you can take your time to improve your skills * Wink *. Now excuse me Inazuma, but I have to go...I'll return quickly, I promise. I treasure this bird and my 3DS more than you can imagine, do you really think I'll just left thoses things here and never come back ?

Inazuma : OK, I'll wait commander... But will you get angry if I broke your 3DS without noticing it ?

Myschin : I'm a magician right ? Don't you think that I have put a magic spell on it in order to prevent accidents like that ?

Inazuma : Ah...

Suna : Myschiiin ! Please hurry !

Myschin : I'm coming ! Anyway, see you later Inazuma.

Inazuma : Have a safe trip-nanodesu.

The first comrades

2 days have passed until Myschin finally return to the naval base. Inazuma was sleeping in the entrance hall with Tutorial Musume. The admiral emit a light whistle to recall his bird, and Inazuma finally woke up.

Myschin : I'm back for good now... Good morning Inazuma.

Inazuma : Welcome back-nanodesu... AH ! I'm so sorry commander. For you to see me sleeping in such an embarassing place-nanodesu !

Myschin : Wait, don't you have a room somewhere in this naval base ?

Inazuma : There are some, but they are all locked and I didn't find the key...

Myschin : By any chance, did you just try to search a key in this base ?

Inazuma : ... No, because I didn't know if the commander would allow me to do so before he visit the whole place first-nanodesu.

The admiral sighed.

Myschin : Oh dear, I think I will have to establish some rules here... But before that...

Tutorial Musume : Yes, don't forget that I'm still here. In order to let you do the second task, you need to welcome the shipgirl who was built earlier.

Myschin : Crap, it has been 2 days now ! I hope she will not get angry !

The three of them immediately went to the construction dock, then the admiral opened the Recipe. A lot of smoke came out, then...

Kuma : Kumaa. Nice to meet you, kuma ! Although you took your time to open the Recipe kuma !

Myschin : Ah sorry, stuff happened... * That ahoge is freaking HUGE !! *

Kuma : Meh, I don't mind at all kuma !

Inazuma : Welcome in our naval base Kuma-san.

Kuma : I will be in your care kuma.

Then the admiral looked at Tutorial Musume.

Myschin : Now what ?

Tutorial Musume : Follow me to your office, here you will organise your first fleet.

The small group soon arrive in a large empty room where there was only 3 cardboards.

Tutorial Musume : This is your new office admiral !

Inazuma : So empty-nanodesu...

Kuma : I wonder if I can play with those cardboards kuma ?

Myschin : ... Suna was right when he said that the HQ don't allocate money for decorations... Wait, there is still a TV screen. I wonder why it is here ?

Tutorial Musume : I'll explain this later. Now you just have to annonce which shipgirls will join the first fleet.

Myschin : Ah hmmm... Then Inazuma as the flagship, and Kuma as the escort.

Inazuma : See how Inazuma is when she's serious !

Kuma : Kuma ! Setting off ! kuma !

Tutorial Musume : Good ! Now I can give you this !

The little girl gave a TV Remote Control to the admiral.

Myschin : Yes ? I suppose this is the remote for the screen here ?

Tutorial Musume : Please turn on the screen.

The admiral does so. Then a black-haired girl with glasses appears on the screen of the TV.

Ooyodo : Hello admiral. My name is Ooyodo. My role here is to assist you in your quests management.

Myschin : Wait a minute, aren't you suppose to be inside the naval base Ooyodo ?

Ooyodo : No, I'm not until you find me when you go out on mission.

Tutorial Musume : Anyway, you have completed your first quest : to have 2 ships in your main fleet.

Ooyodo : Yes, and as a reward for completing your first quest, we will assign a new girl to your base.

Myschin : And who is this girl I wonder ?

Ooyodo : It's Shirayuki. She will be there in few minutes, you can wait for her on the dock behind your office.

And soon after that, a boat from the Headquarters arrives at the dock, with a little brown-haired girl with short twin-tails on the deck.

Shirayuki : I'm Shirayuki. Thanks for having me. You can call me "Eternal third ship" if you want...

Myschin : Why I would do such a thing ? Welcome to our new naval base. We will take care of you.

Tutorial Musume : Good, now you can participate in your first mission ! You can send all of the 3 girls in if you want.

Myschin : Yes, I think that is a good idea, right Shirayuki ?

Shirayuki : If you say so... Everyone, let's do our best together.

Tutorial Musume : Do I need to explain what await you at this point ?

Myschin : No, I know what await us. A looong battle with the abyssal fleet...

The admiral sighed while watching the horizon that stretched out of sight above the sea.

Myschin : I just hope that I could find and help her soon...

Inazuma : Who are you talking about commander ?

Myschin : I'll explain after you come back. Good luck to you.

Inazuma : 1st Fleet, 1st Torpedo Squadron, sortie.

Tutorial Musume : You can follow their progress on the screen you know ?

Myschin : That's good to know. Let's watch this !

The admiral return to his office to watch the progress of the fleet. Soon, the 3 girls meet their first ennemy, a Destroyer I-class. Despite the fact that it was a battle of 3 VS 1, the I-class managed to deal some damages to Shirayuki. It was minor and the girl still can fight well.

Tutorial Musume : There is a microphone so you can speak to your shipgirls.

Myschin : Thank you. Let's try it... Hello there ? Anyone can hear me ?

Inazuma : Awawa commander is that you ?

Myschin : Yes, don't worry. I can watch the situation from my office. Shirayuki are you OK ?

Shirayuki : Yes commander ! It's minor damage so nothing to worry about.

Kuma : Wait a minute kuma, I spotted someone here kuma. It's a new shipgirl !

Inazuma, Kuma and Shirayuki went to meet a brown-haired girl with a ponytail who seemed to be lost.

Shikinami : I'm Shikinami. I'll be in your care. And I think I've lost my way.

Inazuma : Don't worry, we will lead you to our naval base after the end of the mission-nanodesu.

Shikinami : Oki doki, I'll follow you.

But then a laugh was heard by everyone

???? : Not so fast shipgirls ! Without us, you can't do anything on those seas !

Inazuma : Oh no, this voice...

Kuma : It's the devil incarnate !

Suddenly, 4 little girls with a huge compass appears out of nowhere.

Compass Girls : We are the almighty Compass Girls ! Our Great Artifact, the Compass will show you the way to the abyssal's lair !

The 4 shipgirls and even the admiral looking at them with an awful expression.

Myschin : Yeah yeah, I know that too, you are just the trolls of this world, doesn't you ?

Compass Girls : How dare you ! Nobody can insult us ! The Compass will deliver his judgement now !

Then the 4 little girls spin the Compass, who indicate soon... The North path.

Myschin : Wait ! The abyssal's lair is in the south !

Compass Girl : Silence ! There is also one in the north ! The Compass never lies !

Myschin : ... They took a point but still it's the wrong route.

Inazuma : We can't have any other choice-nanodesu...

Myschin : Fine, please be careful then !

Kuma : Don't worry about that kuma !

And then the fleet meet 2 Destroyer I-class. They managed to deal moderate damages to Inazuma and Shirayuki but the shipgirl win in the end.

Myschin : Good, now please come back to the base.

Inazuma : Wait a minute-nanodesu, we found someone else.

The fleet meet a black-haired girl with yellow eyes.

Mikazuki : You're a new fleet, right ? I'm Mikazuki. I hope you welcome me warmly into your fleet.

Inazuma : Yes we will, I'm sure the commander will be happy to see you.

In his office, the admiral was pensive.

Myschin : Mikazuki right ? A sister of Nagatsuki... Yes, I'm relieved.

Tutorial Musume : Alright, I only need to let you do one more task then you will take full command of this base.

Myschin : OK

The fleet soon return with their two new comrades.

Inazuma : It looks like the fleet has returned.

Myschin : Welcome back everyone.

Shikinami and Mikazuki intensely watched the admiral.

Myschin : Y-Yes ?

Shikinami : You're totally the kind of admiral that I like !

Myschin : Is that so ?

Mikazuki : Say admiral... Will you welcome me warmly in your fleet ?

Myschin : Of course I will, but before I think we had something else to do...

Tutorial Musume : Yes ! Here is your final task : you have to resupply your shipgirls !

Myschin : ... Wait what ?! I hope that you mean that I have to resupply them with ammo and fuel right ?!

Tutorial Musume : Ohoh, did you were thinking of something else ?

Myschin : Knowing your malice yes, I've watched Fate/Stay Night so I know.

Tutorial Musume : Tchh, you're right, but anyway, the amount of ressources needed to resupply your shipgirls is automatically calculated by some other fairies. The supply room is located in a room next to your office.

The admiral let Inazuma, Kuma and Shirayuki go into that room and they return soon after.

Tutorial Musume : Now my job here is done. I hope you will lead your shipgirls to a great destiny. Before I have to go, here are the keys you need : 2 of them for the repair docks, and thoses one are for the dormitory. Currently you can host 100 shipgirls here. If you want to expand the space and slots, or open more repair docks, you have to ask Akashi on the TV Screen. It's not free, just to say it. If you need anything else, just ask anyone on the screen, we will help you again.

Myschin : Thank you Tutorial Musume.

Tutorial Musume : It was my pleasure. I hope we will meet again. Until then, farewell.

And then the little girl who holding the cat left the base to return to the Headquarters.

Myschin : All right ladies. I will explain to you why did I choose to become an admiral and I will also settle some rules for explaining how this naval base will work for now. But just before that... Inazuma and Shirayuki, please go and take a good rest in the repair docks.

The reasons

Inazuma and Shirayuki come out of the repair docks several minutes later.

Inazuma : Phew, it was good-nanodesu...

Shirayuki : Yes, now we have to return in admiral's office.

The 2 girls ran to the room where the admiral and the 3 others shipgirl were waiting for them patiently.

Myschin : You didn't have to run you know ?

Inazuma : Sorry, I was so excited to heard your reasons for taking your position here commander.

Myschin : Ok, so I'll explain why now. Please listen to me until the end then I will allow you to ask questions if you have any

All of the shipgirls : All right.

Myschin : I have two reasons why I took my position here. The first is the less serious : It is to gather a maximum of shipgirls here, in order to allow them to live a peaceful life. I'm looking particularly for some girls... And you are one of them Inazuma.

Inazuma : ... Awawawa...

Shirayuki : Does it means that us other girls will be left behind ?

Myschin : No, nobody will be left behind. Although I know that it will be difficult to manage everything with more than a hundred of shipgirls,everybody will have a role to play at some time or another, even the shipgirls that I did not like as much as others. Also, there will be no scraping ! The unwanted duplicates will be sent to civilian life.

Shikinami : So, your first reason is just that ? To let us have a peaceful life in this base ?

Myschin : Yes, and I'll explain how it will work after my second reason. Do you have any question ?

Mikazuki : Yes I have one, you said earlier that you are looking for some girls... Can we know who are those girls ?

Myschin : Yup, those are girls that have melt my feelings because they are, in my opinion, cute or adorables. As I said earlier, Inazuma is one of them, but there are 3 more girls that I'm currently looking for. The first is Kiyoshimo...

Kuma : Oh, that pocket Battleship kuma... Yeah I can understand why you want her, she's freaking adorable kuma !

Myschin : Next one is Zuihou.

Inazuma : It is because you like rolled egg-nanodesu ?

Myschin : It's just because she's cute and adorable and... I just like her in general. Small but she is a great light carrier.

Mikazuki : So I imagine that the last girl is even more than that ?

Myschin : For me, yes, and it's related to my second reason.

Shikinami : Who is she then ?

Myschin : It's Harusame...

Inazuma : Harusame ? Yes, she's cute and adorable but... Wait, why are you looking at us with those deep eyes-nanodesu ?

Myschin : I think that my second reason is very selfish, but at that time, when I saw her at first sight, and when I found out what happened before, I have make my decision.

Kuma : Wait, you still talking about Harusame kuma ?

Myschin : No, I'm talking about that abyssal girl, the Destroyer Hime.

All of the shipgirls : Hu ?

Myschin : I suppose that your girls has never know anything but war in this world, right ?

Inazuma : Yes... We live in a sad place where the war is our common daily-nanodesu. Remember when I was worried to the death the first day ?

Myschin : I remember yes.

Inazuma : That is because the Headquarters have to deal with some heartless admirals who only think of us as weapons and don't hesistate to send some of us to the death while being aware of the situation...

The other girls tremble in response.

Myschin : That's why I said earlier that I want you to live a peaceful life here. Of course we are still in war, but outside of this, I will ensure that you can live as normal girls here. Of course there will some though battles and powerful and merciless opponents, but I promise to you that I will NEVER let any of you sink, no matter the condition or the situation. I'll rather call a retreat instead of risking the life of any of you...

The shipgirls seem reassured.

Myschin : Oh yeah, one more thing and Inazuma already know about this fact. I'm a human with an ability that allow me to cross between different worlds. Somes people can call me a magician but the official term is planeswalker. I can summon various creatures and spell through cards. I currently own several thousand of thoses cards with me.

Shikinami : Waaah, that's look so cool !

Myschin : Let me tell you something. I want to save the Destroyer Hime and take her with me, but then a new idea came out. I know that the abyssal fleets members aren't soulless entities. We can try to negociate with them. I really think that we can make peace with them.

Kuma : Well your intentions are nobles, but do you really think you can do it kuma ?

Myschin : It will come with time, but yes, I can trust my abilities. Let me tell you one things ladies. Dealing with the whole abyssal fleet with naval battles seems to be way more easier than dealing with world-destructive ancient beings. Unfortunately, I'm sick of thoses apocalyptic scenarios and I wanted to take a well deserved retirement in a world with a challenging but not-so-absurd objective. Look like making peace with the abyssal with your own world rules is something more interesting.

Mikazuki : Why did you want to retire from a cool-looking-adventure-of-a-life ?

Myschin : Because, and trust me, putting your life in danger like I have do until several month ago, it's too tiring !

Mikakzuki : Oh... OK...

Myschin : Okay, now one last thing. Let me announce how this base will works from now. As the admiral here, I decree that the most important that we will have is... Having fun together.

All of the shipgirls : Eh ?

Myschin : To make it easier to understand... All those military formalities, throw them away ! We are not here to have it rude. We are all humans, we are friends or family now.

Inazuma : Eeeh, but...

Myschin : But what ? Do you worry about the Headquarters ?

Inazuma : Yes, do you think they will allow you to do as you please ?

Myschin : How I can say it ? They allow even animals or non-living things to be admiral. So as long as I don't use my creatures and spells to do the missions, I'm not out-of-the-law right ?

Kuma : That's true kuma.

Myschin : And look, I don't even wear the conventional military uniform. I only kept the military cap as a proof that I'm the admiral. it's enough. Also, you can ask me to play with you, or just come in this office if you want to talk with me, or just... I don't know what you do when you have free time, but if it's about reading a book, drink some tea or even play video games, I'm okay with that. Do not fear to bother me, unless we are a critical situation, which I hope will not happen that much.

Shirayuki : Wait, so you're saying that we can do almost anything we want ?

Myschin : As long as you don't do anything dangerous or something that might disturb other girls, you can almost live the life you want here. However, there will an exception. I plan to host severals shipgirls that will never know about the rude life of a soldier in the war. Harusame, Zuihou and Kiyoshimo will be among thoses. So I'll say that the really important rule in the base would be that everyone has to keep the purity and innocence of thoses shipgirls at any cost. It includes... Relationships.

Shikinami : Relationships ? Why ?

Myschin : I will also allow you to have the relationships that you want with any other peoples, to go straight to the point, if you fall in love with someone else, please don't hide it and live it to the fullest, but please don't do it in front of the innocents girls, unless they ask themselves about the subject.

Mikazuki : I get it but I have another question

Myschin : Yes ?

Mikazuki : What if one or more than one of us will fall in love with you admiral ?

Inazuma : Awawawa !

Myschin : ... Yeah, maybe it will happen at some point. To be honest, I want to be in love with the Destroyer Hime... Let's say that if you have real feeling for me, don't keep it for yourselves, I don't want to host some yanderes here. Just, I will maybe not accept your feelings. Love is a complicated thing. I think things will go naturally with time. But remember one thing, I will always care about everyone of you, even if I don't like some as much as others... Oh yeah, one last thing. If you are scared to sleep alone or just want to sleep with me, as long as it doesn't involves... Adult night battles... It will be okay.

Kuma : You are really a strange admiral kuma, but I'm okay with this.

Shirayuki : Fine by me.

Shikinami : Oki doki

Mikazuki : I have one last question admiral... I just want to be sure... will you send us in mission just by judging over our statistics ?

Myschin : No, unless a critical situation comes in.

Mikazuki : I'm relieved. It does mean that if us Mutsuki-class Destroyers can go on a mission, you can choose one of us, right ?

Myschin : Yes, I want to give a chance to some shipgirls who are considered "Weaks and useless" by some other admirals.

Mikazuki : All right ! I'll follow you no matter what then !

Inazuma : ...

Myschin : What's the matter Inazuma ?

Then suddenly the Destroyer began to cry.

Inazuma : Uwaaah, really thank you for being so kind with us-nanodesu...

The admiral then pat-pat Inazuma's head.

Myschin : It's okay now.

Inazuma : Aaah, I showed another embarassing side of myself !

Then the other shipgirls comfort her.

Myschin : Now that everything has been said... How about having a meal together ?

All of the shipgirls : YES !!

Advance towards the Nansei Islands

Myschin : How was the meal ?

Shikinami : Pretty good !

Myschin : Now let's back to our missions... I need to verify something.

The admiral turned on the TV screen.

Myschin : Ooyodo, are you there ?

Ooyodo : Yes, how can I help you admiral ?

Myschin : Do we have quests or something for now ?

Ooyodo : Yes you have one quest. You need to organize a Destroyer Division by having 4 Destroyers in your fleet.

Myschin : Okay... Then I assign all of our Destroyers to the first fleet.

Ooyodo : Good, your quest is now validated. We will send you a Instant construction material soon. Your new resources have already been assigned.

Myschin : Any other quest ?

Ooyodo : Yes, now you have to organize a Torpedo Squadron with 1 Light Cruiser as the flagship and 3 Destroyers in your fleet.

Myschin : Can I do it right now even if we didn't went on a mission ?

Ooyodo : Yes you can do it, don't worry. later on, you will have to do some sorties in order to validate some quests.

Myschin : All right ! Kuma, you are now the flagship of the fleet.

Kuma : Kuma kuma~

Ooyodo : Good ! Yu will receive soon a Repair Team as a reward.

Myschin : What ?! Such a great item this earlier ?!

Ooyodo : The headquarters can be nice with you sometimes you know ?

Myschin : Hmm yes, thank you anyway.

Ooyodo : And now you have 2 new quests. You can active up to 5 at the same time. Just remember that you can only complete your active quests. Even if you will satisfy all the requirements of a quest that isn't validated, you will not receive the rewards and have to do it again.

Myschin : Ok, so thoses new quests are... Having 6 ships in the fleet, and the other is... 2 Light cruisers in the fleet. I guess it's time to sortie again. Girls, are you ready ?

All of the shipgirls : Yes !

Myschin : Let's see, we don't have to send all of you on that mission again, right ?

Inazuma : What are you thinking commander ?

Myschin : How about you being the flagship, with Kuma and 2 others Destroyers to accompany you ?

Inazuma : Hmm okay, but who will stay here ?

Shirayuki raise her hand.

Shirayuki : I can, but let me lend you my equipment, even if it's only a common 12.7cm Twin Gun Mount.

Myschin : OK Inazuma, can you hold another canon ?

Inazuma : Yes.

Myschin : I will think about the management of the equipments later. For now, it's time to sortie again. Good luck to all of you.

Mikazuki : Thanks, as long as the compass girls lead us to the right path.

The fleet went into the sea around the naval base again and easily defeat the lone I-class Destroyer they found on the way.

Kuma : Hey, there is someone here kuma.

Miyuki : Yo ! I'm Miyuki. Great to meet you !

Inazuma : Ah...

The admiral noticed that Inazuma was hesitant. He grabbed the microphone again.

Myschin : Something bother you Inazuma ?

Inazuma : Y-yes... I have a not-so-happy memories about my previous encounter with Miyuki...

Myschin : Do you want to return now ?

Inazuma : No, I'm fine, we didn't took any damage. I'll explain the situation after the mission.

Then the compass girls showed up again.

Compass girls : Fufufu ! We meet again shipgirls ! Are you ready for the Great Spin of our Almighty Artifact ?

Myschin : Really ! Cut it out with your nicknames and just spin this compass please !

Compass girls : Tchh ! We will teach you all about our Great Artifact !

Then they did spin the compass, who indicate now the South path.

Kuma : Yes ! Now we can reach the boss's lair kuma !

Compass girls : Grrr ! You will pay for that ! See you later shipgirls !

The fleet then continued on his way, until they meet a fleet of 3 abyssal ships lead by a Light cruiser Ho-class.

Shikinami : Be careful ! This one look stronger that the 2 others !

Kuma : Leave it to me kuma !

A fierce battle began, where everyone attack the enemy fleet with all they got. But by the end of the battle, the Ho-class was still alive.

Mikazuki : What do we do now admiral ? Should we will go into Night Battle mode ?

Myschin : Yes, I'm curious to see how it works because we are still in the middle of the day.

Then the sun went down very quickly around the shipgirls and the night came as fast.

Myschin : Interesting ! It works like some sort of large environment bubble...

Inazuma : If possible, I'd like to save those sunken enemy ships as well but... I'm really sorry-nanodesu ! I'm going to hit you !

Inazuma aimed the Ho-class and shoot it in one go, allowing the fleet to score a total victory.

Inazuma : We... We did it-nanodesu !

Shikinami : And look, here is another shipgirl coming this way.

It was one blonde-haired girl with hair buns and twintails.

Michishio : Michishio here. Why did I get assigned to such a fleet ?

Kuma : Eh ? Why did you say that kuma ? I suppose this is fate kuma.

Michishio : Humpf, I have no other choice but to follow you.

Every shipgirl noticed the attitude of Michishio. The admiral didn't say anything at all. The fleet returned to the base quickly after that. The admiral and Shirayuki were on the dock, waiting for them.

Myschin : Welcome back everyone. Does any of you need to go into the repair docks ?

Shikinami, Mikazuki : Yes we would like to, please.

Myschin : Leave your equipment in the arsenal and you can go. So, how was the battle ?

Inazuma : Not as easy as we hope, but it will be better with time I guess-nanodesu.

Myschin : OK, everyone will take a short break now.

Miyuki and Michishio stared at the admiral.

Myschin : You are the news girls that the fleet meet on his way right ? Welcome in our naval base. We will explain how it work soon and...

Michishio : Hey ! Cut it out with the kindness ! It's war you know !

Myschin : ... Yes I know well miss, but this naval base will be peaceful one and I'll ensure personally that it will stay this way. Are you nervous by any chance ?

Michishio : Yes I am ! I remember that I lost all of my sisters while I was in a repair dock and I was assigned to another fleet with peoples that I didn't know ! Also... I wonder if there are some other girls here...

Myschin : I'm sorry, you are the earliers ones. Who are you looking for ?

Michishio : Can you really promise that I can live the peaceful life you talked about ?

Myschin : Yes.

Michishio : Okay, then I'll wait for those others girls patiently. You will see them later.

Miyuki : Hey hey hey ! What about me ? I'm the great Miyuki-sama you know !

Myschin : ...

The admiral smiled while looking at the cheerful girl.

Shirayuki : Dear little sister, please don't go on this attitude so fast !

Myschin : It's all right Shirayuki, I'm fine with her attitude... Now that I think about it, Miyuki is the first sister ship of another that is already here who arrive. I hope we will soon meet your other sisters for all of you.

Kuma : Yes !

Myschin : Now then, everyone please take a break. Inazuma, come with me in my office.

Inazuma : Yes-nanodesu...

The two of them went to the office and the admiral made sure that they are alone in the room.

Myschin : Okay, can you explain what bothered you when you met Miyuki earlier ?

Inazuma : Yes... As I said earlier, we have memories from the past within us... Maybe you know about thoses memories.

Myschin : I didn't do must research about your past lifes.

Inazuma : I-I collided with Miyuki before, and she sank just for that. I'm feeling so guilty right now.

Myschin : What you have done before belong to the past. What is important now is what you will make from now. I'm sure that Miyuki don't hold a grudge against you.

Inazuma : Are you really sure about that-nanodesu ?

Myschin : Well, how about I call Miyuki right now ?

Inazuma : Eh ?!

Myschin : You don't want to heard it for his mouth so you could be in peace with yourself ?

Inazuma : It can't be that simple-nanodesu...

Myschin : Why not ?

And so the admiral called Miyuki to his office in order to clear that "incident". Miyuki indeed didn't hold a grudge against Inazuma (She has already forget about that a long time ago in fact) so the Destroyer can be at peace now.

Myschin : So, it's only the beginning of the afternoon... We can still do a lot of things I guess.

The admiral turned on the TV screen again.

Myschin : Hello there Ooyodo, I want to say that now I can have 6 girls in my fleet.

Ooyodo : Good ! Now you are allowed to have a second fleet and you can do expeditions. Also, you have 2 new quests. One of them consist to have a flagship in your second fleet.

Myschin : Easy to do, and the other one ?

Ooyodo : You need to have a Seaplane Tender in your fleet.

Myschin : Seaplane Tender ?! You mean... Akitsushima ?!

Ooyodo : Admiral, there are other Seaplane Tenders you know, such as Chitose and Chiyoda.

Myschin : Ah, good to know...

Ooyodo : When you are done with the composition of the second fleet, you will receive your next quest.

Myschin : Which is ?

Ooyodo : Just sortie your second fleet.

Myschin : I can do that ? Other fleets beside the first aren't just for expeditions ?

Ooyodo : How do you think Combined fleet works then ?

Myschin : Ah, that's true. So let me organize the second fleet. We will go to the sea around the Nansei islands.

The admiral called all of the shipgirls in is office.

Myschin : Well ladies, we need to sortie the second fleet, and we will go into the next area. Who want to go ?

Inazuma, Kuma, Mikazuki and Michishio raised their hands.

Myschin : Mmh, I really want to make sure you can score a victory if you reach the boss's node... Anyone else ?

Miyuki : Can I join this mission too ?

Myschin : Yes.

Miyuki : So cool ! My first sortie ! Yahoo !

Shikinami : You are really energetic.

Myschin : OK, so... Inazuma can I ask you one more time to be the flagship ?

Inazuma : Yes-nanodesu.

Shortly after, the second fleet was ready to go.

Myschin : I have a bad feeling about this...

Shirayuki : Why ?

Myschin : Because the road to the boss's lair splits right from the start, so it all depends on the compass girls's mood.

And speaking of the devil, on the path to the mission's area...

Compass girls : Hellooo again shipgirls ! Ready for the spin ?

Inazuma : We don't have the choice-nanodesu...

Compass girls : Oh oh oh ! Let's spin it !

The needle pointed south-east.

Kuma : We have to see it coming kuma...

Myschin : I guessed right about my bad feeling but don't worry girls, it's all part of the rules, just aim for the south-east, we can at least meet another comrade.

And the fleet met a new enemy vessel, the Light Cruiser He-class, but they win against his fleet. Another total victory for the shipgirls.

Mikazuki : So, is there any new comrade here ?

??? : P-P-Poiii !

Kuma : That voice, it's...

Yuudachi : Hi, I'm Yuudachi, a Shiratsuyu-class destroyer. Nice to meet you-poi !

The fleet soon returned to the naval base with their new comrade.

Myschin : Welcome back everyone.

Inazuma : Sorry if we went on the wrong path...

Myschin : It's not your fault so it's OK.

Yuudachi : So you are, like, the admiral here-poi ?

Myschin : Yes I am. Welcome in our base Yuudachi.

The blonde-haired girl came as close as possible to the admiral's face.

Yuudachi : Tell me-poi ! I am cute ?

Myschin : You are too close, I can't tell.

Yuudachi : Ok sorry so... I am cute-poi ?

Myschin : I think you are yes.

Yuudachi : Eheheh~ I'm so happy-poi !

Kuma : Kinda like the same personality as Miyuki kuma...

Myschin : I don't mind at all.

Yuudachi : Ok admiral, will you come with me buy a new swimsuit for the summer-poi ?

Myschin : ... Eh ? What ?

Yuudachi : It's summer you know ! I want to have a swimsuit-poi !

Myschin : Erm, we will see about that later OK ?

Then Yuudachi left the office to go with Miyuki.

Myschin : ... She's not even Kai ni and she already has this doggy attitude... I'm a bit afraid for the future.

The first "rare" ship

Myschin : So I really need a second Light cruiser in order to complete that quest... And it's look like kinda hard to meet a Light Cruiser in thoses two areas near the base...

Ooyodo : You can try to do a construction if you want.

Myschin : Ah right, I almost forgot about that. Inazuma, come with me please.

The two went to the Construction dock.

Myschin : Hmm, how many resources I have to put in the Recipe if I want a Light cruiser ?

Inazuma : Please don't forget that the result can be totally random-nanodesu.

Myschin : True... And even if our resources are a little better now, I don't want to let us go bankrupt right from the start... Even Naka will be a good drop. Let's put the minimum in the Recipe then.

As soon as the admiral pushed the button to start the construction, the timer display a duration of 18 minutes.

Myschin : ... Yeah I'm pretty sure it's not a Light Cruiser...  But I'm curious now, who can it be ?

Inazuma : If I remember correctly, 18 minutes will result in a Mutsuki-class Destroyer-nanodesu.

Myschin : Mutsuki-class... Oh yeah ! I hope it would be Nagatsuki ! I'm really looking for her too. But still, it's 1/8 chance right ?

Inazuma : There are 9 Mutsuki-class that are buildable-nanodesu.

Myschin : Wait, I have several of those Instant Construction materials. Let's use one right now.

A fairy come with a flame-thrower...

Myschin : What the...

Then the Recipe was engulfed in a blazing hell of flames.

Myschin : Hey hey... The Recipe will be OK ?!

Inazuma : Yes, don't worry. The construction is complete now-nanodesu.

Then the Recipe slowly opened, releasing again a lot of smoke.

Yayoi : Yayoi, reporting for duty... Pleased to meet you. Please don't be too concerned about me...

Myschin : ...

Inazuma : ...

Then the admiral and Inazuma immediately started to pat-pat Yayoi's head.

Inazuma, Myschin : So damn cute !

Yayoi : ... Eh ? Why are you doing this ? Didn't I said to not be too concerned about me ?

Myschin : It can't be helped, you look so adorable... And you remind me a girl that I've met before.

Yayoi : But I am not adorable ! Sorry for having such a stiff expression...

Myschin : It's fine if you don't want to show us your real expressions.

Yayoi : And I'm not angry OK ?

Myschin : You are fine this way... Oh Yayoi, why are you so cute ?

Inazuma : I'm a little jealous-nanodesu !

Yayoi pulled back slightly.

Yayoi : Wait... I'm just an useless Destroyer with little to no expressions. Are you really fine with me ?

Myschin : Yes, everyone has his own personality. If you are a silent-type character, it's also fine. I welcome everyone in this naval base, no matter what type of ship you are or if your statistics are good or bad. Inazuma will tell you everything you need to know about how you will live your life from now.

Yayoi : Then I have one question...Will you be kind to me despite my stiff expressions ?

Myschin : Yes, because I really like you the way you are... And I'll ensure that you will be happy here.

Yayoi blushed a little

Yayoi : Then... Could you pat me more please ?

Myschin : With pleasure.

Ten minute later, the admiral and Inazuma were still patting Yayoi's head, until...

Yuudachi : Aaaah ! It's so unfair ! I want to be patted too-poi !

Yayoi : I'll say you are too energetic for that...

Yuudachi : Whaaat ?!

Myschin : Come on, please calm down you two. Come here Yuudachi.

Yuudachi : ...

Myschin : You can lie on my lap if you want.

Yuudachi : ... OK-poi.

Myschin : Now, now... Good girl, did you feel better ?

Yuudachi : Yes.

Yayoi : Sorry for having such harsh talk with you...

Yuudachi : Eheheh, it's fine now.

Myschin : Hmm, let's stay here for another ten minutes, then we will go back to work.

Inazuma, Yayoi, Yuudachi : Ok.

Later on, in the admiral's office.

Myschin : I'm sorry if I didn't tell you sooner Mikazuki, but look who is here now.

Yayoi : Hello...

Mikazuki : Waaah ! To think that among all of my sisters YOU could arrive the first... It's a great surprise. I'll take care of you.

Yayoi : As long as I can be with the admiral sometimes, fine by me.

Myschin : Okay, now I think we will start to run some expeditions. I need two shipgirls for the first one...

Mikazuki : Yayoi and I can do it.

Yayoi : Why not ?

Myschin : Fine, tell me when you are ready to go.

Shikinami, through microphone : Hello, this the first fleet, can you heard me admiral ?

Myschin : Yes, how is your situation ?

Shikinami : Sorry, the compass girls send us again in the south-east.

Myschin : ... Meh, this compass is so random after all.

Shikinami : And we find a new comrade...

??? : Wait ! Who said that I must follow you ?!

Myschin : ... Oops, another hothead as I can heard...

Shikinami : You have no other choice you know ?

??? : Humpf ! I'm pretty sure that this admiral is another piece of trash !

Myschin : ... Wait, I think I know this girl, it could be Akebono.

The admiral went to the dock to await the return of the fleet. They come a few minutes after, and the admiral saw the new shipgirl among them, a silver-haired one with a side ponytail.

Myschin : * Oh dear, she will not go easy with me *

Inazuma : It looks like the fleet has returned.

Myschin : Welcome back. Those who need to go the repair dock, proceed now.

Kasumi : I'm Kasumi...

Myschin : Welcome in our base.

Kasumi : You really look incompetent ! Look like we will run into a wall soon or later.

Myschin : Erm you know... It's still my real first day as an admiral, I hope it will go better with time...

Kasumi : Well I guess that I will find out soon if you are a piece of trash ou just incompetent.

Myschin : Challenge accepted. Let me just tell you that Michishio is already here, she will explain to you everything you need to know.

Kasumi left without even looking at the admiral.

Kuma : What a brat kuma...

Myschin : It's fine, really. I can't force her to do anything she dislikes, it could only worsen the situation. For now, take a break, we will return to that area later.

Inazuma, Kuma, Shikinami, Shirayuki and Miyuki went again to the sea round the Nansei islands.

Compass girls : You are really persistent you know ?

Kuma : Yeah yeah we know kuma. Just spin the compass already kuma.

This time, the needle pointed to the east.

Inazuma : Finally-nanodesu !

Shikinami : We can secure the whole area if we win !

The fleet met a small abyssal force that they have no difficulty to overcome, and then they reached the boss's lair. This time, the enemy fleet contained 1 Light cruiser He-class and 1 Torpedo cruiser Chi-class with 3 Destroyers but thank to the Yasen, the shipgirls came out this battle with another total victory.

Myschin : Good job ladies ! Now we can advance to the next area.

Inazuma : Ah, there is a new comrade-nanodesu.

It turned out that it was a girl with long green hairs.

Nagatsuki : Nagatsuki here. Don't make light of me as destroyers. I'm useful !

Myschin : ... Oh my !

When the fleet returned, the admiral went to meet them.

Inazuma : We are back-nanodesu.

Myschin : Great job everyone ! But more than this victory, you brought back someone that I was really looking for !

Nagatsuki : Hum ? Do you talk about me ?

Myschin : Yes Nagatsuki. It's not the first time we meet. You don't remember our last encounter ?

Nagatsuki : Wait a second, you are that planething person that I've met during a convention ?!

Myschin : Yes, my name is Myschin... You remember now ?

Nagatsuki : Oh yes... I am delighted to have arrived in your base.

Inazuma : You two know each other-nanodesu ?

Myschin : Yes. When I have met Nagatsuki for the first time, I have promised to her that if I will become an admiral someday, I will use her as often as other ships. Now I can keep my promise.

Nagatsuki : Eh eh, I'm really looking to work with you commander !

Shikinami : Wait a second there. How did you ended up in a convention Nagatsuki ?!

Nagatsuki : It's none of your business ! I can enjoy my holidays the way I want right ?

Shikinami : Ok, ok...

Myschin : And I have a good new for you Nagatsuki : 2 of your sisters are already there.

Nagatsuki : Niiice, I won't be alone... I'm so relieved.

The true angel

Myschin : Thanks for coming again.

Suna : I'm glad that I can help you more now that the paperwork is done for good and all.

Myschin : Sure. So... Does that compass is really random in the Coastal Refinery Zone ?

Suna : Unfortunately yes, there is too many interferences that prevent the compass to work, even the compass girls can't control it.

Myschin : That explain why we didn't reach the boss node in 5 sorties, and the drops aren't commons either.

Suna : Look at the bright side, you have already met 3 more shipgirls.

Myschin : Yes, that's it.

Kuroshio : Hey admiral, did ya rly think that my accent is that weird ?

Myschin : I think so !

Kuroshio : Meh ! Wait until you encounter more of us girls with an accent !

Myschin : We will see about that...

Nenohi : Say admiral ! What day is today ?

Myschin : It's July, 8th...

Nenohi : Waaah ! You are such a meanie !

Myschin : Did you realise that your pun only work one day in the whole year ?

Nenohi, pouting : Agrougrou !

Myschin : Please, don't sulk like that, aren't you a pretty girl ?

Nenohi : Eh ? Eeeeh... Do you really think that admiral ?

Myschin : Yes, I don't think that any other shipgirl can have hairs longer than you.

Nenohi : Is that sooo...

Myschin : And the third girl is... * Sigh *

Asashio : Please say your orders commander !

Myschin : Didn't I tell you before to throw the military formalities away ?

Asashio : Affirmative ! But I can't be more carefree just like that.

Myschin : You will have to learn about that... Michishio and even Kasumi are looking at you with a smug smile you know ?

Asashio : Eh ?!

Kasumi : Yeah, you are really too rigid.

Asashio : How dare you ! I'm the elder sister ! Don't disrespect me !

Asashio began to pursue her sisters.

Myschin : Ah, how sweet of them. I really like how the girls are currently adapt themselves to the life of the base.

Suna : Wait, this still your first day you know ? You don't have picked a good rhythm yet.

Myschin : I guess it will come with time.

Inazuma, through microphone : Inazuma here.

Myschin : Ah, how is your progress in the area ?

Inazuma : We ended up again in the dead end-nanodesu... But...

Myschin : But ?

Inazuma : How can I say that ? It's too bright-nanodesu ?

Myschin : Hu ?

Kuma : We have met a... True angel I guess kuma.

Myschin : Wait what ? An angel ?! Please return as soon as possible to the base.

Suna : Hey Myschin...

Myschin : Yes ?

Suna : I can see that some light is coming closer and closer to the base.

The admiral turned his head and saw through the window a column of light.

Myschin : What did they found this time ?! I though that only shipgirls can drop in this world !

The fleet returned to the base and the girls immediately went to the admiral's office.

Inazuma : We're back-nanodesu.

Myschin : Welcome back... So, what was that colum of light behind you ?!

??? : Eheheh~

Suna : That voice...

Then the light gradually disappeared, until the admiral and his friend can see a girl that really look like Inazuma.

Fumizuki : I'm Fumizuki. Nice to meet you~

Then the light immediately bright again.

Myschin : ... ... ... No way !

Suna : Is she a true angel ?!

Fumizuki : Eheheh~

Myschin : Aaargh ! That smile is killing me !

Suna : Me too !

Fumizuki : What's the matter commander~ ?

Myschin : It can't be ! She's so pure, so innocent !

Fumizuki : Eh~ ? But I really want to fight the abyssal and be stronger you know~ ?

Myschin : I really think that you can kill someone for real with that smile of your !

Fumizuki : Is that sooo~ ?

Myschin : Damnit ! I have a nosebleed now !

Suna : Me too argh !

Fumizuki : Commander, what is it ? What is it ? Ehehe~

Myschin : Nooo ! It's too bright now !

Five minutes later, they were slightly adapted to the situation.

Myschin : Ok... Ok... I just want to be sure. I want to see how powerful is your lethal weapon, that smile of your. Someone call Michishio and Kasumi over there please.

Shikinami : I'm taking care of it !

Soon after, the 2 Destroyers came to the office.

Kasumi : What is it useless admiral ? What did you want from us ?

Myschin : I want to introduce a new comrade to you.

Fumizuki : I'm Fumizuki. Nice to meet you~

Michishio, Kasumi : ...

Fumizuki : What is it~ ?

Michishio quickly turns to hide the fact that she was hit very hard.

Michishio : Damn, she's too strong ! I can't win against that smile... How about you Kasumi ? ... Kasumi ?

Kasumi was stunned in the first time, then she melted her harsh words and just start to apologies to Fumizuki.

Kasumi : Please forgive my rude words toward the admiral ! I beg of you my angel !

Fumizuki : Eheheh~, fine by me~

Suna : ... So, what's your verdict ?

Myschin : Do I really need to say it ? It speak all by itself !

Then Mikazuki, Nagatsuki and Yayoi came in the office too.

Nagatsuki : Oh Fumizuki, you're finally here...

Fumizuki : Hello my sisters~

Mikazuki : Cute as always...

Yayoi : Let me pat your head...

Fumizuki : Eheheh~ thank you~

Yayoi smiled, with a real smile this time.

Nagatsuki : Oh admiral, if you worry about us, we are immunized against his power. Maybe it's just because we are sisters.

Mikazuki : Yes, that's how it works.

Myschin : Wow, that was one heck of an experience !

Suna : I think I will reconsider the position of my own Fumizuki in my base.

A rival to the angel ?

Myschin : So how ended up this 12th sortie into the Coastal Refinery Zone ?

Inazuma : A dead end again-nanodesu...

Myschin : ... Yeah, we will take a break and return training in the other two areas... But I can also see that you are happy Inazuma.

Inazuma : Yes, because...

Ikazuchi : I'm Ikazuchi ! Not 'Kaminari' ! Please take care of that part too, okay !

Myschin : Ohoh ! Great job ! Now you are not alone Inazuma.

Ikazuchi : Hey commander, it's fine to rely on me more you know ?

Myschin : Yes yes.

Ikazuchi : Sooo, can I help you right here, right now ?

Myschin : Maybe you can help us to reach the boss's lair in the third area ?

Ikazuchi : ... Sorry, I can't do that...

Myschin : How about some training with Inazuma then ?

Ikazuchi : Yes ! With pleasure !

The two sisters went into the sea in front of the naval base.

Ikazuchi : Why I'm the flagship anyway ? Don't you want to be stronger Inazuma ?

Inazuma : Yes but you need to gain more experience-nanodesu.

Ikazuchi : Oki doki, let's do it.

The two Destroyers ended up with a total victory at the boss node.

Ikazuchi : Our Raiden Combo is so strong !

Inazuma : If you say so...

And they found a new comrade as well. It turned out that it was a girl with black hairs and a braid.

Shigure : I'm Shigure, of the Shiratsuyu-class destroyers. Nice to meet you.

Inazuma : Somehow she has an angelic aura-nanodesu...

The fleet returned to the base. Then Inazuma and Ikazuchi presented their new friend to the admiral.

Myschin : Oooh Shigure right ? You sure are a precious girl...

Shigure : Thank you... I will be glad to be useful for you...

Myschin : You look so wise...

Shigure : Is that so ?

Myschin : Yeah, but fortunately your warm smile isn't that deadly.

Shigure : Eh ? What does it mean ?

Myschin : You look like an angel, but not such as Fumizuki, and it's a great thing because that girl is too damn pure and innocent.

Shigure : I see... * So it does mean that I'm not the most kind girl here ? * By the way admiral, if you're interested in me... You can ask whatever you'd like.

Myschin : Eh ? Hmmm, we will see later. By the way, you will be happy to learn that...

Yuudachi : SHI-GU-RE !!

Then Yuudachi jumped on her sister and began to cuddle her everywhere.

Shigure : Kyah ! Oh Yuudachi, you're here...

Yuudachi : Eheheh, I'm so glad-poi !

Myschin : Yeah, Yuudachi was already there. I hope you will get along well.

The admiral suddenly noticed that Michishio silently watched the scene from behind the half-open door of the office.

Myschin : Yuudachi, could you left the office for a minute, Shigure will join you later.

Yuudachi : Eeeh ? Why me alone ?

Myschin : I'll play with you later if you do so.

Yuudachi : Ok-poi !

Yuudachi left without even noticing that Michishio was behind the door.

Myschin : You can come in...

Michishio : ...

Shigure : Eh ? Mi-Michishio ?

Michishio : Hello Shigure... Do you remember me ?

Then suddenly Shigure hugged Michishio in her arms.

Shigure, begin to cry : Yes... Yes... This time for sure I will protect you !

Myschin : So one of the girls you were looking for is Shigure...

Michishio : Admiral, what did you know about the Nishimura fleet ?

Myschin : I know that it was a terrible battle who ended up in a total defeat for you...

Shigure, still crying : Michishio... Michishio...

Michishio : Please admiral, please look quickly for the other members of the fleet, at least for the 3 main ships. I know that my 2 others sisters will not show up that easily, but for the other it will be easy. Please do it, to ensure that poor Shigure can be at peace with herself.

Myschin : Yes, you can count on me.

Soon after that, the 2 Destroyers left the office and the sun started to went down little by little.

Myschin : Hum, it's almost the night... I guess I'll let some girls train themselves in the sea around the base and then we will stop for today. What a busy day...

The fleet also brought back 2 other shipgirls to the base.

Myschin : ...

Hibiki, Arare : ...

Myschin : Please introduce yourselves, ladies.

Hibiki : I'm Hibiki. I'm also referred to as "The Phoenix" from my exploits.

Arare : Arare... I won't say 'ncha-'... Look after me...

Myschin : 'ncha-' ?

Arare : You didn't read Dr. Slump ?

Myschin : No, I'm not a great fan of Akira Toriyama.

Arare : Then it's fine.

Hibiki : Commander, I heard that Inazuma and Ikazuchi are already here.

Myschin : That's right.

Hibiki : Хорошо !

Myschin : So you already saying some russian words...

Hibiki : Always ! Is there a problem with that commander ?

Myschin : Not at all. Please do as you wish in this base.

Arare : I'll go find my sisters and we will have a sleepover !

Quests management

Myschin : I've done all the first quests and even some daily ones, and I still don't have a second Light cruiser orz !

Ooyodo : Admiral, you haven't done the daily constructions yet.

Myschin : Ah ! What I have to do then ?

Ooyodo : First, you need to craft a piece of equipment.

Myschin : Let's see... Crafting an equipment... OK, let's put the minimum input.

The admiral received a stuffed penguin.

Myschin : What kind of equipment is this ??

Ooyodo, sighing : It's the sign that you failed your craft.

Myschin : Awww, so I have to do it again ?

Ooyodo : No, it's fine, it's the thought that counts.

Myschin : So what I have to do next ?

Ooyodo : Now you have to build a new ship.

Myschin : Mmmh, what can I do ? I want to put the minimum in the Recipe...

Suna : No, you have enough resources and they regenerate little by little until you reach a soft cap. You can put more resources for a single try..

Myschin : What did you advise me ?

Suna : Try with 250 fuel, 130 Ammo, 200 Steel and 30 Bauxite.

Myschin : Okay, resources set and it's done... Hurrah ! Timer is 1 hour ! Where are thoses Instant Construction Materials ?! I need one right now !

A fairy came with the flame-thrower to burn up the Recipe.

Myschin : And I'm get used to it...

Then the Recipe opened and...

Natori : I'm called Natori... I'll do my best not to trouble you !

Myschin : ... Welcome in our base Natori !

Natori : Uwaaah ! You surprised me !

Myschin : Ah sorry, it's the excitation. I really needed a second Light cruiser in order to complete a quest...

Natori : Ah... Then you will throw me away because I'm an useless cruiser right ?

Myschin, sighing : Aww crap, not this story again !

Natori : Please forgive me already to have made you angry !!

Myschin : Hu wait ! I'm not really that angry you know !

Natori : ...

Myschin, staring at Natori : ...

Natori : Please don't look at me like thaaat !

Natori quickly run away while starting to cry.

Myschin : Oh boy, it will be hard to make her feel at ease.

Suna : There are worse cases you know ?

Myschin : Yes I can imagine... But that Natori... She seems really... Sad ? I think I can affirm that many admirals probably had to abuse her in other bases.

Suna : To be honest, she don't have that much of a personality...

Myschin : ... Well, we will see later for her case. Now that this 2 Light Cruiser Quest is done for good, what are the new quests then ?

Ooyodo : Pick one : Have 2 Heavy cruiser in your fleet ; or Tenryuu and Tatsuta in your fleet.

Myschin : Great ! Now you ask me for 2 bigger ships than a Light cruiser ?! I suppose I have to put even more resources in the Recipes, right ?

Suna : You can wait for that until tomorrow, no need to hurry for now.

Myschin : OK, so what are the other quests ?

Ooyodo : Craft 3 pieces of equipment, then build 3 more ships.

Myschin : Let's do that !

With Inazuma as his secretary ship, the admiral managed to craft 1 12,7 Twin Mount Gun and a Drum Canister.

Myschin : What's this ? It's just a common barrel right ?

Inazuma : We can use them for some expeditions.

Myschin : OK, I'll kept it.

Inazuma : Commander, I've met Natori earlier, what happened-nanodesu ?

Myschin : She began to fear me because I was just overexcited to get her, I'll have to apologize later. Now I have to build another 3 ships... Let's put the minimum in each Recipe.

The timers display respectively 20 minutes, 1 hour and another 20 minutes.

Myschin : Oooh, another Light Cruiser ? It's good.

Inazuma : Please don't forget that you can get a ship that you already have-nanodesu.

Myschin : Yes, and there are some duplicates already in the base, but I kept them until now because apparently there is quest that involve... Dismantling 2 ships, I am right Ooyodo.

Ooyodo : Yes, you can proceed now with that quest.

The admiral sent a second Miyuki and a second Mikazuki back to the civilian life.

Inazuma : Commander, about the modernisations...

Myschin : Don't worry about that, it's the same as send the duplicates to the civilian life, apparently we just need to add their gears to the ships that we want to modernise.

Inazuma : Okay-nanodesu.

Myschin : Now excuse me. Until the 3 timers reach 0, I will go apologize to Natori.

The admiral started to walk when...

Myschin : Wait, I don't even know where she go...

He asked some Destroyers until he learns that Natori is with Kuma in the same bedroom. The admiral reached said room quickly, they he knocked on the door.

Myschin : Is someone here ?

Kuma : Come in kuma.

The admiral entered the room and immediately saw that Natori was really nervous.

Kuma : What's up kuma ? It's the first time you come in a room like that ?

Myschin : Hmm yes. I have come to apologize to you Natori...

Natori : ...

Myschin : You see, I'm a newly assigned admiral, and things happened and... Damn I'm not good with this kind of talk. But, I'm really sorry if I scarred you, that wasn't my intention.

Natori : Even if you say so... You will rape me before scrapping me after you've done with your crime...

Myschin : ... Wait, this is not a crappy R-18 doujinshi scenario, this is reality you know ?

Natori : Yes, but you stared at my body too much that last time ! I know it because you were looking for my big chest right ?

Kuma : Hey hey, as far as I can tell, our admiral isn't a pervert or this kind of man, right kuma ?

Myschin : Yeah, that's true. I don't look at the body first when I'm looking for a partner in business or anything else. If you have a big chest, then what ? Do you really think I will keep you only because of that ?

Natori : It could be the case !

Myschin : Then I have to announce that it will be not MY case. My primary objective is to let all of you live a peaceful life in this naval base, no matter the class, the statistics or your shapes if you want? Be assured that if I have to fall in love with you, I will not aim for a night battle first.

Natori : Why don't you just say "sex" instead of "night battle" ?

Myschin, sighing : OK I get it. I'm sorry if too many admirals just see you as a sexual object. I am only see you as a precious shipgirl and nothing else. You are now a part of our family, you can have all the friends you want and... We will find your sisters as soon as possible, I promise.

Natori : Then no sex or rape or anything similar ?

Myschin : No unless it come with a mutual consent, and I'm not into that kind of things. Perhaps I have to say that I might have some creatures with tentacles among my tamed creatures.

Natori : Somehow I got the feeling that I can trust you... But I'm still scared you see ?

Myschin : Please take your time then, I'm not in a hurry. I will not disturb you until you are not scared anymore. Can you promise me you will not be afraid by my sole presence after that.

Natori : Yes.

Myschin : Then it's perfect. It's time for me to leave and return to the construction docks. If anything bother you, I will be in my office. Have a good night ladies.

Kuma : See you tomorrow kuma !

The admiral returned to the constructions docks, the timers have all reached 0.

Myschin : Who will come this time ?

The first Recipe opened and then the admiral thought he recognized Mikazuki.

Myschin : Mikazuki is that you ?

Hatsushimo : Wrong ! I'm the fourth ship of the Hatsuharu class, Hatsushimo.

Myschin : I'm sorry, you really look like Mikazuki.

Hatsushimo : My uniform is different and I have red eyes, please remember that.

Myschin : I'll remember don't worry.

Hatsushimo : So, does any of my sisters are here ?

Myschin : Yes, Nenohi is already here.

Hatsushimo : And, by any, chance, does Kasumi is here ?

Myschin : Wait, don't tell me it's about a fleet reunion after a defeat in the past.

Hatsushimo : You are right but I just want to see if there is any other member of the Ten-Go fleet here, it's not for start crying with them, I promise. The other members of this fleet will not show up that easily. Just, in any case, let Kasumi know about my arrival.

Myschin : No problem, she will learn soon. Now, I wonder who was inside that second Recipe ?

The second Recipe opened...

Tenryuu : My name is Tenryuu. Fufufu, ya scared ?

The Light cruiser immediately slipped to the ground.

Tenryuu : Owowow, it hurts !

She was about to cry when she realised that the admiral was looking at her.

Tenryuu : Awww crap, my entrance was a failure and now you will bully me like every other admiral because I'm just a false delinquent who is in fact a crybaby rather than a real hothead and...

Myschin : Stop ! I didn't say anything before that !

Hatsushimo : Are you OK miss Tenryuu ?

Tenryuu : Huuu, I guess but...

Myschin : Hey now, don't look at me as if I was a sadistic person OK ?

Tenryuu : Do whatever you want with me, I don't care ! Between the bully and Tatsuta, I wonder why I was born ?

Myschin : It's good ? I can speak now ? Thank you. So Tenryuu, what's bother you the most ?

Tenryuu : Huuu, being bullied by Tatsuta and the other admirals.

Myschin : Hey Tenryuu, honestly I don't mind if your are a delinquent, as long as you don't threat someone else's life.

Tenryuu : Eh ?

Myschin : How about living the life that you want here ?

Tenryuu : Can I really be a chuunibyou if I want ?

Myschin : Why not ?

Tenryuu : Heee, that's nice of you but... Tatsuta, she will tease me again and again, and I really hate that. Can't she be a little calmer than she is with me in other bases ?

Myschin : Can I tell you something ? I really don't like Tatsuta that much. If you want, I can teach her a lesson if she try anything against you.

Tenryuu : Eh ? But she's very sadistic and will not hesitate to intimidate you if you try to prevent her to approaching me...

Myschin, adjusting his glasses : Oh oh ? I would like to see that.

Tenryuu and Hatsushimo noticed some sort of an evil aura around the admiral.

Hatsushimo : What was that ?!

Myschin : Ah oops, a bad habit of me. I'm a planeswalker after all.

Tenryuu, Hatsushimo : Planeswhat ?

Myschin : I'll explain later. We still have another Recipe to open.

The third recipe opened.

Hatsuharu : We are Hatsuharu. We thank you in advance.

Hatsushimo : Elder sister !

Myschin : Eeeh, an upper-class personality ?

Hatsuharu : It's our style, does it bother you ?

Myschin : Actually, nope. Not at all. In fact, you even look like princess Luna from My Little Pony : Friendship is Magic...

Hatsuharu : Wha-wha-wha-whaaat ? You compare us with a fictionnal characters who isn't human ?!

Myschin : It's a compliment you know ?

Hatsuharu : Mmmh, we think you are an odd admiral.

Myschin : Well, I just hope you will adapt yourself to your new life here.

Hatsushimo : Elder sister, let's have a little party to celebrate your arrival.

Myschin : Well that's all for today. I don't mind if you oversleep because I'm pretty sure that it will be my case.

Omake (In french because... Meh !)

Inazuma : Amiral, qu'est-ce que vous êtes en train de faire ?

Myschin : Mmh ? Je suis en train d'écrire le récit de notre base, pourquoi ?

Inazuma : Est-ce que je peux voir ?

Myschin : Bien sûr, fais-toi plaisir.

Inazuma : Hein ?! Amiral, pourquoi écrivez-vous en anglais ?!

Myschin : Je n'ai pas vraiment le choix, sinon les lecteurs ne pourront pas comprendre.

Inazuma : Et vous vous rendez compte que tout ce que vous avez écrit jusqu'à présent ne concerne que le premier jour de votre vraie prise de fonction ? Vous serez capable de tenir le rythme ?

Myschin : Cela ira mieux quand j'aurais moins de filles à introduire, ne t'en fais pas.
[Remonter en haut du chapitre]

The earliest days - Maybe the compass is broken after all ?
A strong addition to the fleet

Myschin : Don't say anything girls, you ended up again in the dead end of the Coastal Refinery Zone ?

Inazuma : Yes...

Myschin : ... Maybe because it's just a lack in big ships that prevent us for advancing further more ? Anyway please take a break for now.

Inazuma, Tenryuu, Kuma, Shikinami, Nagatsuki and Fumizuki left the office.

Suna : Let me warn you that there is a battleship in the boss's node.

Myschin : Something who is even more threatening than the Ri-class Heavy cruiser ?

Suna : Yes, although you can actually win in Yasen if you can reach it.

Myschin : I doubt that my girls have enough experience to deal with it for now. What I really need is a bigger ship. A Heavy cruiser would be fine for the beginning.

Suna : Are you really sure you want to try to build another ship now ? Can't you wait until the daily quests's reset ?

Myschin : It's fine, our resources are quite good so far.

Suna : Well, you can do as you wish, it's your base after all.

The admiral and his friend went to the Construction docks.

Myschin : Let's put 350 Fuel, 150 Ammo, 250 Steel and 50 Bauxite this time.

Then he pushed the button to start the construction. The timer displayed this time...

Myschin : 1 hour and 25 minutes ? What's that ? Another Light Cruiser ?

Suna : Nope and rejoice, it's a Heavy cruiser time !

Myschin : Cool ! Call the flame-throwing fairy now !

And after a round of blazing flames, the Recipe opened.

Maya : Yo ! Name's Maya, nice to meet you.

Myschin : Whoa !

Maya : Hu ? You are the admiral ? You don't look strong ya know ?

Myschin : Please don't judge someone only on his appearance.

Maya : Oh oh ? Right, right. I'm curious to see how you work here.

Myschin : Anyway, welcome in our base. I was really looking for a bigger ship than a Light cruiser.

Maya : I'm the perfect girl for you then !

Myschin : I honestly don't know if you are perfect, but for sure you are a great addition to our forces. Let's go introduce you to the other girls here.

Soon after, Maya was introduced to the Destroyers and the Light cruisers.

Tenryuu : She looks strong ! I'm envious !

Shikinami : She looks so cool !

Kasumi : Is she that strong ?

Michishio : Sssh, she could hear you !

Kuma : She has a hothead feeling kuma.

Mikazuki : But she will protect us right ?

Inazuma : Nanodesu...

Maya, blushing : Hehe, thank you, thank you...

Fumizuki : She's a great person~.

Myschin : Maya, do you think you can help the fleet to reach the boss's node in the Coastal Refinery Zone ?

Maya : Sure ! Leave it to me !

Then she was assigned as the flagship of the first fleet, along with Tenryuu, Kuma, Inazuma, Ikazuchi and Hibiki.

Maya : Yosh ! Let's go everyone !

Hibiki : What an enthusiastic person...

Compass girls : Ohohoh ! No matter how strong you are, you can't beat us !

Maya pointed his gun right to the fairy's face.

Maya : Oh yeah ? Spin that damn compass and we'll see !

The needle pointed to the east.

Maya : See ? Piece of cake I said !

Tenryuu : So cool !

Compass girls : ... It's not over yet.

The fleet easily defeated the abyssal force they found, then they proceed to advance to the next node where they found a lot of fuel in some barrels.

Ikazuchi : Great ! More resources is always a good thing !

Maya : Okay compass girls, now move that needle to the south-east !

Compass girls : Don't underestimate us !

The compass then pointed to the... South-west.

Maya : Huuu ?! I'm gonna kill you you damn fairy !

Compass girls : Hahaha, just try.

Maya aimed for the fairies but they suddenly vanished in front of her.

Maya : Damnit, they are too fast...

Inazuma : The commander will be disapointed again nanodesu...

The fleet ended up another time in the dead end. When they returned, Inazuma immediately started to apologize.

Myschin : ... Let's say that the compass is broken...

Suna : Or you just don't have enough luck...

Myschin : Or it's the RNG-sama at work...

Maya : Damn, I am such a failure for your expectations ! I swear those compass girls will pay one day !

Myschin : Nah it's fine, we just have to be patient and try again and again until we will take the right path. But for now, let's take a break. We will start again after the quests's reset.

The lesbian and the sadist

Myschin : So I've tried to put the amount of resources for a Carrier in the Recipe, but the timer displayed 2 hours and 20 minutes, what does it mean ?

Suna : It means that you will get a Seaplane Tender.

Myschin : Fine by me, now I could finish that other quest.

Another Instant Construction material was used, and the shipgirl who came out of the recipe appeared quickly.

Chiyoda : Seaplane tender Chiyoda. My older sister Chitose isn't bothering you, is she ?

Suna, sighing : Oh great...

Myschin : Welcome in our naval base... Chitose isn't here so she can't bother me and...

Chiyoda : WHAAAT ?! My dear sister isn't here ?! NOOO !! I can't live without my sister Chitose !

Suna : See ? This is one of the worst case of lesbian that you can get.

Myschin : I can see that...

Chiyoda : Sister Chitose !!

Maya : The hell is wrong with her ?

Inazuma : She's scary-nanodesu.

Kuma : Even my little sisters aren't THAT lesbian kuma.

Chiyoda started to act crazy as she rolled on the floor.

Myschin : Damn, she is seriously sick. I have to do something with my cards. Suna, do you have any picture of that Chitose ?

Suna : Yes I have, why ?

Myschin : Show me please.

Suna : Ok, then what ?

Myschin : Wait a second, let me search if I have a Clone card among my creatures... Yes I have one.

The admiral snapped his fingers and the card transformed into Chitose.

Myschin : Ok, please go reassure that raging lesbian over there. Could you endure it until we find a real Chitose ?

Chitose-clone : Yes master.

Myschin : Chiyoda, come here for a second.

Chiyoda : Sis-sis-sister Chitose !

The Seaplane tender suddenly jumped on the clone and start to hug it.

Myschin : OK, please just do this in a room of your own.

Myschin : Damn, that was another hell of a experience. I have never seen such a lesbian before.

Suna : The real fun fact is that there is other raging lesbians among the shipgirls.

Myschin : we'll deal with them later. For now let the girls train themselves in the sea in front of the naval base in order to clear some daily quests.

Nagatsuki : Admiral, we have found 2 new comrades.

Nagatsuki introduced Suzukaze and Akatsuki to the admiral.

Myschin : Welcome in our naval base young ladies, please introduce yourselves.

Suzukaze : 'ello ! I'm Suzukaze. If I join the fleet it will be equivalent to 100 ships !

Myschin, can't hold his laugh : Pfff hahaha, you can't be the equivalent to 100 ships.

Suzukaze : Heyhey, it's an image, an image ! What I really want to say is that you can count on me !

Myschin : Somehow I really like your cheerful personality.

Suzukaze : Good ! So, who among my sisters is already here ?

Myschin : Yuudachi and Shigure.

Suzukaze : Ooh, then I'll have to take care of my good ol' Samidare whe she will arrive.

Myschin : Ok good, and you are...

Akatsuki : I'm Akatsuki ! Treat me like the fully-fledged lady that I am please !

Myschin : Can I say something ?

Akatsuki : Please do.

Myschin : I think your body is still the body of a child...

Akatsuki : How mean of you !

Myschin : Wait, let me finish please. And I think that you can still have the maturiry of a real lady.

Akatsuki : Weeell, there is a lot of admirals who like to make fun of me...

Myschin : Because once one of your duplicate said 'elephant' instead of 'elegant' ?

Akatsuki : Yes...

Myschin : Fear not, I will not tease you for that. Just be yourself and things will goes well. But can I still pat your head sometimes ?

Akatsuki : I want to say that I'm not a child anymore but... Well sometimes it's good to remain a child.

Myschin : Perfect. So now you two can live the life you want here... Come to think about it, Akatsuki, all of your sisters are already here. You are the first class of Destroyers that are reunited in this base.

Akatsuki : Oooh, I will look for them !

The 2 Destroyers left the office and Tenryuu entered in soon after that.

Tenryuu : Yo admiral ! The expedition was a success !

Myschin : Good to heard ! Now I can clear that quest who requires to do 10 quests in a day.

the admiral turned on the TV screen.

Myschin : Ooyodo, we are done with the expedition quest.

Ooyodo : Good work admiral, but you have another finished quest you know ?

Myschin : Ah ? Which one ?

Ooyodo : The one who required you to sortie a Torpedo squadron with 1 Light cruiser as the flagship and 3 Destroyers.

Myschin : OK then it's good right ? There is a reward for it ?

Ooyodo : Yes ! The Headquarters will assign a new girl to your base.

Myschin : Who ?

Ooyodo : Tatsuta.

Myschin, Tenryuu : Whaaat ?!

Ooyodo : She will be there in a few minutes.

Myschin : Waitwaitwait a second ! I don't want Tatsuta to come this earlier !

Ooyodo : You can't refuse this assignment admiral.

Myschin : Aww shit.

Tenryuu : Goodbye my freedom... It was nice to know you for a single day...

Myschin : Oh wait a second Tenryuu, did you remember what I told you yesterday ?

Tenryuu : Eh.. You mean about teaching a lesson or something to Tatsuta ?

Myschin : Yes.

Tenryuu : I'm afraid that you can't do this without injuring yourself admiral.

Myschin : We will see about that when she will be here.

A few time after, a girl with purple hairs who was holding a glaive entered the admiral's office.

Tatsuta : Nice to meet you, I'm Tatsuta~. I hope Tenryuu-chan hasn't been causing you trouble?

Tenryuu : Derp ! Cut if off with the tease please !

Tatsuta : Oh no~ Tenryuu-chan, because I'm going to bully you a looot~.

Myschin : Erm erm !

Tatsuta : Oh~ ? Are you perhaps the admiral here ? I will teach you to don't interfere with me when I want to tease Tenryuu-chan~, unless if you want to die~

Then she licked hey glaive.

Tatsuta : Yes~ ! Tenryuu-chan is mine~, and no one else is allowed to even look at her~

Myschin : You are really sick...

Tatsuta : Don't blame me if you will loose a hand or a whole arm soon admiral~

Myschin : OK, let's settle this right there, right now. We will have a battle and the looser will have to obey the winner forever.

Tatsuta : Fufufu~ all right ! I will make you my personal slave then~

Myschin : Tenryuu, please leave this room, it could become extremely violent.

Tenryuu : Are you really sure about that admiral.

Then the admiral looked at Tenryuu with a serious expression in his eyes.

Myschin : Yes.

Tatsuta : Oh oh ? Are you perhaps a bit less carefree than you would let sound admiral ?

Myschin : Maybe.

Then Tenryuu left the room. Some Destroyers came to see what's going on.

Tenryuu : The admiral has said that no one must enter his office by now.

Inazuma : Eh ? But why ?

Tenryuu : He said he will teach a lesson to Tatsuta but...

Inazuma : I'm scared-nanodesu...

Tenryuu : Why ?

Inazuma : Because I saw how serious was the admiral well he said to me that he don't like Tatsuta that much.

Shigure : And how serious he was ?

Then suddenly a loud scream was heard by everyone in front of the door.

Maya : The heck was that ?!

Tenryuu : It can't be Tatsuta's voice right ?!

Hatsushimo : I'm really feeling uneasy right now !

She wasn't the sole to feel that something went wrong on the other side of the door. A few second after, the uneasy feeling completely vanished and the door was opened by the admiral.

Myschin : ... Ah... Oops... I suppose that everyone here felt that something wasn't right ?

Everyone : Yes !

Inazuma : What happened-nanodesu ?

Myschin : Let's just say that it was an unseen awesomeness.

Tenryuu : Wait what ? But what happened to Tatsuta then ?!

Myschin : Ah, she... Hey Tatsuta, Tenryuu is worried about you know ?

Tatsuta : Nononono ! Tell Tenryuu that I'm perfectly fine !

Everyone can see that she holds to peeing herself on.

Tenryuu : Seriously what happened ?

Tatsuta : Nothing happened okay ?! I promise I will not tease you anymore Tenryuu !

Kuma : You gave her a trauma or something like that kuma ?

Myschin : We can said that, yes. Now Tatsuta, will you be a good and kind roommate with Tenryuu ?

Tatsuta : Yes admiral !!

Myschin : Don't forget that if Tenryuu tell me that something bad will happen to her, we will have another battle together Tatsuta !


From that moment, every shipgirl swore that she will never make the admiral very angry or something like that. Later on...

Myschin : I think I have overdone it...

Inazuma : Commander, could you tell me what really happened-nanodesu ? I'm really worried.

Myschin : Do you really want to know ?

Inazuma : Y-Yes !

Myschin : OK, so I used some of my creatures to deal with Tatsuta.

Inazuma : What kind of creatures ?

The admiral showed a single card to Inazuma

Inazuma : 'Eldrazi Spawn' ? What is that ? It look really bad !

Myschin : Let's say it's a really tiny fraction of the ancient world-destructive beings that I've fought before I became an admiral. But to think that the weakest spawns can inflict such a trauma to Tatsuta, I'm impressed in some way. I have done well with taming them.

On the way to unlock the third fleet

Myschin : Doing some expeditions, it's nice and everything, but while they are on their way to gather resources, we can't do other expeditions...

Ooyodo : Admiral, you need to unlock the third and the fourth fleet.

Myschin : And how I can do that ?

Ooyodo : To unlock the third fleet, you need to have all 3 sisters in the Sendai-class Light cruiser.

Suna : It's very easy you know ?

Myschin : You're telling this to an admiral who not even met a single Naka so far ! Yeah, Naka this, Naka that, 'The most common ship' when you try to build something else, this disgusting joke about 2-4-11... Can I say 'Sendai-class ? Never heard of them !' ?

Suna : Hey hey, it's way too early for that !

Myschin : Ok ok...

Kuroshio entered the office.

Kuroshio : Ola admiral, we have met 3 new girls while we trained.

Myschin : Oh ? Please let them come in.

Then the 3 new girls came to introduce themselves.

Hatsuyuki : I'm... Hatsuyuki...

Myschin : ...

Hatsuyuki : ...

Myschin : ... Yes ? And ?

Hatsuyuki : ... Nice to meet you... Can I go sleep now ?

Myschin : So you are a very lazy girl eh ? Do I have to say that there is 2 of your sisters here ?

Hatsuyuki : It's nice... Thank... You

Myschin : So lazy that even speaking requires you a lot of efforts... Ok fine, your sisters will take care of you I guess. Next please

Kisaragi : Fufufu♪ My name is Kisaragi. Please keep me by your side. And by your side, I mean by your side in your bed♥

Myschin : Is this a joke ?

Kisaragi : Who knows♥ ?

Myschin : ... So you think more with your genital parts than with your brain...

Kisaragi : My my my admiral, don't flatter me like that♪

Myschin : If you're looking for a relation with me, just forget it.

Kisaragi : My, now I just want you more fufufu♥

Myschin : You're a real glue pot.

Kisaragi : I'm getting wet right now♥

The admiral suddenly started to pat Kisaragi's head.

Myschin : Hey, please don't say such words in front of other peoples, I don't really think you are a bad girl... Maybe a lewd one, but also a kind one and... Kisaragi, do you even listen ?

Kisaragi : Oh no, my hair's ruined !

Myschin : Eh ?

Kisaragi : Admiral you meanie ! Now I have to take care of my hairs again !

Myschin : Wait, didn't you want...

The admiral didn't have time to finish his sentence because Kisaragi was gone already, Nagatsuki came in the office a few second later.

Nagatsuki : Admiral, I've met my lewd sister in the corridor.

Myschin : Ah ? I think she's necessarily went into a bathroom.

Nagatsuki : For sure... I guess you find her weak point ?

Myschin : Messing his hairs ?

Nagatsuki : Yes, it works pretty well.

Myschin : I'll keep that in mind.

Arashio : Oh my oh my commander, don't forget that I'm still here. Oh, I haven't introduced myself yet, have I ? My name is Arashio.

Myschin : Ah sorry, welcome in our naval base.

Arashio : Ufufufufu♪ ! Oh my, thank you admiral.

Myschin : Don't tell me that you are also a lewd girl ?

Arashio : Oh my ! No, nope ! Maybe a little too~ carefree.

Myschin : You're saying 'Oh my' a lot don't you ?

Arashio : Is that so~ ?

Myschin : Anyway, almost all your sisters are there.

Arashio : Yay~, can I go meet them commander ?

Myschin : Please do.

Arashio left the office

Myschin : Pfiou, what kind of weird combo is that ? I got 1 lazy, 1 lewd and 1 lunatic.

Nagatsuki : Are you alright commander ?

Myschin : Yes. By the way, would you like to join the fleet who will try to go into the Coastal Refinery Zone again ?

Nagatsuki : I really want, please !

Then once again, the fleet led by Maya went to the infamous area again.

Compass girls : Hey, you hothead girl who only think with guns instead of brain !

Maya : Me ?

Compass girls : Yeah you ! Don't you want to try to kill us this time ?

Maya : Forget it, you are too damn fast !

Compass girls : Nyahahah !

And fot the countlessth time, the fleet went through a storm and ended up in the dead again, but this time, they've met 2 new comrades on the road. After they returned, the fleet girls went to the admiral's office.

Maya : Operation complete... In a way again.

Myschin : I'm still surprised that I haven't snapped before.

Maya : But we have found 2 new comrades. One of them is a junkie.

??? : Who said that I'm a junkie ?! You're so wrong !

The new girl revealed herself.

Sendai : Sendai has arrived. Please leave the night battle to me.

Myschin : Oh my god ! I want to laugh so hard right now !

Sendai : Eh ? Why ?

Myschin : Because you are the first sister of the Sendai-class who came here you know ?

Sendai : No way ! I'm the first ?!

Myschin : Yup ! I was looking for you, but I didn't except to get you before your sisters.

Sendai : So hum... Admiral, do you like night battles ?

Myschin : Depends on how you mean by night battles ?

Sendai : Of course I'm talking about the Yasens on the battlefield ! It's so exciting to battle in the night !

Myschin : Perfect, I already like you much more than I expected.

Sendai : Eheh... Thank you admiral.

Myschin : And who is the other girl ?

Maya : Hey ! Where did she go ?

Inazuma : I've lost sight of her-nanodesu.

Wakaba : I'm here you know ?

In fact she was right in front of every other shipgirls, but because she was so silent that nobody noticed she was here.

Wakaba : I'm the Destroyer Wakaba.

Myschin : Hum welcome in our base ?

Wakaba : Yes thank you, but please don't mind me that much. It's not because I have a stiff expression on my face. It's just because sometime I don't sleep for 24 hours, or I just want to be with my sister Hatsushimo. Is she here by any chance ?

Myschin : Yes, you're the last Hatsuharu-class who came in our base.

Wakaba : I'm glad. Then I'll silently go find Hatsushimo.

Myschin : Why don't go normally ?

Wakaba : Because I want to be quiet and not disburb the others. That's why nobody here didn't notice me. And Hatsushimo love me that way.

Myschin : Okay... Now Sendai, you need more experience. Please go train yourself in the sea in front the naval base.

Sendai : Roger ! I hope there will be some night battles !

After Sendai has left the office, the admiral talked with some other girls.

Myschin : I really have big expectations from Sendai.

Nagatsuki : She can't be the sole shipgirl for which you expect something right ?

Myschin : I also expect all of you there to become strong enough to protect your sisters and the base.

Inazuma : Such responsability-nanodesu...

Maya : It will be fine, don't worry. I'll protect you until that day.

Myschin : In fact, it could come faster than we think...

Kuma : Why kuma ?

Myschin : Because there will be soon a major operation right ? An Event in the middle of the Summer.

Inazuma : But admiral, you are still a newly assigned one right ? Do you really think you can do something about it ? Summer Events have the reputation to be the hardests in the year.

Myschin : I know... Suna didn't clear the AL/MI Event because it was very hard.

Suna : Please don't bring back that subject... Oh god the Double Dyson !

Maya : Oh god, the AL/MI Event. Almost as bad as the Iron Bottom Sound one.

Myschin : I know someone who tried the Iron Bottom Sound Event and failed to do it even with the sacrifial runs.

Kuma : Everybody had very bad memories about THAT map kuma.

Myschin : Yeah...

Suddenly, they heird a familiar voice.

Sendai : Hey ! I'm back, and hurry up you !

??? : You run too fast nee-san !

Myschin : Wait what ?!

Sendai entered the office with an other girl, who was none other than Jintsuu.

Sendai : Look ! Look ! Isn't that great ? I've found one of my little sisters.

Jintsuu : Uh, I'm the Light Cruiser Jintsuu. So, I would appreciate your favor...

Myschin : Welcome to our naval base... Don't worry if you seems lost at first sight... Just ask Kuma, Tenryuu or even me if you need to know anything.

Jintsuu : Hmm... Hmm... I'm really nervous right now... Can I take some rest please ?

Myschin : Yes you can.

Sendai : So admiral, now we only need my cute little sister Naka and we will be reunite.

Myschin : That's a problem in some way. Suna, have you already heard of an admiral who really need Naka more than any other shipgirl ?

Suna : Nope !

Myschin : Then, I am the first. I also noticed that Jintsuu somehow lack confidence in herself... Please don't be too rude with her Sendai. And continue your training please.

Sendai : Okay.

Later that night, Sendai also brought back Yura and Ushio to the base.

Yura : Fourth ship of the Nagara-class Light Cruisers, 'Yura'. Pleased to make your acquaintance !

Myschin : Welcome in our base... Nagara-class ? So are you by chance a sister of Natori.

Yura : Yes I am, why ?

Myschin : Could you look after her to make her feel better ? Since she arrived, she has some difficulties to make some friends. Kuma helped her so far but I really think that a sister of her can be a better support.

Yura : I understand, you can count on me... Is Yuudachi here by any chance ?

Myschin : Yes, is she an acquaintance of you ?

Yura : Yup, she's my cute little kouhai...

Myschin : Please don't tell me that you are a lesbian.

Yura : No, fear not, but I know how to make this girl feel good. She is a good little puppy after all.

Myschin : Fine, you can leave now... And it's your turn miss...

Ushio : I'm Special-type Destroyer... Ayanami-class 'Ushio'. It would be nice to be dismissed soon...

Myschin : Wait, I'm not going to eat you or something.

Ushio : ...

Myschin : Wait, aren't you that Destroyer who... Hide his big chest ?

Ushio, sighed : Here we go again...

Myschin : ... OK don't say anything else. Sexual abuses, rape or other similar disgusting things ?

Ushio : Yeah, but I'm used to it, really...

Myschin : That's no good ! I want you to live a peaceful life there.

Ushio : What does this mean ?

Myschin : You can live here without thinking about all those atrocities who were announced earlier.

Ushio : Really ?

Myschin : To sum up quickly, yes. I've said the same thing to Natori yesterday. The sole problem here will that you actually are the sole member of the 7th Destroyer Division.

Ushio : Uuuh, I'm sorry for that.

Myschin : It's not your fault and... Wait, there is Shikinami, she is your sister right ?

Ushio : Yes. I'm relieved...

Myschin : Please join her as soon as possible if you can feel better this way.

Finally !

The next day...

Myschin : I've put 250 fuel, 130 Ammo, 200 steel and 30 bauxite in those two Recipes and the timer displays 1 hour for the first... For sure it will be Naka ! The second displays 1 hour and 30 minutes so... Another Heavy cruiser will join our base and that's cool !

Suna : Do you know that you can see who are you currently build with the Viewer Device ?

Myschin : Eh ? But where is the surprise then ? That's not funny at all.

Suna : Each people has his own way of seeing things.

Myschin : We're not in a hurry today so I can wait for more than an hour.

While returning to his office, the admiral met Jintsuu on the path.

Myschin : Ah, good morning Jintsuu, did you took a rest and feel better now ?

Jintsuu : Yes admiral, I feel better...

Myschin : Are you shy by any chance ?

Jintsuu : Let's say that I don't like to be in the spotlight. Forgive me for that.

Myschin : It's fine. Could I ask you to go into the sea in front of the naval base in order to gain some experience.

Jintsuu : Yes... I want to become stronger...

Then the admiral spent the rest of the morning playing with the Destroyers, until...

Myschin : Oops ! I forgot that we have two new shipgirls in the Recipes !

Yuudachi : Come back admiral, we're not finished yet-poi !

Inazuma : He will return later Yuudachi-chan.

He ran to the Construction Dock and opened the first Recipe.

Myschin : Please show yourself Naka, I beg of you !

Kako : Second Furutaka Class Heavy Cruiser, name's Kako ! Nice to meetcha !

Myschin : Hu wait what ?! Aren't you a Heavy cruiser ?

Kako : Yes, why ?

Myschin : But the timer displayed 1 hour...

Kako : Who cares ? I'm here now and it's for good, right ?

Myschin : Hmm yes, although I've wanted to meet Naka instead.

Kako : Hey, I'm pretty strong you know ?

Myschin : I imagine, since you're a Heavy cruiser...

Kako : However, there is a problem you see ?

Myschin : Hm ?

Kako : I'm narcoleptic.

Myschin : Ah...

Then Kako suddenly fell asleep while still standing.

Myschin : M'okay, I see the whole thing... Hey wake up Kako !

Kako : Zzzz... Nya... mfufufu. Whoa ! I'm not sleeping ! I was awake, I was.

Myschin : I don't mind if you sleep whenever it can happen but... Please don't it here. Do it a place where if you fall on the ground you will not hurt yourself.

Kako : Whoa, you mean that I can sleep whenever I want ?!

Myschin : As long as you do some training sometimes, yes. Since you're my second Heavy cruiser, I will count on you a lot of time during those next days. We will try to go again in the Coastal Refinery Zone today...

Kako : OK, I'll do my best then !

Myschin : Now, let's open the second Recipe...

Mogami : I'm Mogami. It's alright, I won't collide with anyone this time. Really !

Myschin : Welcome in our naval base... What do you mean by 'won't collide this time' ?

Mogami : Erm... I collided at least 3 times in my past life you see...

Myschin : ... I hope you are not clumsy ?

Mogami : No, let's say that I was unlucky that time, really !

Myschin : Can I ask you something ?

Mogami : Yes ?

Myschin : I've done some research and... You're a part of the Nishimura fleet, right ?

Mogami : Yes.

Myschin : Could you look after Shigure and Michishio ? Especially Shigure in fact, that poor girl can't sleep well those days.

Mogami : Leave it to me !

Myschin : I'm glad to heard that...

In the beginning of the afternoon...

Myschin : OK. Inazuma, Nagatsuki, Kako, Maya, Sendai and Jintsuu. Here we go again for the... Didn't count-th time into that damn Coastal Refinery Zone. I don't know if we will manage to reach the boss's lair this time, but let be optimistic for a change.

Inazuma : Yes, we can't go forever in the south-nanodesu...

Maya : I don't give a fuck about what will happen honestly.

Sendai : I just hope there will be a night battle at least.

The fleet went into the area again, and they started by going to the east first.

Nagatsuki : It's a good start but we can't predict where this damn compass will guide us...

Compass girls : Hey hey hey, it's that fleet of loosers again !

Nobody, even Maya, said anything.

Compass girls : Oh come on ! We feast on your insults ! Ah, why are you not in the mood today ?!

Then, the admiral grabbed the microphone.

Myschin : Just spin your compass and don't bully my shipgirls OK ?

Compass girls : Tch !

And then a ray of sunlight pierced through the cloudy sky : The needle pointed to the South-East

Everyone : FINALLY !

Compass girls : Aaaargh no way !!

Myschin : OK girls ! Give everything you've got !

Every shipgirl : YES !

The fleet finally reached the boss's lair, but the atmosphere instantly becomes heavier.

Inazuma : I-I can feel a very menacing aura-nanodesu...

Maya : Dman, what's that feeling ? I'm freezing right now !

Sendai : I guess it's because we can see that the enemy brings "her".

Sendai spoke of an abyssal ship that look nothing like what they had seen so far : a Battleship Ru-class.

Ru-class : ...

Kako : I have a bad feeling.

Then the Ru-class aimed for Maya and took her down in a single attack.

Maya : Don't joke with me ! J...just wait and see !

Jintsuu : Don't push yourself like that Maya, you're now in a heavily damaged state.

Then the Chi-class who was also there fired on Nagatsuki and easily defeated her.

Nagatsuki : I got attacked... ?! Not a direct hit, though...

Sendai : Aaah stop right there you devilish abyssals !

The Light cruiser aimed for an enemy Destroyer and sunk it in one attack. Then Kako sunk the Chi-class with a double attack. Inazuma and Jintsuu tried to shoot the Ru-class but the battleship didn't seems to feel anything at all.

Inazuma : So-so strong...

Jintsuu : Watch out Inazuma !!

Jintsuu pushed Inazuma out of the way and took a torpedo fired by the Light cruiser He-class, leaving her in a moderately damaged state.

Jintsuu : It hurts !!

Sendai : That damn battleship is too strong !

Inazuma : Ad-admiral ! Please give us an advice-nanodesu.

Myschin : Give me a status report please.

Inazuma : Maya and Nagatsuki are in a heavily damaged state and can't fight anymore. Jintsuu is moderately damaged and can still fight. Kako, Sendai and myself are still fine... We sunk 1 Destroyer and a Torpedo Cruiser in the enemy fleet. The enemy battleship is still standing with 2 other ships.

Myschin : Prepare to go into Night Battle Mode !

Sendai : Yeees !

The sun went down very quickly around the two fleets and the night came as fast.

Myschin : Inazuma, try to sink their Destroyer or the Light Cruiser !

Inazuma : I'll try !

She managed to hit the Light Cruiser He-class, leaving him unable to attack due to the heavy damaged state, but unfortunately, the Ru-class also did the same to Jintsuu

Kako : Eat this Kako special !

Kako managed to sink the last Destroyer.

Sendai : Now, night battle with me my dear battleship !

Myschin : Hey, don't try to aim at the Light cruiser !

Sendai : There is NO way that I miss their battleship, trust me admiral !

Then Sendai managed to deal a critical hit on the Ru-class, but not enough to sink her.

Sendai : Damnit !

While the battle ended, Ru-class and He-class quickly ran away from them.

Inazuma : Eh ? What does it means ?

Kako : Maybe we have won ?

Suddenly, an announcement was heird by everyone

Mysterious voice : Congratulations, you have won that battle with a A-Rank victory.

Myschin : Wut ?

Nobody immediately realizes that it meant.

Myschin : Wait, does it means that we can now advance to a further area ?! YES ! You did it girls ! I'm so proud of you !

Kako : Admiral there are several injuries on our side.

Myschin : OK, please escort them to the base, they deserve a well deserved rest.

Inazuma : Wait, there is also an another new comrade-nanodesu

Myschin : Bring her back too.

??? : Oooh, it's you Ru-class. What happened ?

Ru-class : A new admiral has took command of the naval base that we monitor for several days.

???? : Ohoh... So you came back to warn us about that new admiral ? How nice of you.

Ru-class : ... I think it's time to send a Carrier force to stop him.

??? : Yes, we have someone here who can't wait to fight.

Aircraft Carrier Wo-Class : Wo ! It is my turn ?

???? : Yes ! Go stop that new admiral at Nansei islands. Ru-class, you're going too, just in case.

Ru-class : Understand !

??? : Sooo... A new admiral hu ? We will not going easy on him ! How's the progress of our operation for the next Event ?

???? : Huhuhu, Even the veterans will learn that Iron Bottom Sound and AL/MI were only the beginning of their worst nightmares !

The arrival of the idol

Isuzu : I'm Isuzu. Leave the torpedo squadrons to me. I'll bring victory to the Admiral with all my power. Pleased to meet you.

Myschin : Welcome in our naval base Isuzu.

Isuzu : OK admiral, I have a question : what do you know about radars ?

Myschin : Hm ? Why did you ask that ?

Isuzu, with a sarcastic voice : C'mon, it's easy to guess no ?

Myschin, confused : I really don't know honestly !

Isuzu : No way, every admiral in all the naval bases know about the 'Isuzu farming' !

Myschin : Hu ? 'Isuzu farming' ?! The heck is that ?

Isuzu : Do you plan to keep all my duplicates in order to train them, then steal their Type 21 Air RADAR after remodeling them and then scrap or use them in modernisation.

Myschin : ... I will be honest Isuzu, if I have to do this, it will be with no more than 1 other duplicate, and I'll not scrap or use her in modernisation. I'll send her to the civilian life.

Isuzu : Humpf, at least you seem to be sincere in your words.

Myschin : Let me tell you that Natori and Yura are already here... Can you look after Natori ?

Isuzu : Damn, don't tell me that you tried to...

Myschin : NO !

Isuzu : Wait, I didn't even finished my sentence.

Myschin : My main objective as an admiral is to let everyone live a happy life here, and in the future, bring this war with the abyssals to an end, and not spend good time with large-chested girls.

Isuzu : Eeeh ? Really ?

Natori : He says the truth Isuzu...

Isuzu : Natori ?!

Natori and Yura just entered the admiral's office.

Natori : Isuzu, I can have faith in someone who never touched me until now.

Isuzu : ... I... OK... Sorry that I doubted of you admiral...

Myschin : Do you really think it will end here just like that ? I'm going to punish you.

Isuzu : Yes, I'll accept my punishment no matter what...

Myschin : Good, now go train yourself in the sea around this base ! If you want to bring me victory with all your power, then why did you still wait ?

Isuzu, smiling : ... Yes admiral !

Isuzu left the office with her sisters.

Suna : Hey, why don't you try to go in the fourth area ?

Myschin : Ooyodo told me earlier that a abyssal carrier force moved to around the Nansei island... And I don't think that my shipgirls can deal with enemy carrier.

Suna : Why don't you try to build a carrier yourself then ?

Myschin : I'm waiting for the quests's reset. I really want to build Shoukaku or Zuikaku...

Suna : Don't you dream too much here ? You are still newly assigned. Your first carrier could be Akagi you know ?

Myschin : I, like, really don't want to depends on the 1st CarDiv. They are too strong ! I want to give a chance to the others !

Suna : Soon you will learn that Akagi and Kaga are indispensables.

Myschin : Maybe, maybe, but I don't wan't to deal with these stomach on legs now.

Several girls were training in the seas around the naval base, until Isuzu brings back someone.

Isuzu : Hey admiral, I've found that weird girl while I was training.

Naka : I'm not weird ! I'm the fleet's idol !

Myschin : Someone calls Sendai and Jintsuu now !

Sendai and Jintsuu arrived immediately at the office.

Sendai : Finally !

Jintsuu : Nee-chan...

Naka : Nice to meet you admiral !

Myschin, smiling : Yes, nice to meet you too Naka...

Naka : Eh ? Why are you so happy ?

Myschin : We can finally have a third fleet !

Naka : So I was useful ?

Myschin : Yes, but Naka, please listen to me...

Naka : Yes ?

Naka noticed the admiral's serious tone in his voice

Myschin : I swear I will NEVER scrap any of your duplicates, nor do any 2-4-11 jokes with you. You are as important as any other member of our force here. I will count on you too. All I want is to let you have a peaceful life in this base with you sisters.

Naka : Eheh, I already know that.

Myschin : Eh ?

Naka : I've read the beginning of this history earlier on a website named Kancolle wikia.

The admiral, Sendai, Jintsuu and Isuzu remained speechless for several moments... (Naka ! Don't break the fourth wall just like that please !!)

Naka : Ah I'm sorry, really.

Myschin : Whatever, Naka is now in your care Sendai.

Sendai : No problemo ! Jintsuu will help me.

Jintsuu : Yes...

Myschin : Now that the third fleet is unlock, we can run more expeditions and that's good because we can clear some quests more quickly and gather more resources faster.

In the afternoon, the fleet brought back 4 more new shipgirls to the base.

Myschin : Welcome in our base ladies, I am the admiral and I want you to live a peaceful life here. If you have any questions, you can ask me later. Introduce yourselves by order of arrival please.

Ooshio : Destroyer class, Ooshio~ ! A small body with a large torpedoes ! Leave it to me.

Myschin : You seem to be an energetic girl...

Ooshio : Yes I am~ !

Myschin : I think that you are the last of the Asashio-class who came here, so enjoy your new life with your sisters !

Ooshio : Wouhou~ !

Myschin : ...Don't stand there and please go find them now, I see that you can't wait.

Ooshio : Waaah, really ?

Myschin : Yes.

Ooshio : Thank you very much commander !

She left so fast that even Shimakaze couldn't follow her.

Myschin : ... Yeah VERY energetic in fact... Next is...

Mutsuki : Me me me ! I'm Mutsuki. Let's work together !

Myschin : So you are Kisaragi's big sister ?

Mutsuki : Yes ! Is she already there ?

Myschin, laughing : Yeah, probably in a bathroom, combing his hair.

Mutsuki : Aaaah Kisaragi ! I will teach you 2 or 3 things those days !

Myschin : Do you like your sister or... ?

Mutsuki : Yes ! I need to take care of her sometimes, but she don't listen to me that often.

Myschin : I want to say 'Do your best', but Nagatsuki is already here and she seems to have some fun while messing with her.

Mutsuki : Nagatsuki knows to be obeyed when she is serious.

Myschin : Good, then our next new shipgirl is...

Murasame : Yes ye~s ! I'm the Shiratsuyu-class destroyer 'Murasame' ! Everyone, nice to meet you !

Myschin : Ah, what a shame...

Murasame : Eh, whatwhat ? Do you want to consult with me ?

Myschin : You are the third Shiratsuyu-class to come here...

Murasame : Yes, and... ?

Myschin : And Shiratsuyu herself will be the last of your four...

Murasame : Oh my, don't worry about that admiral. By the way...

Myschin : Yes ?

Murasame : Will you accompany me so that I can buy a new swimsuit ?

Myschin : You too ? Yuudachi said the same thing earlier.

Murasame : Ad-mi-ral~, it's summer, and we like to be in swimsuit with this nice weather.

Myschin : ... You are too close.

Murasame : Oops sorry sorry admiral~

Myschin : ... You try to seduce me right ?

Murasame : Maybe~, but wait until I get my remodel for that.

Myschin, sighing : Oh yeah, it will be another fantastic case... Why do I think that you will be a good friend of Kisaragi.

Murasame : Eh eh eh, but I have my best friend here.

Satsuki : I'm Satsuki. Good to meet ya !

Myschin : I've been waiting for you...

Satsuki : Ah ?

Myschin : Yes, you are such a cutie.

Satsuki immediately started to blush.

Satsuki : B-b-but I speak like a tomboy ! I'm so boyish too you know ?

Myschin : And ? I like you the way you are...

Murasame : Admiral, why do you speak with kind words to her and not to me ?

Myschin : Are you jealous ?

Murasame : Yes, a little !

Myschin : Still, you two form a strange pair.

Satsuki, Murasame : Eh ?

Myschin : One is a tomboy, the other is very girly... You could make a nice couple.

Satsuki, embarrassed : Please don't say things like that !

Myschin : I'm sorry. Now you can join your sisters.

Satsuki : Thank you commander

Murasame : And after that, can we go shopping somewhere ?

Myschin : Do as your wish.

The wrong carrier

Inazuma : Are you sure about your choice commander ?

Myschin : Yes, we really need to add at least 1 carrier in our force before trying to defend the Nansei islands. So let's put 300 fuel 30 ammo 600 steel and 400 bauxite into those 2 Recipes.

After that the admiral pushed the button to start the constructions, the timers displayed 2 hours 50 minutes and 4 hours 20 minutes.

Myschin : What kind of ship will appear with those times ?

Suna : Erm... Please tell me again who are you wishing for ?

Myschin, excited : Shoukaku or Zuikaku ! It is one of them ?!

Suna : Let's cut that out now. No, it's not a 5th CarDiv Carrier.

Myschin : Awww

Suna : You will have a bad surprise...

Myschin : Let's see, call the flame-throwing fairy please.

The fairy burned up the 2 Recipes, then the admiral opened the first one.

Ryuujou : Light aircraft carrier, Ryuujou ! Ain't my silhouette distinctive ? But, launching carrier planes one-after-another makes me a proper carrier, ya know ! You can count on me !

Myschin : ...

Ryuujou : Do I have something on my face ?

Myschin : You... You are a light carrier ?

Ryuujou : Of course I am !

Myschin : YEEES ! You are now a precious addition to our base ! Welcome light aircraft carrier Ryuujou.

Ryuujou : Oh oh ? I am that precious ?

Myschin : Yup, you are our first carrier to be assigned here. We will count on you in the near future.

Ryuujou : All right ! I'll do my best then, and I'll show you my true power !

Myschin : Good ! Now let's open that second Recipe !

A lot of smoke came out of it.

Suna : Let me tell you something Myschin, the timer you got could only led into 3 choices, the 2 Fusou-class Battleships or...

Kaga : I'm aircraft carrier Kaga. Are you my Admiral ?... I have fairly high expectations of you.

Suna : Ah, you lucky admiral ! Myschin ?

The admiral had his chin hanging a few centimeters of the soil.

Inazuma : Awawawa...

Kaga : ...

Myschin : No... Just no ! WHY ?!

Kaga : Why what ? I'm the prideful part of the 1st CarDiv you know ?

Myschin : That's the problem actually !

Kaga : Oh ? May I know in which way it is a problem ?

Myschin : Let's do that in the right order, and sorry for the earlier surprised face. So, welcome in our base. I hope you will get you mark here and live a cheerful life.

Kaga : I see... Then what ?

Myschin : Let be honest, I know that you are strong, very strong... Too strong !

Kaga : Yes, don't put me in the same bucket as the 5th CarDiv.

Myschin : That's why I didn't wanted you to come first here ! I really want to prove that the 5th CarDiv can be as skilled as you !

Kaga, menacing pokerface : Oh ?

Myschin : Kaga, I can't deny the fact that you are probably one of the most strong addition to our fleet... But unfortunately, I don't want to count on your force in the first place. I want to give everyone a fair chance, and that's include the 5th CarDiv. You are strong Kaga, but if I start to use you for now, I think it will be too easy to defeat the abyssal.

Kaga : Don't you want that in the first place ?

Myschin : No, I want to take my time and train some shipgirl who lack in power. Where is the fun when you can easily surpass your enemy without letting them get a chance ?

Kaga : Admiral, you will soon learn that we are in war. War is a terrible thing and good feelings don't have their place here.

Myschin, adjusting his glasses : Let me tell you one thing Kaga... Yes, I know that this world is in war with the abyssal fleet, but to be honest, this war is nothing compared to what I've seen before I took my position as an admiral here. The war here is difficult because there are specifics rules in this world, and I respect thoses rules.

Kaga : I see, you have some kind of powers ?

Myschin : Let's say yes.

Kaga : You have my attention now. I can see how serious you are. What are your plan for me then ?

Myschin : I will train the 5th CarDiv in order to make them my strongest carriers in the future but... I also have a plan for you Kaga. You will be a trump card, a last resort when the situation will be hard to handle with the others. Of course you will go under some training too.

Suna : Hey, you should start to train her by now because you will soon encounter some high walls on your path.

Myschin : I know, she will help us to defend the Nansei islands if we can't progress in this area.

Kaga : I see... Fine by me then. So where is Akagi now ?

Myschin : Akagi ?

Kaga : Yes Akagi, my... Beloved partner in the 1st CarDiv.

Myschin : But you are our second carrier only. Ryuujou, who came just before you, is our first carrier.

Kaga : Wait what ? You didn't managed to sink at least one enemy carrier so far ?

Myschin : We didn't tried, to be precise, I've wanted to have a carrier before that.

Kaga : I see.

Ryuujou : I won't loose to you, you demon carrier !

Kaga : Please watch your mouth little girl...

Myschin : Hep ! No fighting please. What's the problem Ryuujou ?

Ryuujou : She... She has those damn big breasts !

Myschin : ... Yes, and ?

Ryuujou, starting to cry : I have none and everyone will bully me with flattop jokes !

Myschin, pissed off : Oh oh ? Really ? Yeah, I can see that you are honest in your words, so let me tell you something Ryuujou. If anyone will make a bad joke about your chest, the culprit will have the same kind of battle that I had with Tatsuta yesterday.

Inazuma : Awawawa, isn't that punishment a bit too overkill-nanodesu ?

Myschin : Hum yes maybe, but don't worry Ryuujou, I'll promise you will be one our pride carrier, maybe not the strongest but at least one of the strongest.

Ryuujou : For real ? I mean... I'll do my best then !

Myschin : Good ! Now we will a small party with the other shipgirls, but before that, I have to do something.

Then the admiral turned on the TV screen.

Myschin : Where is Akashi's channel I wonder... Ah found it.

Akashi : Welcome, how may I help you ?

Myschin : I need to open a third reparation dock, so I've come to buy a key for it.

Akashi : No problem, you just have to pay the right amount of money for it.

Myschin : I have the money for it.

Akashi : Good, make a transfert to the Headquarters and they will send you a key for your reparation dock.

Myschin : I wonder why thoses extra docks are here but closed. We could just buy a construction set no ?

Akashi : Let's just says it's another headquarter's fancy.

Omake (Again, in french)

Myschin : Pfiou, enfin terminé avec cette partie !

Inazuma : D'accord, ça va un peu plus vite, mais le rythme n'est pas le même-nanodesu...

Myschin : Je ne peux pas faire autrement, il faut bien que je présente tout le monde. Et encore que pour certaines Kanmusus, je n'ai pas trop développé... Certaines auront l'occasion de se rattraper plus tard.

Inazuma : Vous n'avez pas dit la même chose lors du dernier Omake ?

Myschin : Peut-être, mais je ne vais pas mentir sur ce qui va venir quand même. Néanmoins je peux dire que j'ai hâte de raconter notre rencontre avec Fusou... Et peut-être aussi la fameuse 11° journée en fait. Si ce n'est pas dans la prochaine entrée de blog, ça sera forcément dans la suivante !

Inazuma : Ah, la 11° journée, comment ne pas l'oublier-nanodesu ?
[Remonter en haut du chapitre]

The earliest days - Meeting with some special cases
An auspicious meeting

Myschin : Welcome back, please report the situation.

Kako : We had to retreat because 2 Destroyers were serously damaged by the Nu-class Light Carriers, even if we managed to neutralize them without sinking them.

Myschin : I see...

Nagatsuki, seriously damaged : Tchh ! They will pay for what they have done to us !

Yayoi, seriously damaged : I'm not angry nor sad...

Myschin : It had to be expected I guess...

Inazuma : There is another problem-nanodesu. If we took the south path, we can ended meeting a battleship again instead of the boss's node.

Myschin : I think the real problem is our lack of experience and good equipment. Nagatsuki, Yayoi, please go take a rest in the repair docks.

Nagatsuki, Yayoi : Okay...

Ryuujou : Yeah, my planes aren't that good...

Myschin : Maybe you could use some of Kaga's planes ?

Ryuujou : Yeah, maybe at least for the Type 99 Dive Bomber.

Kaga : In that case, don't you want me to join the fleet ?

Myschin : It's too early for that I think.

Inazuma : We also brought back 3 new comrades in our attempts to get to the boss's node.

Myschin : Good, can you introduce yourselves, ladies ?

Ayanami : Nice to meet you. I'm Ayanami, a special class destroyer.

Samidare : My name is Samidare ! I look forward to working with you. Please leave any escort missions to me !

Oboro : I'm the Ayanami-class destroyer Oboro. I won't lose to anyone. Probably.

Myschin : Welcome in our naval base. I just want to let you live a peaceful life in this place. If you have questions, you can ask anyone here. Ayanami, you seems to be very polite actually.

Ayanami : Yes, because I'm a responsible elder sister. It's my duty to take care of my sisters.

Myschin : True, and you will be happy to learn that Shikinami & Ushio are already there.

Ayanami : It's a great new ! Thank you commander.

Oboro : Somehow, I'm happy to heard that Ushio is here. I will have to take of her... Maybe.

Myschin : Excuse me Oboro...

Oboro : Yes commander ?

Myschin : I feel that you really don't know how to make the right decisions.

Oboro : It's true... I think.

Myschin : And you're not sure about yourself too... Well, It's not really a problem.

Oboro : Are you sure ?

Myschin : Yes, it will get better with time. Just don't think too much about it. You can leave now, except you Samidare.

Samidare : Awawawa, did I already do something bad ?!

Myschin : No, don't worry, but somehow, I want to talk with you head to head.

Samidare : Eeeeh yes ?

Myschin : I think that if Inazuma wasn't among the starter ships, I probably would have chosen you instead.

Samidare : Why me ? I'm a clumsy girl you know ?

Myschin : I know but, you really try to do your best to surpass that clumsyness, it doesn't leave me indifferent... And there is the fact that many people forget that Suzukaze and you are also part of the Shiratsuyu-class.

Samidare : That, it's because our uniform is different.

Myschin : I promise I won't forget about your real class.

Samidare : Actually commander, is Suzukaze here by any chance ?

Myschin : Yes, she will very happy to take care of you.

Samidare : I'm relieved... Can I go meet her ?

Myschin : Of course. And Inazuma, can you come with me at the construction dock ?

Inazuma : What are you planning admiral-nanodesu ?

Myschin : I will try to build one more carrier, and if we fail, try crafting some equipments.

Then the admiral and Inazuma went to the construction dock while Samidare went to Suzukaze's room.

Myschin : OK, let's put the standard amount of resources for a carrier : 300 fuel, 30 ammo, 600 steel and 400 bauxite.

Inazuma : Will it be fine for our resource management ?

Myschin : Yes, don't worry. Between the regeneration cap that haven't been crossed yet, and the expeditions, il will be fine. So let's try it !

after pushing the button to start the construction, the timer displayed 2 hours 40 minutes.

Myschin : Look like it will be a Light Carrier. Instant Construction Material please !

And a few second after a round of flame-throwing, the Recipe opened up.

Shouhou : I'm the light aircraft carrier, Shouhou. Yes, I'm a little small, but please make a place for me on your fleet !

Myschin : Oooh good ! Welcome in our base Shouhou... Wait a second, you are a little small ? We are almost at the same size !

Shouhou : Ah sorry, it's an image, although we can grow a little when we are remodeled.

Myschin : And wait another second... If my research was correct, youy didn't shine that much in your previous life as a warship...

Shouhou : Yes it's true... That's why, if you make use of me, I'll surely get good results with time !

Myschin : ...

Shouhou : Admiral ?

Inazuma : Commander ? What's wrong ?

Myschin : I just realized something... You are Zuihou's sister right ?

Shouhou : My sister... Yes. Why ?

Myschin, start crying : I've missed the chance to build the carrier that I wanted the most.

Inazuma : Awawa, it's true !

Shouhou : Hey admiral...

Myschin : Yes ?

Shouhou : Please, make use of me, a lot. I want to be a proud big sister when Zuihou will come !

Myschin : You know what ? You are right ! You will become stronger and shine on the battlefield, and you will become a good big sister.

Shouhou, start crying : I'll do my best to not deceive you admiral, really thank you very much !

Myschin : Good, first you need some training. And then you will help us to defend the Nansei islands. You will team up will Ryuujou.

Encounter with the enemy carrier

Myschin : Ok Shouhou, you get some experience and we will run a recognition sortie in the fourth area now. The objective is to determinate if we can reach the boss's node in the first place. If you can't defeat them, don't worry, I won't be mad. I will also accompany you to observe the situation. I will not interfere, and you don't have to worry about anything regarding my safety, OK ?

Maya, Kako, Sendai, Inazuma, Ryuujou & Shouhou : Yes !

Myschin : Then let's go !

Compass Girls : Oh, the little admiral is here with his girls, how sweet of him !

Myschin : Your tongue is forked as always... Please spin the compass.

The needle stopped on the North-East's point.

Myschin : Great ! If things goes well, we can reach the boss's node !

They quickly defeated an enemy fleet who was led by a Ri-class Heavy Cruiser.

Myschin : Nobody took serious damage ?

Maya : Nothing but a small scratch here, all thanks to Ryuujou and Shouhou who sunk 2 of the 5 enemy ships with the aerial combat.

Sendai : Same here, nothing to worry about.

Inazuma : Ah look, is that a new comrade-nanodesu ?

The fleet approached a girl with pink hairs.

Tama : I'm the Light cruiser, Tama. I'm not a cat, meow.

Everyone : * She's TOTALLY a cat right ? *

Myschin : * Damn I want to tease her a little but it would be disrespectful toward her * Welcome in our fleet Tama. Actually, we are in the middle of a mission so... Stay back and don't interfere with the rest of the fleet please.

Tama : Meow-kay

Maya : * Damnit, I want to pat her so bad ! *

Sendai : * I'm losing my cool ! Why she acts like that ?! *

Compass girls : Look like the fleet picked up a stray cat on his way !

Myschin : Tama isn't a stray cat OK ?!

Before the compass girls realize it, Tama hissed and hit one of the little girls with her arm.

Compass girls : Ow ! How dare you ?!

Tama, seriously pissed : Never. Call. Me. Stray. Again !

Compass girls : FINE ! Then meet your demise now !

The needle of the compass pointed toward the South-East.

Myschin : Actually, I'm fine with that, because we can see now if we can survive a battle with other carriers before reaching the boss's node.

Shouhou : Enemy planes detected ! They approching our position at high speed.

Myschin : Then prepare to counter them ! Launch your planes, carriers !

Ryuujou, Shouhou : Yes admiral !

The two carrier launched their planes and an aerial began quickly after that. The planes somehow managed to wipe out some of the enemy aircrafts.

Ryuujou : We have managed to get the air superiority !

Sendai : Watch out of the torpedo bombers !

The enemy aircrafts managed to lock their torpedos on Kako and Ryuujou and they both took moderate damages !

Ryuujou : Oh no~ ! I'm in a too much of a pinch !

Kako : Youuu ! You perverted son of a bitch !

Myschin : Are you alright girls ?!

Ryuujou : I'm not in danger but I can't launch planes during the battle !

Shouhou : The enemy ships arrive !

Maya : Confirmation of the composition of the enemy fleet ! 2 Light carrier Nu-class, 1 Heavy cruiser Ri-class and 2 Destroyer Ro-class.

A fierce battle began during which Maya managed to heavy damage one of the Nu-class before he as the chance to launch his planes again, but the Ri-class also shoot at her and moderately damaged her.

Maya : Damnit, not again !

Shouhou : My turn !

Shouhou launched his planes, who quickly sunk the Ri-class. Inazuma and Sendai managed to sink the 2 enemy Destroyers, and the last Nu-class managed to inflict minor damages on Shouhou.

Shouhou : Ow ! How dare you !

At the end of the battle, the 2 enemy carriers retreated.

Myschin : Are you ok girls ?

Maya : Not really admiral. Ryuujou, Kako and I are moderately damaged, and Shouhou is slightly damaged.

Myschin : That's not good to heard.

Kako : We are fine admiral, we can advance to the next node, which is the boss's lair right ?

Myschin : Are you sure ? Nobody feel they can sink now ?

Ryuujou : Nope, none of us is heavily damaged so it's fine.

Myschin : Agreed. Then advance fleet.

Sendai : Wait a second, look like there is another new comrade here.

It was another pink-haired girl.

Shiranui : I'm Shiranui. I look forward to your guidance and encouragement.

Everyone : * Wah, a cold-looking girl, the exact opposite of Tama ! *

Myschin : Hello miss Shiranui. As the admiral here, I advise you to forget the military formalities. You arrive in an embarrassing moment...

Shiranui, pokerface : What is it... did I make a mistake ?

Myschin : No, but we are not in our greatest condition. This battle was intense actually.

Shiranui : You actually lack a lot of training.

Maya : Watch your mouth, you little...

Myschin : Stop Maya, it's not time to fight each other.

Maya : But admiral, she is harsh with all of us.

Myschin : We only intended to do a recognition mission because, of course, we are lacking some training.

Shiranui : Oh ? An admiral who admits his mistakes ? It's rare nowadays.

Myschin : I have to say that you are too strict.

Shiranui, cold looking : Is that so ? We are in war you know ? There is no place for good feelings and...

Shiranui suddenly stopped to talk.

Myschin : Hm ? Shiranui ? Are you alright ? Hey ! You're blushing !

Tama : Why are you staring at me like that-nya ?

Shiranui : Must... Pat... Her !

Shiranui quickly reached Tama's position and started to pat her head.

Shiranui, smiling : Good kitty, good kitty...

Tama : Nya...

Everyone else : ...

Maya : The hell is wrong with her ?!

Kako : She has a split personality or what ?

Sendai : Heeey, she's not that cold actually.

Inazuma : Maybe she likes cute things and can't control herself-nanodesu...

Ryuujou : Eeeh, didn't saw that coming to be honest.

Shouhou : His smile is beautiful...

Then Shiranui realized that everyone was looking at her with a touching look.

Shiranui, turning red : ... ... ... ... ...

Myschin : It's okay, don't say or try anything to kill all of us now.

Shiranui, collapsing : Auu...

Myschin : Well, we will deal with that later. Tama, please carry her.

Tama : Meow-kay.

Myschin : Let's advance and see what await us.

The fleet soon arrive at the boss's node.

Wo-class Aircraft Carrier : Oh lookie lookie, WO is that ? A damaged fleet of Shipgirls ! Let's sink them ! Planes, go !

Ryuujou : Not so fast ! Even if I'm moderately damaged, I can still launch my planes for the opening !

Ryuujou and Shouhou's planes engaged a fight with the enemys launched by Wo-class and Nu-class.

Wo-Class : Air parity hu ? Damn I wish I had bring more powerful planes !

The abyssals aircrafts managed to heavily damage Ryuujou and Kako.

Wo-Class : Yesss ! Eat that you disgusting shipgirls !

Myschin : Look at your own allies before getting excited.

Wo-Class : Hah ?

Shouhou and Ryuujou managed to sink a Ni-class Destroyer and the He-class Light Cruiser.

Wo-class : Damn you ! Go sink them Ri-class !

Maya : Do you really think that I will let you do as you want ?

The Heavy cruiser managed to heavily damage the Nu-class Light Cruiser.

Maya : How about that ?

In response, the Ri-class heavily damaged Maya as well, then Kako, Shouhou and Sendai wounded Wo-class, but not enough to even slightly damage her.

Wo-class : Well done, well done... Now I'm going to freakin' KILL YOU !

Wo-class launched her planes right on Inazuma but the Destroyer managed to avoid them.

Inazuma : You... I don't like you-nanodesu !

Inazuma manged to aim at Wo-class but the other Ni-class stepped between them and took the hit for the abyssal carrier, and the Nu-class managed to moderately damage Inazuma after that.

Sendai : Now what ? Only Inazuma and I can still fight now...

Myschin : Let's do our best ! It's Yasen time !

Sendai : Awww yeah !

Myschin : I'm counting on you Sendai !

Sendai : I will not disappoint you admiral !

Wo-class : Do it Ri-class ! Sink this Light Crusier !

But Sendai was fast enough to hit Wo-class very hard. Not enough to sink her, but enough to take her ashore. Ri-class managed to heavily damaged her, and Inazuma, in a last attempt to show her serious side, managed to sink the Nu-class Light Carrier.

Mysterious voice : Congratulations, you have won that battle with a A-Rank victory.

Myschin : Yeees ! You did it girls ! I'm so proud of you !

Kako : We can't fight anymore...

Myschin : You need a rest and you will have it as soon as we will return home.

Then a shy girl tried to engage the conversation

Isonami : U-um... my name is Isonami. Pleased to meet you.

Myschin : Oh... Pleased to meet you too Isonami. Come with us, we have nothing to do here anymore.

While the fleet returned to the naval base, the Ri-class took Wo-class with her and went to Ru-class's node in the south.

Ri-class : Bad new, we lost...

Ru-class : So we lost control in that area hu... Guess ours leaders will not be too happy about that. Let's return to our base from now. This admiral will soon encounter some of our Elites forces !

The unwanted arrival !

Myschin : I hope you will enjoy your new life in this base Isonami

Isonami : Thank you admiral, I'll do my best... Sorry if I can't speak that much, I'm still shy...

Myschin : It's not a problem at all. Just be yourself and all will be good.

Isonami : Okay.

Isonami leave the office.

Myschin : It's your turn now Shiranui...

Shiranui : I made a mistake ! I made a mistake ! I must kill myself now !

Myschin : Rejected !

Shiranui : My cold attitude ! I can't be myself if everybody know that weakness of me !

Myschin : I see no problem with that in my case.

Shiranui : But... But...

Kuroshio entered in the office.

Kuroshio : Ya can't deny ya true nature Shiranui ! Admiral, there is only one way to stop this mess with my sister.

Myschin : Which is ?

Kuroshio : Find our beloved elder sister Kagerou.

Myschin : Eh ? But that kind of things can took a long time, even with some "common" Destroyers that we met severals times since the beginning.

Kuroshio : She will come soon or later, but the sooner our sister will come, the better it will be for Shiranui's sake.

Myschin : Mmh okay, bring her in your room, I'll ensure that nobody will laugh at this, even if several of us already know the thruth... I'm still impressed by the fact that we can now advance to a whole new area... I'm a little excited about that. Let's check our quests.

The admiral turned the TV screen on.

Myschin : Hello Ooyodo, I would like to check the progress of our quests.

Ooyodo : Actually, you managed to sink one enemy carrier and the Headquarters will assign a new shipgirl to your base.

Myschin : Oh ? I hope it's not someone like Tatsuta...

Ooyodo : Fear not, it's actually a very rare ship !

Maya, Kako and Ryuujou were taking a good rest the reparations docks, when suddenly they heard a loud scream.

Maya : The heck was that ?

Ryuujou : It was a despair cry or it's just me ?

Kako was still sleeping.

Shouhou : It was the admiral right ?

Inazuma : What can make the admiral scream like that-nanodesu ?!

In the office.

Myschin : Nononono please Ooyodo ! Not now ! I want to save ours resources ! I rather want another Tatsuta instead of her !

Ooyodo : Admiral, I already told you, you can't refuse a assignment done by the Headquarters !

Myschin : Why the Headquarters are so mean with me ?!

Ooyodo : It's because you have some unique tastes admiral, most of the others admirals likes that girl and count on her.

A few seconds later, someone knocked on the office's door and a stomach growl was heard.

Myschin : Already here ?! That's too fast !

??? : Is someone here ? I'm the newly assigned shipgirl !

Myschin : ... Come in...

The door opened and revealed... Akagi.

Akagi : I'm the aircraft carrier Akagi. If you're forming a carrier division, just leave it to me.

Myschin, irritated : Urks, welcome.

Akagi, smiling : Oh ? Are you mad perhaps ?

Myschin : Yes I am !

Akagi : Why ? * Stomach growl * Oops, I'm a little hungry now. Do you have some snacks here ?

Myschin : That's why I didn't want you to come here this earlier, you vaccum cleaner.

Akagi : My my, don't flatter me like that please♥. Now give me some bauxite~

Myschin : Like hell ! Looks like I have to give you the same treatment that I gave to Tatsuta...

Suddenly, more shipgirls entered in the office.

Inazuma : Wait-nanodesu ! Don't do that admiral please !

Kaga, pokerface : I'm against it too !

Myschin : Ah...

Inazuma, starting to cry : Please admiral, I beg of you-nanodesu...

Myschin : But Inazuma...

Kaga : Leave it to me !

Myschin, Inazuma : Eh ?

Kaga : I'll take care of her. I'll give her everything she wants.

Myschin : How are you gonna do that ?

Kaga : I've recorded a new song that will be released in a few days. The Headquarters asked me personally to create a song, and they were very enthusiastic after hearing it. So they gave me an acess to an almost unlimited amount of food in compensation.

Akagi was drooling while Myschin & Inazuma remain speechless.

Myschin : Erm... Sure Kaga, do as you wish then, as long as I don't see her around the resources storage, it will be fine I guess.

Kaga, pokerface : Thank you very much admiral. Now, come with me Akagi-chan...

Akagi : Yes♥

Myschin : Did she just called her "Akagi-chan" ?

Inazuma : I've heard the same thing-nanodesu...

Myschin : I wonder if it will really be OK...


Naka randomly roamed on the Internet...

Naka : Oyyy ! This story didn't get any serious upload since a long time ! Is the author dead, lazy or something ? Let's send him a PM !

A few minutes later, the Light cruiser received a response.

Naka : Let's see... "Sorry, I farmed the Winter Event like crazy and now I have to train 35 dupes for their equipments and I don't count the newly assigned shipgirls into that number. I'm really busy and... WAIT A MINUTE ! Naka is that you ?! I already told you to do not break that damn wall !" Ohoh, don't underestimate an idol's hidden power !

Another case of broken compass

Later in the day.

Myschin : I know it's our first steps in that new area, but still. How many attempt did you do until now girls ?

Inazuma : It's the 8th time already-nanodesu...

Myschin : The compass in Cam Ranh Peninsula is even more broken than in the Coastal Refinery Zone, even if we use Light Carriers :/.

Maya : Honestly, if we can have a battleship in our fleet, it will be much easier to deal with the abyssals fleets.

Myschin : I understand perfectly the situation, let's try a construction now. Come with me Maya.

Maya : Alright !

Myschin : Let's put the regular amount of resources for a Battleship and let's see what will happen...

The timer displayed 1 hour and 25 minutes.

Myschin and Maya, together : Aww crap...

Myschin : Let's use an Instant Construction Flamethrower...

The recipe opened and revealed Choukai.

Choukai : I am Choukai. My best regards.

Maya : Wha... Choukai-nee ! What a surprise !

Choukai : Hu ? Who are you ?

Maya : Hey, no jokes please...

Myschin : Wait, why are you staring at us like that ?!

Maya : Ah, right. Hey Choukai-nee, your glasses are on your head, not on your nose, put them back !

Choukai, adjusting her glasses : Eh ? Ah... Waaaah, I'm really sorry !

Myschin : Sorry for what ?

Choukai : Staring at you like that. I'm clumsly when I don't have my glasses on my nose...

Myschin : Fear not, I'm also wearing glasses and the same thing can happen to me sometimes. Anyway, welcome in our base Choukai. Maya will teach you all you need to know about how we work here.

Choukai : I'll do my best to learn !

After the next sortie in Cam Ranh Peninsula.

Myschin : Another failure ?

Shouhou : Yes, we are really sorry admiral...

Myschin : It's alright, I guess we will not reach the boss's node until a certain time. So, I won't get mad if the compass troll us for the next few days... But I can see that you managed to find 2 new... Heavy Cruisers in the same sortie ?!

Myoukou : Hello. I am Myoukou, of the Myoukou-class Heavy Cruisers. Let us work on this together.

Nachi : You are my commander? I'm Nachi. I appreciate your contribution.

Myschin : Well... Welcome in our base ladies. Let me just warn you that I don't like that much the strictness of the military discipline.

Nachi : I see, it explain why you only wear an admiral's cap on your head ?

Myschin : Yes, and a certain number of shipgirls here are just enjoying their life as almost normal girls here. Yes I know, it's war and everything, and there will be soon a major operation but still, please take it easy. Despite my lack of serious attitude, I can lead this base correctly.

Nachi : Mmmh, okay. We will see about that... Right Myoukou ?

Myoukou : Ah... I can't take it easy just like that.

Myschin : Can I ask why ?

Myoukou : When I'm not under some war pressure, I lost my concentratio and if someone surprise me... I take heavy damage easily you know ?

Myschin : ... Wait a second, aren't you the shipgirl who has a rather known damaged pose ?

Myoukou : So you know about that ?

Myschin : I've seen it in some other admiral's bases... Well, we will deal with that later. You can dismiss now.

The 2 Heavy cruisers left the office, and the admiral was lost in thoughts.

Inazuma : Are you alright-nanodesu ? Something bother you ?

Myschin : Yes, the arrival of Myoukou and Nachi reminds me that I want to look for Ashigara too.

Shouhou : The hungry wolf ? Isn't she a little too hotblooded ?

Myschin : Well, I observed some time ago the log of a non-human admiral whose Ashigara was a great addition to his fleet...

Maya : And a hell of a dense girl when it come to revealing his feelings for her lover.

Myschin : Oh, but besides Suna who will not stay for much longer, there is no other man in this base, right ?

Shouhou : That's true.

Later in the day, the fleet tried to go to Cam Ranh Peninsula again and again.

Nagatsuki : It's useless ! No matter who is the flagship, nor who is in the fleet. We can't reach the boss's node !

Myschin : There is one thing we didn't tried so far, but I will only use it if we can't reach that area after 30 or more try...

Yayoi : Wait, aren't we close to that number ?

Myschin : I don't think so but please, take a rest for now and let the news girls found during those sorties introduce themselves.

The first girl was a twin-tailed brown-haired girl with a ladykiller aura.

Kagerou : We've finally met ! I'm Kagerou. Treat me well !

Myschin : Waaah, it took less time than I expected to found you. It's a great news for Shiranui them...

Kagerou : Ohoh... Shiranui is already here ?

Myschin : Yes, and so is Kuroshio.

Kagerou, sparkling : Humhum yeees... I will take care of my cute little sisters's sake, don't worry about that ! Expect great things from me !

Myschin : * That's why I'm not reassured about your attitude, just to say * Well, you can go find them now. Next please.

Kikuzuki : I'm Kikuzuki, let's move out together.

Myschin : ...

Kikuzuki : W-what ?

Myschin : Can I say that I think you are a very pretty girl ?

Kikuzuki : Is... Is that so ?

Myschin : Ah, maybe you are a silent-type of girl ?

Kikuzuki : I don't like being in the center of attention.

Myschin : It's ok, don't worry about that. A lot of your sisters are already here, they will take care of you.

Kikuzuki : Thank you... Very much.

Kizuki left quickly the office.

Inazuma : I can feel that she is not at ease here-nanodesu...

Myschin : I hope she will adapt well to this new life here. But if she thinks that she is all alone, then I will prove her that she's wrong... While I'm thinking about this, I hope I will soon met Shiratsuyu and Mochizuki ! Who is our next girl now ?

Furutaka : I'm Furutaka. I'll be happy to show how all the good points of heavy cruisers.

Myschin : Oh ? But I have already see a lot of good points from them.

Furutaka : Eh ?! Hmmm... Ah...

Myschin : Oops, I'm really sorry if I confused you. Please don't worry too much.

Furutaka : You seem to be a kind admiral.

Myschin : Let's say that I want to let everyone here have a peaceful life, but taking care of all of you could be hard sometimes. I apologie in advance if I don't count on you earlier on in the future.

Furutaka : It will be okay, if Kako is here...

Myschin : Yes, she is.

Furutaka, blushing : I'm... Happy... To heard this.

Myschin : ... You can go now. And our last newly assigned girl is...

Akebono : Special-type destroyer, Akebono. Hey ! Don't look at me like that !

Myschin : My apologies.

Akebono : I really can't say that you are a shitty admiral in front of the others and... I really feel you aren't one for now...

Myschin : Thank you I guess ?

Akebono : Well, it's just because you are normal for my first impression. I REALLY hope that you are not one of thoses damn perverts or that you will abuse me later.

Myschin : Abuse in the feel way ? Please don't worry about that, I'm not in that kind of bullying. I just want you to take it easy from now.

Akebono : Is that so ? Then can I ask for a request ?

Myschin : Yes ?

Akebono : I really, really don't like to fight on the battlefield. If possible, I would like to be useful in another way.

Myschin : I take note. You can now go find your sisters. We only miss Sazanami so far.

The first Extra Operation begin

In the admiral's office after the dailies constructions.

Myschin : Do I have to say that I really need a Battleship now ? Any of them will be great.

Inazuma : But you can't fight the randomness of the Constructions-nanodesu

Myschin : Look at the bright side, we met a new pair of Heavy cruisers.

Atago : I'm Atago, Admiral, please remember it, okay ?

Takao : Good morning. I'm Takao. It's great that you look like an excellent Admiral.

Myschin : ... It's the evening...

Takao : Oh my, I'm sorry admiral.

Inazuma : ...

Myschin : Damn, we managed to get the 3 missing Takao-class Heavy cruisers in 1 day, and all of them with constructions... Our resources aren't crying but damn.

Atago : Oh please admiral, we are as useful as the battleships.

Myschin : Really ? In battle capacity ?

Atago : Yes~

Myschin : But can you trigger a second shelling phase in battle ?

Atago, sighing : ... Ah. I can't do that.

Inazuma : ...

The admiral noticed that Inazuma was looking at Atago & Takao with envious eyes.

Myschin : Are you OK Inazuma ?

Inazuma : Eh ?! Ah... Hmmm...

Atago, holding her chest with his arms : Oh my, do you want to touch my chest maybe ?

Myschin : Hey, please stop that.

Atago : Why ?

Myschin : You will only make Inazuma more jealous. You have some... Curves, that is nice for you, but please don't use them to make the others jealous. You do have some others attractives points no ?

Takao : Like what ?

Myschin : I don't know, maybe your personality or hobbies ?

Atago : You don't want to be teased a little admiral ?

Myschin : Nope, I don't want some now.

The admiral began to hug Inazuma from behind

Myschin : Or maybe I just want to take care of someone for who I really care for now.

Inazuma, blushing : Awawawa...

Takao : How cute... But shouldn't you get back to work ?

Myschin : We have time, it's not like we want return into the Cam Ranh Peninsula now. Go ask Maya for it, the answer will be pretty funny.

Atago, Takao : OK.

The 2 Heavy cruisers left the office, leaving the admiral and Inazuma alone.

Inazuma : Admiral... Next time, please tell me first that you will do something like that-nanodesu...

Myschin : Yes, I'm sorry. But please, don't feel jealous because some other shipgirls may have more curves than you. I like you the way you currently are and it's the most important.

Inazuma : Really-nanodesu ?

Myschin : Remember all the shipgirls I want to meet the most ? Harusame, Zuihou, Kiyoshimo... Even the Destroyer Hime don't have any curve at all.

Inazuma : Ah, that's true.

Myschin : Do you feel better now ?

Inazuma : Yes-nanodesu.

Myschin : Good ! Now I was thinking of something. I suppose most of the girls here have enough to go into Cam Ranh Peninsula and fail everytime.

Inazuma : Yes.

Myschin : How about trying the Extra Operation in Adjacent Seas of the naval base ?

Inazuma : Eh ? Are you sure ?

Myschin : It cost nothing to try in the first place.

Several minutes later.

Myschin : So, I've learnt that we need 4 ships in the fleet in order to reach the boss's node.

Inazuma : Yes.

Myschin : And all of you have a decent level and even remodeled, don't you ?

Ikazuchi : It's true !

Myschin : And you're never sortie together as far as I can remember.

Hibiki : Correct.

Myschin : Now this is a perfect opportunity. 6th Destroyer Division, are you ready to sortie ?

Akatsuki : Yes but... Do you really think we are ready ?

Myschin : It's just a try to see what will happen, don't worry if you fail.

Several minutes later, on the way to the first node of Adjacent Seas of the naval base

Akatsuki : My sisters, I fear that our commander forget something important...

Hibiki, Ikazuchi, Inazuma : Eh ?

Myschin, through microphone : What ? But...

Akatsuki : Don't worry, we still can fight, but not in an optimistic way.

Myschin : Why ?

Akatsuki : Look, there is it. Our first battle.

Inazuma : But I see nothing here...

Hibiki : AH ! Underwater ! Submarine detected !

Myschin : ... Damn, I totally forgot about them.

Akatsuki threw a depth charge where the submarine was supposed to be.

Akatsuki : Yaa !

The depth charge exploded, revealing a new type of abyssal vessel : the Ka-class Submarine.

Akatsuki : See ? She probably expected us to fail to sink her before she attack us.

Myschin : But Akatsuki, you still have some Anti-submarine weapons...

Akatsuki : Yes, but it's a basic non-useful weapon at all. You will need to craft some ASW stuff in the future commander.

Myschin : Ah yes, true enough... But please continue the mission. As long as we can advance, it will be ok...

Suddenly, a loud voice was heard.


Inazuma : Awa ?!

The 6th DesDiv saw a white-haired girl holding a kind of spear who was looking at them.

Inazuma : Murakumo-chan ?!

Murakumo : HEY ! Don't call me like that when we are in the middle of nothing... Where is the commander anyway ?

Myschin, through microphone : Still at the naval base, I'm sorry.

Murakumo : Hmmm, I hope you will try your hardest !

Myschin : * A high-spirited personality... I'm fine with this *

Inazuma : Since we found you in the middle of a mission, you can't fight with us-nanodesu.

Murakumo : Wait ! Are you really in a mission now ? You know that this area is infested with enemy submarines ? Why don't you have any decent ASW equipment on you ?!

Hibiki : Yes and yes, but our commander didn't crafted any ASW equipment so far.

Murakumo : I'm gonna hit him when we will return to the naval base !

Myschin : Hey !

Inazuma : * Is everything will be okay ? I'm a little worried now-nanodesu... *

While the fleet went on his way through the area, they only encountered some quiet Ka-class and one Yo-Class submarine.

Ikazuchi : Hehe, this mission was easy in the end.

Hibiki : We still on it, don't lower your guard. We will arrive in the boss's node.

Ikazuchi : All thanks to Murakumo who convinced the Compass girls !

Murakumo : SHUT UP ! Speak another time about that and I'll freakin' kill you !

Inazuma : * Definitively that kind of character... I worried for nothing-nanodesu... *

Myschin : Hey, is that why the microphone was cut and I've heard nothing for a moment ?

Murakumo : Raaah !! Don't ask you dumbass !

Myschin : ...

Akatsuki : Erm, we arrived at the boss's node.

Hibiki : Torpedo incoming !

But Ikazuchi was severely hit.

Ikazuchi : What, already ! Ikazuchi will still be okay !

Akatsuki : Don't panic ! This is it, the enemy's flagship. We must sink it !

Ikazuchi : Easy to say, it's hard to aim in my current situation !

Several Depth charges were threw in the water and 2 submarines were sunk.

Inazuma : I'll show everyone Inazuma's serious side ! Yaa !

Inazuma threw her depth charge with force in the water, and it exploded right in the face of a red-glowing Ka-class Submarine, who sunk quickly after that.

Hibiki : An Elite abyssal vessel ? It has to be expected...

Myschin : Wait ! Does it mean that we already clear that map in our first try and without any ASW equipment ?

Hibiki : Yes and no commander. The Sunken Ka-class Elite will return as soon as we leave this node. We need to sink it several times in order to clear the map.

Myschin : I see.

Inazuma : We also have met a new comrade as well.

Myschin : Come back, she will present herself when you return.

Operation Decoration

Chitose : I'm Chitose. I'm the the first Japanese seaplane tender. Nice to meet you !

Myschin : Welcome in our base Chitose...

Chitose : Something bother you admiral ?

Myschin : Yes, I'm worried about you.

Chitose : Why ?

Myschin : You see, Chiyoda is already here, but she was so crazy that we had to take the decision to give her a clone of you in order to calm her.

Chitose : What do you mean by a clone of me ?

Myschin : I'm a planeswalker and I have the ability to summon various creatures with cards. I summoned a Clone who took your form in order to satisfy Chiyoda.

Chitose : Ahahah, I totally understand. My sister is hard to handle when I'm not around, but don't worry, I know her too well. I'm not in danger.

Myschin : Will it be okay ?

Chitose : Yes, as long as I can drink sometimes, it will be okay.

Myschin : Drink alcoholic beverages ?

Chitose : Erm, yes...

Myschin : I don't mind it at one condition. Please don't force someone else to drink if she don't want to in the first place.

Chitose : Wow, really ? I'm often drunk when I start... Ah.

Myschin : ... Before I took assigment here, I have met at least 2 people who could drink so much that you can't even have a chance to stand against them.

Chitose : Okay, I'll do my best to not deceive you.

Chitose left the office, leaving Murakumo face to face with the admiral and Inazuma.

Myschin : So little miss, I heard you wanted to hit me ?

Murakumo, blushing : Yes... I mean NO ! Aaah !

Myschin : Why don't you introduce yourself in the first place ?

Murakumo : I'm the Special type destroyer, fifth ship Murakumo.

Myschin : Great. What do you really think about me now you can see my face ?

Murakumo : What are you trying to do, you idiot ?!

Inazuma : Calm down Murakumo-chan, it's not a trap or anything similar.


Myschin : Ah...

Murakumo, blushing even more so that vapor start to rise from her body : Auuuu...

Myschin : OK, just listen to me and I'll not bother you for the rest of the day. First, 4 of your sisters are already there. They will explain how this base work. Second, I just want to tell that you are the third in my picking choice for a starter ship. Third... I forgot and I can see you don't evn listen... Inazuma, bring her to her sisters.

Inazuma : Yes-nanodesu.

Myschin : By the way Inazuma, you know her well I guess ?

Inazuma : We are fellow starter ships after all.

Myschin : Well, a tsundere is fine too. It will make the base more lively.

Myschin was playing his 3DS in his office.

Suna : So, in 2 days I will leave this place to return home and you will accompany me because you personally wanted to take me back. That's great and all.

Myschin : Yeah, I will have to leave the base for 2 days. I hope the girls will be fine by themselves...

Suna, irritated : Say Myschin, don't you think that something is missing here ?

Myschin : Yes, I still don't have any battleship...

Suna : NO ! I'm talking about your office !

Myschin : Eh ?

Suna : Look around you ! You don't even have a desk ! Why did you still use those cardboards ?!

Myschin : Well, I like them. It brings a personal touch.

Suna, sighing : I can't believe that. You are playing on your 3DS while lying on the ground !

Myschin : I didn't bring yet all of my gaming stuff.

Suna : Come on, take your furniture coins in the furnitures boxes and buy some now !

Myschin : Come on dude, it can't wait a little longer ? I'm in the middle of a hard Level in Donkey Kong Country Return.

Suna, pissed : JUST. DO. IT. NOW !

Myschin : Whoah okay okay !

The admiral turned on the TV Screen.

Myschin : Where is it ? Akashi's channel maybe ?

Suna : Nope, another one.

They finally found the right channel.

Myschin : Let's see... I don't have that much furniture coins...

Suna : Some furnitures are nice while being cheap ! Look at this admiral desk !

Myschin : Eeeh, nice. I'll order one now.

Suna : Pick one chest too.

Myschin : ... This Sideboard will be nice. Adding to the cart ! For the floor... This blue carpet. And for the hanging object... This flower ornament.

Suna : Good ! Now your office will look like a real office a little more.

Myschin : If you say so...

Suna : Don't worry, you will become an addict of decorations sooner or later.

Meet the Demon God

The next day, in the admiral's office.

Myschin : ... Did we finally reached this cap ?

Maya, slightly damaged : Yeah admiral... It's our 30th attempt in Cam Ranh Peninsula and we STILL haven't reached the boss's node yet once.

Myschin : Yes... Now... Now I will use our trump card. Maya, go take a bath and when you will be all OK again, I'll change the composition of the fleet.

Myschin : Now I don't care what will happen from now on. I want to advance to the next areas where we can easily find a battleship. And for that I will send our best forces in the Cam Ranh Peninsula ! You have the permission to crush the enemy force ! Even the Compass Girls if you can !

Kaga, pokerface : My, this is my first sortie with the fleet right ?

Myschin : Yes, Ryuujou and Shouhou will help you, same for Kako, Maya and Sendai. Girls, I ask you only one thing from now : bring us a victory in that damn boss node !

All of the girls, minus Kaga : Yeah !

Inazuma : You seem determined-nanodesu.

Myschin : Of course I am, we can't stay forever in this area. With our resources, we can try several times without thinking of the management.

During the sortie.

Sendai : Admiral, we are in the D node and we now wait your order for spin the compass.

Myschin : Did any of you tried to bully the Compass Girls ?

Kaga : I did.

Compass Girls : We swear that you will get rekt so hard if you reach the boss node !!

Kaga : Oh my, do I need to launch an arrow on you again ?

Compass Girls : Kuh, no ! FINE !

Myschin : Spin that compass already !

And the needle pointed the North-West.

Kaga, pokerface : Oh my, no need to thank me admiral.

Ryuujou : If we are in a dream, please don't wake me !

Shouhou : We... We are not in a dream right ?

Maya : HELL YEAH !

Kako, sleeping while standing : * zzz *

Sendai : Let's crush them !

Myschin : good luck girls !

Then the fleet headed toward the boss's node.

Sendai : Damn, what's that pressure ? It's even heavier than the time when we reached the boss's node in the Coastal Refinery Zone.

Myschin : Again ?

Kaga : There is a problem here. I don't see any enemy at all... Wait, I have something.

Kaga didn't say anything more.

Maya : Oy Kaga, what did you saw ?

Kaga : The whole enemy fleet... Is already sunk.

Sendai : Hu ?! How is that even possible ?!

Suddenly the Compass Girls appeared out of nowhere.

Compass Girls : There was a reason if we didn't send you in this node earlier !

???? : Fufufufu... So... She isn't here for this countlessth time eh ? How unfortunate. Fufufufu... AHAHAHAHAH !

Kako, who was on the verge of sleeping again, woke up quickly. Shouhou and Ryuujou started to tremble with fear.

Myschin : Girls ? What's going on ? Girls ?!

Sendai : A... Admiral... Tell me, you sent some of your evil creatures in the area right ?

Myschin : What ?! But no ! Anyone, tell me what's going on !

Maya : The enemys... Are already sunk and we didn't do anything yet. The Ru-class, 2 Wo-class, a Ri-class and 2 Ha-class are... dead ?


Shouhou : Me too !

???? : Hu ? There are another people here ? Fufufufu... How foolish !

Kako : Someone here has to do something !

Maya : O... Okay ! I'll do something.

Maya's legs were shacking.

Maya : If... If you are a shipgirl... T-Then come ! I'm ready !

???? : Fufufufu... So, you are shipgirls and not abyssals ? It's okay, I won't kill you.

Sendai, panting : We... We can trust you ?

???? : Yessss... Because I'm a shipgirl too...

Then the shape of a tall girl showed up. Then the fleet could see a black-haired girl with an ornament on the head.

Fusou : Of the two Fusou-class super-dreadnought battleships, I am the elder sister, Fusou. Please take care of me and my younger sister Yamashiro.

Kaga, pokerface : Yamashiro ? She's not here you see.

Fusou suddenly looked down on Kaga, who was smaller than her.

Fusou, smiling : Isss that sooo ? Fufufufu. How unfortunate...

Kaga : ...

Sendai : Hey Kaga, are you OK ?

Kaga, shaking in terror : I wet myself !

Fusou : Sooo ! I guess that now you found me, I have no other choice than follow you riiight ?

Shouhou : Hiii ! You... You don't have to follow us if you want !

Fusou : Ooooh ?

Myschin, serious tone : ... Girls, please endure this and bring her back.

Later, in the admiral's office.

Myschin : Good job girls. I would want to celebrate this important victory together, but look like we have to deal with another problem here.

Fusou : Sooo you are the admiral heeere ?

Myschin : Yes.

While standing on his two legs, the admiral's head was as the same height as Fusou's chest.

Myschin : You are so big...

Fusou : Yessss, I'm too big. How unfortunate. Maybe it's because I am a super-dreadnought battleship.

Myschin : Are you always in this creepy mood ?

Fusou : No... Not when I'm with my little sister Yamashiro. Why she's not here ? WHY ?!

Myschin : ... Please Fusou, at least stop emanate that creepy aura around you. You terrorize the others.

Inazuma was crying in a corner.

Sendai : Admiral, almost all the destroyers in the base have fainted !

Myschin : ... Please stop Fusou, I beg of you.

Fusou : No ! If I stop now, you will scrap me afterward.

Myschin : Any other admiral would have scrap you at this point.

Fusou : There is only 1 way for me to stop that. I have to found my dear Yamashiro !

Myschin : And what if I can help you in your research ?

Fusou : Do you reaaally think you can help meee ? I'm pretty scary after all.

Myschin : Scary ? Maybe, but I've seen worse in the past. Pretty ? Sure, you are beautiful you know ?

Fusou : ...

Myschin : And let me tell you that the misfortune you seem to carry with you could make an orgasm to someone I know, a goddess of misfortune.

Fusou : Fufufufu... You are indeed funny. Very well, I accept your offer.

Myschin : Can I ask 2 things then ?

Fusou : Huuuu ?

Myschin : You really can't be a less scary-looking, enough to not make the others faint ?

Fusou : Mayyybe...

Myschin : And the other thing is more... How can I say it. I have the feeling that you are a total lesbian for your little sister. Isn't supposed to be the other way ?

Fusou : Dooon't worry. I have a nickname, which is "Demon God" Fusou. My little sister is very obdient toward me...

Myschin : ...

Fusou : Anything else ?

Myschin : Yeah, no matter on how I look at you, you are very beautiful. If I wasn't the admiral, I would ask you to hug me like a mother and his child.

Fusou : Fufufufu, no need to worry.

Fusou began to hug the admiral in her arms.

Myschin : Bwaaah ?!

Fusou : I can feel it... You have some sort on evil aura too...

Myschin : Aaah... Maybe it's because I carry a lot of strange creatures within my Summon cards.

Fusou : How about have some night battle with me in order to feel better each other ?

Myschin, Inazuma : EH ?!

Myschin : NO WAY ! I refuse !

Fusou : As expected... How Unfortunate...

Myschin : Fusou, I need to teach you how this base work. And I have one last question for you.

Fusou : Yesss ?

Myschin : I can sense there are 3 shipgirls who are waiting on the other side of the door. How about let them come in ?

Fusou : If they think that I'm not scaaary...

Myschin : You can come girls.

Michishio, Shigure & Mogami entered in the office.

Fusou : Ah...

Mogami : We felt your arrival.

Shigure : This time for sure, I will protect you !

Michishio : Please calm down Fusou.

Fusou released the admiral and welcomed the 3 other girls.

Mogami : We will help you in your search for Yamashiro.

Fusou : I have the feeling that she is somewhere in the Bashi Island.

More randomness

Inazuma : We are terribly sorry admiral, but we failed again to reach the boss node in the Adjacent Seas of the naval base-nanodesu.

Ikazuchi : Either that or we can't sink the boss because it has more armor than usual

Myschin : Guess we just had the rookie luck on our first try... Why do I have the feeling I have made something wrong with this Extra Operation ?

Akatsuki : Commander, we also need more ASW stuff to deal with the submarines.

Myschin : Yes I know, we will try with the dailies crafts.

But the crafts weren't ASW equipment.

Myschin : Damn, I failed again. I'm really sorry girls.

Hibiki : It will come with time, don't worry.

Myschin : The good news on the other side, it's the fact that we have built 2 new friends. Please introduce yourselve.

Abukuma : H-hello, I'm Abukuma, a light cruiser.

Myschin : Can I say something ?

Abukuma : If it's about my hairs, please watch your mouth !

Myschin : No... I mean, your voice is so pitched it can hurt my ears.

Abukuma : ... Really ?

Myschin : But you are pretty and I think you can be a good friend of Murasame. And about your hairs... How many time per day did you spend to comb them ?

Abukuma : I'll never tell that to you !

Myschin : Right, I don't really care anyway.

Abukuma : I have one question... Is Kitakami here ?

Myschin : No, why did you ask ?

Abukuma : Because... Because I don't like her ! We collided in the past and my bow was heavily damaged after that !

Myschin : I see... But to be honest, I don't care about Kitakami, she is just a MVP-Thief and that level of I-do-whatever-I-want annoys me.

Abukuma : Whoa, it's the first time I see an admiral who don't like Kitakami.

Myschin : While I'm at it, didn't the Headquarters announced that your Kai ni will be available soon ?

Abukuma : Eeeeh ?! Seriously ?! But I'm still Lv1...

Myschin : Don't worry, it will come time I guess. Well, now it's the turn of this other new girl here...

Aoba : Hi, thanks for your time, I'm Aoba ! Please can I have some words !

Myschin : ... No thanks you.

Aoba : Eh ? But Where I can find scoops then ?

Myschin : I don't like paparazzi. You remind me of a son-of-a-*bip* that's I've met during my years in the Eastern Culture.

Aoba : Oh come on, I'll show you all the goods sides of my job.

Myschin, already annoyed : Like what ?

Aoba showed some pantyshot pictures.

Aoba : I can sell them to you for a cheap price !

Myschin : There are other girls there too you know ?

Aoba : I can't wait to find some lesbian pairings in this base fufufu.

Inazuma : Wha... But.

Myschin : It's okay Inazuma, don't worry. Let me guess something Aoba. You really hope to catch me in a embarrasing moment of doing something wrong to a girl here. Tell me honestly please.

Aoba : Fufufu, right ! I want to expose the shame of everyone to everyone !

Myschin : I see...

An evil aura began to emanate from the admiral.

Myschin : Then...


Myschin : How about go and interview one of my newest Kanmusu in this base ? I'm pretty sure she will be happy to answer all your questions and even pose for shameless pictures.

Inazuma : Eh ?

Aoba : REALLY ?! There is a shipgirl like that in the base ?! Where I can find her ?!

Myschin : In Mogami's room.

Aoba : Can I go now please please please ?

Myschin, smiling : Sure, sure.

Aoba left the office at an astonishing speed.

Abukuma : Whoa, she's weird...

Inazuma : Admiral...

Myschin : Don't worry Inazuma, I wasn't plan to give her the same kind of battle I've done with Tatsuta.

Inazuma : But in Mogami's room, there is...

Myschin : Yup, Fusou.

A loud scream was heard by all the people in the naval base.

Myschin : Look like that Aoba will be a quiet and docile girl from now.

During the next sortie in the Adjacent Seas of the naval base, a shipgirl was encountered on node C. When the fleet returned to the base, the new shipgirl went in admiral's office.

Kitakami : I'm light cruiser Kitakami, nice ta meet 'ya.

Myschin, displaying a sad face : ... Oh shit, Abukuma won't be happy about that...

Kitakami : Who ? I don't care that girl, as long as there are no Destroyers close to me, I will be happy.

Myschin : Yeah, you really are not the kind of shipgirl that I like...

Kitakami : Meh, I don't mind. Soon you will find why I'm one of the best shipgirls ever.

Myschin : Yeah yeah... I still have 1 question for you, if you dare answer it. What is your relation with Ooi ?

Kitakami : Ooi-chi ? She's a good pal but sometimes she's too close to me. She's here ?

Myschin : No.

Kitakami : Good, then if I can go...

Suddenly Fumizuki entered in the office.

Fumizuki : Commander~, I came to play !

Kitakami : Kuh, Destroyer ? Aah, annoying.

Fumizuki : Eh ? You don't like me ?

Fumizuki began to have tears in his eyes. The admiral immediately hide himself under his desk with Inazuma, then a bright light illuminated the office.

Myschin : Damn, that was close !

Fumizuki : Commander, Kitakami has fainted... I wonder why~

Several minutes after that incident, the admiral was chatting with Ooyodo through the TV Screen.

Myschin : Which dailies quests did I miss so far ?

Ooyodo : All of the craft / construction related ones.

Myschin : Wow, really ? Call Kuma for me, we will do some crafts and constructions.

But nothing good happened, until a new shipgirl came our of a Recipe.

Kiso : I'm Kiso. I'll bestow upon you the absolute best victory !

Kuma : Waaah, a little sister that we didn't get so far-kuma !

Kiso : Big sister ?! Aww crap, not in front of the admiral !!

Kuma : Kumaaa !

Kuma began to hug Kiso, who was not feel easy at all.

Myschin : Erm, welcome in our naval base Kiso...

Kiso : YOU ! Tell anyone about what you just saw and i'll freakin' kill you !

Myschin : ... Yes ma'am, it's not the first time that kind of situation happened...

Kiso : How can I be a delinquent if my sister hug me like that ?!

Myschin : You will be a good friend of Tenryuu.

Kiso : Get lost already !

The Communication Network

Suna : Before we leave, I'll add this channel in the TV Screen. It's a Communication Network...

Myschin : Isn't just a permanent Skype call ?

Suna : ... Yeah, if you want. With this, you will be able to talk with me when I'm back home, and with some fellow friendly admirals that I know very well.

Myschin : Oh ?

Suna : Let's see if they are online now...

Suna turned on the TV screen and selected the "Communication Network" channel.

Suna : Hello ? Is anyone here ?

??? : Suna, is that you ?

Suna : Oh hi Peluche, how are you ?

Peluche : Fine by me, and you ?

Suna : I'm with a fellow friend who is now an admiral, like you and Cap'tain Fist.

Peluche : Oooh, that's good to heard !

Myschin : Hello miss Peluche.

Peluche : Hello hello... Say, what is your name ?

Myschin : Name's Myschin, nice to meet you.

Peluche : I'm Peluche and I've took assigment a week ago, how about you ?

Myschin : Waaah, me too.

Peluche : Hehe, it's nice. So, who is your Starter ship and how far did you advance by now ?

Myschin : Inazuma is my Starter ship and now I can access the Bashi Islands. And you ?

Peluche : I picked Fubuki and I'm currently in the Okinoshima Island, but man, that map is freakin' hard !

Suna : You learn very quick but you still lack some Battleships, Carriers and good planes for this area... Where is Cap'tain Fist anyway ?

Peluche : Not here at the moment, she will return in 3 or 4 days.

Myschin : I have to bring Suna back to his home, so I won't be able to discuss until I return to my base.

Peluche : Okay, see you later then.

Peluche turned off his Communication Network Channel.

Suna : OK, tomorrow will be our departure, your base will be ok ?

Myschin : I trust my shipgirls. Inazuma will temporarily take command of the base and she will be assisted by some others shipgirls.

Suna : Really ?

Myschin : Come on, it's essential to have a good trust relationship. If anything goes wrong, I'll repair it when I will return.


Myschin : Pouah ! Enfin terminé cette partie !

Inazuma : Cela a prit trop de temps pour être complété...

Myschin : Pour ma défense, j'ai farmé le Winter Event comme un malade, et je suis encore en train d'entraîner les doublons que j'ai gardé pour leurs équipements.

Inazuma : ...

Myschin : Mais hey, c'est bon maintenant, je pourrais continuer à écrire notre histoire sans soucis.
[Remonter en haut du chapitre]

The earliest days - In the Nansei islands waters
Everyone's worries

Inazuma, nervous : Awawawawa
Akatsuki : Is there a problem ?
Inazuma : Of course there is ! The admiral will only return tomorrow and I'm supposed to manage the base until he return.
Akatsuki : Don't worry, it's not as if we have to deal with an abyssal attack on our base.
Inazuma : Yesterday, he talked with his friends about the upcoming operation... I heard that he really wanted to find and save Harusame... But are we ready for it ?
Akatsuki : I don't know, everything depends on where she will appears but we don't know anything for now. Just relax please.
Inazuma : Y-yes...

Shouhou : I'm worried about the fact the admiral didn't craft any other planes for us. Ours are rather weak.
Ryuujou : He said that he wanted to try to craft some ASW gears first, and it's not as if we will return defend the Nansei Island this soon. Ours planes said that the abyssal forces leaved the place after our victory.
Kaga : I don't mind for now.
Shouhou : Because you are naturally skilled. It's not my case !
Kaga : Don't worry, the admiral trust you and you scored some good results in the Cam Ranh Peninsula...
Akagi : Kagaaa, more rice please~ !
Kaga, sparkling : Yes Akagi-chan.
Ryuujou : Damn, I'm a little envious of Kaga because she can take care of a relative.
Shouhou : Yes... Somehow I can understand the admiral when he said he wanted to find my sister as soon as possible.
Ryuujou : The fact is that your sister isn't that easy to find.
Kaga : And what about me I wonder ? Am I not supposed to be hard to find ?
Shouhou : The Rookie's luck yes...

Kisaragi : How can I make an assault on the admiral if I'm not well combed ?
Nagatsuki : I'm not really sure about that part. You should forgive to approch him in his sleep for example.
Kisaragi : Why ? It's the best opportunity in the night !
Yayoi : You weren't here when the admiral showed how scary he can be to Tatsuta.
Kisaragi : Oh ? How scary he was ?
Mikazuki : Remember all the R-18 with tentacles stuff in the thin books you have in your room ? So, thoses situations are nothing compared to what the admiral did to Tatsuta !
Nagatsuki : He didn't intend to kill her but still...
Mutsuki : ...
Yayoi : ...
Kikuzuki : ...
Satsuki : ...
Fumizuki : Hey~ Mikazuki, everyone is staring at you. I wonder why~
Mikazuki : Did I said something wrong ?
Nagatsuki : Yes, how the hell did you managed to find Kisaragi's R-18 stuff and read it in the first place ?!
Mikazuki : ... Because it's not hard to find them in the first place and I'm curious okay ?!
Fumizuki : Well, that can be bad for your mental health you know~ ?
Mikazuki : What if I don't want to read the same stuff as a normal girl is supposed to read ?
Yayoi : Do whatever you want. Isn't that the admiral told us to do in the first place ?
Satsuki : You have a point here.
Mutsuki : But please please don't become the same as Akigumo !
Mikazuki : I said that I read those, not that I want to draw some !
Kikuzuki : I wonder if I can read some serious books...

Shigure : The admiral said before that I'm not the kindest girl here... I'm worried because I am supposed to be the kindest...
Fusou : Fufufu, you worry too much Shigure. Currently you aren't that strong and I'm here to protect you. What was done in the past belong to the past.
Shigure : But...
Michishio : She's right, just relax Shigure. The time when Yamashiro will come and when you will get your second remodel will come too. Even if the admiral said he wanted to give a fair chance to everyone to shine on the battlefield, no doubt that you will be one that he will train in order to make you stronger.
Shigure : ...

Suddenly, Fusou began to hug Shigure, who was took by surprise.

Michishio : I'm envious...
Mogami : I can give you a hug if you want.
Michishio, starring at Mogami : ... I'll pass my turn.
Mogami : How mean >.< !

Murasame : Which swimsuit fit me the best ?
Samidare : You are still locked on this story ?!
Yuudachi : It's summer-poi ! Of course it's important !
Suzukaze : That's the spirit, yeah !
Murasame : I need to be the sexiest possible, because I will have a wonderful night... party alone with the admiral~
Samidare : * I'm really worried about my sisters now ! *
Yuudachi : A party alone with the admiral-poi ?! How unfair ! Let me join in too-poi !
Murasame : Fufufu Yuudachi, I'm not talking about the same kind of party.
Samidare : By the way, does the admiral know about the fact that you plan to... Seduce him ?
Murasame : Of course not, but do you think that I don't know what happened to Tatsuta ?
Yuudachi : What's the meaning of seduce the admiral-poi ?
Murasame : My my Yuudachi, you still don't know about this ? Well it's better for you to not learn too soon about it.
Samidare : Wait, why are you protecting his innocence ?! Are you reasonable or not in the end ?!
Murasame : Because I'm a big sister in charge.
Suzukaze : You ask too much and worry too much Samidare ! Just relax and enjoy this moment.

Tenryuu : Hey Tatsuta, how about going to buy some swimsuits for the summer ?
Tatsuta : I'm not sure... I don't want to draw more attention on me, especially the admiral. I've learnt my lesson you know ?
Tenryuu : See ? When you're not in a creepy yandere-like mood, you can be super cute and cool, and I really love that part of you.
Tatsuta, blushing : Really... Then... Okay. I'll continue to be kind...

Kiso : ... How can you be so lazy ?!
Kuma : It's too hot outside ! Don't want to move-kuma.
Tama : Same here-nya.
Kiso : Oy Kuma, you are supposed to be the second ship of this base, don't you lack some training ?
Kuma : Maybe-kuma, but I'm not worried about that. If the admiral want to take his time in our training, I won't complain.
Kitakami : Yeah me too. This guy may be annoying at the first look, but don't worry, he will see soon or later that we are some of the best shipgirls around !

Sendai : What a waste ! Every exercice we can do when the admiral is not there don't give us real experience.
Naka : But we can improve our skills !
Sendai : There will be night battles in the upcoming operation, I want to participe in them !
Jintsuu : But nee-san, what if there is any shiplock ?
Naka : I don't think that our admiral will choose anything else than Easy mode, he took assigment not so long ago. I doubt he can even go on Normal.
Sendai : I can't wait !

Atago : Maya-chan~, you should be more girly you know ?
Maya : The heck are you saying ?
Takao : It's summer, yes. How about we go together on the beach.
Choukai : Meh ! With this heat, I can't calculate things when I'm outside.
Atago, Takao : We have weird little sisters indeed...

Kako, sleeping : * Zzzz *
Furutaka, blushing : ...
Aoba : ...
Furutaka : Hey Aoba...
Aoba : What ?
Furutaka : If I make a move on Kako-chan, will you make a scoop on the fact that I'm a shy lesbian ?
Aoba : To face admiral's wrath ? No thank you, I've learned my lesson !
Furutaka : Aaah, why I can't say directly to Kako that I love her ?
Kako, still sleeping : Furutaka... Zzzz... Cute...
Furutaka, nosebleeding : Auuu ! * Collapse *
Aoba : To think that I would worry myself about my sisters like that...

Admiral's return

In the evening of the second day after he left the base, the admiral came back to the naval base.

Myschin : I'm back. Sorry if you have worried about me.
Inazuma : Welcome back-nanodesu...
Akatsuki : Inazuma was indeed worried because she had a lot of pressure on her shoulders, but in the end, everything went fine.
Myschin : I'm glad to hear that. Shall we return to our business now ? Let's do the daily quests. I'll give you a warm time after we're done with them.

No new comrade was built today, but a nice surprise came while crafting some equipments.

Myschin : Is this a... Sonar ?
Akatsuki : Yes, it's the Type 93 Passive Sonar, it will help us to detect enemy submarines.
Myschin : And the last equipement before we craft this was... A Type 94 Depth Charge right ?
Akatsuki : Yes. You should equip those 2 gears on one of us, it will give us a nice boost.
Myschin : Yes, but we need to craft more of those things, and they don't come out that easily.

1 sortie on 1-5 later.

Inazuma : Awawawa...
Akatsuki, moderately damaged : ...
Hibiki : Huzzah...
Ikazuchi : Yeah yeah, it's great that we have some ASW gear, but we definitively need more.
Inazuma : I'm sorry ! It's hard to aim correctly when there is still a lot of enemy submarines-nanodesu.
Myschin : Go take a bath and a rest after that. We'll continue tomorrow.
Ikazuchi : Yay, thank you commander !
Inazuma : ...

While Ikazuchi and Hibiki leave the office, Akatsuki noticed that Inazuma was fidgeting his fingers and blushing. The older sister left the office, wishing a good luck to his little sister.

Myschin : You don't want to take a rest ?
Inazuma : Commander, do you remember went you said earlier that we can ask anything to you ?
Myschin : Yes ?
Inazuma, blushing : Then... This night, and even right now... Can I rest with you and sleep with you ?
Myschin : Eh ? Why not.
Inazuma, blushing even more : Awawawawa !
Myschin : Just, I'm gonna play some games until late night before sleeping.
Inazuma : It's fine, as long as I'm close to you.
Myschin : ... You want to decompress after those 2 days at the head of the naval base, right ?
Inazuma : Yes.
Myschin : Alright.

Later in the night, the admiral was playing on his 3DS in the bed, and Inazuma was close to him.

Inazuma : Commander... Why do you want to find Harusame that much ?
Myschin : Because she is nice and somehow innocent. I generally just love her the way she is...
Inazuma : Commander, what do you think about me ?
Myschin : ... I like you a lot, and you are very cute too. But honestly, I still don't know if I can really love you. Love in the sense of true love. I know about the marriage system but... If I marry one girl, the others will be jealous... It's possible to marry more than one person with this system but...
Inazuma : ...
Myschin : But I'm sure about ONE thing Inazuma. You are the girl that I trust the most and I promise that you will the first to reach the maximum potential a shipgirl can reach without marriage. I care about you because you are my truly first shipgirl even if I met some other before.
Inazuma : Nanodesu...
Myschin : I'm really no good for this kind of talk...
Inazuma : It's fine... I'm happy to heard that... Somehow, most of the admirals just raise their shipgirls by judging only their power and potential. I'm just a Destroyer without anything special at all, I don't even have a Kai ni...
Myschin : Don't worry, really... Ah I'm sleepy now * Yawn *
Inazuma : Please hug me while you are sleeping-nanodesu...
Myschin : Yes...

And they both fell asleep, the admiral holding Inazuma in his arms. They spent a quiet night together. In the morning, the admiral wake up earlier than Inazuma. He looked at the still sleeping girl and gave her a kiss on the forehead.

Myschin : ... Take your time... Oh wait, it's already noon.

The day they will never forget - The first ship !

In the afternoon, Inazuma and her sisters went in the 1-2 for a recon patrol.

Akatsuki : You're sparkling Inazuma.
Inazuma : Eh ? Really ?
Ikazuchi : Yeah, it's not as bright as Fumizuki, but still.
Inazuma : Erm...
Akatsuki : So, how was your private time with the admiral ?
Inazuma : Awawa !
Ikazuchi : You are so easy to read.
Inazuma : I spent a very good time...
Hibiki : Did you attack him ?
Inazuma : NO ! I'm not into this kind of things >.< !!
Hibiki : Something happened anyway ?
Inazuma : No... I just asked him to hug me for sleep, that's all.
Hibiki : Well, it's still a first step.
Akatsuki : Enough Hibiki ! We aren't all adult like you and the admiral is not a pervert as far as I know.

Several minutes later, the 6th DesDiv encountered a new comrade that they brought back to the base.

Myschin : How was the recon ?
Akatsuki : Nothing special to report, but we've met a new... Hyperactive comrade.
Shiratsuyu : Hello !! First ship of the Shiratsuyu-class destroyers, 'Shiratsuyu' ! Yes, the first ship ! I'm the number one !
Myschiiin : AAAAH !!!

The admiral immediately began to kneeling, cry, and apologize.

Myschin : I'm sooo sorry !
Shiratsuyu : Eh ? Why ?
Myschin : Because... You are the last among your sisters to came here. I'm truly sorry !!
Shiratsuyu : ...
Myschin : Forgive me !
Shiratsuyu : You know... I'm used to it... I'm in the shadow of my sisters and not well known, or just as a noisy sister... But no matter what, I'm still the big sister !!
Myschin : I swear I'll make you a proud big sister one day !
Shiratsuyu : After that my sisters reach their maximum potential for sure...
Myschin : I'm not sure, I'm still novice as an admiral. We have a long time before any of you can reach your maximum potential, because I'm not a devil trainer. I'm here to ensure that you can live a peacefull and cheerful life.
Shiratsuyu :  Eh ? You're not going to scrap me ?
Myschin : NEVER !
Shiratsuyu : ...
Myschin : I like you a lot ! I'll never scrap you. Is it not the occasion to prove otherwise ?
Shiratsuyu : Eh... But you know... To let me stay here, I'm already happy.
Myschin : I promise that someday I'll make you smile as the number one Shiratsuyu-class.

Shigure, Murasame, Yuudachi, Samidare and Suzukaze entered in the office soon after.

Yuudachi : I heard that our big sister finally came-poi !
Murasame : Fufufu, so you've come.
Shigure : Welcome.
Shiratsuyu : I'll show you ! I will be the number one someday !
Shigure, smiling : Yes yes.
Murasame : Hey, how about go buying a swimsuit for the summer ?
Samidare : You still haven't choose ?!
Suzukaze : Hahaha, it's so lively. I like that !
Myschin : Wait a second, I know ! Shiratsuyu, how about... If I give you the opportunity to wear a swimsuit before your sisters ? You will be a number one in something for the first time, for a good reason.
Yuudachi : Eeeeh ? But I, like, want to have a swimsuit too ! I can't wait !!
Murasame : Fufufu Yuudachi, you are too impatient. It will come with time, don't worry.
Myschin : In any case, I will take care of you very well Shiratsuyu. You can dismiss now.

The day they will never forget - The second encounter !

Myschin, sparkling : Ah, I can't stop to being happy right now because Shiratsuyu finally came.
Fusou : Fufufu, do you want to feel colder ?
Myschin : Not really.
Maya : Admiral, why Fusou have to sortie with us now ?
Myschin : Because we're going to the Bashi Island and even if it's look like an easy area, let's go with a decent fleet right from the beginning.
Fusou, smiling : Fufufu I'll proteeect you Maya...
Maya, shaking : You sure ?
Shouhou : Somehow, she is the strongest shipgirl in our base so...
Maya : Aaah whatever !
Myschin : At least if you fail to reach the boss's node, you will be able to sink some enemy Transport ships.

On the road to the Bashi Island...

Compass girls : Nyahahah, it's troll time !!
Fusou, smiling : Is that sooo~ ?
Compass Girls : GYAAAH ! Forgive us ! Don't kill us !!
Maya : It's the first time I see those girls actually fear for their lives.
Fusou : You just have to treat them nicely and it's all dooone~
Ryuujou : I'm not sure if you are really nice but I can't deny that it's a persuasive weapon.
Jintsuu : I... I have found some bauxite on the road...

When the fleet arrived at the boss's lair, the girls noticed a red aura around a Ri-class Heavy cruiser and a He-class Light cruiser.

Sendai : Eeeh, so they already bring some Elite forces. They took us seriously * Licking his lips * Alright, let's do this !
Ri-class Elite : We won't be defeated that easily.
Fusou : Fufufu, we'll see about that...

An intense fight began between the shipgirls and the abyssals, but Fusou was too strong, even for Ri-class Elite.

Sendai : Aww come on ! We defeated them all during the day, I can't have my night battle time !
Jintsuu : Well, it's fine...

Fusou suddenly grabbed Ri-class Elite by the neck.

Fusou : Sooo~, where is my beloved Yamashirooo ?
Ri-class Elite : Khhh, I don't know what are you talking about !
Fusou : I'll break your neck...
Myschin, through microphone : STOP THAT FUSOU !
Fusou : ...
Myschin : Release her ! We have won, that's all we need to care.
Fusou : Admiraaal, I need my Yamashiro right nooow !
Shouhou : Hey, there is someone there !
Fusou : YAMASHIRO ?!
Kongou : It's the English-born returnee, Kongou ! Nice to meet you !

The time was freeze for a second. Fusou immediately started to emanating an evil aura all over the place again.

Fusou : Yooou... are not Yamashirooo !
Myschin : ENOUGH ! Summon Faith's Fetters on Fusou right now !

Suddenly, several light ropes emerged from the water and immobilized Fusou instantly.

Fusou : Hu ?! What is that ?!
Myschin, menacing voice : I said 'Enough' Fusou ! Please calm down OK ? I'll untie you when you will be less agressive. Now come back to the base.
Kongou : Wow, it look like we will have FUN =D !

At the naval base...

Fusou, untied and holding Shigure in her hands : ...
Myschin : Good girl, good girl.
Shigure : Fusou, please.
Fusou : ... Do I have any other choice ?
Myschin : On the paper yes, but in reality, no. I'm sorry if I have to bring some of my abilities in, but you need to control yourself more for the sake of the others.
Maya : I knew it ! We can't trust her.
Myschin, menacing voice : Don't add more oil on the fire please.
Inazuma : Awawawa, please calm down everyone-nanodesu...
Myschin : ... Ah... Right... So ! I'll take responsability for this.

Then the admiral face Kongou.

Myschin : I'm really sorry if our first impression was a bad one...
Kongou, smiling : Nah, don't worry, I LIKE this kind of development too, because I can bring a SMILE and warm up the others-desu !
Myschin : Eh ?
Kongou : Well, I'm an energetic and cheerful girl you know ? I will lead your fleet to the victory for sure with my BURNING LOVE !
Fusou : ... Admiral, can I say something ?
Myschin : Please do, but watch your actions please.

Fusou began to stare at Kongou's face, who was smaller than her.

Fusou : Do you reaaally think you can took my place that easily ?
Kongou : Eh ?
Fusou : It's MY duty to lead this fleet.
Myschin : Erm, I'm still not sure about that fact BUT currently yes, Fusou is the strongest girl here.
Kongou : As long as I can be helpful to the others, I'm fine with ANYTHING-desu. If you want to stay as the strongest, it's fine too...
Fusou : ... Okay.

Fusou silently left the office with Shigure.

Kongou : Hey admiral, if you need a big sister to take care of the others, I'm perfect for this role !
Myschin : Actually, I'm worried about another fact.
Kongou : Which is ?
Myschin : Wil you try to be in love with me and force me to marry you ?
Kongou : Oh come on, admiral. I'm not this kind of girl. Don't you have already some lovers there ?
Inazuma, blushing : ...
Myschin : Don't know if I can say 'Lover' by now, but sure, there are some girls for which I care much than others... It remind me one last thing Kongou.
Kongou : Yes ?
Myschin : Are you addicted to black tea to the point you will turn into a 'Black tea demon' if you can't get your ?
Kongou : Always got to make time for tea-time, but I'm not sure if I will turn into a demon.

Kongou : Since Fusou need some rest, I'll lead the fleet this time-desu !
Myschin : It's just a recon mission in the Eastern Orel Bay. For the best, you will clear the area and for the worst, sink some transport ships.
Kongou : Okay everyone ! Time for sortie ! FOLLOW ME !
Myschin : I hope that everything will be okay...

Several minutes later...

Kongou, through microphone : Weeell admiral, we reached a dead end-desu...
Myschin : Did you sink the enemy transports ships ?
Kongou : YES, and we also found a strange girl
??? : How'd I am a strange girl hu ?!
Myschin : ... If it's a shipgirl, bring her back to the base.
Kongou : Okay dokay !

Back to the base, the fleet brought the new girl in the admiral's office.

Tone : I am Tone ! With my addition to the fleet, there will be no problems searching out the enemy !
Myschin : Welcome... Such an old-mannish tone you have.
Tone : Got a problem with that ?
Myschin : Nope, I'm fine with it.
Tone : So, is my little sister Chikuma here by any chance ?
Myschin : Sorry, we haven't found her yet...
Tone : Great ! Now it's my chance to prove that I'm more stronger than her ohohoh !
Myschin : You can dismiss now * I wonder what kind of little sister is this Chikuma, because Tone is... Pretty childish *

The day they will never forget - The third meeting !

Myschin : So today it's your turn to assist me in the daily constructions.
Isuzu : Admiral, you should use a carrier as your secretary and craft some planes, don't you think ?
Myschin : ASW gears is more important for now.
Isuzu : If you say so... But nothing good was crafted today.
Myschin : We still have the Shipgirls constructions. Let's put the minimal formula in each Recipe.
Isuzu : Why don't you put more ressources in the Recipes ?
Myschin : Because we did so earlier and the result was ANOTHER Tone. 1 is enough and we need to watch our resources consumption.
Isuzu : Yes yes... Look like the timers are 1 hour, the next is 22 minutes and the last is 18 minutes.
Myschin : Call the flame-thrower fairy, I don't want to wait until the constructions are finished.

The first two Recipes revealed Natori and Murasame, but it took a little longer to open the last one.

Myschin : What does it means ?
Isuzu : I don't know, there is too much smoke there.
Myschin : It was only 18 minutes right ? It can't be anything rare... Unless it's Yayoi again...

The shape of a girl appeared in the smoke, which proved to be a brown/orange-haired girl with glasses.

Mochizuki : Hmm ? Ah, I'm Mochizuki.
Myschin, Isuzu : ...

The admiral and Isuzu where stunned for a moment, until...

Shiratsuyu, passing by : Admiral ? Admiral ?! Are you fine ?
Mochizuki : * Yawn * ... Sleepy...
Shiratsuyu : Oooh, aren't you the shipgirl the admiral was looking for ?
Mochizuki : ... That would explain why he is so shocked ?
Shiratsuyu : Hey, wake up admiral ! Wake up !
Myschin : Hu ? Ah... Oh my godness... What just happened.
Mochizuki : You just craft me, that's all.
Myschin : Uwaaah, finally !

The admiral began to hug Mochizuki.

Myschin : I was looking for you for so long !
Mochizuki : Is that so ?
Myschin : I'm so happy right now... First Shiratsuyu, then Kongou and finally you Mochizuki. I'll never forgive this day. All of the Mutsuki-class, minus Uzuki, are now reunited.
Mochizuki : Oh nice... But let me warm you admiral, I'm a pure slacker.
Myschin : It don't bother me, sometimes I can slack too...
Mochizuki : Oooh ? Really ?
Myschin : Yeah, I like to play video games...
Mochizuki, suddenly sparkling and motivated : VIDEO GAMES ?!
Myschin : ... Wait, are you a gamer ?
Mochizuki : Of course I am !
Myschin : Wow... Then I think you will really enjoy your new life in this base ^^.

In the evening, there was a nice gaming party in the naval base. Shiratsuyu and Mochizuki quickly became best friends together and Fusou happily smiled for the first time, much to the surprise of the others.

Announcing Abukuma Kai ni

The next morning, most of the shipgirls and the admiral have a rude awakening.

Myschin : Damn, we stayed awake until the dawn, just playing video games * Yawn * ... Still want to sleep... Mmmh ? A notification from Akashi ? OK, I'll come.

The admiral went to his office and turned on the TV screen.

Akashi : Greetings admiral, how are you ?
Myschin : Good morning Akashi... Still so sleepy...
Akashi : Oooh, but I have a lot of news for you. Ooyodo was absent, so I am the one in charge to inform you about several changements for now.
Myschin : Like what ?
Akashi : Abukuma can now be remodeled a second time with a Blueprint !
Myschin : ... Great, I don't have any Blueprint at all you know ?
Akashi : But she can now equip Daihatsu-class Landing Craft and Type A Ko-hyoteki !
Myschin : Two equipments I still don't have. I need to train Chitose and Chiyoda for some.
Akashi : And you can improve Type 32 Radar with the help of Ise or Hyuuga !
Myschin : ... Anything else ?
Akashi : Yes you can now reach's Kis Island's boss lair with 1CL 5DD instead of 6DD !
Myschin : Akashi...
Akashi : Yes ?
Myschin : I'm still a newly assigned admiral ! How the heck I am supposed to use those informations ?
Akashi : Well, you take your time, some other new admrals have already reached advanced areas and use greats equipments on greats shipgirls.
Myschin : Point taken, I'm sorry... Wait a second Akashi.
Akashi : Hmmm ?
Myschin : Are you... Naked under your apron ?!
Akashi : No ! I'm wearing a swimsuit ! It's summer you know ?
Myschin : Ah yes...
Akashi : Some of other shipgirls also wear swimsuit, like Littorio.
Myschin : Even the best admirals in the nearby of Hashirajima anchorage can't find Littorio !
Akashi : But veterans have her so...
Myschin : Anyway thank you for the informations Akashi.

The admiral headed to the kitchen next to the office.

Myschin : Need to prepare something to eat, I'm so hungry.

As he entered in the kitchen, the admiral noticed that someone was already there.

Myschin : Tenryuu ?
Tenryuu : Yo admiral ! Howdy ?
Myschin : I'm fine... Wait, you're wearing a swimwuit too ?
Tenryuu : Yeah ! How is it ?
Myschin : It seems old-fashioned but still very nice in my opinion.
Tatsuta : Admiral, you can't say it's old-fashioned...
Myschin : Hey, it's the impression I have and I don't really understand fashion in the first place you know ?
Tatsuta : I'm really sorry, please don't punish me again !
Myschin : Come on, it's fine.

After a quick breakfast, the admiral returned in his office, then suddenly.

Yuudachi : Admiral-poi ! I, like, have decided which swimsuit I want-poi !
Myschin : Hu ? What ?
Yuudachi : And I want to eat shaved ice and Yakisoba-poi !
Myschin : But Yuudachi, you still didn't get remodeled. Doesn't it comes with you remodel ?
Yuudachi : Then hurry up and make me stronger-poi !
Myschin : Ah wait Yuudachi... Wait I said !
Yuudachi : Poooiii !
Myschin : Sit !

The destroyed sit down in a instant.

Myschin : Are you sure you are not a real dog in human form or something like that ?
Yuudachi : No, not at all-poi.
Myschin : Then just wait patiently until your remodel, then you will get your swimsuit and your food okay ?
Yuudachi : Okaaay !

Yuudachi quickly left the office, but the admiral noticed that Shigure was looking from the door all the time.

Myschin : Don't be shy Shigure, come in.
Shigure : Admiral... I... Can I ask you something ?
Myschin : Of course you can.
Shigure : Then... Can I have a swimsuit too ?
Myschin : ... Oh man, look like I have to train all of you before I was overwhelmed with those kind of requests !

Later in the day...

Myschin : So, we managed to craft another set of ASW equipment and that time we even crafted a powerful Type 3 SONAR, how was your sortie ?
Akatsuki : Same as usual, we failed to kill the boss.
Inazuma : And we can't reach it everytime-nanodesu...
Ikazuchi : It's better but not enough admiral !
Hibiki : Huzzah !
Myschin : And I suppose you didn't find any submarine Shipgirl at all ?
Akatsuki : None so far, sorry admiral...
Myschin : Well I suppose that they will be not happy to go into the Eastern Orel Bay after all, though I don't plan to let them go here in the first place.

Shiratsuyu, Maya, Fusou, Kongou, Ryuujou and Shouhou went into the Eastern Orel Bay soon after.

Maya, through microphone : Admiral, there is a lot of fuel everywhere in this area !
Myschin : Somehow I understand why other admirals send Submarines fleets everytime here.
Kongou : Admiral, we reached the boss's node, but there is a problem-desu !
Myschin : Which is ?
Fusou : They bring Elite Battleship to fight us...
Myschin : ... Kongou, can you protect the others ?
Kongou : Yes OF COURSE, why ?
Myschin : Fusou, I give you the autorisation to unleash your evil aura. I won't punish you as long as the others are safe. Please don't kill the enemies.
Fusou : Very weeell admiraaal !

After an unseen awesome battle, the fleet returned in the base.

Myschin : Can someone other than Fusou report the situation ?
Kongou : Beside the fact that some of us took some damages... It was a crushing victory for us-desu.
Myschin : Well, they bring Elite Battleships after all. And we can now advance to the Okinoshima Island...
Maya : Well admiral, it will be wise to prepare this battle with great precautions. The enemy fleet left the Eastern Orel Bay but we heard the abyssals talking about bringing even more powerful vessels in Okinoshima Island.
Myschin : Don't worry, I know from the Communication Network with my fellow friends and mentor that this area is a whole harder than before. Starting from now, we will try to craft some planes for the carriers.
Shouhou : This is a great news to hear.

On the Communication Network...

Myschin : Finally able to reach Okinoshima Island.
Peluche : Great, but good luck, this map is hard !
Myschin : I need to strengthen my fleet. 2 Battleship are not enough I guess.
Suna : Yes, standard composition for this map is usually 4BB and 2CV...
Peluche : You can use submarines, but it will be very hard to reach the boss's area.
Myschin : I don't have any submarine so far, and one Carrier...
Suna : Liar, you have Kaga AND Akagi !
Myschin : Akagi only think about eat and play with Kaga, I don't count her.
Suna : You just make the mission even more harder without her.
Myschin : Well I don't have any good planes and I still have to craft other Carriers too.
Peluche : By the way, you said you have 2 Battleships. I know you have Fusou, who is the other ?
Myschin : Kongou.
Peluche : GIMME please !!
Myschin : Eh ?
Peluche : I only miss her in my fleet, her sisters are waiting for her !
Myschin : Funny, I hope her sisters will come as soon as possible in my case X)

Enter the 2nd CarDiv

The next day, during dailies constructions.

Myschin : It's the first time I see a timer with 4 hours and 10 minutes. It is a Carrier Recipe ?
Ryuujou : Yup, for sure it's one.
Myschin : For sure it's Shoukaku or Zuikaku ! Call the flame-thrower fairy !

After a few seconds...

Soryuu : I'm aircraft carrier Souryuu. If you're making a carrier task force, count me in !
Myschin, sad : Awww crap, it's not the 5th CarDiv.
Soryuu : Cheers up admiral, I'm a good carrier too !
Myschin : Yes I know. Well, our cranes sisters will come with time too. Welcome in the base Soryuu. You will find several Carriers here. Also, since you are a regular Carrier, you will follow some exercice in order to make you stronger. We need another strong regular carrier if we want to go to Okinoshima Island.
Soryuu : OK, I'll do my best !

Later, in the admiral's office

Myschin : Since we need some preparations before going to Okinoshima Island, I will organise some training sessions in Bashi Island. Fusou, Kongou, Kaga and Soryuu are on the top priority. The others will train with them as well.
Yuudachi : I can't wait-poi !
Mochizuki : Urks, are we really need to do this commander ?
Myschin : Yes but if you do it, maybe I'll let you play some of my greats old games like Super Castlevania IV...
Mochizuki, sparkling : Count me in too !
Myschin, smiling : * So easy... * Also I'll make pancakes this night.
Destroyers, drooling : Pancakes !!
Maya : Hey admiral, I hope you are good at cooking, because the destroyers will be really pissed if you fail.
Myschin : Don't worry, I can trust my skill.

Later in the day.

Myschin : Look like the training sessions allow us to find more comrades ! That's actually very nice ! Please introduce yourselves ladies.
Haguro : I'm Haguro. I'm the youngest of the Myoukou-class heavy cruiser sisters. U-um... I'm sorry !
Myschin : ... And here we go as expected.
Haguro : Uwaaah ! So sorry if I'm shy !!
Myschin : I'm talking about the fact that Ashigara will be the last to join the base. The same happened with Mochizuki and Naka but... Oh well, welcome Haguro. Your sisters will explain everything you need to know about this base.
Haguro : I will do my best... I hope...
Myschin : Don't force yourself... Next girl please.
Chikuma : Pleased to meet you. 2nd of the Tone-class, Chikuma.
Myschin : ...
Chikuma : Something wrong admiral ?
Myschin : Yeah, you're freakin' taller than Tone, are you sure you are his LITTLE sister ?!
Chikuma : Fufufu yes admiral. Tone is such a child sometimes. I hope she didn't do anything bad ?
Myschin : Actually nope but man, you're more elder sister than your elder sister, that's... Original. And our last newcomer is...
Jun'You, holding a alcohol bootle : Ex-merchant ship aircraft carrier, Junyo~ ! Woohoo !
Myschin : Heavy drunkard right ?
Jun'You : You're sooo right !
Myschin : Well, as long as you don't force the others to drink and if you do some training sometimes, I'm fine with you.
Jun'You, suddenly sober : Eeeh ? Like, seriously ?
Myschin : Chitose is already there and before I took my assigment here, I've met more heavier drunkards than you so I'm fine.

First major victory

Myschin : Okay girls, since we managed to craft a 3rd ASW gears set, your result improved right ?
Akatsuki : Yes, even if sometimes we reach a dead end with powerful enemies, we managed to win 2 more times against these submarines.
Myschin : We need 1 last victory to achieve total success. Do you think you can do it now ?
Ikazuchi : Of course commander ! You can rely on us !
Inazuma : Let's take a short break before-nanodesu...
Myschin : Please do.

Several minutes later, on the road to the boss's lair in the Adjacent Seas of the Naval Base.

Inazuma : I'm so nervous !
Hibiki : Yeah, you are shaking too much. Relax, it's just another mission like any other, the boss won't be stronger.
Akatsuki : Hibiki is right, calm down and everything will be fine. Take Ikazuchi as an example.

Said Ikazuchi was soon hit by another torpedo.

Akatsuki : ... Well forgive that Inazuma, your sister is a little too carefree...
Hibiki : I agree.
Ikazuchi : Stop talking and commence ASW, the submarines are here !

This time, the 6th DesDiv managed to sink all the submarines, boss included.

Inazuma : We... We made it-nanodesu !
Hibiki : Huzzah !
Akatsuki : Fufufu, the admiral will be very happy about that.
Myschin, through microphone : Of course I am. You have done an excellent job ! Please return to the base, everyone is waiting for you.

When the 4 Destroyers came back, they were carried in trimph by everyone else in the base.

Myschin : This is it. Our first major victory ! All thanks to the 6th DesDiv ! Well done girls, you deserve a good rest for now.

Then the admiral turned on the TV screen.

Myschin : Greetings Ooyodo, our 6 DesDiv managed to win the battle in the Adjacent Seas of the Naval Base.
Ooyodo : The Headquarters know, they will send you a medal to reward you for your efforts.
Myschin : A medal ? Such honor...
Ooyodo : It's a common thing. Every admiral can win several medals each month, and more during the Main Operations.
Myschin : It's good to heard...
Ooyodo : Also, you can trade 4 medals to get a Blueprint.
Myschin : I'll think about it later. Now I have something to do.

The admiral called Fusou and Kongou.

Kongou : What's the matter admiral ? Why did you call just the 2 of us ?
Myschin : I said earlier in the day that I will cook pancakes for everyone, but when I saw the Destroyers drooling, I thought that it will be impossible to cook in peace because of the smell and everything...
Fusou : Sooo you want us to protect you ?
Myschin : Actually Fusou, you alone will be enough. Just emit some dark aura around the kitchen to prevent others from approaching.
Fusou : Oookay, you can count on meee !
Kongou : And what will I do ?
Myschin : I want you to help me in the cooking, also you can learn on how I make pancakes.
Kongou : OK-desu.

Several minutes later, in the kitchen.

Myschin : So you take flour, sugar and eggs. Mix them well until it become a batter, then add milk and some aroma.
Kongou : I see... Then what kind of aroma did you put in ?
Myschin : It can be anything. My favorite is Orange Blossom.
Kongou : Such great taste. The smell is good... Somehow I totally understand why did you wanted Fusou and ME to protect and help you.
Myschin : I hope the Destroyers will get used to it with time...

Howl of the Hungry Wolf

Next day, during the training sessions in Bashi Island.

Ri-Class Elite : I Won't fall that easily !
Maya : She's though ! We didn't sink her during our day battle. What should we do admiral ? Go in Yasen to finish her ?
Myschin, through microphone : No, come back.
Sendai : WHAT ?! But, my night battle time !!
Myschin : We aren't monsters. The opponents were strong. They deserve a chance to stand too.

Later in the admiral's office.

Sendai : The heck is worng with you ?! Why I can't have my beloved Yasen time ?!
Myschin : Put yourself in the place of that Ri-class. Do you think you will enjoy to be crushed everytime without doing anything to defend yourself ? We managed to get a A-Rank victory and nobody in the fleet took significant damage, so it's good.
Shouhou : Erm, that's true but... Does it means that you consider the fact that the abyssals can feel those kind of things ?
Myschin : Yeah, they aren't heartless. That Ri-class has some determination. I want to give her a fair fight sometimes. And I won't argue again to the fact that we are in war and blablabla. It's my way to do it. If anything will went wrong, I'll take my responsability, got it ?
Other shipgirls : Yes admiral.
Myschin : Now, go take a break.

The others girls left the office, but Inazuma didn't.

Inazuma : Commander... You want to spare the abyssals too, right ?
Myschin : Yeah, if I can save some of them, I will do so
Inazuma : I'm glad to heard that-nanodesu...

A few sorties later...

Jintsuu : Admiral, my sister Sendai took heavy damages, I wonder why...
Myschin : Easy to guess since we didn't go in night battle.
???? : I just heard "Battle" do I ?!
Myschin : The heck was that ?
Jintsuu : Ah, it's a new comrade that we found in the Bashi Island...
Myschin : Let her come in the office.
Ashigara : I'm Ashigara. My specialty is surface combat. Nice to meet you.
Myschin : Ohohoh ! Finally !
Ashigara : Eh ?
Myschin : I was looking for you, Hungry Wolf !
Ashigara : ...
Myschin : Why the surprised face ?
Ashigara : Because it's rare to see an admiral who was actually looking for me...
Myschin : Ah ?
Ashigara : Hum yeah, didn't you heard me before, when you said the word "Battle", I had a hot-blooded reaction.
Myschin : ... Really ?
Ashigara : For sure.
Myschin : But you're looking fine here, a charming lady to add more... But let's see... A large battle will soon occur...

Ashigara immediately unsheathe his 20,3cm Twin Gun mount.

Myschin : ... Yeah, that's pretty funny indeed.
Ashigara : Aww come on ! Don't tease me like that !
Myschin : Ah my bad, but you will need to be stronger because I plan to rely on you in the future.
Ashigara : Ah ? Me ? Why not my sisters too ?
Myschin : Haguro is too shy, Nachi is too strict and Myoukou is too... Weird when she get damaged.

The 3 Heavy cruisers sneezed together.

Ashigara : And I'm too hot-blooded when it comes to a battle.
Myschin : "Shoot first and ask questions later" Type ? As long as you don't kill your opponents but win the battle, I'm fine with you.
Ashigara : ... Then I will do my best to don't deceive you admiral !
Myschin : Good ! You will team with Maya in order to become stronger.

Ashigara : Awoooh ! I'm the Hungry Wolf ! Victory is calling for me !!
Maya : Whoah, you sure are high-spirited.
Ashigara : So you're the Maya-san that the admiral have speaked about ? It's a great honor to be in your care.
Maya : Well erm... Not sure if I can be a good teacher...
Shiratsuyu : Erm Maya, we are in the middle of a battle...
Ri-Class Elite : Do you think I'll let you do as you please ?!

Maya was slightly damaged.

Maya, very angry : The hell... !? Don't mess with me !

Maya sank the Ri-class Elite in one shot.

Ashigara, sparkling : WOW ! You did great ! I'm envious !
Maya, embarassed : Eeeh...
Shiratsuyu : Ah ! I'm the first to spot a new comrade !
Jintsuu : * Do you really need to say that you are the first for this kind of things ? *
Kongou : OH SHIT ! It's HER !

Later, in the admiral's office.

Nagatsuki : Commander, your pancakes were great... Will you make some others ?
Myschin : Yeah, for sure, but later.
Nagatsuki : I want to rest with you for the entire day...
Myschin : Fine by me.

Nagatsuki started to blush a little when suddenly, some loud voices were heard.

Kongou : Get your hands off I said-desu !
???? : But Onee-samaaa !
Kongou : Maya, Ashigara, help me to deal with that pot of glue !
Myschin : The heck ig going on here ?
Nagatsuki : Erf, it will be noisy again... Sorry commander, I'll go in a quieter place.

After Nagatsuki left the office by another door, Kongou entered in by the front door with Maya, Ashigara and a new comrade sticked to the battleship.

Kongou : Admiraaal-desu ! Help me !
Myschin : Wait, since when Yousuke Hanamura is stick to you Kongou ?!
Hiei : Wrong ! I'm Hiei, Kongou Onee-sama's sister. I'm looking forward to gaining experience and getting closer to my sister's brilliance.
Kongou : Stop sticking to me !
Hiei : But onee-sama !
Myschin : Oh well, another case of lesbian shipgirl I guess.
Hiei, thinking very hard : Le-le-lesbian ?!
Kongou : Crap ! You have awakened something in her admiral !!
Myschin : ... Ah.
Hiei : Aaah Onee-samaaa~

Kongou was about to cry.

Myschin : Hiei, please stop.
Hiei : ...
Myschin : Let Kongou take a break would you ? How did you survive until now ?
Hiei : I have a dakimakura with onee-sama figure on it !
Myschin : Wut ?!
Hiei : I'm Onee-sama's biggest fan ! Don't underestimate me !
Myschin : Yeah yeah... But right now Kongou need to take a bath so... Leave her for an instant would you ?
Hiei : A bath ? ...

The battleship began to nosebleed. What happened after that is a story that everyone wish it was a dream, but it wasn't. While Kongou took a rest in the reparation dock, Hiei suddenly came in too, only to see Kongou's Naked body. It took Fusou, all the Heavy cruiser AND some spells cast by the admiral to stop Hiei's rampage through Kongou's privacy.

The end of Fusou's lament

The admiral wake up at dawn the next morning.

Shouhou : I guess yesterday's incident with Hiei was tiring.
Myschin : Pretty much yeah, but Kongou handled the situation very well in the end. Hiei will be more wise by now. By the way Shouhou, is the training good so far ?
Shouhou : Yes. It's a little hard but since you crafted a Suisei yesterday, it's a little better.
Myschin : I'm glad to hear that.
Shouhou : But admiral, one is not enough, if you can craft more planes, it would be good for each of us carriers.
Myschin : I'll try my best, but the randomness is strong when it comes to the crafting. If some girls are wake up too, you can go train in the Bashi Island.
Shouhou : Yes admiral.

A moment later, in the admiral's office

Myschin : I don't feel sleepy but man, how the morning is long sometimes... Even If I still playing Puyo Puyo for a long time now.
Shouhou : Admiral ? Our fleet is back.
Myschin : Welcome back Shouhou. Has anything happened ?
Shouhou : Yes, we met a new comrade !
Ise : Super-dreadnought, 1st of the Ise-class, Ise. Setting off !
Myschin : Woah ! Nice ! But aren't your turrets heavy ? You have so many that I can barely see your sword.
Ise : Are my turrets heavy ? Not at all.
Myschin : So you are strong ?
Ise : Yeah pretty much...

Suddenly, Fusou entered the office with an evil aura around her.

Fusou : I wooon't give my place to youuu !
Myschin : What now Fusou ? She just came now, there is no way she can take your place you know ?
Ise : Oh Fusou, howdy ?
Fusou : Don't talk to me with this friendly tone ! We're enemies !
Myschin : Hu ?
Ise : I guess she's talking about our remodels into Aviation Battleships. To be fair, I can carry more seaplanes than her so that's why she's angry at me.
Myschin : ... And you say that casually and even with a smile on your face ?
Ise : Come on, why I would be depressive ? I want everyone to be happy.
Fusou : Then die for me please !
Ise : Nope Fusou-chan but don't worry, I can see that you arrived way before me, so I promise I won't took your place as the strongest Battleship there.
Fusou : ... Well, we will see if you will keep your promise.

Fusou left the office quietly.

Myschin : Impressive, you can deal so easily with Fusou. It scare me a little.
Ise : That's nothing really. Wait until Yamashiro come, she will be a nicer person.
Myschin : It's the problem actually. While the girls are training in the Bashi Island, they also search new comrades, but so far, Yamashiro wasn't found. I hope it won't take too much time to find her.
Ise : You will find her, don't worry.

Several sorties later...

Yayoi : We have found a weirdo commander...
Myschin : ... That's not how you should introduce yourself young lady.
Fubuki : Nice to meet you ! I'm Fubuki ! Thanks for having me !
Myschin : Now that I think about it, it's really funny...
Fubuki : Hu ? What are you talking about ?
Myschin : Because you are the fourth starter ship who came to our base.
Fubuki : The fourth ?! How mean for me ! I'm a main character !
Myschin : What's that "main character" delirium your talking about ?! I can't understand !
Naka, bursting out of nowhere : It's easy admiral ! It's because she's the main protagonist of the game and the anime
Myschin : You don't help me much more...
Naka : By the way, this story took too much time to be published on the Internet
Fubuki : Hey, main topic is about ME ! It's my arrival now !
Myschin : I wonder why I ranked you 4th among my starter ships, I though your personnality was flat as hell.
Fubuki : I'll show you that I deserve to be the main character !!
Myschin : Yeah yeah, you begin to be noisy. Go ask Fumizuki if you want to be a main character, she will explain in detail how it works here, especially if you insist too much.
Fubuki : Thank you very much commander !!

Fubuki left the office at light-speed. Soon after, a bright light shines through the windows.

Yayoi : You are mischevious commander...
Myschin : You think so ? Then explain me how you would deal with her ?
Yayoi : You have a point commander...
Myschin : Don't forget to tell Fubuki that all of her sisters are here.

In the middle of the afternoon, while the admiral was playing a game with Mochizuki in his office.

Mochizuki : You're pretty good !
Myschin : Same for you !

Ryuujou entered in the office.

Ryuujou : What are you playin' ?
Myschin : Old classic Crash Team Racing... Wait Ryuujou, aren't you supposed to be in Bashi Island currently ?
Ryuujou : Well... Fusou went alone and she insisted to go by herself.
Myschin, facepalm : Sigh, she really can't wait until Yamashiro's arrival...
Mochizuki : Yay I won !
Myschin : ... We have a larger worry than playing a game.
Ryuujou : If she do as she has done before joining us, she will be fine... I guess.
Myschin : What if she kill the enemies ?
Ryuujou : Do you want to go and stop her ?
Myschin : Nah, it would only worsen the situation. We just have to wait until she return. I've give her a lecture after that

And soon after...

Fusou, sparkling : I'm back.
Myschin : ...
Fusou, sparkling : Oh don't look at me with that stare, it's embarassing.
Myschin : Next time Fusou, warn me about your intentions.
Fusou, sparkling : Oh I'm really sorry about that admiral.
Myschin : More importantly, are you the same Fusou which terrified the entire base until now ?
Fusou, sparkling : Yes but this time is over now, because I have found my beloved Yamashiro.
Yamashiro, trembling : Of the two Fusou-class super-dreadnought battleships, I am the younger sister, Yamashiro. Huuu Fusou-onee-sama, could you let me go a little ?
Fusou : No. Way. <3
Yamashiro : Uuuh, I guess she will remain in that state for a long time...
Myschin : Actually... I though you were also a depressive shipgirl.
Yamashiro : I can't. My sister loves me too much and I don't want her to be unhappy...
Myschin : I see... Then someone must call Michishio, Shigure and Mogami. Looks like the Nishimura Fleet is reunited again...

In the evening, the admiral asked everyone to let the Nishimura fleet's member enjoy their reunion. Nagatsuki asked the admiral if she can rest with him for some time, which he accepted.

Fusou : Ah Yamashiro, such a wonderful day
Michishio : You are totally different now Fusou...
Yamashiro : Aaah, will everything be okay ? I'm worried...
Mogami : Don't worry, our admiral is very comprehensive, he will take care of you.
Fusou : No no no, I will take care of my beloved Yamashiro much better than him !
Yamashiro, with a submissive attitude : Yes onee-sama...
Michishio : Hey Shigure, why you don't say anything ?
Shigure, blushing : ...
Mogami : Yeah it's strange. I expected you to cry to be honest.
Shigure : Is... Is that so ?
Yamashiro : Are you feeling good ?
Shigure : Yeees... Auuu...
Michishio : She fainted ?!
Mogami : * Look like she is more than happy to see Yamashiro... It could be fun... *

Joy and tears

The next day, Yamashiro began to train with her sister, and the admiral noticed that Shigure was more shy than usual.

Myschin : Are you OK Shigure ? Your face is red...
Shigure : I'm perfectly fine. Yes I am !
Myschin : ... So why are you in the position of a stalker who want to spy the fleet's return ?
Shigure : Eh ? Erm... It's...

Mogami came and brought the admiral with her.

Mogami : Admiral, Did you noticed what happened to Shigure ?
Myschin : Her stalking attitude ?
Mogami : It's not stalking, it's... Love. Shigure is in love with Yamashiro, but she's too shy to tell the truth to the battleship.
Myschin : Ah I see... Thank for the info, I will not bother her anymore, as long as she don't hurt the others.

Later in the day, during dailies constructions.

Kaga : Why did you asked me to come and cut my beloved time with Akagi-chan admiral ?
Myschin : Well, to help me craft some planes of course...
Kaga : And why Nagatsuki is here too ?
Myschin : Because I have decided that every day, it will be a different girl who will help me for the constructions.
Nagatsuki : Commander, the Carrier Recipe shows a timer of 3 hours.
Myschin : Call the flame-thrower fairy.
Kaga : Look like it will be a light carrier...

And the Recipe opened.

Hiyou : My name is Izumo Ma... No, Hiyou. I'm an aircraft carrier. Pleased to meet you, Admiral !
Myschin : Oh ? Welcome in our base Hiyou. Are you the sister of Jun'You by any chance ?
Hiyou : Yes, I need to watch after her, because if she drinks too much, bad things can occur.
Myschin : She's already here and so far, no incident with her was reported.
Hiyou : Oh I see...
Myschin : Meet a new comrade is fine, but we also need to craft some planes. Kaga, help me.
Kaga : Yes admiral.

The first 2 tries only resulted in commons planes, but for the last try...

Kaga : Oh my, no need to thanks me admiral.
Myschin : Eh ? What is this plane ? Never see it before... It has 3 stars so for sure, it's a rare one.
Kaga : It's the strongest Torpedo bomber you can craft actually. It's a Ryuusei Kai !
Myschin : I see... It will be useful for our campaign in Okinoshima Island.

In the evening...

Myschin : So, I want to try the Naval Base Adjacent Sea Route.
Nagatsuki : And you want to rely on us for this mission ?
Myschin : Yeah but it's more a recon than anything else. Even if severals among you are remodeled, I fear that things can goes wrong...
Satsuki : Don't worry, we will be careful !
Kikuzuki : Say the most impulsive among us...
Satsuki : Hey I'm not as hot-blooded as Maya or Tenryuu to begin with.
Mikazuki : We will do our best commander !
Yayoi : Yes...
Myschin : Jintsuu will watch over you.
Jintsuu : I will do my best.

Later, on the road to the Adjacent Sea Route.

Mikazuki : The admiral kept his promise after all. We can prove that we are capable of carry out a real mission.
Nagatsuki : Don't let you guard down, it's still a dangerous area...
Jintsuu : There are enemies submarines in this area !
Satsuki : Aw crap, we dont have ASW gears on us.
Kikuzuki : Torpedoes incoming !

But fortunately, no one was harmed and the fleet can pursue his mission.

Jintsuu : It's too quiet... Way too quiet. Why do I have the feeling that we are running right into a trap ?

Then suddenly a bunch of abyssal planes came from nowhere and attack the fleet.

Jintsuu : WATCH OUT !

But unfortunalety, Mikazuki and Kikuzuki were slighly damaged, while Satsuki was heavily damaged.

Nagatsuki : Are you OK ?
Satsuki : Tchh, that hurts a lot damnit !
Yayoi : Where does those planes came from ?

Then a abyssal fleet revealed herself, and the flagship was a familiar face, except that she had now a golden aura around her.

Wo-class Flagship : Wo is there ? HELLOOO SHIPGIRLS ! What a lovely day to have my REVENGE !
Jintsuu : You ! You will pay for what you have done !
Wo-class Flagship : Wohohoho, you are not in a position to threat me ! Now SINK !

The Wo-class launched more planes on the shipgirls. Nagatsuki tried to shoot some of them but Yayoi took heavy damages too

Yayoi : That does it... I'm not angry... I'm not.. angry...
Wo-class Flagship : Wohohoho, strike ! Now WO is in a bad position ?

Jintsuu looked at the abyssal carrier with a death glare but she knew that she can't do anything against her.

Myschin, through microphone : RETREAT NOW !
Wo-class Flagship : Wohohoho ! That's right, run you cowards ! And come again ! I'll rekt you as many time as you will wish !

Back at the base, the admiral ran to the docks to see the fleet coming back.

Jintsuu : So sorry admiral, we failed...
Mikazuki, sad : We... We have failed your expectations... It's such a shame...
Myschin : Off with the apologies ! You managed to return alive, that's all that matters to me right now ! We can't win everytime too...
Satsuki : It hurts...
Yayoi : I'm... Not... Angry...
Myschin : Girls, what I have told you before ? To throw away the formalities. It's okay, you can cry if you want.

Satsuki and Yayoi collapsed in tears

Satsuki, crying : Uwaaah !
Yayoi, silently crying : ...
Nagatsuki : Damn, if only I have shot more of thoses planes.
Myschin : It's okay, don't worry about that. We need more preparations. It's my fault in the first place. I just wanted to see if we are capable to advance in this area... Look like it's not the case from now. Go take a rest in the reparation dock. You will spend the next day in the base to recover.


Inazuma : Cela a prit beaucoup trop de temps pour paraître-nanodesu !

Myschin : Désolé, mais entre le Winter Event et ma vie privée + le fait de devoir écrire en anglais, langue qui n'est pas ma langue maternelle...

Inazuma : Je suppose qu'il vaut mieux tard que jamais...

Myschin : C'est ça, surtout que la prochaine partie sera consacrée à la conquête d'Okinoshima Island... Puis la suivante sera centrée sur le Summer Event !
[Remonter en haut du chapitre]

The earliest days - The Okinoshima Islands campaign
The titles are not influenced by Shiratsuyu at all !

First try

Inazuma : What are you looking at ?
Myschin : Several datas... I wonder if we can try to go in this Okinoshima Island...
Inazuma : Are you sure this is a good idea ?
Myschin : We can't be sure until we try. Call Fusou, Kongou, Ise, Maya, Kaga and Soryuu please.

A moment later, the six shipgirls were reunited in the admiral's office.

Maya : Are you sure this is a good idea ?
Myschin : Honestly ? I'm not sure, but we need to try. You are all the strongest shipgirls in your classes in the base at the moment.
Kongou : I guess Maya is here because Hiei isn't ready yet.
Fusou : And Ise instead of my beloved Yamashiro for the same case ?
Myschin : Yes but it should be fine. We have enough equipment for everyone.
Kaga : Do you really think that our planes will be enough ?
Myschin : I'm not sure but we need to find out anyway. If anything go wrong, we will retreat immediately.

The fleet headed to the area and managed to easily win the first battle.

Maya : They already bring some Elite forces right for the first battle ? This is gonna be a tough campaign.
Kongou : It's just some Light cruisers and a Heavy cruiser, what can go wrong ?
Compass girls : Nyohohoh, maybe you already forget about us ?
Fusou : Now it's hard for me to become angry because my sweet Yamashiro is waiting for me at the base.

At the naval base, Yamashiro sneezed and start to shake in fear.

Ise : No need to become angry rght from the start. Please spin the compass fairies.
Kaga : You should speak to them with a more manacing voice.
Ise : Meh, I do things the way I want.
Compass girls : Spinning time !

And the needle pointed to the North-West.

Kongou : This is NOT GOOD at all, we gonna run out of fuel and ammo if we reach the boss !
Soryuu : What should we do admiral ?
Myschin, through microphone : Let's advance, we need to see what await us and how we can deals with the opponents fleets.

The fleet pick up some ammo they found on the road, then they encountered an abyssal fleet.

Maya : Yeah, let's rock !

The girls managed to win this time again.

Fusou : That was rather easy.
Myschin : By the way, you didn't encounter new comrades ?
Kongou : No admiral, no NEW FACE was found.
Myschin : It would be nice if we can find Shimakaze along the way. Nobody is severely injured ?
Maya : Only scratch damages here, no need to worry.
Myschin : Then advance again please.

While the fleet headed to the next node...

Soryuu : This is bad, the approaching enemy fleet has strong planes.
Kaga : So we have ! We won't be defeated that easily.

And the meeting occured.

Wo-class Aircraft Carrier Flagship : Woo ! Hellooo shipgirls ! Ready for another round of rekt time ?!
Kaga : Another ?
Myschin, realizing : AH ! That golden-glowing Wo-Class is here too ?!
Wo-class : Of course ! Wo do you think you could meet ? I'm everywhere when someone need to be sink ! Now attack planes !
Soryuu : This is bad ! They have 3 carriers on their side !
Kongou : Be careful !

The abyssal planes managed to heavy damage Ise and Kaga

Kaga : What ?! How can this be ?!
Ise : Tch, they got me !
Wo-class : STRIKE AGAIN ! Wohoho ! Now sink !

A fierce battle began between the shipgirls and the abyssals, but the latters clearly have advantage.

Myschin : Reporting the situation please.
Fusou : This is bad admiral. Ise, Kaga and Maya are heavily damaged, Soryuu and Kongou took moderate damages.
Myschin : Retreat ! It's our loss.
Wo-class : Wohohoho ! I Wock ! Come again shipgirls, we will rekt you again !

Back at the base...

Myschin : Guess we are not ready for this area yet.
Maya : I'm gonna have my revenge for sure !
Myschin : Mmmh, sorry Maya but when Hiei will be ready, she will remplace you in the fleet for this campaign. We will also need more good planes.
Kaga : Yes, please do admiral.
Myschin : That's all for today, now please take a rest, and the damaged girls, go to the docks please.

In the evening...

Myschin : OK, I know that I'm still a newly-assigned admiral, but I wish we have a submarine in our base...
Inazuma : We need to search more in the adjacent seas toward the naval base-nanodesu.

Shouhou entered in the office.

Shouhou : Ah... Hmm sorry, I'll come another day...
Myschin : Wait a second please. What do you want Shouhou.
Shouhou : Well, I was thinking of spending the night with you if you accept it, but it seems that Inazuma was faster than me.
Inazuma : I'm not planing to stay here for long...
Myschin : And I accept you offer Shouhou, please stay there.
Shouhou, blushing a little : Y-Yes, thank you admiral.

Later, after Inazuma leave the office.

Shouhou : Admiral I... I was really thinking about the fact that you really want to meet my sister as soon as possible.
Myschin : I do a Carrier-based construction everyday but I have to pray really hard...
Shouhou : I realised that I want to meet her as soon as possible too. I want to have a sister too ! Ryuujou is really nice with me, but she's more of a close friend.
Myschin : Erm... Do you feel that you could see her as your girlfriend ?
Shouhou : No... I can't do that. And I wanted to let you know about my feelings...
Myschin : Yeah, that's what I said to the girls on my first day. Do not hide what are thinking when it comes to something like this...
Shouhou : And I can't give you enough thanks because you trust me no matter what.
Myschin : You deserve a better faith than I can see in most of the others bases.
Shouhou : Thank you admiral...

Shouhou soon fell asleep on the admiral's shoulder.

Myschin : You must be really tired... Tomorrow we will take a break I think...

First assigned swimsuit ?!

Kongou, heavily damaged : Sorry admiral... I was careless.
Ise : Nah, the compass girls are in a bad mood and the abyssals have some determination to bully us today.
Myschin : I see... Then let's take a break and we will restart the sorties for the dailies quests.

Then a happy Shiratsuyu entered the office.

Shiratsuyu : Admiral, admiral ! It's happening ! I can be remodeled now ! I will be the number one to wear a swimsuit among my sisters !
Myschin : Eeeh, nice... But Shigure and Yuudachi are already remodeled right ? Why they don't have a swimsuit ?
Shiratsuyu : As impatient as Yuudachi is, she said that she can't wear a swimsuit until her second remodel.
Myschin : Hu ? But the second remodels always come with some high levels. Most of the shipgirls here are around 20/25.
Shiratsuyu : Well, it is time for me right ?
Myschin : Alright, let's remodel you.

A few moment later, in the arsenal.

Myschin, not looking to the curtain : Are you done ?
Shiratsuyu : Give me a minute please... Ta-dah !

Shiratsuyu drew the curtain and revealed herself, wearing a white short and a black swimsuit.

Myschin : Who... Whoa...
Shiratsuyu : So ? How I am ?
Myschin : You're... You're really pretty you know ?
Shiratsuyu : Eheh, thank you admiral... AH !

Suddenly, she slipped and stumbled against the Admiral, both of them failing on the ground.

Myschin : Ow ow ow, are you alright ?
Shiratsuyu : I'm fine, thank you.
Myschin : Wait, what is that sensation ?

The admiral realized that Shiratsuyu's chest was pressing against his torso.

Myschin : Whoa... That's not good !
Shiratsuyu : Eh ?
Myschin : What if someone see us like that ?
Shiratsuyu : What do you mean ? It's a normal situation right ?
Myschin : With your large breasts pressing against me, that could be see as an attack.

Shiratsuyu rose up and start to rub her chest with his hands.

Shiratsuyu : They grow larger for sure, but they are not THAT large...
Myschin : For me it's more than usual for a regular destroyer... I fear about some others reactions.
Shiratsuyu : So admiral, do you want to play with my breasts ?
Myschin : ... No, I'm not this kind of person.
Shiratsuyu : Maybe it's true, you don't even nosebleed...

Then she pressed her chest against the admiral, who can't escape.

Shiratsuyu : I just want to show you a proof of my affection toward you.
Myschin : I prefer regular hugs from behind, not face to face.
Shiratsuyu : As your wish...

They spend 10 more minutes in this situation. Later, back in his office...

Myschin : So, with Suna's advices, we could easily start to farm submarines in the adjacent sea...
Inazuma, stare : ...
Myschin, not noticing : By using 1 aviation battleship and 1 light carrier with 2 light ships, we can secure a path to the boss's area...
Inazuma : Nanodesu...
Myschin : Hmmm ? Something wrong Inazuma.
Inazuma : Yes... You sure took your time with Shiratsuyu in the arsenal...
Myschin : ... Did you saw us ?
Inazuma : Yes.
Myschin : So you saw that we didn't do anything wrong together.
Inazuma : Yeah but... I want some affection too.
Myschin : ... Then just ask please ?
Inazuma : Wait, you can right now ?
Myschin : Yes, I was just planing a new comp for our research for submarines, but if you want some attention.
Inazuma : Then let me sit on your lap and give me a hug please.
Myschin : As you wish.

Soon after, Inazuma fell asleep.

Myschin : Damn, I can't move and I don't want to wake her...

Nagatsuki entered the office.

Nagatsuki : Ah, I bother you I guess ?
Myschin : Nah, it's fine. Do you want something ?
Nagatsuki, blushing a little : Y-yeah...
Myschin : Come, don't be shy. Take a chair and come to my side.
Nagatsuki : How can you guess what I'm thinking ?
Myschin : Remember, I'm a magician after all.
Nagatsuki : Somehow I wish I could visit those other worlds you were talking about when we met for the first time.
Myschin : I'm sure it's not really safe for your shipgirls, but maybe, in some quiet places... Actually something bother me more.
Nagatsuki : What is it ?
Myschin : The fact that Inazuma develops more attachment to me, I can easily guess she begin to feels a little jealous toward the affection I can give to others girls. It's not a bad thing, but since I'm a male and all of you are female...
Nagatsuki : Meh, you told us to not hide our feelings for others right ? Then you just have to say to her that you don't want to cut corners.
Myschin : I like how you can answer that naturally.

Later in the day, the admiral managed to explain to Inazuma what he talked about with Nagatsuki. The Destroyer accepted the situation with a honest smile and apologized for being too sentimental this earlier.

In the Evening.

Myschin : So, any report here ?
Shouhou : Our fleet can now reach the boss with a ratio of 100%, but win against the boss is still hard.
Ise : I need more Zuins for this task.
Shouhou : And sometimes we can took heavy damages from the boss itself.
Ise : But it's fine and...
Sazanami : Cut it out with the talking ! I'm here too you know ?
Myschin : Hu ? What ?
Shouhou, Ise : Ah... We forgot...
Shouhou : So yeah, while we were searching for a allied submarine, we found this energetic girl on our way to the boss's node.
Myschin : Ah I see, so why don't you introduce yourself young lady ?
Sazanami : Lady ?! I'm Ayanami-class Destroyer 'Sazanami', Master. You write it like this, but read it as 'Sazanami'.
Myschin : "Master" ?! We're not in a harem anime you know ?
Sazanami : Ah ? But that Light cruiser girls let me read the previous part of this fanfic and some ecchi stuff happened right ?
Myschin, Shouhou, Ise : ...
Myschin : You talking about Naka right ?
Sazanami : Probably.
Myschin, sighing : Oh well, guess I can't stop her for doing things like that... Anyway Sazanami, all of your sisters are here. You can dismiss and go see them.
Sazanami : Thank you very much master !

The destroyer left the office quickly.

Myschin : I just realise something...
Ise, Shouhou : ?
Myschin : Sazanami was the last "common" destroyer to come in our base if I refer to the list of known shipgirls... She's also the destroyer that I would have pick the last when I was assigned. Now we only miss "rares" destroyers.

On the Communication Network

Peluche : I'm super-excited for the upcoming Event !
Suna : ... I'm more worried than anything else, and you should be too.
Peluche : Why ? My kanmusus are strong and I have a lot of them. I could even do it with the shiplock...
Suna : I'm not sure, you weren't here the last year for AL/MI... Summer Events are the hardests in the year.
Peluche : You're too pessimistic !
Cap'tain Fist : Well...
Myschin : I'm sure I'm not ready at the moment, I don't even have the 4th fleet unlocked, I miss Kirishima and Haruna.
Peluche : I've found Kongou on my side so everything is right. I have decent resources and everything, it will be fine, really !

Peluche left the chat*

Suna : Peluche overestimates this Event and it worry me a lot.
Myschin : I don't know...
Cap'tain Fist : Meh at worst, Peluche will learn about the Events with the hard way.

First submarine !

The next day, in the adjacent sea in front of the naval base...

Ise : Ahah, well done Shouhou !
Shouhou : You're not bad either !
Sendai : Those two...
Natori : They are very friendly toward each other...
Ise : So, we managed to win a perfect victory this time and it's the second time today. I wonder if we can encounter a new friend...
Sendai, Natori : Wait, there is someone here...

Later, in the admiral's office

Shouhou : Admiral, we have found a new comrade that will make you happy to see.
Myschin : Oh ?
I-58 : Hello ! I-58 here ! You can call me Goya. I'm not bitter !
Myschin : Woah ! Well done girls ! Our first submarine is finally here.
I-58, empty eyes : So, tell me admiral, when I will start the Orel cruise ?
Myschin : Eh ? Orel Cruise ?
I-58 : You know, fuel everywhere, no break for entiere days...
Myschin : Please calm down, our resources are quite good so far and we don't need to go in Orel to found fuel. Plus, you are our first assigned submarine here. Sending you alone would be a waste of time, and you have no experience so far.
I-58, tears in the eyes : So no Orel Cruise for me ?!
Myschin : Let's just say that maybe when our resources will be low AND when we will need a lot of resources, then MAYBE we will have to do the Orel Cruise, but for now, you're gonna train with the others and act like a tank.
I-58 : Sounds good for me yay !

Unfortunately for I-58, her first sortie was a failure because she ended up heavily damaged right in the first battle, but nobody blamed her for that.

During Daily constructions.

Myschin : Say Soryuu, I do input 300 fuel, 30 ammo, 600 steel and 400 bauxite right ?
Soryuu : Yes admiral.
Myschin : So why we did end up with a Kagerou ?!
Soryuu : It can happen sometimes. Even Light carriers aren't that common with the right formula.
Myschin : Suna told me that is quite rare when it happen... Oh well, we will have another chance next time.

Later in day

Myschin : So hum, the training is quite good so far.
Fusou, sparkling : Yes admiral fufufu, the Bashi island is now where we compete to see who can be the MVP.
Myschin : Right, and now it's the turn of Yamashiro to go in the area... I wonder what Destroyer we can send with her...
Fusou : How about Shigure ?
Myschin : Eh ? Are you sure this is a good idea ?
Fusou : Sure, at least we will have a cute scene between the two.
Myschin : I guess I can give a try.

Then Shigure was called to the admiral's office.

Shigure : What is it admiral ? I was busy stalk... I mean, I was about to go to see Yamashiro and...
Myschin : Well, I want you to go to the Bashi Island with Yamashiro.
Shigure : Eh ?!
Myschin : The fleet will go as soon as you are ready.
Shigure, blushing so hard that his entire body turn bright red : Waitwaitwait a second ! I can't go just like that !!
Fusou, amused : Why not ? Now go !
Shigure : I'm not ready !!

And then, during the next sortie in Bashi Island...

Yamashiro : Aaaah, I can take a break from nee-sama's heavy affection. It's so nice.
Ashigara : We managed to go the boss's node. Let's fight and bring victory to the admiral !
Hiyou : Ah, this is bad, there is 2 Wo-class Elite at the boss's node.
Yuudachi : I don't fear them-poi ! Let's go Shigure !
Shigure, still bright red : Uuuh...
Wo-class Elite : What is that ? Did the shipgirls managed to find a way to turn into Elite shipgirls ?
Ri-class Elite : Now you say it, yeah that's true ! How is that even possible ?!
Hiyou : The heck are they talking about ? We can't trun into Elite mode...
Yuudachi : Well they talk, like, about Shigure-poi.

Everyone, including Yamashiro, turn his head to look at Shigure.

Shigure : NOOO ! Don't look at meee !

Then the abyssal planes come and heavily damaged Shigure.

Yamashiro : Curse you abyssals !

Yamashiro managed to one-shot the Wo-class who damaged Shigure.

Yamashiro : Are you alright ?!
Shigure, nosebleeding : T-T-Too...
Yamashiro : Fear not, I'll carry you back to the base.

Then Yamashiro pick up Shigure and brought her back to the base.

Shigure, barely conscious : * Too close *.

Myschin : So in the end, she is too shy to tell Yamashiro her true feeling.
Fusou : Don't worry admiral, she will success one day.

This night, Yamashiro spend the night at Shigure's recovery and fall asleep while waiting for the Destroyer to feel better. When Shigure finally feels better, she noticed that Yamashiro was here and she fainted at the same moment.

First repeated retirement

Myschin : So, it seems that Shigure really can't stand on her feets when you are around her.
Yamashiro : That poor girl...
Myschin : But I have an idea. If you put a wig on your head, maybe she will not recognize you ?
Yamashiro : Why do I have to wear a wig ?
Myschin : Well, you can do impersonate your sister.
Yamashiro, shaking : I'm not sure...
Myschin : Let's try anyway, today we will try several times to go in this Okinoshima Island and it will be a good opportunity for some Destroyers to gain more experience as the flagship.
Yamashiro : If the destroyer flagship is heavily damaged then we are forced to retreat.
Myschin : Yeah but currently it's the same as if any low-level ship was in the fleet. As for your case, let's just try once to see what will happen with Shigure.

For the first attempt, Shigure, Yamashiro who wearing a wig and looks like Fusou, Kongou, Ashigara, Ryuujou and Soryuu went to the Okinoshima area. They managed to take a good way to the boss, until they met an abyssal fleet with 3 Wo-classes and 1 Ru-class for the third and last-before-the-boss battle, who heavily damaged Soryuu.

Soryuu : Why only me ?!
Shigure : Maybe it's some kind of bad luck ? What do you think about this Fusou ?
Yamashiro, still wearing a wig : Ah... Such misfortune maybe ?

Back at the naval base for resupply and a little break.

Myschin : Did Shigure notice anything ?
Yamashiro : No, she didn't...
Fusou : That's my little sister for you ! You gonna do it again right ?
Yamashiro : Urks, do I have a choice please ?
Myschin : At worse, it will take only 2 more attempt, I promise.

Second attempt in the Okinoshima area, same fleet, and stangely same path and abyssal fleet met during the trip, but this time...

Ashigara, heavily damaged : Shit ! I can't believe I've taken this much damage...
Kongou : Hey you freakin' abyssals ! Why only damaged one of us ?!
Soryuu : Do you really expect them to answer you ?
Ru-class Battleship : To concentrate on one target is easier than aiming for multiple targets.
Soryuu : ...
Ryuujou : Let's retreat anyway !

Later at the naval base, during the next break...

Ashigara : Uuuh, I'm so sorry admiral...
Myschin : It's not your fault. Go to the dock, Maya will take your place in the fleet. Who else don't want to go again ?

Ryuujou and Soryuu raised their hands.

Myschin : Shouhou, can you go instead of Ryuujou ?
Shouhou : Sure admiral, I'm ready whenever you want.
Myschin : And for CV... Guess we have to rely on Kaga.
Kaga, pokerface : Oh my, we will achieve victory this time.
Kongou : If the compass don't mess up-desu.
Shigure : Where is Yamashiro by the way ?
Yamashiro : Well...
Myschin : I asked her to stay with Ise. Stay there Shigure, we will try one last time

For the third time in a row, Shigure, Yamashiro, Kongou, Maya, Kaga and Shouhou went to Okinoshima. This time, the fleet took the South-East route until...

Compass Girls : You again ? You should learn to stop try when it's all futile.
Kaga : If I was in a better condition, I would shoot at you so hard !
Compass Girls : It's spinning time !

And the needle pointed to the West.

Kongou : BLOODY HELL ! Another dead end !
Maya : 3 Wo-class and a Ru-class ?! Damn !
Wo-class : Let's aim at...

Shouhou took heavy damages from the 3 enemies squadrons.

Shouhou, sad : This is so unfair...
Ru-class : Well done, Wo-class.
Kongou : Eat my BURNING RAGE !!

Kongou aimed at the Ru-class and one-shot her.

Wo-class : Wo ! This is war now !

A fericious battle occured, until...

Shigure : Watch out Fusou !
Yamashiro : Ah...

An abyssal plane managed to hit Yamashiro, which led the wig on Yamashiro's head to fall off.

Shigure : W-w-w-whaaat ?!
Maya : Stay focused !

In the end, the fleet managed to claim a S-rank victory and returned to the base.

Kongou, pissed : DAMNIT ! We failed again !
Shouhou : The enemy force is strong...
Maya : I'll make them pay sooner or later !
Kaga : Did I made a mistake ?
Myschin : No, and this is Shiranui's line in the first place.
Yamashiro, holding Shigure in her hands : So erm...
Shigure, blushing so hard she's completely red : Waaah, it was Yamashiro all this tiiime ! I can't believe it !
Fusou : Fufufu, how cute of her.
Myschin : Well ladies, take a break for now. Nobody will sortie this afternoon. We will try this evening a few time again during the dailies quests.

This evening, a fleet composed by Inazuma, Fusou, Kongou, Maya, Soryuu and Kaga went again in the Okinoshima area, only to be defeated 3 times in a row.

On the Communication Network...

Myschin : Damnit this is way harder than I though :/
Peluche : Did you choose Double Formation ? You should, it could let you pass thoses abyssal fleets more easily.
Myschin : But there is a higher risk to get hit.
Suna : In your case, the best you can do is keep trying until you will success.
Myschin : Yeah... Now excuse me guys, Kongou is seriously injured and I need to reassure her before she fell into depression.
[Myschin left the chat]
Suna : And this is only the Okinoshima island...

First rare duplicate

The next day...

Myschin : Are you feel better Kongou ?
Kongou : Yes, THANK YOU admiral !
Myschin : Today we will only train in the Bashi Islands, No more Okinoshima until we are more prepared !

In a newly-fitted library near the admiral's office, Kikuzuki was reading some book, and Mikazuki was sitting close to her.

Kikuzuki : What is it Mikazuki ? I can feel that you are staring at me.
Mikazuki : Kikuzuki I... I am in love with you !
Kikuzuki : ... What ?
Mikazuki : I discovered that I'm more attracted by girls than boys. I'm a lesbian, and I love you Kikuzuki !
Kikuzuki : Well, the commander said that we must not hide our feelings toward the others. So, currently, it's not that I don't love you, but you took me by surprise.
Mikazuki : I still love you Kikuzuki, I want to be with you, I want you to be close to me.
Kikuzuki : Are you sure you are not influenced by thoses thin books you read earlier ?
Mikazuki : No ! I'm not horny for you... * Not yet... *. Can I give you a hug ?!
Kikuzuki : As long as I can still read quietly my book, fine by me.

The heavy cruisers's common room.

Nachi : Argh ! Why the admiral don't train us ?!
Tone : Yeah ! We are strong in the first place !!
Haguro : Maybe we are too weak in his eyes ?
Myoukou : Calm down, there must be a reason why the admiral don't level us. Maybe he don't care about us...
Chikuma : If he don't care about us, then why we are here ?
Ashigara : Well... The admiral said that he was interessed in me because of my personality...
Nachi : I can't understand ! You are so hot-blooded to begin with !
Ashigara, embarrassed : ...
Atago : For sure the admiral don't like big chests... That's very uncommon among male admirals. Usually it concern only the youngs ones, but the admiral is not so young.
Mogami : He said that he prefers inner beauty rather than outer beauty.
Takao : Ah ? But he really appreciate the Destroyers. Does it mean he is a lolicon ?! * Blush *
Maya : Cool your head, if the admiral was a lolicon, the MP would have already arrest him.
Choukai : You are strangely quiet Aoba. I though that heard this kind of gossip will awake your curiosity...
Aoba : Quit it ! I must consider myself lucky to not have experimented the same kind of trauma he gives to Tatsuta !
Furutaka : Speaking of this topic... Does anyone really know what happened to Tatsuta at that moment ?
Maya : Yeah, Inazuma told me about that. She said that the admiral have some kind of... "unindescribable pets", but the admiral said that he will tell us more about this later.

In the evening, at the construction docks...

Myschin : Thank you for your help Kaga.
Kaga, pokerface : No need to thank me admiral, but I want to come back in my room to entertain my beloved Akagi-san.
Myschin : Sure, sure, I just need your help for the dailies recipes.
Kaga : Let's do this quickly !
Myschin : A 4 hours and 30 minutes timer ? * Sparkling * IS THAT SHOUKAKU OR ZUIKAKU ?!
Kaga, pokerface : No, it's not.
Myschin, pouting : Awww come ooon ! Call the flame-thrower fairy !

And the newly constructed shipgirl was... A new Akagi.

Kaga, pokerface : OH MY !
Myschin : ...Kaga, you're noseblooding right now.
Kaga, sparkling : Admiral, for me it's the same as if you have found your 5th CarDiv.
Myschin : ... Yeah but Akagi is already here you know.
Kaga : Keepig a duplicate ship isn't forbidden.
Myschin : Yeah that's true, but I'm the only one here who can allow a duplicate to stay in our base or not, and I want to say that we can't keep her.
Kaga, menacing voice : I refuse to let you scrap her !
Myschin : You didn't remember that I said that I would NEVER scrap a shipgirl. We will just send her back to a civilian life. What prevents you to visit her sometimes ?
Kaga : That's true...
Myschin : And as rich as you can be, I seriously doubt that you can keep feeding 2 Akagis the same way you feed our Akagi.
Kaga, realizing something : Ah... ORZ. You win admiral, let's send her to the civilian life... But are you planning to keep some duplicate ships in the base ?
Myschin : Yes, but I still don't know which duplicates will stay.

On the Communication Network

Peluche : Dude ! You crafted a second Akagi and you didn't keep her ?!
Myschin : The first one is barely over Lv1, why would I keep a duplicate ?
Suna : You should have, for the upcoming Event. The shiplock will be there for sure.
Myschin : Yeah yeah, remember you talk to someone who is still stuck in the Okinoshima Islands...

First major announcement

Somewhere in a abyssal place...

Hime#1 : That's it ! Our next Operation is scheduled and ready ! Soon, we will make most of the despicables admirals cry into despair !
Hime#2 : Fufufu yes ! This time, our operation will give them an even worse trauma that AL/MI !!
Hime#3 : Nyahahah I can't waaaiiit !! I'll make my comebaaack and siiink those poor girls nyahahah !
Hime#1 : Wow, she is really excited !
Hime#2 : Fufufu, that's understandable after all, the previous time she fought, it was during the IronBottom Sound Event fufufu.
Hime#4 : Must... Inflict... Pain ! They must feel ! The same pain we endured !
Hime#1 : Don't worry sweetie, I know you are in a hurry too.
Hime#5 : ...
Hime#2 : Why so quiet ? You are among the strongests of us ! You will crush them easily right ?
Hime#5 : ... Yes...
Hime#4 : Want to see... The moon... Again !
Hime#2 : Endure it for 13 days, then enjoy.

On the Communication Network

Suna : So it's finally revealed...
Myschin : What ?
Peluche : Headquarters has announced it : Next Event will be "Counter-Attack ! Second SN Operation !" ! I can't waaait !!
Suna : I have a REALLY bad feeling about this. This operation was huge in the past...
Myschin : ... It's just the announcement right ? The Event won't start tomorrow ?
Suna : No, it will start in 13 days.
Myschin : Good, now I can quietly look for that marathon who start soon.
Suna : THAT marathon ? You're really a nerd for it...
Myschin : But it's cool and fun to watch >< !
Suna : Don't complain if you lack some preparations for the Event.

Myschin : How are you feeling now Inazuma ?
Inazuma : ... My chest is still the same...
Myschin : ... And beside that ?
Inazuma : I feel... Completely fine... I must thank you commander-nanodesu.
Myschin : I wanted to let you be the first to be fully modernised the first. You can give the maximum of yourself now.
Inazuma : There is still a long path to the maximal level I can reach...
Myschin : No need to hurry for this. We have time, even with the upcoming Event.
Maya : Are you sure about your decision admiral ?
Myschin : I didn't say that we will do nothing for the next week, just that everything will be more casual.
Ashigara : Because you want to look at that... How do you named it again ?
Myschin : It's SGDQ, standing for Summer Games Done Quick. The office will be open 24H/24 if you want to look it with me.
Mochizuki : Me me ME ! I want to see it !
Myschin : Alright, alright.

Soon after the start of the marathon...

Mochizuki, vexed : Thoses people put my skills to a shaaame !
Yayoi : Why don't you improve them ?
Mochizuki : I will ! For sure !
Myschin : Erm Yayoi...
Yayoi : Yes commander ?
Myschin : Why are you sitting on my knees ?
Yayoi, sparkling : Because it's the best place to look at your marathon thing. I almost want to purr.
Inazuma, sitting to the left of the admiral : Awawawa, to think that I could have been here before she arrives.
Shiratsuyu, sitting to the right of the admiral : Wow, there is no way that I can become the number one in any of those games...

First funny assignment

Next day in the evening.

Ise : Admiral ? We found a new comrade while we went to watch the Line at the Nansei Islands.
Myschin : Oh ? I wonder who it is.

Nagara entered the office.

Nagara : I'm Light Cruiser Nagara ! Please take good care of me !
Myschin : For sure, welcome in our base Nagara. All of your sisters are here...
Isuzu : No, we still miss Kinu in the whole Nagara-class.
Myschin : Ah, my bad...
Nagara : Worry not. More importantly, do you have anything related to sports ?!
Myschin : I guess. There is a gym in this base, and some facilities...
Nagara : Hooray ! I could maintain my form with that !
Myschin : Sportive hu ?
Nagara : Very much yes.
Myschin : And a cheerful personality as well. Isuzu, guide her to the gym.
Isuzu : Yes admiral, thank you.

After the Light Cruisers left the office, the admiral starting to watch the SGDQ marathon again, until...

Myschin : Crap, I almost forget the constructions from yesterday !

He run toward the constructions docks, where all of the 3 timers showed that the constructions were finished.

Myschin : If I remember correctly, one of them had a time of 1 hour. It would be funny if it's Nagara again...

And it turns out that the admiral was correct. The 1 hour-timer Recipe was indeed another Nagara. A few minutes later, Shigure joined the admiral for the dailies constructions.

Shigure, pouting : ...
Myschin : Something bother you ?
Shigure : Yes admiral... I'm here for you, aren't I ?
Myschin : This is Ikazuchi's line.
Shigure : I'm serious here... Why don't you look at me more ? It is because I'm not wearing a swimsuit despite the fact that I'm remodeled like Shiratsuyu ?
Myschin : I can't be here for everybody...
Shigure : And you tricked me the other day with Yamashiro. Admiral, I'm disapointed in you !
Myschin : I'm really sorry...
Shigure : ... Give me some affection please.
Myschin : ... A hug will be fine ?
Shigure : Please be frontal.

They proceeded and Shigure closed her eyes.

Shigure : I want more attention from you admiral.
Myschin : Well, why don't come looking the SGDQ marathon with me ?
Shigure : There is too much people in the office.
Myschin : So you want a private time with me ?
Shigure, blushing a little : Yes... Right now will be fine.

A few minutes later...

Myschin : So, what do we have now ? It's the first time I see a 2 hours-timer. Flame-thrower fairy please !

The recipe opened up, revealing an elegant woman in traditional japanese clothes.

Houshou : I'm Aircraft carrier, Houshou. Although I'm inexperienced, I look forward to your guidance.
Myschin : Oh, a new face in our base... It's always good... Inexperienced you say ?
Houshou : I'm a old Light Carrier after all.
Myschin : And you never fought before ?
Houshou : Very few times. By the time of war, I was already outdated.
Myschin : Oh well, I guess the other Carriers will take care of you.

Myschin : ...
Houshou : Oh my...

All the carriers were kneeling in front of Houshou.

Myschin : What is happening here ?
Houshou : Well I was the very first carrier to be commissioned, so it make me some kind of mother to other carriers...
Myschin : ... I see
Kaga, sparkling pokerface : Don't worry admiral ! We will take good care of Houshou !
Myschin : Don't overdo it, it's all that I ask...

First experience

The next day, after a regular sortie in the Bashi Island...

Kirishima : Is the microphone's volume good ? Check, 1,2... Okay. Nice to meet you, I'm Kirishima.
Naka : Gwaaah ! Are you trying to steal my place as the idol of the fleet ?!
Myschin : Calm down a little Naka... Nice to meet you Kirishima. It's a great news that our fleet encountered you. You are the third Kongou-class assigned here.
Kirishima, adjusting her glasses : Third ? Who is missing ?
Myschin : Haruna...
Kirishima, sparkling : I'll show you that I will never loose to Haruna !!
Myschin : Erm... Okay ?

After Kirishima left the office, Kongou came in.

Myschin : What's the deal with Kirishima who don't want to loose to Haruna ?
Kongou : That... This is an old rivalry because Haruna is supposed to be more skilled than her despite the fact that they are twins-DESS.
Myschin : So something not to worry a lot.

A moment later...

Myschin : ...
Kaga, pokerface : No matter what you say admiral, I'll come with Houshou !
Soryuu : Me too, me too !
Houshou : I can do it all by myself you know ?
Myschin : This is supposed to be Houshou's first battle and we only go into the line at the Nansei Islands...
Kaga : Doesn't matter !!
Myschin : I still think it's a bit overkill to bring 2 CV along with Houshou...
Soryuu : So what if something happen to Houshou ?!
Myschin : Just... Retreat I guess ?
Kaga : We will search and destroy those abyssals ships !
Myschin : Oh well, we have a lot of resources after all... Guess we can make an exception for this time.

But in the end, Houshou was still heavily damaged in the first node with abyssal carriers, to Kaga and Soryuu's despair, but...

Houshou : Why did you order us to retreat ?! I can still fight you know !
Myschin : Carriers can't attack when they are too much managed, and even in your state, it can result in a sink, and I can't allow that !
Houshou, pouting : Tch, I want to learn to fight more !
Myschin : ... Are you... Hungry for battles or what ?
Houshou, sulking : I want to prove that I'm not useless !
Myschin : By making Kaga and Soryuu fainted just because they have see you in a damaged state ? Please be more careful in the future...
Houshou : I can't guarantee that...
Myschin : You will just make the other worry too much. For now, please remain the motherly figure the others carriers love so much.
Houshou : Yes admiral...

Way later in the night, the admiral continued to watch his marathon with a sleepy Mochizuki and Yuudachi who was sleeping of his lap...

Sendai : Sup' admiral ! Still not sleeping ?
Myschin : Of course not, I don't want to miss some parts of the SGDQ marathon, even if it mean that I have to stay awake the whole night.
Jintsuu : Admiral, you will not be in a good shape tomorrow...
Myschin : I know, I know, but it have happened several times already.
Naka : That maybe explain why the story take so long to be uploaded.
Myschin : This mean nothing.
Sendai : Anyway, I want to watch it with you admiral ! Can I sit next to you ?
Mochizuki, half-awake : Wooon't gave up my place...
Myschin : And I don't want to awake Yuudachi yet.
Sendai : I'll sit next to Mochizuki then.
Jintsuu : Nee-san...

Few seconds later, the three Sendai-classes where sitting with the admiral and the 2 destroyers on the couch.

Sendai : I wonder if you will accept the other kind of night battle with me...
Myschin : No, it's not something you can do so casually...
Sendai : My bad, I'm sorry... On a more serious note, do you think you have a chance in the upcoming Event ?
Myschin : The only real thing that bother me is that I hope that we can find Harusame in it, and Zuihou, and Kiyoshimo.
Jintsuu : For Zuihou, you can try to craft her...
Myschin : So far I failed...
Naka : Cheer up admiral ! You will find her in this Event, for sure.
Myschin : For the Event itself, I doubt that I can finish it. So far, we don't have any second remodel in our force, that might be a huge problem. Well, we have to try it at last, I just hope it wouldn't be as punishing as the Okinoshima Islands...

And the next day, the admiral slept until the middle of the afternoon.

Jintsuu : I warned you admiral...
Myschin : Sorry if you have worried. But we managed to do the dailies exercises before the limit. The Destroyers were very happy to go on expeditions too.
Jintsuu : And Sendai nee-san is still sleeping...
Myschin : Don't worry, she will awake for the dailies sorties since there can be some night battles.

Later on, Shiratsuyu entered the office after coming back from an expedition.

Shiratsuyu : Admiral, the operation's over, the fleet's come back, yeah ?
Myschin : Good good... Wait a second ! Aren't you carrying more resources than usual ?!
Shiratsuyu : That's because the operation was a great success, yes !
Myschin : Great success... Because you were happy ?
Shiratsuyu : Maybe ?
Myschin, patting Shiratsuyu's head : Great work anyway. Hope we can do it with great success again.
The 3 others ships who participed in the expedition : So unfair ! We want a pat too !

During the dailies sorties...

Myschin : It's hard to reach the transports nodes in the Bashi Islands with a CV or a CVL in the fleet. So let's try a formation without any of them. Sendai, you will lead them.
Sendai : Yay ! Hope there will be night battles !
Myschin : Since the fleet is 2 CL 1CA 3DD, there is high chances for that.
Sendai : Woooh ! Let's go ! I can't wait !
Jintsuu : Nee-san, are you sure you are in a good shape ?
Sendai : Sure, don't worry !

And after that particular sortie...

Sendai, heavily damaged : The fleet has returned ! We managed to sink 4 transport ships !
Jintsuu : NEE-SAN ! YOU'RE HURT !
Sendai, smiling : Nothing but a scratch.
Myschin : Seriously Sendai, fortunately it was a end node and you didn't have to advance after the battle, go to the repair docks please !
Sendai : Ok Ok...

The admiral decided to follow her at the repair docks.

Sendai, naked in the repair dock : So you really want a night battle with me if you want to see my naked body~
Myschin, sitting next to the dock, turning back : I'm not here for that. Sendai, I noticed so far that you took a lot of damages. It has nothing to do with the fact that you sleep a lot during the day, but really, does something bother you ?
Sendai : ... You worried about me ? How nice of you. But you know, I'm a warrior on a battlefield so it's normal for me to took damages. I like to try riskier strategies and it works most of the time. And also, I only do those when I'm able to fight. Otherwise you would tell us to retreat right.
Myschin : It explain a lot... Jintsuu worry a lot you know ?
Sendai, laughing : Ahahah, that sister of mine worry too often you know ? She need her second remodel to gain more confidence in herself.
Myschin : You know Sendai... My admiral comrades who were assigned almost as the same time as me does actually have already some of their shipgirls remodelled twice, but I'm the type of admiral who like to take my time. What is the point of doing all too fast when you can enjoy your time ?
Sendai : Admiral, that choice is your, and your only. We will respect it not matter what.

First major reunion

Myschin : Good morning Tatsuta, you finally choose to wear a swimsuit too ?
Tatsuta : Erm... Yes admiral ? What do you think about it ?
Myschin : Honestly ? It makes you really pretty.
Tatsuta : Ah... Thank you admiral. I hope Tenryuu will enjoy it too...

Later, Tenryuu said that she was shocked by how beautiful Tatsuta looked. All of the shipgirls were also gathered in the front of the base.

Samidare : What's the meaning of this ? Why we are not in the briefing room ?
Suzukaze : I heard that the admiral want to show us something big...
Maya : It's not the first day of the Event, so what can be so important to gather us all ?

Finally, the admiral and Inazuma appear on a scene in front of all the shipgirls.

Myschin, with a microphone : Greeting ladies, I'm here to tell you some special things. First of all, the Headquarters send us a message, and it's important. The upcoming Event, the 2d Operation SN, will be the largest Event ever done since the beginning of the war.
Hiyou : The largest ? And here we thought that AL/MI was pretty long...
Kaga : This is not good to heard.
Myschin : Apparently, there will be 7 operations in this Event.
All shipgirls : 7 ?!
Kongou : Whoah, that make a LOT-dess !
Mogami : Indeed, it's the first time ever that we have to do 7 missions in a Event, outside the search for new comrades.
Myschin : I spoke with my friends about that, and even my mentor worry a lot. Apparently, most of the admirals everywhere is this world are feeling uneasy about this. This could be the biggest abyssal attack we have to face.
Kuma : Oh crap, What if they bring their most powerful Himes on the battlefield-kuma ?!
Kasumi : We are doomed !

A lot of worries were raised among the shipgirls.

Myschin : Ladies, I can perfectly understand that you are worried about the fact that our base is not experienced enough to face an all-out attack by the abyssals, BUT ! Here's the thing, you all know that I'm not an ordinary human. I can travel between different worlds easily and I can summon spell and creatures through magic cards.
Yura : Yes, we all know about that.
Myschin : Ladies, I swear I will protect this base from all sorts of attacks and nobody here will be hurt as long as you will be there.
Mutsuki : How are you gonna do that ?
Myschin : I have a question to ask all of you first. Do you believe in my powers ?
All : Yes admiral.
Myschin : Can you trust me about what you will see in a few moments ?
All : Yes admiral.
Myschin : Finally, I want to ask you to not panic.
All : ...
Tatsuta : Ah... Does it means... * Gulp * It's THEM ?!
Myschin : Yes Tatsuta, you has the honor to see them but you were took by surprise. Now you are prepared. They will not hurt anyone here, I promise !

Then the admiral took several cards and let them fly in the sky. A few seconds later, the cards transformed into some indescribable creatures with tentacles and strange shapes. Some of the shipgirls fainted, some other were staring at the flying creatures with fear.

Myschin : Let me introduce all of you to my most dangerous creatures, the world-destructives beings known as the eldrazis.
Murasame : They... They are beyond any definition of uglyness !
Natori : W-World-destructive beings ?!
Myschin : Fear not ladies ! Those creatures are under my command ! I fought them in the past and now they obey me as their master and tamer. None of them will hurt you. As ugly as they can appear, they will actually protect you from any kind of threat we can face !
Takao : Isn't that against the rules ?!
Myschin : No, as long as they stay around the base and do nothing other that protect the base from outside attacks, I am allowed to summon them and let them stay here.
Chitose : I'm still scared...
Myschin : I can understand that but please trust me at the moment.
Fumizuki : ADMIRAL ! Can I ask you a question ?
Myschin : Please do Fumizuki.
Fumizuki : Does those creatures feel anything ?
Myschin : Yes, right now they are filled with the determination to protect the base and all of you.
Fumizuki : Can I touch one of them please ?
Kagerou : What ?! Are you crazy ?!
Myschin : Are you sure Fumizuki ?
Fumizuki : Yes ! I want to confirm something...

The admiral called one of the eldrazi to land next to him. Then Fumizuki approached and touched a tentacle of the creature.

Fumizuki : ... They are friendly~ !

A column of light start to raise above Fumizuki.

Fumizuki : They may be not beautiful but I can feel that they will protect us~
Satsuki : Are you really sure about that ?
Nagatsuki : Did you EVER doubt something said by our sister ?
Satsuki : Of course not !
Nagatsuki : Them it's decided !

One by one, all of the shipgirls started to accept the presence of the eldrazis in the base's grounds.

Myschin : Wait a second you eldrazi spawn ! Are you BLUSHING O_o ?!

The indescribable creature, even if she didn't have a face, was blushing.

Myschin : I can't believe this... It's the first time ever that I have seen an eldrazi actually have that kind of feel for a fellow living being !
Fumizuki : Hi hi hi admiral~

The light start to bright brighter and brighter

Myschin : Aaaargh ! That purity is too strong for meee !

After he recovered from Fumizuki's "assault", the admiral called back his eldrazis and eveyone returned to their normal activities.

Inazuma : That is really something-nanodesu... Those creatures...
Myschin : There were merciless when I fought them the first time. But even so, I'm more afraid by Fumizuki now. That girl has so pure intentions that she can sympathize with them !
Inazuma : So what's next ?
Myschin : We still need more planes for the carriers. Call Soryuu of the crafts and Kako for the constructions.

But no good planes were crafted today...

Soryuu : Auuu, I'm so sorry admiral...
Myschin : It's not your fault Soryuu, the randomness of the crafting is the worst.
Kako : Admiral, one of the timer for the Recipes is 4 hours and 10 minutes.
Myschin : Eh ? It's the first time something like that happen right ? Call the Flame-thrower fairy please !

And then the new shipgirl revealed herself...

Hiryuu : I'm aircraft carrier Hiryuu. Leave the carrier battles to me, I can fight on against any and all adversity.
Soryuu : WOAH ! My partner in the 2nd CarDiv !
Hiryuu : Aaaah Soryuu ! I missed you so much !

Kako and the admiral remind speechless for a couple of seconds.

Myschin : So erm... Welcome in our base I guess ?
Hiryuu : Yes admiral, I'll do my best to help you !
Myschin : So you are a part of the 2nd CarDiv ? Guess that now the Nagumo task force is reunited.
Hiryuu : Oooh, so Kaga and Akagi are here too ? It will be a nice reunion.
Myschin : I guess you have a lot to talk after a certain battle that occured in the past, right ?
Hiryuu : Yes, the infamous attack on Midway.

The next day, the admiral had some business outside of the naval base, but he left some instructions who led the shipgirls to have a great success in some expeditions. He returned in the evening, and while the fleets do the dailies quests, Kikuzuki entered the office, alone.

Myschin : Good evening Kikuzuki, do you want to stay with me for the night ?
Kikuzuki : I don't know commander... Actually... I'm worried...
Myschin : Ah, something happened ?
Kikuzuki : More or less... Since we know that the upcoming Event will be the 2nd Operation SN, I'm feeling uneasy...
Myschin : Maybe because you were involved in a part of this operation ?
Kikuzuki : Probably but... I'm not sure I can do it...
Myschin : ... You know, I keep saying that I will not shine in this Event and I only care about finding some on the shipgirls I'm looking for. The most important thing here, it's to do our best.
Kikuzuki : Doing my best...
Myschin : Remember, you will be soon remodeled and you and your sisters play an active role during the dailies quests.
Kikuzuki : But we failed at the Naval Base Adjacent Sea Route.
Myschin : That, it's only because the enemy was too strong and we didn't prepare this mission correctly, by my fault. You don't have to worry about that defeat. Remember, we are not invincibles.
Kikuzuki : I see... Commander, you are not the best, but at least you are someone that we can trust without any doubt.
Myschin : Thank you Kikuzuki...
Kikuzuki : Also, Mikazuki will probably come sooner or later. She said to me that she love me.
Myschin : Love as the lesbian meaning ?
Kikuzuki : Yes...
Myschin : I can't give you advices but... Just keep being yourself ?

First real attack

On the Communication Network...

Peluche : Woh ! I'm already in world 4 !
Suna : Good for you !
Myschin : ...
Peluche : It's really not that hard...
Cap'tain Fist : Our resources are not that high but with the Softcap, it's easy to manage them.
Myschin : ...
Suna : Something wrong Myschin ?
Myschin : Y-Yeah...
Peluche : Still locked in Okinoshima Island ? Don't worry, this happen a lot to some admirals.
Suna : You just have to keep trying until you will success.
Cap'tain Fist : Come on, don't give up !
Myschin : It's... It's not that...
Suna : So, what happened ?
Myschin : Suna, remember that infamous alarm clock of yours ?
Suna : ...
Myschin : This morning... Maya woke me up with an imitation of THAT atrocious voice !!
Peluche : What are you talking about ?!
Suna : Oh well... To make it short, while Myschin was staying at my base in the past, he was awoken by my Tokitsukaze with his characteristic voice.
Cap'tain Fist : Ah...
Peluche : So Myschin was left with a trauma ?
Suna : Sort of...
Myschin : That infamous spawn of Evil !! Whyyy ?!
Cap'tain Fist, Peluche : Woah dude, he is severely affected.
Suna : Who would not ^^" ?
Myschin : I'll take a break, some of my shipgirls can remodel. I'll come back later.

At the arsenal...

Maya, kneeling : I'm so sorry admiral !
Myschin : This is fine really ! You couldn't know before...
Maya : I'll do anything in order to repair my fault.
Myschin : Just go on the dailies sorties with the fleet please.
Maya : Yes admiral, right now !

Maya left the arsenal quickly.

Myschin : So... Hey Murasame, are you done with your remodel ?
Murasame : Ufufu~, almost done almost done~

And a few minutes later...

Murasame : Tadah ! Murasame, ready for the summer with my beautiful swimsuit !
Myschin, feeling uneasy : Glup...
Murasame : Oh my admiral, are you shocked by my outer beauty ?
Myschin : And here I though that Shiratsuyu has large breasts, but yours are way more bigger !
Murasame : Ohoh... You want to touch them~ ?
Myschin : No !
Murasame : You know, my swimsuit is tight...
Myschin : Stay back !
Murasame, start rubbing her chest : Ufufu~ admiral... The truth is... Now that I'm remodeled, I'm feeling like a mature woman. And I need to feel the skin contact with a man.
Myschin : Are you heat or what ?!
Murasame, moving toward the admiral : In fact~, I want to have a night battle with you RIGHT NOW !
Myschin, stepping back : You must control yourself !
Murasame : I can't~. My desires are too strong~

Then she jumped on the admiral, who fell on the back. He was trapped.

Murasame, licking her lip : Ufufu~ Thank for the food~

She started to approaches her face close to the admiral's.

Myschin, confused : * This is bad this is bad THIS IS BAD !! I can't even use my spells to avoid this ! *

Then, the sound of a loaded gun was heard.

Inazuma : Can I know what are you doing Murasame-san ?
Murasame : I'm about to sexually eat the commander.
Inazuma : Move another inch and I'll shoot you in the head !
Murasame, turning to face Inazuma : And what a little Destroyer like you can do against (Her voice started to change to a panic tone) meeeeeee ?!
Inazuma : Naaanodesuuu...
Murasame : I... I'm sure we can negotiate !
Inazuma : No negotiation !
Murasame : Calm down please...
Inazuma : Leave the commander alone.
Murasame : Ahahah right...

The Destroyer stand up and face her colleague, smaller than her. The admiral stand up too.

Myschin : Inazuma, you saved my life in a sense...
Inazuma : I though you were more prepared for a situation like that.
Myschin : She took me by surprise.
Inazuma : Commander... Please be more serious.
Myschin, sighing : Yes yes... Now leave the arsenal Murasame please !
Murasame : You won this time, but I haven't loose the war yet ! I'll keep attacking everyday !!
Inazuma, pissed off : I WON'T ALLOW THAT-NANODESU !!
Myschin : Calm down Inazuma, calm down. It's over for now. She will never success in her operation again.
Inazuma : It's not like that I want to keep you for myself...
Myschin : No, I can understand that you want me to keep the things goes on without resulting in a global love war of chaos.
Inazuma : What are you gonna do for this then ?
Myschin : Don't worry, I'm protected right now. One of my ability is to face any form of attack to learn how to counter it. I swear that Murasame will never seduce me with some sneak or night attacks.
Inazuma : Can I trust you of this one ?
Myschin : Just wait until this night and you will see.

And effectively, Murasame did try to "attack" the admiral in his sleep but he managed to avoid the Destroyer's attempt to kiss him on the mouth, awoke and then lead Murasame to her room without any other incident. The next morning...

Myschin : See ? Told you.
Inazuma : ... Guess I have to apologize to doubted you commander.
Murasame, passing by : I'm not defeated yeeet !
Fusou : Yes yes, now come with us, we have some transports ships to sink in the Bashi islands.

First risk taking ?

7 days remains until the Event start... Kongou, Ise, Fusou, Yamashiro, Soryuu and Kaga came back from Okinoshima Islands, for the countless time...

Kongou : The fleet has returned admiral...
Myschin : Let me guess... Dead end or heavily damaged on a pre-boss node...
Ise : The second one...
Myschin, hitting his fist on the table : DAMNIT ! The randomness of the Coastal Refinery Zone seems nothing compared to this.
Fusou : The enemies are stong too, they even have some Flagship units among them...
Myschin, breathing hard : OK ok... Calm down... Let's give up for today girls. Go take a rest in your rooms. Injured shipgirls, go to the repair docks.

On the Communication Network...

Cap'tain Fist : You failed again ?
Peluche : You sure are unlucky...
Suna : But most of the time, you can take the path who will lead for sure to the boss node right ?
Myschin : Most of the time... Around 70% of the time actually.
Suna : If you really want to progress then... Maybe you should start considering to take some risks.
Myschin : What do you mean ?
Suna : I'm saying that you will have to advance with heavily damaged ships on the next battle if you are keep stopped at a preboss node...
Myschin : So you're telling me to risk the life of some of my shipgirls in order to win this operation ?
Suna : You should consider that option yes.
Myschin : NEVER !!

The admiral screams so loudly that the entiere base heard it. Some of the shipgirls came to see what happened.

Suna : Maybe it's the only way for you to advance to the next area.
Myschin : I refuse to risk the life of any of my shipgirls !
Suna : You do have some Repair teams right ? Use it if you don't want to loose your shipgirls.
Myschin : Facing a near-death experience like that ? I wonder if there is any real use for them if they are consumed before a pre-boss node
Suna : But you're the admiral of your base, so it's up to you to think about the situation.
Myschin : Yeah, I'll think about this later... I'm exhausted, I'll come back later
[Myschin left the chat]

Then the admiral saw a lot of shipgirls who were looking at him.

Inazuma : Admiral I... I'll follow you everywhere until the end !
Kuma : You said that with so much determination-kuma...
Maya : Really, you have balls admiral !
Fusou : I'm so proud to be one of your shipgirl right now.
Myschin : I do said earlier that I will never let one of you sink, and I'll keep my promise !

After a cheerful conversation, things went back to normal, and the dailies constructions were carrying false hopes with another Akagi in the carrier recipe, and a second I-58 that the admiral decided to keep just in case.

First Crane !

6 days remains until the Event start...

Myschin : Woah, there is a Kongou Kai ni in a opposite team for dailies exercises... Who can deal with a ship like that ?
Hiei : Excuse me admiral, I'll take care of that traitor !
Myschin : In which way she is a traitor ?!
Hiei : She's with the enemies !
Myschin : But it's just a harmless exercise !!
Hiei : She's not MY Onee-sama !!

And despite the fact that Hiei was still low-leveled, she managed to win over the opposite team's Kongou Kai ni with ease ! The admiral noticed that Hiei can be very scary when it comes to Kongou and he was reassured to know that Kongou is strong enough to deal with her sister. Later, in the evening...

Myschin : Thank you for your help Hiryuu.
Hiryuu : It's really nothing commander.
Myschin : Let's input those resources for the carrier recipe ! 300 fuel, 30 ammo, 600 steel and 400 bauxite !
Myschin, Hiryuu : And go !

The timer showed a time of 6 hours.

Myschin : Hiryuu !!
Hiryuu, surprised : Y-yes admiral ?
Myschin : Pinch me !
Hiryuu : Erm, yes admiral...
Myschin : I feel the pain, it's not a dream !! Flame-thrower fairy !!
Hiryuu : You are really motivated all of sudden...
Myschin : There is a good reason for that !!

The Recipe opened up, revealing a twin-tailed girl.

Zuikaku : Second of the Shoukaku-class aircraft carriers, the younger sister Zuikaku. The lucky carrier, you say ? That's not it, I just fight with all my might... As long as I have planes, I won't lose !
Myschin : Aaaah finally !!
Zuikaku : Whoah there, you are very excited...
Myschin, sparkling then grabbing Zuikaku's hand : But of course ! I was looking for you !
Zuikaku : Ah ?
Myschin : You have no ideas on how long I have awaited this moment.
Hiryuu : Actually, less than a month...
Zuikaku : I'm not that special you know...
Myschin : You are from the 5th CarDiv !
Zuikaku : Yes yes... Let me guess, the 1st CarDiv is already there and kicking ass everywhere on the battlefield...
Myschin : I do admit that Akagi and Kaga are here since a quit long time but I always wanted to prove that YOU, 5th CarDiv, can be as useful as any other carrier.
Zuikaku : ...
Myschin : I want you to become one of my strongest carriers in this base.
Zuikaku : If Kaga and Akagi are already there, there is no way that I can surpass them.

The admiral explained the situation of the base to Zuikaku.

Zuikaku : You are stuck in Okinoshima Island and you want me to team up with Kaga in order to conquer that area ? Hey admiral, don't push my luck that much would you ?!
Myschin : Of course you will train a lot to match, then surpass Kaga !
Kaga, menacing pokerface : And I have nothing to say about this admiral ?
Zuikaku : Gh ! As expected from you 1st CarDiv ! You are always that sharp !
Kaga : You will have to train VERY HARD if you want to match my skills !
Myschin, standing up to face Kaga : She will prove you that she is not inferior to you.
Kaga : We will see that...

Kaga left the office.

Zuikaku : Damn, I don't have any chance to shine...
Myschin : Don't worry, I trust you. Actually, let's start with some easy battles. I need to repair some ships to validate a quest.

But even with 2 level 1 Destroyers as escort, neither them or Zuikaku were damaged, and it took a sortie into Okinoshima islands and wait until the third battle to see a shipgirl damaged by a foe. And it was Kaga on the top of that.

Kaga : Happy now ?
Myschin : To think that we have to go in a dangerous area to let you took damages...
Zuikaku : Indeed, it was scary !!
Myschin : I'm afraid to tell you that you will see this area a lot more in the next days ^^'

First official lesbian couple

5 days remains until the start of the Event.

Myschin : How is the training so far ?
Zuikaku : I want to say... Pretty good ? Every time I get hit, I'll shoot at the opponent who damaged me.
Myschin : You are skilled.
Zuikaku : If you say so...
Myschin : No really, I think that when you will be really ready, the Okinoshima island will be a walk in the park.
Zuikaku : I'll continue to train then...
Myschin : Don't push yourself too hard too.

In the adjacent seas of the naval base...

Ise : Look look Shouhou, aren't those two really cute together ?
Shouhou : Well... Yes ?
Kikuzuki : ...
Mikazuki, hugging Kikuzuki : Kikuzuki~, I love you so much~
Kikuzuki : Why the commander wanted me to go with you ?
Mikazuki : I don't know but I'm happyyy~
Ise : Awww, so cute !

The team managed to easily win at the boss's node with a Perfect S-rank ! After the sortie...

Kikuzuki : So commander, why did you sent us together ?
Myschin : Well, I have a good news for you. Both Mikazuki and you can remodel now.
Kikuzuki : So you wanted us to remodel at the same time eh ?
Myschin : Are... Are you mad about this ?
Kikuzuki : Actually... No, I am rather happy about this.

And so, Mikazuki and Kikuzuki were remodeled together. The white-haired destroyer enjoyed more the situation now, and her partner was even happier.

Myschin : Ah, seeing this kind of happiness is why I wanted to become an admiral too.
Inazuma : It's a nice way of thinking commander-nanodesu.
Myschin : Now I wonder who will train until the remodel...
Inazuma : Shouldn't you train some shipgirls until they reach Kai ni ?
Myschin : That would take too long time and the Event is very close. I think that we need more remodelled shipgirls to diversify a little.
Inazuma : It's your choice-nanodesu.
Myschin : Hmm, I think I know who will train next...

A few second later...

Natori : Eh ? Me ? Are you sure admiral ?
Myschin : Why not ? You trust me now and you're having some difficulties to fight actually, don't you ? I want to help you...
Natori : I'm not sure... I'm scared...
Myschin : If it can makes you feel better, I'll come with the fleet for the next sortie.
Natori : You... You don't have to, you know ?
Myschin : Don't worry, it's fine.

Later, during a sortie in the Bashi Islands.

Myschin : See ? It's fine.
Natori, with tears in the eyes : Uuuh...
Compass girls : Ohoh, the admiral is here too ! Try to harm us and we'll report you to the Headquarters !
Myschin : I have no intentions of harming you. Spin your compass and let us go.
Compass girls : Humpf ! We will teach you to fear us later !

The fleet ended in a transport ship node, with a Ru-class Flagship to protect them.

Shouhou : I'm the only Carrier here, it's gonna be tight !
Mogami : Watch out !

The Ru-class managed to heavily damage Furutaka.

Myschin : That shoot was for me right ?
Ru-class : ... Who knows ?

While the battle drags on and on, the fleet was forced to engage night combat to ensure the sink of the enemy transports ships.

Natori : It's too dark, I can't see where I am aiming for !

Then the Ru-class managed to hit Natori and inflict heavy damages to her. The Light cruiser took the hit in the face and fell in the water, totally freaked out.

Natori : E-Everyone... where did you all go... ?

And she began to cry.

Myschin : NATORIII !

The admiral rushed toward Natori to help her.

Natori, still crying : Uwaaah !
Myschin : Calm down Natori, I'm here !

But the Light Cruiser, still freaked out by the attack she took in the face, didn't heard it.

Natori, still crying : I'm all alone ! They forgotten me hereee !

Then the admiral reached her and began to hug her in order to comfort her.

Myschin : There... There... You are not alone at all.
Natori : A...Admiral ?
Myschin : I'm here, don't worry ! Everything is fine now. Mogami managed to sink the Ru-class who damaged you.
Natori : I-I was so scared !

Then Natori starts to squeeze the admiral even stronger.

Natori : Don't leave meee !
Myschin : Aaaargh Natori, you put too much strength in your hug !!

Later, back at the naval base...

Natori, kneeling : I'm so sorry admiral !
Myschin : I'm fine, really ! I have faced worse.
Isuzu, sighing : Oh dear, it was for sure an experience...
Nagara : Indeed.
Natori : S-Still ! To saw me in such an embarassing position !
Myschin : Stand up Natori. I can understand your situation, and I'm not blaming you for your incompetence. Everybody don't learn and train at the same rate. Some people took longer to achieve their objectives.
Natori : I'm... I'm feeling so weak right now...
Myschin : I don't think that you are weak. You just need some training to develop and master your strength. If you want, you can sortie with the fleet more often...
Natori : O-Okay, I'll do my best !
Myschin : But I can't go with you everytime.
Natori : It's fine... Because the others shipgirls will be with me.
Nagara : That's the spirit ! Don't give up !
Isuzu : Oh well, it can only brings some good results.
Myschin : Yeah, let's do it.

And for the rest of the day, Natori sortied everytime she can with the fleets. And she saw that the others would her when she's in trouble, like when Yamashiro managed to beat the abyssal who managed to inflict some damages to her. In the evening, another fleet lead by Fusou tried to go in the Okinoshima Islands several times, only to fail again, again and again. When they went back to the navala base, they told the admiral that they were so pissed that they managed to Perfect-S the last battle.

Myschin : OK, OK ! I'm gonna cook for you six this night.
Kongou : Wah, THANK YOU very much admiral.

Last battle in Okinoshima Island

4 days remains until the start of the Event.

Jintsuu : Admiral, you seem to be in a good mood today.
Myschin : Yes, even if we failed the Okinoshima Island campaign so much, even if the Event will start in 4 days... Today marks my first full month at the head of this naval base.
Naka : Oooh, already...
Myschin : We will try at least once again to go to Okinoshima Islands, but even if we fail again, I'm not gonna be mad. I just want to celebrate this day with all of you.
Ayanami : How nice of you commander...
Shikinami : Hey, can I ask you something ?
Myschin : Of course.
Shikinami : Are you gonna organize a party ?
Myschin : Not a real party, but we will take a good moment all together, and there will be pancakes for everyone.
Destroyers, drooling : Pancakes ! Huzzah !

And so the admiral spent the beginning of the day to avoid every Destroyers attempts to catch him in order to force him to make pancakes.

Myschin : Good lord, the Destroyers are really excited about the pancakes...
Fusou : It's your fault admiral ! You are such a master chief in this domain.
Myschin : So, before we reach the evening, we have a lot of works today... Any update on the Ro-Go quest ?
Fusou : Yes, Kirishima was heavily damaged during a battle with the Ru-class in a transport node, but she managed to sink all of the 4 enemies Transports ships.
Myschin : That poor Kirishima try so hard to prove that she is better than Haruna but... We still haven't found Haruna yet !!
Yamashiro : Erm, admiral ?
Myschin : Yes ?
Yamashiro : I can see from there that Hiei is lurking at the repairs docks...
Myschin : Oh no ! Kongou is also in the repairs docks !!

The admiral asked Ise to take care of Hiei until her sisters leave the repair docks. The battleship alone wasn't enought and so Fusou and Yamashiro helped her.

Later, in the adjacent sea of the naval base...

Ise : Pfouuu, that Hiei is such a though opponent.
Shouhou : You are alright ? If you are tired, you shouldn't have come with us...
Ise : Nah, it's fine, really. And beside, this is the last battle of the month in this area. If we win, the admiral will receive another medal.
Akatsuki : That's why we are here with you.
Inazuma : Yes-nanodesu.
Shouhou : Ah Akatsuki, you sure know how to control yourself...
Akatsuki : Why ? Because the admiral promised to cook pancakes for us ?
Ise : Yes.
Akatsuki : Well, I know that if I bother the admiral, he will not be able to cook, so I'll wait patiently.
Inazuma : ... I'm gonna be honest, when the admiral said about the pancakes, I drooled a little... Such embarassing thing for me ><.
Ise : Very few Destroyers can resist to the call of the pancakes after all. Even the grumpiests like Kasumi were very excited.

In the end, the team managed to reach the boss's node and sink the boss. Then the admiral received his second medal from the headquarters soon after that.

Myschin : You done very well girls !
Ise : Well, it was easy after all.
Myschin : Still, it's a nice victory for us, all thanks to your four.
Akatsuki and Inazuma, blushing : Waaah...
Myschin : Something wrong you two ?
Akatsuki : N-No, it's just...
Inazuma : Can you praise us please-nanodesu ?

The admiral began to pat Akatsuki's and Inazuma's heads.

Akatsuki : Pyaaa !
Inazuma : Nanodesuuu !
Ise, amused : They look like they will melt at any time.

Myschin : How are you feeling right now ?
Akatsuki : Like a child and I don't care if I'm not lady-like.
Myschin : Say, we inputed a rare DD Recipe, but look like it's only a common DD since the timer show 22 minutes...
Akatsuki : I'm sorry admiral...
Myschin : You don't have to. You managed to win against the submarines, it's already good for you.

But a surprise awaited the admiral and the destroyer.

I-168 : I'm I-168. What ? It's hard to say ? OK, just call me Imuya. Nice to meet you !
Myschin : Woah ! Our second submarine has finally came !!
I-168 : Eh ? No way, you want to send me to Orel Cruise right ?
Myschin : No, but let me explain the situation.

And then I-168 was happy to heard that Goya was already there and they will not do Orel Cruise at all until an emergency come.

Myschin : Looks like you failed in your mission...
Fusou : Yes, we ended in the Transport node instead of the boss...
Yamashiro : And hum...

Yamashiro was holding a fainted and damaged Shigure in her hands.

Yamashiro : Why it's always me who carry this poor Shigure ?
Fusou : Fufufu, because it's only natural.
Mogami : Admiral, why Michishio didn't come with us ?
Myschin : Because she is still too low-leveled to go with you, and the quest only require the 4 of you and 2 wildcards.
Zuikaku : Guess the compass is random as always.
Ryuujou : Yeah, ain't easy to go where we want, and thoses abyssal light carriers only aimed at that poor Shigure...
Fusou : We avanged her so it's fine.
Myschin : Ladies, I want to try this mission one more time.
Yamashiro : Shigure needs a rest admiral !
Myschin : Just once, I promise.
Mogami : Oh well, we can do that. I'll carry Shigure on my back if she faints again.

And eventually, Shigure fainted again only by looking at Yamashiro's face and so Mogami carried her on her back. And the fleet finally managed to reach the boss's node and defeat the boss.

Myschin : Alright, now Shigure can have a good rest. We are done with the regular work for today.
Inazuma : There is still a lot of time before the little party will begin right ?
Myschin : True enough... * Thinking * Oh well, we forgot to do 1 thing.
Shouhou : You mean...
Myschin : Yeah, the Okinoshima islands sortie... Let's give our best this time.

The admiral called Kongou, Ise, Fusou, Yamashiro, Kaga and Zuikaku in his office.

Myschin : Ladies, it's that time of the day again. The moment were we will be rekt by random spin compass and strong abyssals fleets.
Kongou : You say that with such a monotone voice-desu.
Myschin : I want to be optimistic this time, but it's hard.
Ise : After so many failures, I can understand your pain admiral.
Myschin : But now we have a new trump card in our sleeve.
Zuikaku : You talk about me ?
Myschin : Yes, and it's not because of your luck, it's because you are the second carrier in term of plane capacity.
Kaga, pokerface : I will never give up my number one place !
Zuikaku, irritated : Don't worry, I'll never compete for this !
Myschin : So, here's the deal. Zuikaku, since you are the low-leveled girl among all of your 6, you will be the Flagship.
Zuikaku : Humpf, if you want admiral, but if we have to retreat before a dead end, I'll personally target you with my planes afterward !
Myschin : Challenge accepted !

And the heavy fleet went to Okinoshima islands once again... The first battle was very easy and the fleet advanced to the south-east where they fought their usual second abyssal fleet.

Fusou : Now, it is time fufufufu, the time were we will be stroke by misfortune again and sent to the west in the dead-end.
Zuikaku : Aaaah come on, don't be so pessimistic !
Compass girls : Ready for the spinning time ?!
Zuikaku : Bring it on you devils !

And for the very first time ever, the needle pointed to the east again. Immediately the shipgirls were shocked.

Kongou : H-h-how this can be ?!
Ise : You're kidding me right ?
Fusou : Oh my godness !
Yamashiro : It's a trap ! It's a trap !!
Myschin, through microphone : Woah woah woah, for real ?!
Kaga : Yes admiral, we can advance to the next battle.
Myschin : We never reached that area before but let's go in line ahead.
Zuikaku : Don't forget admiral ! If we retreat now ! You're dead meat !

The fleet encountered an abyssal force led by a golden-glowing Ri-class and 3 Chi-Class Elite.

Kongou : Whaaat ?! No Enemy battleship ?!
Myschin : Don't let your guard down !!
Fusou : Let's beat them !

The over-excited fleet managed to win with a perfect-S rank, and they encountered Tatsuta.

Fusou : What are you doing here ?
Tatsuta : Ah... I was just sunbathing here you see ?
Myschin : Wait, our Tatsuta is still in the base, so this one is another person.
Tatsuta : Oh, so you won't keep me, right ?
Myschin : Yes, you will be sent to civilian life.
Tatsuta : But I want to sunbath more, so I'll don't come with you.
Myschin : As your wish.
Compass girls : DUH-DUH-DUH-DUM !!
All of the girls in the fleet : Awww shit, not them again.
Compass girls : Nyohohohoh ! We will send you into despair !!
Myschin : Damn ! It's the last choice ! Don't troll us damnit !!
Compass girls, with a troll face : We. Will. Send. You. To. The. Dead-end <3 !
Tatsuta : Ara ara, can I have a word with you ?
Compass girls, menacing voice : Huh ? Who are you you punk in lewd swimsuit ?!
The others shipgirls : ... * This not gonna end well *

A few second later, the compass girls returned and spinned their compass silently. and then, a storm occured. The needle pointed to the boss's node !

Myschin : ... Girls !
All of the shipgirls : Yes admiral ?
All of the shipgirls : YES !!

Then the fleet encoutered an enemy force led by a golden-glowing Ru-class and 2 Ru-class Elite.

Zuikaku : They only have Flagships and Elites units !
Ise : Come on, bright it on ! Let's rock !!
Kaga : Get them my planes !

But unfortunately, the aerial opening phase was a failure.

Zuikaku : Damnit !!
Myschin : Don't give up ! You still can attack them !

Then Kongou managed to one-shot one of the two Ni-class Elite.

Myschin : You could have aimed to another ship you know ?
Kongou : Ah, SORRY about that admiral.

The Flagship Ru-class managed to heavily damage Kaga afterward.

Kaga : Oh no... What a shame...
Zuikaku : ... My turn now !

And the Crane managed to One-shot one of the two Ru-class Elite.

Yamashiro : They can dodge our attacks so easily !

The battle was ferocious, until...

Fusou : Take that you abomination !

Fusou managed to sink the golden-glowing Ru-class.

All of the others shipgirls : YES ! Well done !
Myschin : Woooh ! Good job girls... But we are not done yet ! We have a chance to bring Shimakaze, Nagato or Taigei to our base if we win with a S-rank ! Go into night battle !
Zuikaku : Roger that !

The remaining Ru-class Elite managed to heavily damage Fusou

Ru-class Elite : This is payback !!
Yamashiro : Nee-sama !! How dare you !!

Yamashiro one-shot the remaining Ru-class, but them the Ri-class Elite managed to Cut-in Zuikaku and heavily damaged her; but she was terminated by Kongou, and Ise managed to sink the last Ni-class Elite.

Then the silence came, then a explosion of joy.

Kongou : WE DID IT !
Ise : IT'S OVER !!
Myschin, through microphone : AAAAH ! I'M SO PROUD OF ALL OF YOU GIRLS !!
Yamashiro : So, is there any new comrade around ?

The fleet saw a silhouette in the night, then...

Hyuuga : You're an allied fleet ? I see. Anyway. Second ship of the Ise class, Hyuuga. Remember me, if you would.
Ise : WOOOH ! My sister !!
Myschin : Yesss ! It's still a great addition to our fleet !
Hyuuga : You sure are excited you girls...
Ise : You have no ideas...

The fleet came back at the base, where everyone awaited them on the docks. They were welcomed with a huge triumph, even bigger that the time the admiral received his first medal.

Myschin : This is it ! A perfect conclusion for today ! You girls are awesome ! Now I order everyone to have holidays until the Event start !
All of the shipgirls : Huzzah ! Long live the admiral !!
Myschin : And let Fusou, Kaga and Zuikaku go to the repair docks and let them have a good rest.

Then a huge party began. Everyone was here. Shigure finally managed to not faint in front of Yamashiro for the first time. Everyone want to congrats Kongou and Hiei had a rude time by trying to keep Kongou all for herself. While eveyone had a good time, the admiral went to the repair docks.

Zuikaku : Hold on ! We are girls, don't you have a sense of shame admiral ?
Myschin : Don't worry, I will stay outside of your privacy. I really wanted to thnak you for what you done.
Zuikaku : It's not like I have done all of this by myself. I hate to admit this but... Even if she was damaged at the beginning of the last battle, we maybe couldn't have reach the last area without Kaga's help.
Kaga, pokerface : I have to concede that, 5th CarDiv. In fact, you impress me with your determination.
Zuikaku : Eh ?
Kaga, pokerface : In fact, I'm a little jealous of you.
Zuikaku and Myschin, shocked : ...
Kaga : What ?
Myschin : You... You admit that ?
Kaga : Remember admiral, you said before that I was your real trump card, and I know that Zuikaku will easily surpass me sooner or later, and I hope she will be a proud leader in the future.
Zuikaku : ... Don't put so much pressure on me, please >< !
Kaga, sparkling : You deserve this, don't you ?

And they pass the rest of the night in a happy mood. The whole naval base was happy and had fun until the dawn.

Somewhere in a abyssal place...

Ru-class Flagship : I have bad news... We lost the Okinoshima Islands.
Hime#1, licking her lips : Oh sweetie, it's not that terrible you know ?
Ru-class Elite : But, hime-sama...
Hime#2 : Let them enjoy their victory then...
Hime#3 : We Will CRUSH THEM in 4 days !
Hime#4 : Joy... What is that ?
Hime#1 : Don't worry sweetie, you will learn what it is when you will crush this fleet. After all you will be the first sent to the battlefield, as you wished for.
Hime#4 : Yes...


Myschin : Je suis épuisé !
Inazuma : Vous avez trop trainé dans l'écriture de cette partie amiral-nanodesu.
Myschin : Je m'en excuse encore, mais la prochaine partie sera sur le Summer Event ! J'ai tellement de choses à raconter...
Inazuma : Que de mémoires en effet...
[Remonter en haut du chapitre]

Counterattack ! The Second Operation SN (Part 1)
The admiral was looking at his computer.

Myschin : What's a Shenanigan by the way ?
Inazuma : I don't know-nanodesu...

The pre-Event Shenanigans
3 days remains until the start of the Event.

Hyuuga : Admiral, I want some Zuiuns please !
Myschin : But Hyuuga, you need to be remodeled for that, and you don't have any experience yet...
Hyuuga : That's a problem. I want some Zuiuns. Zuiuns are good. Zuiuns are life. Please remodel me as soon as possible !
Myschin : We will see later, I promise.

Hyuuga left the office and Ise came in a few second later.

Ise : Ah admiral, I met my sister a few second before. I guess she has talked about Zuiuns ?
Myschin : Yeah but I can't train her now. Everyone is supposed to have holidays but nobody took it.
Ise : Because we can't go on vacation and left you alone.
Myschin : Oh...

During a collation with some Destroyers.

Akatsuki : Commander, your pancakes are so goods.
Myschin : There is plenty left.
Akatsuki : Yay !
Satsuki : Thank you !
Akebono : By the way, why we are here with you ?
Myschin : I asked Akashi some things. Among them is the last key to open the last repair dock. Also, we will enlarge the base to welcome more shipgirls, 20 more actually. With the upcoming Event, there is high chances that we will met some news comrades...
Satsuki : Is that so ?
Myschin : With Hyuuga, you are 94 who lives in this base. The Event only allow participation if we have at least 5 free slots. And even if we are a new base, I think that we will met more than 1 new shipgirl.
Akebono : Sound good. I have to say that you are not shitty for an newly-assigned admiral.
Myschin : I take this as a compliment.

In the evening...

Myschin : Thank you for helping me Yamashiro.
Yamashiro : It can free me from nee-sama's love for an instant so I take the opportunity.
Myschin : So now, I can hope to see Shimakaze in the Recipe.
Yamashiro : I'm not the best person who can help you...
Myschin : Why ? Because some people call you 'unlucky ship' ? I trust you, that's all the matter for me.
Yamashiro : Thank you for your kindness admiral...
Myschin : Ah, look like the timer is 24 minutes... It gonna be a Kagerou-class again.

But after the flame-thrower fairy came, the Recipe opened and...

A huge scream was heard by everyone in the base...

Maya : Oh, that again ? What is it this time ?
Tone : You say that with such a monotone voice.
Maya : He does this sometimes, we are used to it.
Furutaka : But wait, didn't were was also a girl voice too ?
Maya : Don't care, it's the same for me.

Back at the arsenal...

Myschin, in huge despair : WHYYYYYYYY ?!
Yamashiro, lying on the floor : Such misfortuneeeee !
Yukikaze : The eighth ship of Kagerou-class destroyer, I'm Yukikaze. I'll be in your care ! I can feel the presence of the goddess of luck above me !
Yukikaze, smiling : ... I don't know =D !
Myschin : I don't like you !
Yukikaze, smiling : Nihihi, I don't caaare !
Myschin : I'm gonna catch you and throw you in a beaver cage !!
Yukikaze : If you can catch me first :P

A car chase began between the admiral and the destroyer, but now matter what, he can't capture her, or Yukikaze's luck was so strong that it prevent anyone to harm her.

Myschin, panting : Huf... I GIVE UP !
Yukikaze, smiling : Nihihi =D, Try again later.
Myschin, panting : Tch, who gonna take of you ?
Shiranui, pokerface : I will. You don't know how to be nice with this angel.
Myschin : It's a beaver from hell !
Shiranui, pokerface : Soon, you will learn all the goods points about this angel.
Yukikaze : Ne, ne Shiranui-chan, you're so niiice~

Then Shiranui start to nosebleed. Later, the admiral called Zuikaku in order to craft more planes.

Zuikaku : I don't understand why do you don't like Yukikaze.
Myschin : She came when Yamashiro, out of all girls in the base, helped me with the constructions ! Talk about luck please.
Zuikaku : Speaking of luck, I think that you will be very happy with this new plane.
Myschin : Oh !

The newly crafted plane was the 3-star legendary Reppuu, one of the strongest planes that can be crafted.

Myschin : Good ! With this plane, we can took a huge advantage in air superiority !
Zuikaku : We will need more than one for that, but it's always a nice start to begin with.

2 days remains until the start of the Event.

Myschin : Now I can worry a lot. No matter how many times we can go into Bashi islands or Orel bay, we can't find Haruna !
Inazuma : Hum admiral, there is other way to search for her-nanodesu.
Myschin : Ah ?
Inazuma : Now that you cleared the Okinoshima Island campaign, you can go into the northern seas.
Myschin : Oh I see... The new area is called... The Moray Sea ? It reminds me about the Moral Abyss level in Ecco : the Tides of Time. Let's see... What ?! No data about this area ?!
Inazuma : Well, it's not a frequented area.
Myschin : So we can go with whatever fleet we want ?
Inazuma : I want to say yes-nanodesu ? But the compass is probably random too.
Myschin : Glup ! I hope we will not encounter the same bullshit as we do in the Coastal zone and the Okinoshima Islands...

Moments later, a fleet led by Inazuma with Akatsuki, Maya, Kongou, Ise, and Shouhou prepared to go to this new area.

Myschin : ... I have not really something to say here ladies. This area seems so random...
Kongou : Worry not, we will conquer this area within the day !

But right at the beginning of the mission, the compass girls sent the fleet in the wrong direction.

Kongou : BLOODY HELL !!
Ise : Calm down. As the admiral said before, it's random.

Later, back at the naval base.

Myschin : Honestly, it would have been too much to win at our first time...
Kongou : I'm still pissed...
Myschin : There, there. I'll allow you to be really pissed if we can't reach the boss's node after 30 or so tries, like Okinoshima Island.
Kongou : Oh Okay-desu.
Myschin : Do you feel you can go another time now ?
Maya : Yeah, let's say it was an accident. Let's kick ass and chew bubble gum... Ah shoot I don't have any bubble gum...
Myschin, laughing : That's the spirit Maya, now go !

And for the second time, the fleet went to the Moray sea again, but this time...

Akatsuki : Yay, we took the good path this time.
Ise : This is still another branch after the battle.
Kongou : Whoah, the abyssals bring Flagships units right from the start now.
Maya : Meh, it's only some Light cruisers, we can deal with them !

And the fleet managed to win their first battle with a S-Rank.

Myschin, through microphone : Everyone is fine ?
Inazuma : Yes, nothing but scratch-nanodesu.
Kongou : Now, the only problem left is...
Compass Girls : We're baaack ! That Tatsuta was awful the last time, but now NOBODY will interfere with us this time ! Our Almighty Compass will deliver his judgement !!
Akatsuki : This isn't just a regular compass ?
Compass Girls : How dare you ! Let's spin it !

The needle pointed to the North-East.

Compass Girls : Oh no ! We failed to troll them !!
Maya : Move around you stupid fairies.
Ise : I wonder what kind of enemy await us now...

Her response came quickly... With an abyssal fleet led by a Flagship Ru-class and a Flagship Wo-Class

Ise : Oops, it's only the first zone and they bring a strong force !
Ru-class Flagship : You represent a threat to our forces ! Our superiors don't care for now, but we must stop you !
Maya : So they took seriously eh ? Bring it on !
Wo-class Flagship : No so fast ! WO gonna be rekt this time ?!
Shouhou : I won't allow that !

But Maya was damaged by the abyssal planes.

Maya : Don't joke with me ! J...just wait and see !
Ru-class Flagship : Well done, Wo-class !
Kongou : You will regret that !

But neither Ru-class or Wo-class was targeted.

Ru-class Flagship : My turn !

And she heavily damaged Ise.

Ise : Gah ! My long-awaited flight-deck is...
Shouhou : Inazuma, Akatsuki, take care of the destroyers so I'll can aim at their flagships !
Inazuma : Yes-nanodesu !

In the end, the fleet managed to win, at night time, with all of the heavy ships damaged. Akatsuki and Izanuma remain unscathed.

Kongou : It was one hell of a battle but we won YES !
Myschin : It's good to know. We won't often come back here but...
Inazuma : Something wrong admiral ?
Myschin : Yes, now we can access to the infamous Kis Island !
Akatsuki : Hey but now we can go with a Light cruiser as the flagship !
Myschin : Yeah but still, I fear this area, except for the first battle if we took the north route. My friends on the Communication Network told me that this is a great area for training as long as we bring a sub to tank the enemies's attacks.

1 day remains until the start of the Event.

Somewhere in an abyssal place

Hime#1 : ...
Hime#2 : What's wrong sweetie ? You can't wait until tomorrow ?
Hime#1 : I just... Want to see the moon again. I'll... Crush any opponent who will interfere with me !
Hime#2 : Ohohoh, that's the spirit sweetie. Soon, soon, you just have to wait.
Hime#1 : Beside that... Something bother me.
Hime#2 : Hmm ? What ?
Hime#1 : The new hime who came a little earlier... She is a destroyer too, right ?
Hime#2 : Yes, she is our precious trump card who will inflict the worst trauma to the humans who will face us.
Hime#1 : But why she does have thoses... things ? I... I don't have such the same...
Hime#2 : Hu ? What are you talking about ?
Hime#1 : Those equipments... * I can't tell her it's about the chest, she will do weird things to me again... Fortunately we have found that foreign destroyer who will keep her busy *

Hime#3 : Heavy oh. Heavy oh. Gonna be all pretty to face to despicable shipgirls, and then SINK SINK SINK them nyahahahah !!
Hime#4 : You are so excited it's almost scary !
Hime#4 : * Really scary in fact !! *
Hime#5 : ...
Hime#4 : Oh come on you, why are you so quiet since we began to prepare this operation ? Say something !
Hime#5 : I am looking at this new admiral's datas. Even if there so few about him, we must not underestimate him !
Hime#4 : Pff, again with this overprotective attitude of your ? You worry too much ! He's just a 1-month freakin' new admiral ! How does he can be a threat ?!
Hime#5 : That's because we don't have enough datas. Just because he failed to conquer the Okinoshima Island in a short time doesn't mean he don't know what he doing.
Hime#4 : Just wait until one our earlier hime stop him and you will see.
Hime#5 : ... Right * They are REALLLY underestimate him, that could be a problem... *

Hime#2 : So you're a new hime right ? How strong are you ?
Hime#6 : Ooooh I don't know, how about I whip your ass to measure my strength ?
Hime#2 : ... Ewww gross !
Hime#6 : It's fine you know ? At worst, I will drag those admirals to the abyssal side !

In the admiral's office.

Yayoi, purring : Please pat me more...
Myschin : Erm, I would like to, but I have some work right, can't you let me alone 5 minutes ?
Yayoi : No way...

Yayoi was carried like a princess by the admiral.

Myschin : Pretty please Yayoi, it has been a countless number of circles around the office.
Yayoi : I'm gonna sulk if you don't play with me more.
Myschin : Tch, let's see if I'm able to work without my arms.

A few second later.

Kirishima, Kako, Sendai, Jintsuu, Inazuma, I-58 : ...
Myschin, still holding Yayoi in his hands : I'm sorry...
Yayoi, sparkling : Purrrfect...
I-58 : Why don't you just realease her ?
Myschin : I can't. Otherwise she will become to sulk and I don't want that... Anyway, if I called the 6 of you, it's for a training session in the north of the Kis Island. let's see how many experience you can get from 1 sortie.
The 6 girls in the fleet : Yes admiral.
Inazuma : What can we do to force you to leave the admiral Yayoi ?
Yayoi, purring : I don't know... Just wait until I have enough...
Inazuma : It could take the whole day !!
Myschin : Go to the Kis Island then we will see after that.

In the Kis island's nearby.

Kako : That was rather easy.
Kirishima : Yes, maybe it's because there is only lesser units who will only attack submrines.
I-58, moderately damaged : Oh well, I can go again without going to the repairs dock.
Inazuma : Wait, there is someone here !

Back at the admiral's office, Yayoi has fall asleep is the admiral's hands.

Myschin : Great, what I am gonna do now ?
Yayoi : ... Please pat me more...

Then suddenly, the office's door was opened.

Sendai : We are back !
Myschin : Hu ? Something wrong ? Did someone get hurt too much ?
Jintsuu : Not... Not yet but...
???? : The heck is wrong with you Kirishima ! I freakin' don't care about that rivalry ! Leave me alone, so I could meet the boss here.
Myschin : Hu ?! Who is that ?!

Then, much to the admiral's surprise, Haruna entered in the office.

Haruna : Fast battleship, Haruna, reporting for duty. You're the boss here, correct ? I'm looking forward to working with you.
Myschin : Wait, something wrong here !
Haruna, menacing voice : Ah ? Yes, that Kirishima is sticking to my side. Can I beat the crap out of her ?
Myschin : Wait wait wait ! Aren't you supposed to be someone very kind with everyone ?
Haruna : I'm only kind with my big sister Kongou and the person who command her.
Myschin : But I am the admiral here and Kongou is under my command.
Haruna : Ah, I'm sorry. Please let me cut myself to apologize !
Myschin : ... I refuse. Are you a yakuza or what ?!

Then Kongou entered the office herself.

Haruna : Aneki !!
Kongou : So you're finally there Haruna... Let me tell you that the admiral here like the quiet girls.
Myschin : It's not like that I hate the hot-blooded girls though.
Kongou : So please Haruna, be more gentle with everyone would you ?
Haruna : ... I guess I have no choice then...

Later in the day, there was several incidents caused by Haruna, who clashed with other hot-blooded girls such as Maya and Tenryuu, but Kongou managed to calm everything. In the evening, Zuikaku helped the admiral to craft some planes, and a second Ryuusei Kai and a new plane, the Suisei 12A were crafted.

Night time. The admiral has released his eldrazis around the base. Now he is looking at the sea with a deep look.

Myschin : It's coming... Our very first major operation... I wonder if I will meet that girl too.
Inazuma, sitting next to the admiral : You talking about Harusame again ?
Myschin : No, I'm talking about the Destroyer Hime. Somehow I really want to keep her with me.
Inazuma : ... I'm not sure that the Headquarter allow you to keep an abyssal being in the base.
Myschin : I am sure that I can. I just need to let her live as a civilian.
Inazuma : But thoses abyssals probably will not listen to you, you know ?
Myschin : Until we will meet them, we can't be sure. I just want to dream a little. You know, in another world, everyone said that the eldrazis were impossible to tame, and now look, they are here to protect you. The abyssals can't be more heartless than them.
Inazuma : If you say so... Shouldn't you go sleep now ?
Myschin : Just a moment please. The moon in the starry sky is beautiful...
Inazuma, blushing : Do... Do you know what did you just say ?
Myschin, surprised : Erm, I don't think there is a hidden message behind that sentence ^^'
Inazuma, still blushing : * He don't know ? This is still so embarassing ! *

Hime#1 : Anytime now... I want so see the moon again !
Hime#2 : Just a little further and then you could go.

E-1 Prepare for Second Operation SN !
Firsts steps into the Event

It has finally came.

Myschin : This is it ladies ! It's the first day of the Event !
Maya : Let's go, let's go ! I want to kick some abyssal's ass now !!
Myschin : I can understand that you are excited but we need to wait a little. We can't just go like that. I need some datas... I will follow my mentor's progression first.

On the communication Network.

Suna : Are you ready ? I'm gonna go in a few second.
Myschin : With the visual recording, it will be easy to see what await us...
Suna : The shiplock is there for us veterans, but in your case, you don't have to worry about it, since you are a newly assigned admiral, you will be not forced to use it.
Myschin : I see...
Suna : ...
Myschin : Something wrong ?
Suna : ... Yes, you're not gonna like what will happen if we reach the boss.
Myschin : Eh ?

Shiratsuyu : What's wrong with the commander ? He seems to be very depressed.
Murasame : It's true, I've never saw him so depressed before... I don't want to attack him now...
Fusou : He is even more depressed than me in my worst days...
Fumizuki : Hihihi, then I'm gonna give him a warm smile again.
Inazuma : Wait a moment-nanodesu. I want to know why he is so depressed now.
Natori : But there is this depressing aura all around his office. Even Yayoi don't want to approach him for now.
Inazuma : I have to be strong and see what happened-nanodesu !

Taking his courage in two hands, Inazuma entered the admiral's office. Immediately, she started to feel a litle desperate.

Myschin, slumped over his desk : Why ? Why ? Why ? I can't... I can't go...
Inazuma : Ad-Admiral ?
Myschin, raising his head : Inazuma ? Why did you came here ?
Inazuma : It's the first time we saw you that depressed... We... We want to know. What happened ?
Myschin : It's too soon ! Too soon ! Why does it have to be like that right from the start ?
Inazuma : What is too soon ?
Myschin : I... I can't do it. It means that we have to hurt her... I DON'T WANT TO HURT HER !!
Inazuma : ADMIRAL ! What's going on-nanodesu ?!
Myschin : This first operation... Why do we have to fight the Destroyer Hime ?!
Inazuma : Ah...
Myschin : I just can't harm her. I want to save her, not to hurt her...
Inazuma : But admiral, if you do nothing then you will not be able to save her either.
Myschin : Why so soon ? Why she has to be our first major opponent ?
Inazuma : This is something we can't know until you ask her directly.
Myschin : ...

Inazuma noticed that the depressing aura has vanished.

Myschin : Maybe... Yes... Maybe I can do this... I don't care about the Headquarters, I'm gonna capture her at the end of the battle ! Such an opportunity may not came in a long time after that !

A moment later, the admiral apologized to all of the girls in the naval base.

Myschin : I'm sorry to have let my personal feelings interfere with our mission. Thus said, I have an announcement to make. If we will this first major battle, then I'm gonna keep the Destroyer Hime in our base.
Most of the shipgirls : Whaaat ?!
Myschin : Most of you, especially the oldest girls in this base, know how I want to make peace with the abyssals and save the Destroyer Hime. This is a perfect opportunity. It's soon but don't worry, I'll take responsability for keeping an abyssal in our base.
Kongou : Well, it's not like we can't trust you. After all, there are those indescribable creatures all around the base to protect us.
Myschin : And now, it's time for us to dive into this Event.

The admiral called Inazuma, Natori, Mochizuki, Shiratsuyu, Fumizuki and Ikazuchi.

Ikazuchi : Tell me commander, it is because all of our 6 have brown hairs that we will go together ?
Myschin : Why not ? And I'm gonna go as well.
Mochizuki : Hey, don't try to catch the enemy earlier.
Myschin : I'm not gonna do that ! I need to see her with my own eyes.

And then the fleet penetrate the first area of the Event.

Myschin : With our fleet composition, we should be able to reach Destroyer Hime's node almost every time...
Compass girls : Nyohohohoh !
Shiratsuyu : Ewww, the gross fairies are here again.
Compass girls : Shaddup and rejoice ! With the right composition, you can always reach your objective. But we won't tell you if your current composition is the right one !
Myschin : Spin the compass and we will see.

And to the surprise of the admiral and the fleet, the first sortie ended in a dead end.

Myschin : Hu ?! What happened ?! We followed the right composition right ?!
Compass girls : Yes but you need a specific girl in order to secure your path to the boss, without this girl, your light fleet will always have a small chance to go into that dead end.
Myschin : And I guess you're not gonna tell us who is this girl right ?
Compass girls : Of course not ! Find by yourself ohohoh !

The first encounter

Later in the day...

Natori : Do you think our composition is bad ?
Myschin : I don't think so. We followed the rules, with 1 Light cruiser and 5 Destroyers because it's the easiest path to the boss, even with the randomness.
Ikazuchi : Don't worry, this first sortie was an accident. We will reach the boss this time !

And after the first battle, the compass girls sent the fleet to the south.

Myschin : Good, we can reach the boss's area for sure.
Shiratsuyu : If we can pass the next battle first.

There was 2 Ru-class Elite whow waited for them.

Myschin : Hu ?! You kidding right ?! Such strong enemies right from the start ?!
Inazuma : This is probably why the compass girls told us about the right shipgirl, maybe she can let us pass directly to the resource node ?

The battle was intense and Mochizuki took moderate damages, but the fleet was still able to continue.

Myschin : Here it is...

The Destroyer Hime was apparently waiting for the fleet to come. She had a long side ponytail and a spiked hat, but her missing legs were the unavoidable thing to look at her.

Destroyer Hime : So you came... I won't let you go any further... I won't... BE DEFEATED !!
Myschin : We can talk...
Destroyer Hime : Are you kidding ? The only language that we will speak here is the violence ! Now attack my fellow destroyers !!

A ferocious battle began between the two forces.

Destroyer Hime : Sink ! SINK !
Natori, moderately damaged : Uwaaah, she's strong !

Shiratsuyu was heavily damaged as well.

Myschin : Please, listen to me !
Destroyer Hime : You're annoying ! Just because you sank my friends won't mean that I'm defeated yet !
Mochizuki : Maybe we should engage a night battle.
Destroyer Hime : It's no use ! I won't be defeated !!
Myschin : She... She won't listen to me...
Inazuma : Then there is only one way to reason her-nanodesu !

Inazuma managed to Cut-In the abyssal hime and knock out her in 1 shot.

Destroyer Hime : AAAAH ! YOU LITTLE... !
Myschin : UWAAAH ! You almost gave me an heart attack Inazuma !!
Inazuma : Sorry admiral, but this is the only way if you want to talk with her.
Destroyer Hime, cornered : You... You won that first battle... BUT I'M NOT DEFEATED YET ! I won't let you win !!
Myschin : Listen to me please...
Destroyer Hime : Get lost !

Before the admiral can say anything else, Destroyer Hime ran away. The fleet came back to the base soon after.

Myschin : I swear Inazuma. Next time, prevent me when you will do something like that please.
Inazuma : I'm sorry admiral, but now you know what can happen if we are forced to advance in night battles.
Myschin : I also guess that we have to rely on this method if I want her to listen to me.
Inazuma : Yes...
Myschin : Okay... I'll not panic the next time. Everyone, take a rest, then we will come back here again.
Shiratsyu, Mochizuki, Fumizuki, Ikazuchi, Natori : Yes admiral.

Kikuzuki's help & Urakaze's arrival

Natori, heavily damaged : Uwaaah !
Shiratsuyu, heavily damaged : ...It hurts, it's cold, it's embarrassing... Just you wait and see !
Mochizuki, heavily damaged : Seriously, I said it hurts a lot !
Myschin : Retreat !!

For the third sortie, the fleet ended in the Ru-classes's node again, but this time, it was a complete defeat for the shipgirls.

Ikazuchi : This is no good at all, we can't reach that node and then hope to survive 2 Ru-class Elites attacks if we want to progress...
Myschin : For sure yes, but we still don't know who is the shipgirl who can let us avoid that node...

Later in the day, the admiral received a notification from an unknown sender on the Communication Network.

Myschin : I really don't like when a stranger come like that but... Hu ?

"Use Kikuzuki". Only 2 words, nothing else. The admiral was confused for a second. Then he called Kikuzuki in his office.

Kikuzuki : Why did you called me admiral ?
Myschin : Do you know anything about that second SN Operation ?
Kikuzuki : I was indeed involved in it, but my role was minor.
Myschin : Can you go with the fleet ?
Kikuzuki : I would like to, but Mikazuki will want to go too...
Myschin : Arf...
Fumizuki : Eheheh commander, don't worry. I'll leave my place in the fleet to my sister and I'll take care of Mikazuki. Then it's good, right ?
Kikuzuki : Yes... We can go whenver you want commander.

Compass girls : Ohohoh, you finally found the right shipgirl !

And the compass pointed directly to the boss's node after the first battle.

Kikuzuki : ... Right... I came here a long time ago.
Myschin : You will be alright ?
Kikuzuki : Yes, don't worry about me...

And the fleet met Destroyer Hime for the second time.

Destroyer Hime : You came back eh... obstinate shipgirls !
Myschin : Yeah, we will come again and again, until you finally will listen to what I have to say...
Destroyer Hime : Then I'll sink you once and for all !!

The battle that followed afterward was pretty much the same as the first. The abyssal princess was cornered and Inazuma finished her with another cut-in.

Destroyer Hime, panting : Kuh... It hurts... IT HURTS !
Myschin : LISTEN ! We can end this battle without hurting each others anymore !
Destroyer Hime : Go to hell ! I'll never listen to a human !

And then she ran away for the second time.

Inazuma : I guess she will break soon...
Myschin : If only she would listen to me before that...
Natori : Ah admiral ! There is a new comrade here.
Myschin : Hu ? A new comrade ? Even if we went without using the shiplocking mechanism ?!

The admiral saw a girl with blue hairs.

Urakaze : Hello ! It's me, Urakaze, nice to meet'ya !
Myschin : WHOA ! Oh my god !
Urakaze : Oh ? Are ya the admiral of that fleet ?
Myschin : Ah yes but... Let me take a break for a second. You... You are a very uncommun shipgirl, am I right ?
Urakaze : If ya say so...

The fleet came back to the base with their new comrade.

Urakaze : Oooh, it look like very recent.
Myschin : Ah yes... I was assigned a little more than a month ago.
Urakaze : Oh I see...
Myschin : In fact, you are the first non-buildable Destroyer to came in our base.
Urakaze : So it mean that neither Hamakaze, Tanikaze or Isokaze is here ?
Myschin : No, and I'm sorry...
Urakaze : I'm not worried ya see ? At least Kagerou and some of their sisters are there, right ?
Myschin : Yes...
Urakaze : And if ya have 4 fleets activated, it does mean that...
Kongou : URAKAZE !!
Urakaze, very happy : Kongou-onee-sama !

The 2 shipgirls hug each other and the admiral suddenly noticed the same hair style between the two.

Myschin : Ah, I see why she called her onee-sama
Hiei : HIEIII ! A RIVAL ?!
Myschin : Oh sh...

And then, another incident involving Hiei happened once again in the naval base, and Kongou gave a lecture to her sister afterward.

Later in the evening...

Inazuma : Admiral, you don't want to go fight the Destroyer Hime again ?
Myschin : We are not in a hurry and...

On the communication Network

Suna : RAAAH ! How this can be ?! Why E-3 is so hard ?!
Peluche : Seriously...
Cap'tain Fist : And this is only E3 right ?
Suna : 3 himes-class enemies are too much ! And even if I can pass this map... My own mentor... He saw what await us after that infamous E3... You 3 will sooner of later start to feel the same terror as we felt back in the IronBottom Sound Event !
Myschin, Peluche, Cap'tain Fist : ...
Suna : That new hime is TOO STRONG damnit !

The admiral saw other peoples complaining about the E3 map too...

Suna : There are already some veterans who fell into madness and some others are even quitting their post !! This Event is a pure madness, and it's only the E3 ! There is 4 more maps that come after this one !!

This night, the admiral fell asleep while hearing some of the complaints from the others admirals.

Myschin : * Damn, and this is our first Event... *

The last battle and the unexpected arrival.

The next day, somewhere in an abyssal place.

Destroyer Hime : Why ?! Why I can't win against him ?!
Hime#1 : Oh sweetie, you lost again ?
Destroyer Hime : Uuuh, it's the third time... And that admiral who try to speak with me... How dare he try to do that ? It's because of the humans if we were born in the first place !!
Hime#2 : It's time to unleash your wrath. Time to be stronger. Time to inflict the most pain to those shipgirls !
Destroyer Hime : That Inazuma... She cut-in me everytime. I can't even counter-attack ! I... I don't want to loose again ! I'm at my limit now ! I don't want to be defeated !!
Hime#1 : You won't be defeated. You are filled with determination now. You can win against him !
Destroyer Hime : Yes... YES !

Later, on the battlefield...

Myschin : Gah... She way thougher than the last time. What happened ?
Inazuma : I... I don't know-nanodesu.
Destroyer Hime : I WON'T LET YOU WIN !! NOW SINK !!
Myschin : Retreat ! Retreat !

Back at the base.

Myschin : Something is different about her... She seems more... Determinated.
Inazuma : It means that we can definitively win against her. We need to knock her down one last time. It's the last dance.
Myschin : If it's all about determination... Then we must be determinated as well... How are we gonna do that ?
Natori : I don't know...
Mochizuki : You could promise me to play some video games with me...
Myschin : That's not enough and would only work on you alone...
Shiratsuyu : Then how about more pancakes ?
Myschin : It's too early for that. Maybe after the end of the Event, but not before it end...

Everyone thought about an idea until...

Myschin : Okay girls, at least, you can do something for me that would make me very happy.
Ikazuchi : Which is ?
Myschin : Just win against the Destroyer Hime so I could capture her afterward !
Ikazuchi : Oh well, it's the initial plan right ?
Myschin : Yes, but we must believe in it.

Later, back in the boss's node.

Destroyer Hime : Obstinate girls, why did you came again ?! I'll sent you back in your pathetic base !
Destroyer Hime : YOU CAN'T SAVE ME ! IT'S TOO LATE NOW !
Inazuma, Natori, Shiratsuyu, Mochizuki, Kikuzuki, Ikazuchi : YES ADMIRAL !
Destroyer Hime : Attack, fellow destroyers !!

The most intense battle started right after that, and finally, while Shiratsuyu and Mochizuki were moderately damaged, only the Destroyer Hime remains on the other side...

Destroyer Hime : I'm not defeated yet ! You won't ! Defeat me !
Myschin : This is actually my last chance before she kill me if we fail ! So give everything you have !
All the shipgirls : YES !

The night battle began and Inazuma already armed her torpedoes for a cut-in but...

Destroyer Hime : This trick... WON'T WORK AGAIN !!

Then Destroyer Hime managed to Cut-in Mochizuki, who fell into heavy damaged state.

Mochizuki : AAARGH !
Myschin : Natori ! Do something !
Natori, determinate : I'll... I'LL TRY !

But neither of Natori's two attacks were enough to knock Destroyer Hime down !

Destroyer Hime : I WON'T GIVE UP ! YOU... CAN'T... WIN !!
Myschin : Shi... Shiratsuyu !

But the destroyer missed her because of her moderately damaged state...

Myschin : Ki... Kikuzuki please !
Kikuzuki : Right !

Kikuzuki managed to wound the abyssal hime enough to put her into a heavy damaged state but it was not enough.

Destroyer Hime : This... is... useless... I won't be... Defeated... I won't...
Myschin : How can she still standing ?
Inazuma : They are not called 'hime' for nothing...
Myschin : It's over ! I'm so dead now.
Ikazuchi : Wait commander, it's my turn now !
Myschin : Ikazuchi ! It's now or nothing ! I REALLY NEED YOUR HELP RIGHT NOW !

Those words resonated in Ikazuchi's ears.

Ikazuchi : * The commander really need my help. He really need my help. He have to rely on me ! *

Then Ikazuchi suddenly started to sparkle so bright that it could match Fumizuki's smile.

Ikazuchi, max sparkled : Commander... YOU CAN RELY ON ME !!

Then Ikazuchi loaded her torpedoes and fired at Destroyer Hime. A huge explosion resounded.

Destroyer Hime : Ah... No... It... It can't be... I... I have... lost... ?

The abyssal princess fell in the water. Then she slowy raised her hand in the sky.

Destroyer Hime : The moon... It is... Beautiful.

And she began to sink in the ocean.

Destroyer Hime : Ah... No... NOOO ! I don't want to sink again... The bottom of the sea is so cold, so dark... I don't... Please... Someone... Help... Me...

Then she fainted and everything became black around her.


Destroyer Hime : * I remember. Once again... I was... Harusame... And the humans abandoned me to my sad faith, they didn't even try to help me back then... Damn you humans. My thirst for vengeance allow me to survive and become an abyssal ship... But now I have lost my last hopes. *


Destroyer Hime : * Wait a second... How can I still think about everything ?! I am supposed to be dead now, right ?! What's going on ?! *

Then suddenly, she woke up.

Destroyer Hime : Hu ?! Where I am ?!

She looked around her and they she saw an indescribable creature who was looking at her.

Destroyer Hime : ... Right, I am in hell I guess.
Myschin : So... You're finally awake, aren't you ?
Destroyer Hime : Hu ?!

She turned her head to the right and she saw the human who came to fight her in the sea.

Destroyer Hime : Y-You !
Myschin : Please stay calm, your wounds are not healed yet.
Destroyer Hime : Where I am ?
Myschin : You are currently in a repair dock inside my naval base. After your defeat, I managed to save you from sinking in the ocean.
Destroyer Hime : ... So I am still... Alive ?
Myschin : Wounded but alive, yes.
Destroyer Hime : Then what is this creature ?!
Myschin : This ? It's a measure of protection.
Destroyer Hime : ...

She remind silent for a few seconds then...

Destroyer Hime : Why ?
Myschin : Why what ?
Destroyer Hime : Why did you save me ? I'm an abyssal ship... I'm an enemy of your race.
Myschin : This must be the case, but I'm not an human from this world. I studied a lot before I came to this place. You abyssal ships want to avenge your previous death before you became abyssal ships right...
Destroyer Hime : This is something that a few humans who would tell...
Myschin : I believe in the fact that you are not the heartless monsters that most of the people in this world are talking about. I believe that I can bring an end to this war.
Destroyer Hime : It's futile... This war stand lasts too long to be ended just like that...
Myschin : I traveled around several worlds and some of them were gnawed by war. Some amoung them managed to make peace after all. I want... I want to give you a chance, to make peace with the natives humans of this world, to free all of your abyssal from that vengeful curse.
Destroyer Hime, laughing a little : Fufufu, what a noble intention... But you are not the first to claim that... Do you really think you can change anything ?
Myschin : Yes, I'm sure.
Destroyer Hime : Now I'm curious to see if you can really change anything... But you should have started with another hime...
Myschin : Actually...
Destroyer Hime : ... ?
Myschin : I wanted to save YOU as soon as possible, but I didn't expected to encounter you so soon.
Destroyer Hime : And why me in the first place ?
Myschin : Because you are Harusame to begin with, right ?
Destroyer Hime : ... You know about that...
Myschin : Yes. When I came to this world, about 9 month ago, I saw you for the first time in the Operation Kon. Then I wanted to save you from your condition.
Destroyer Hime : You can't change me back into Harusame. I have memories from the pasts, but now I am the Destroyer Hime.
Myschin : Yeah I know, but it doesn't matter. Actually, the fact that you are legless affected my decision to save you.
Destroyer Hime : ... Are you telling me that you want to give me new legs ?
Myschin : No, I guess you can go where you want without legs, but I want to take care of you, to bring you a nice life.
Destroyer Hime : I can't trust you just like that...
Myschin : Then...

The admiral approached his face close to Destroyer Hime's.

Myschin : Perhaps this will convince you...

He began to kiss the abyssal princess on the lips.

Destroyer Hime, blushing : ... !
Myschin : I'll take care of you, I promise.
Destroyer Hime : But... I can't stay with you in this naval base !
Myschin : Yes you can. I'll take responsability for whatever can happen.
Destroyer Hime : But the shipgirls won't accept my presence so easily...
Myschin : This is something that I told them before actually. They will have no choice.
Destroyer Hime : And your superiors ? They won't complain ?
Myschin : As long as I safely keep you within my base, everything will be fine.

Then someone came.

Inazuma : A-Admiral... Are you still...
Myschin : It's already decided Inazuma.
Inazuma : Awawawa...
Myschin : And I had to kiss her to prove my sincerity.
Inazuma, blushing : Awawawa !
Destroyer Hime : ... OK... I will become a resident in this naval base. I swear I will do everything to feel happy.
Myschin : Actually, I plan to search for Harusame in the next area...
Destroyer Hime : ... We will see later about that.
Myschin : Then let me carry you outside of the dock and let's go meet the other shipgirls.

The admiral took the abyssal princess in his hands. She started to blush a little.

Destroyer Hime : Actually, you want even more than happiness for me right ?
Inazuma : Awawawa...
Myschin : Yes, but for this I'm sure nobody will allow me that. Let's let the things go naturally for now.

The admiral came back to his office with Destroyer Hime and Inazuma. Ooyodo, the real one, awaited for him.

Ooyodo : So you made your decision right ? Guess we can't complain about it.
Myschin : No complains will be allowed on the fact that now, an abyssal being is living in our base.
Ooyodo : Yes admiral, we will follow your orders.
Myschin : Actually Ooyodo you can dismiss, I will not let you be the secretary forever.
Ooyodo : Can I still keep my job as the mission's secretary ?
Myschin : Of course.
Ooyodo : Thank you admiral.

Flashback, just after the fleet managed to win against Destroyer Hime.

Myschin : We did it girls ! Now I just have to save the Destroyer Hime before she sank too deep.
Kikuzuki : How are you gonna do that ?
Myschin : By summoning a leviathan !
Kikuzuki : Whoah !

Then a huge sea serpent dive into the ocean and managed to grab Destroyer Hime's body.

Inazuma : Are you really sure about your decision ?
Myschin : Yes, everything will be fine.
Natori : Ah, wait a second admiral, I can see a new comrade who approach.
Myschin : A new comrade ? A sister of Urakaze ?
Ooyodo : Admiral, Light Cruiser Ooyodo has joined the battle lines. Please leave the fleet administration & supervision to me.

The admiral has his chin touching the ground.

Myschin : SERIOUSLY ?! Are you kidding me right now ?!
Ooyodo : I am not admiral. Your fleet managed to found me around here so now you won't have to ask me about the administration through the television in the base.
Myschin : Awawa... But I'm just a 1-month assigned admiral, are you fine to come in our base now ?
Ooyodo : Anytime is good. If you need help, then I'll help you, don't worry !
Myschin : Oh... I see... Actually I have some things to tell you, about how I see the whole war and everything. If you are really coming back with us, then don't say anything about the fact that I also bring an abyssal ship with us !
Ooyodo : Oh... Right, admiral. I won't say anything...

- End of the Flashback -

In the abyssal place...

Hime#1 : Bad news ! Destroyer Hime lost to this admiral !
Hime#2 : Oh well, that girl was too hasty after all. I'll give her a lot of love when she will came back. It should be soon right ?
Hime#1 : Actually... There is a worse news. It seems that Destroyer Hime was kidnapped by the admiral of the fleet...
Hime#2 : Whaaat are you saying ?!
Hime#2 : Calm down you ! Your turn will maybe not come if our new comrade doing her job fine with the Aircraft Carrier Onis sisters.
Hime#4 : That girl is too hot-blooded. I will save Destroyer Hime-chan MYSELF ! I'm her best friend after all !

At the naval base, in the evening.

On the Communication Network.

Myschin : Finally managed to finish E-1 and even managed to bring back Destroyer Hime and Ooyodo !
Suna : Good for you but... Damn, even if I managed to finally clear E-3... OH GOD WHY DO I HAVE TO DO THIS BATTLE AGAIN ?!
Peluche : Hey hey, it can't be as bad as the last time because there is no Regen bar this time !
Suna : It's still one of my worst Traumas !
Cap'tain Fist : Peluche is right. With Regen bar, you don't have to worry that much.
Peluche : Also Myschin !
Myschin : Yes ?
Peluche : I'm so jealous about the fact that you found Ooyodo this early !!

Destroyer Hime : Indeed... Your friends, and even yourself, are gonna face that crazy friend of mine...
Myschin : We will see about that tomorrow I guess.
Destroyer Hime : By the way, why did you carry me here, I wonder ?
Myschin : To allow you to look at the sky... Look, it's there.

The abyssal princess raised her head and saw what she always wanted to see.

Destroyer Hime : Oh... The moon... It is... Beautiful...
Myschin : Yes indeed, the moon sure is beautiful this night...
Inazuma, watching from a distance and blushing : Awawawa, how could they casually talk about love just like that ?

E-2 Combined Fleet, To The Solomon Islands !
Rough time

3rd day of the Event.

Myschin : Good morning. How was your first night in this naval base ?
Destroyer Hime : It was nice, but something bother me now...
Myschin : What is it ?
Destroyer Hime : Since you want me to live here, my friends in the abyss might want to take me back...
Myschin : ... So the abyssals also care about their relationships...
Destroyer Hime : You have no ideas on how deep can be our relations...

Suddenly, one of the eldrazi creature came to see the admiral.

Myschin : What ? An abyssal fleet was spotted near the naval base ?!
Destroyer Hime : ... Oh dear, it must be "her".
Myschin : Who ?
Destroyer Hime : My best friend in the abyss, actually...
Ooyodo : Admiral, what should we do ?
Myschin : I hoped for my friends to help me about the composition of a combined fleet, but it look like I will need your help Ooyodo.
Ooyodo : Affirmative admiral.

Myschin : This is my first time ever for making a combined fleet actually. I hope that everything will be okay.

Behind the admiral were Fusou, Yamashiro, Kako, Ashigara, Shouhou, Ryuujou and Fumizuki, Nagatsuki, Hiei, Yayoi, Maya and Sendai.

Nagatsuki : Are you really sure about your choice admiral ?
Myschin : Yes, even you have a role to play. Some bad things may occur, but it won't stop us to trying again and again.
Nagatsuki, blushing a little : Yes... We will do our best...
Inazuma : Why I am not in the fleet ?
Myschin : You are our strongest Destroyer for now so if the situation needs to, you will go, don't worry.
Kako : Where is Furutaka by the way ?
Myschin : She said she wanted to wait for your return.
Kako : Ohoh, I see...
Shouhou : Are you sure that Ryuujou and me will be enough for aerial battles ?
Myschin : Actually, I saw the map of the battle and I hope that you can take the light path with this Surface Task Force.
Sendai : Did you put me here because there will be night battles ?
Myschin : At least one I guess, the abyssal flagship must be a strong opponent to force us to use a combined fleet.

And so the combined fleet, led by Kako, went to confront the enemy fleet.

Ryuujou : Enemy fleet spotted !
Ashigara : Oh my, a Ri-class flagship already ?
Fusou : Don't worry, we will protect the Destroyers.
Yayoi : Isn't that our role ?
Kako : Well, we are a Surface task force, so we will attack first.

The fleet managed to easily win this first battle.

Fusou : Be careful, there are submarines around here...
Yayoi : Leave it to us.

And another moment later.

Ryuujou : Enemy fleet spotted !
Maya : It's just another Ri-class Flagship, nothing to worry about.
Sendai : Meh, there is no night battle, it's not fun.
Ri-class Flagship : Kuh, we won't let you pass !
Ashigara : Bring it on !

A battle began, until Kako was heavily damaged.

Kako : Youuu ! You perverted son of a bitch !
Ri-class Elite : Don't insult my sister !!

Then Ryuujou was heavily damaged as well.

Myschin, through microphone : RETREAT !!

While the fleet came back to the naval base...

Ri-class Elite : Are you alright sister ?!
Ri-class Flagship : Nothing to really worry about. Thoses shipgirls must not disturb our resources convoys.
Ri-class Elite : But they will come back for sure, right ?
Ri-class Flagship : Then we will do our best to stop them !

Myschin : Let's say it was an accident...
Kako : But admiral, if I'm still the flagship and if I get heavily damaged again, then we will be forced to retreat again.
Myschin : This kind of things can happen again. It's not like we will experience the Okinoshima randomness again. You just have to survive the battles here, and we can't go any easier than that. For now, take a rest, then you will go again.
Combined fleet : Yes admiral !

But for the second sortie, when the combined fleet reached again the third battle node, Ashigara was heavily damaged.

Ashigara : Shit ! I can't believe I've taken this much damage...
Myschin, through microphone : Retreat again !

Later at the base.

Myschin : Welp, I tried to go without the advices from my mentor after all...
Ashigara : Admiral, please don't search for justifications everytime...
Myschin : But it's again in that third battle that we are forced to retreat, I wonder why...

The admiral looked at the data gathered by everyone.

Myschin, stunned : ... No way ! They can't know that I'm searching for Harusame !
Inazuma : What's the matter admiral ?
Myschin : Some other admirals have reported to have found Harusame in the next area !
Destroyer Hime : It's an abyssal convoy line... It explain a lot of things.
Myschin : Now I know where we will go if we can't go too deep in this Event.
Kako : If we can reach that node first...
Myschin : I trust all of you girls. We will get there sooner or later.

Later, when the fleet was about to sortie again, an eldrazi came to see the admiral on the port.

Myschin : What now ? What happened ? ... A message from the abyssal flagship ?! Let's see... Hu ?
Recorded message : "Yo ! So it's YOU who have kidnapped my best friend hu ?! How dare you ! I will wait for you to come in person so I will beat your face and bring Warusame-chan back !!"
Myschin : What was that ?!
Destroyer Hime : It's from someone who has some sense of disproportion...
Myschin : I have no choice but to go it seems... Please stay here for now.
Destroyer Hime : I have no other choice for now.
Myschin : Inazuma, I'm counting on you to watch the base.
Inazuma : Y-Yes admiral-nanodesu !

The combined fleet and the admiral left to go meet the abyssal flagship.

Light Cruiser Oni's determination

Myschin : It's strange...
Fusou : Yes, the Ri-class from the third battle let us pass quite easily...
Myschin : They must had to follow the orders of the abyssal flagship after all. Also, we didn't found anything at all at the abyssal convoy line...
Maya : Admiral, the probabilities to find a rare ship in those waters are very low, I doubt that you are that lucky to find her on your first try...
Myschin : True enough...
Shouhou : Admiral... Our planes spotted a strange place on the next island.
Yamashiro : Is that... A music scene ?

Then out of nowhere, spotlights illuminate the stage.

All : Whoah ?!
XXX : OHOHOHOH ! Look like our guests are here !

Several smoke explosions occured on the scene, then a figure emerges in the smoke. It was a girl with black long hairs, an idol outfit and... No legs at all.


Music and special effects resounded from all sides.

Light Cruiser Oni : Sooo ! YOU are the admiral who kidnapped my dear Warusame-chan, right ?
Myschin : I didn't kidnapped her ! I saved her from sinking again !
Light Cruiser Oni, laughing : Ohohoh, you don't need to lie to me ! When we sink, we return to the abyss, so yes you kidnapped her.
Myschin : ...
Light Cruiser Oni : Give her back now !
Myschin : She's not here !
Light Cruiser Oni : Fine ! I'll sink your fleet then I'll save her myself !
Myschin : We will not let you go as you want ! No matter how strong you are, you can't go against a combined fleet all by yourself !
Light Cruiser Oni : Who said that I'm all alone ? Fellow abyssals fans, it's time to attack !

Several abyssal ships, with 2 Ru-class Elite amoung them, emerged from the stage to face the admiral's fleet.

Light Cruiser Oni : Now... Sink into the depth... Which you can't surface again !

A fierce battle began between the two forces until the admiral's fleet win at Yasen thanks to Sendai.

Light Cruiser Oni : Impressive ! So you can defend yourself very well as I can see, but it's futile ! I will bring back Warusame no matter how many tries it will take !
Myschin : My girls will come back to see you again ! And they will convince you to leave us alone !

Back at the naval base...

Myschin : Man, that was a though battle...
Inazuma : Welcome back-nanodesu.
Myschin : Those who need to take a rest, do it.
Sendai : That night battle was awesome !
Myschin : Maybe, but several girls were damaged and hurt... And since it's a combined fleet, the resupply will be more important.
Destroyer Hime : So, you've met Light Cruiser Oni ?
Myschin : Yeah, she's... Special. Indeed she has this disproportion sense...
Destroyer Hime : She will do everything to make me feel good. She is very protective toward me...
Myschin : ... I don't mind if she want to stay here too...
Ooyodo : Admiral, I don't think this a good idea.
Myschin : Naka ?!
Naka : I heard you met an abyssal idol ?!
Myschin : Well, she said she was one, indeed.
Naka : I'm gonna slap that *Bip* and prove that I'm the only idol here !
Sendai, hitting Naka in the neck to make her faint : Right, right, now go sleep a little would you ?

Confusing ship

Light Cruiser Oni : Mufufufu, well done shipgirls, but I'm still standing !
Fusou : She is strong...
Light Cruiser Oni : Now go back before I will sink you all !

Myschin : What happened ?
Ryuujou : The enemy has a strong armor, and it's hard to hit her even in Yasen.
Maya : And those Ru-classes Elite are strong too...
Fumizuki : They are meanie girls~
Myschin : You all need to take a rest for now, thoses battles are hard after all.
Ashigara : Maybe we just get lucky when we won the first time ?
Myschin : Maybe, maybe not, just because we have it hard doesn't mean it's actually hard. We are not really prepared after all...

Later in the day...

Kako, through microphone : Admiral ? We did it ! We managed to win against the Light Cruiser Oni with a total victory !
Myschin : Oh, that's good to heard. Please come back as soon as possible
Kako : Actually, we also have found a new comrade.
Myschin : HARUSAME ?!
Kako : Nope, sorry admiral.
Myschin : Maybe I dream a little too much...
Inazuma : Cheer up commander, we have plenty of time to search for her.
Myschin : Yeah, it's true.

After the fleet came back, the girls brought their new comrade to the admiral's office.

Noshiro : Second light cruiser of the Agano-class, Noshiro, has arrived. Glad to meet you !
Myschin : ... Wow ! Agano...
Noshiro : I'm Noshiro !!
Myschin : Ah sorry, I mean, Agano-class... You are quite a famous ship aren't you ?
Noshiro : Do you really think so ?
Myschin : Yeah, I heard that since IBS, you are quite difficult to found... OK except maybe your sister Agano who apparently showed up a lot during the Spring 2015 Event...
Noshiro : Agano-nee is always so carefree, I have to look after her so much...
Myschin : But she's not here yet... Sorry again if I mistook you for Agano.
Noshiro : Well maybe you will find Agano somewhere in this area...
Myschin : I guess Yahagi and Sakawa are rarer...
Noshiro : I'll said that Yahagi is the proudest among us. Her devotion to Yamato can't be matched... Sakawa is very shy unless Nagato is around...
Myschin : Right, Nagato... Such a prestigious ship that I don't have...
Noshiro : Ah ? You're not a fan of Large Scale Constructions ?
Myschin : I'm a newly-assigned admiral after all, Nagato isn't my priority. I want to find Harusame most than her.
Noshiro : By the way...
Myschin : Yes ?
Noshiro : Why there is an abyssal princess here ?!

Noshiro was poiting to Destroyer Hime who was setting in the couch in the office.

Myschin : She's here because of a selfish desire of my own and I won't allow anyone to hurt her. We came to a agreement to let her live in this base.
Noshiro : Ah, I'm sorry admiral...
Myschin : No need to worry, it's a quite a recent action after all. You can dismiss now. The combined fleet will take a rest and will go after Light Cruiser Oni in the evening.

Rough time, round 2

Ryuujou : Oh no~ ! I'm in a too much of a pinch !
Kako : Retreat !

Back at the naval base...

Myschin : That situation remind me about Okinoshima Island again... Should we go with a heavier fleet ?
Shouhou : That would mean to take another route with much stronger ennemies...
Myschin : Yeah, it's not really a good idea...
Ryuujou : Sorry for being too weak...
Myschin : Nah, it's fine. Let's try something else. Ryuujou, you will be the Flagship this time.
Ryuujou : Eh ? For real ?
Myschin : Being the flagship mean you are a little more safer than the others...
Shouhou : But what if I get hit ?
Myschin : It's a risk we can take.

And during the next sortie, Shouhou took a hit who damaged her... But not enough to put his life in danger.

Maya : Are you alright ?
Shouhou : Yes but... I can't launch planes in my condition...
Myschin, through microphone : Please continue. At least if you can reach the abyssal convoy, it would be great.

The fleet managed to reach the abyssal convoy, but Fusou took a dangerous hit and no new comrade were found in the area. Later, after several sorties who all ended in failures, a exhausted combined fleet managed to reach Light Cruiser Oni's place again.

Light Cruiser Oni : Ohohoh, don't count on me to show mercy to you, despicable shipgirls !

And even if the abyssal idol took some damages, the abyssal fleet managed to win the battle this time.

Myschin : Guess we are reaching our limits now...
Fusou : Admiral, as strong and fearful I can be, I'm feeling really exhausted now, please let us take a break.
Myschin : Of course, there is no point to sortie again today... We will see tomorrow if things can turn into better results.

Later in the night...

Myschin : To be fair, our results aren't that bad... I think we can at least win against that Light Cruiser Oni.
Inazuma : More important admiral, our resource consumption is quite high, aren't it ? We should be careful...
Myschin : Yes indeed. But with the combined fleet, our expeditions can't be that efficient. I need to think again about the best solution to solve all of this...

The resolution of everything

4th day of the Event.

Sendai : Admiral, why did you called me ? Do you want to have a night battle with me ?
Myschin : Actually Sendai, I have thinked about everything and I came to a conclusion. You need to reach Kai ni.
Sendai : Ohoh... You know what it mean right ?
Myschin : The fact that you will turn into a night battle beast ?
Sendai : Oh, more than this... I will become a real ninja.
Myschin, sparkling eyes : ...
Sendai : And I will want to have more night battles with you admiral.
Myschin : As I have told everyone before, you know I don't want to be involved into the sexual meaning of the night battles.
Sendai : What a waste but it's your choice and I will respect it.
Myschin : Well, Kisaragi and Murasame keep trying to attack me at night in order to have intimates relations with me. If you reach Kai ni, then I could sleep without worrying about those two.
Sendai, smirking face : And what I decide to join those two ?
Myschin : You will not do that, you aren't that horny after all.
Sendai : Maybe because I can control myself more than them.
Myschin : I have faith in you Sendai.
Sendai : Right, no need to play it anymore. When my training will start ?
Myschin : Right now, we still need to stop Light Cruiser Oni, who has send us an ultimatum. If we can't stop her in less than 48 hours, she will come and take back Destroyer Hime.
Sendai : Ahahah, you don't want her to leave after all.
Myschin : Please be the flagship of the second fleet and stop Light Cruiser Oni.
Sendai : Right, leave it to me !

And the Combined Fleet managed to reach Light Cruiser Oni's place again.

Light Cruiser Oni : Prepare to face your fate and sink !
Sendai : Not so fast you stubborn abyssal girl, I'm here to stop you !
Light Cruiser Oni, laughing : Riiight, you alone ? What you can do against me ?
Sendai : I'll be the one who will stop your rampage against our base.
Light Cruiser Oni : My love for Warusame-chan can't be matched.
Sendai : Ufufu, then let's if you can surpass my addiction to night battles !

The combined fleet managed to win with a perfect victory thank to Sendai's efforts in night battle.

Sendai : See ?
Light Cruiser Oni : ... Right... Obviously, I underestimated you...
Sendai : Want to give up now ?
Light Cruiser Oni, seriously pissed : LIKE HELL I WOULD GIVE UP !! I'M GONNA KILL ALL OF YOU !!
Sendai : Woah, that murderous intent ! Let's head back !
Ru-class Elite : Please calm down oni-sama...
Ru-class Elite : You need to take a rest, your wounds are not healed yet.
Light Cruiser Oni : Tch ! Should I pass my nerves on the girl we captured earlier ?
Ru-class Elite : I think it's a bad idea. One of our superior want to keep her for her personal use...
Light Cruiser Oni : ... Right, I rather want that lolicon molesting a shipgirl rather than my beloved Warusame. Call her now, she will help us to deal the final blow to those shipgirls.

Later, 2 girls with white hairs came to Light Cruiser Oni's place. Both had a red aura around them.

Light Cruiser Oni : Uh ? She can't come ?! Why ?!
Ta-class Battleship Elite : Well, you know her, she's currently molesting the foreign shipgirl the abyss have captured some days ago...
Light Cruiser Oni : Curse that lolicon !
Ta-class Elite #2 : Fear not oni-sama, we will protect you !
Light Cruiser Oni : Oh yeah, you are feared by a lot of admirals after all !
Ru-class Elite : As for us, we will going to the airfield area. We need to look after the hime here...

At the naval base.

Fusou : The combined fleet has returned...
Myschin : Something wrong ?
Sendai : Hum yeah, that abyssal oni has snapped. She's like ready to kill anything that isn't abyssal.
Nagatsuki : I think it's the perfect time to finish her off for good.
Ryuujou : Yeah, it's the last dance.
Myschin : You all need to take a rest. If we can win against her, that would be great... Also, who is this person with you ?
Yamashiro : Ah... We totally forgot about her...
Kinugasa : Ye~s, It's Miss Kinugasa's debut ! Together with Aoba, take good care of me !
Myschin : Urks ! Are you Aoba's sister ?
Kinugasa : Ye~s, why did you ask ?
Myschin : I hope you are not as hotblooded as her when it comes to find rumors and scoops...
Kinugasa : Pff, this is my sister's predilection field. I'm very good to entertain the others you know ?
Myschin : If you say so... You can dismiss now. Ashigara will guide you to Aoba's location.

Later on...

Myschin : Are you all ready ?
All shipgirls in the combined fleet : YEAH !
Fusou : Everything will be alright, yes.
Maya : I hope so, I honestly feel too much tired of all this shit !
Kako : But Maya, it's a part of the operation and we're not that strong. Of course we have to face difficulties.
Maya : Yeah I know...
Ryuujou : Take example on the destroyers...
Yayoi, sparkling : If we win, then I will ask the commander to hug me for the entire day.
Nagatsuki, sparkling : Hey, what about us ?!
Fumizuki, sparkling : Eheheheh~
Maya : Ah, the youth...

Light Cruiser Oni : This is it ! The final climax of my performance ! It's the end of the road for you shipgirls !
Hiei : Wait ! Since when you changed your escort ?!
Ta-class Elite #1 : Ufufufu, we are Oni-sama's fans too !
Ta-class Elite #2 : Now please die !
Fusou : Oh dear... Such misfortune.
Yamashiro : Uuuuh, they are stronger than us.
Maya : It mean nothing ! You can win against them right ?
Ashigara : Oh yeah, Victory is calling for us !
Light Cruiser Oni : Sink into the depth which you won't surface again !

To Light Cruiser oni's disppointment, Fusou and Yamashiro managed to win against the Ta-class Elite sisters.

Light Cruiser Oni : Curse you engagement !
Ashigara : She's the sole enemy left ! Go go go !

Light Cruiser Oni was forced to undergo all attacks against her...

Light Cruiser Oni : RAAAAH ! ENOUGH ALREADY !!
Hiei : Hieeeee, she sustains THAT MUCH and she's still alive ?!
Shouhou : It explain why we have to use a combined fleet to deal with her.
Yamashiro : But we managed to sink even the Ta-classes...
Sendai : But she's a Oni after all.
Light Cruiser Oni : You can't win against me ! And I'll save Warusame !
Myschin, through microphone : It's not over yet. Sendai, do you know what time it is now ?
Sendai, fully sparkled : NIGHT BATTLE TIME ?!
Myschin : Yes, now go !
Light Cruiser Oni : Tch, come if you dare !

Sendai tried to shoot the abyssal oni twice but she used her fists to deviate both attacks.

Sendai : Whaaat ?!
Light Cruiser Oni : It's futile ! Now eat this !

She targeted Nagatsuki and heavily damaged her.

Nagatsuki : AAAAAH !
Fumizuki : Onee-chan !
Yayoi : Nagatsuki !
Hiei : Don't you have any shame to attack a kid like that ?!
Light Cruiser Oni : Don't your admiral have any shame to separate two best friends together ?!
All shipgirls : ...
Myschin : But I didn't know that to begin with !
Maya : Enough talking !

Maya fired on Light Cruiser Oni...

Light Cruiser Oni : Ahahah, you missed your chance...

But the heavy cruiser physically launch her canons on the abyssal oni.

Light Cruiser Oni : The hell ?!

But at the same moment, Maya managed to reach to the closest possible to Light Cruiser Oni.

Light Cruiser Oni : Ah...

Maya managed to punch Light Cruiser Oni's face with so much force that the abyssal oni flew in the sky and fell on his stage, totally defeated.

Light Cruiser Oni : Ah... It can't be...
Maya : Yes it can damnit !
Light Cruiser Oni : Is... That... So... Go ahead... and do... your worst... beyond here is...

The abyssal light cruiser fainted.

Ashigara : VICTORY !
Hiei : HOORAY !
Myschin, through microphone : Woah ! Great job girls ! You are the best !
Maya : Tch, she pissed me that much, but it's good to empty the frustration with a good punch !
Kako : Like a beast...
Maya : Got a problem with that ?
Kako : No, no at all !
Maya : Fine !
Ryuujou : Girls, my planes tell me that there is a shipgirl around.
XXX : Eh ? Someone's here ? HEEELP PLEASE !

After the fleet leave the stage's place...

Light Cruiser Oni : Guess... I'm not determinate enough to save Warusame...

Then the abyssal oni spotted a weird creature who was looking at her.

Light Cruiser Oni : The hell is that ? It's scarier than our scariest units !
Recorded video : Can you hear me ?
Light Cruiser Oni : Hu ?

Then the face of the admiral appeared on a screen holded by the creature.

Light Cruiser Oni : You... You realise what have you done ?
Myschin : Yeah, I'm really sorry... But to tell you the truth, I made my decision to save Destroyer Hime since she joined the abyssal fleet, before you joined too...
Light Cruiser Oni : Kuhu... Maybe, but you watched things for distance until recently. I was with Warusame since I joined the abyssal fleet, my bond is stronger !
Myschin : Mine is deeper.
Destroyer Hime, appeared on the screen as well : Nakano-chan...
Light Cruiser Oni : ... !
Destroyer Hime : ... Please don't hate me or this person... He... He really want to put an end to the whole war...
Light Cruiser Oni : Because he win against me doesn't mean he can bring peace to this war.
Myschin : Of course I can't do that in such a short period of time, but please, let Destroyer Hime stay with me. It's a first step to improve the relations between humans, shipgirls and abyssals.
Light Cruiser Oni : ... OK, I'll accept with 2 conditions.
Myschin : Which are ?
Light Cruiser Oni : I want you to allow Warusame to come back if she want to come back sometimes...
Destroyer Hime : Right, I still have friends in the abyss...
Light Cruiser Oni : And, most importantly, please come to see my idol performances sometimes !
Myschin : ... Yeah, for sure ! I am still looking for several shipgirls who can be found around, so yeah, count me in to come see your lives sometimes.
Light Cruiser Oni : Then it's decided. I'm looking to see you before the end of the Operation !

The eldrazi creature flew away.

Light Cruiser Oni : But first... This place need to be repaired.

A new delinquent has been assigned to the base ?

Back at the naval base.

Myschin : Welcome back everyone.
Ryuujou : We won ! Are you gonna praise us ?
Myschin : Of course !
Ryuujou : YAY !
Ashigara : Maya is the true MVP after all.
Maya, blushing : Heeey, it's embarassing you know ?
XXXX : Come on aneki ! It sound so cool !!
Myschin : Eh ?
Maya : Ah, right. Admiral, there was a imprisoned shipgirl in the abyssal's stage, so we decided to take her with us.

The admiral looked at the new girl, who had long red hairs and a familiar uniform.

Kawakaze : YO ! The 9th Shiratsuyu-class Destroyer, Kawakaze of the revised Shiratsuyu-class. Nice to meet you ! Ah, about the reading of my name, do not get it wrong ! It's KAWAKAZE, not Ekaze !
Myschin : Ekaze and Kawakaze doesn't sound alike at all ! I won't make that kind of mistake but...
Kawakaze : Whaaat ? Are you interested in me I wonder ?
Myschin : You... Are a Shiratsuyu-class destroyer ?!
Kawakaze : Yeah, can't you tell by looking at me ?
Myschin : ...
Kawakaze : What ?
Myschin : It's... Such a great news. 6 of your sisters are already here you know ?
Kawakaze : Oh-oooh ? My anekis are there . It has to be expected from any admiral right ?
Myschin : Actually I'm kinda new...
Kawakaze : ...
Myschin : But I'll do my best !
Kawakaze : Enough talk, where are my anekis ?

Then the whole Shiratsuyu-class came to greet Kawakaze.

Shiratsuyu : It's actually our little sister ! Yay !
Murasame : Oh my Kawakaze, you're so cute.
Kawakaze, blushing : Eeeeeh ?
Shiratsuyu : Don't be shy !

Shiratsuyu and Murasame hugged Kawakaze from both sides.

Kawakaze, blushing and nosebleeding : * Gaaah, Aneki's breasts are so big, I'm so jealous ! *
Samidare : Are you alright ?!
Kawakaze : Yeah yeah, don't worry, it's nothing.
Suzukaze : Hey Kawakaze, I hope you'll be super cool.
Yuudachi : Little sister-poi, little sister-poi~
Kawakaze : It's embarassing to be the center of attention like that eheheh...

The admiral noticed that Shigure didn't came to greet her sister.

Myschin : Where is Shigure ?
Fusou : I think she want to greet her sister while they will be alone.
Myschin : Eh ? Don't tell me it's another trauma from the past ?
Fusou : It is, indeed.

A few moments later, most of the shipgirls returned to their normal activities, but the admiral told Kawakaze to stay in the office.

Kawakaze : You remind me of someone ya know ?
Destroyer Hime : ... Can't you tell be looking at me ?
Kawakaze : Right in the moment, I can't but I'm sure I'll remember later... By the way admiral, you are totally interested in me right ?
Myschin : I think I love you and your delinquent side but...
Kawakaze : But ?
Myschin : There is someone who want to see you alone. Come here...

Then Shigure entered the office.

Kawakaze : AH ! Shigure-aneki...

Without saying anything, Shigure jump on Kawakaze and began to hug her intensely.

Kawakaze : WHOAH !
Shigure, crying : This time ! You will stay with me !! I'll protect you no matter what !!
Kawakaze : Calm down Aneki, there is no way I'll disappear like that last time.
Shigure : I'll make sure it never happen !!

Shigure didn't release her sister yet.

Shigure : Yes, this time, you will stay with me and live.

Without saying anything, the admiral took Destroyer Hime in his hands and leave the office, leaving Shigure and Kawakaze sharing a tender moment together.

Inazuma : Commander, why are you here ?
Myschin : Shigure wanted to meet Kawakaze alone for historical reasons. I think it's good to leave them alone for a certain time.
Inazuma : By the way commander; I have to tell you something-nanodesu...
Myschin : What ?

Inazuma gave a note to the admiral.

Myschin : W-WHAT ?! HOW ?!
Destroyer Hime : What's wrong ?
Myschin : This note is saying that our naval base can now welcome 20 more shipgirls and there is another key for repairs / constructions docks.
Destroyer Hime : Isn't that a good news ?
Inazuma : But the commander only asked for an expansion once, not twice.
Myschin : And thoses expansions are not free !
Inazuma : Do you think an error has occured ?
Myschin : I don't know but... The Headquarters are gonna be mad at me right ?!

On the Communication Network

Myschin : So that's what happened...
Suna : ...
Peluche : Actually, thoses mistakes, even if they are rares, are not the admirals's fault. So really, you can enjoy your free expansion without worrying at all.
Myschin : Really ?
Peluche : Yeah, so now your base can welcome 140 shipgirls... Something tell me that you will like to have such place in the near future.
Suna : You managed to clear E2 but let me warn you. E3 is on another level even with the easiest conditions.
Myschin : Oh OK...

Abyssal place

Hime #1 : Welcome back Nakano !
Light Cruiser Oni : I've lost... I was too hot-blooded to save Warusame...
Hime #1 : Calm down sweetie, it's not your turn yet !
Hime #3 : Oh no my dear, you're not going anywhere before I go see myself first.
Hime #2 : EH ? Do you think you can really go against MEEEE ?!
Hime #3, holding a whip : Yes * Whip slap * Now be a good girl and wait for my return, then you can go, OK ?
Hime #2 : O... OK...
Light Cruiser Oni : Are you sure it was a good idea to bring her after all ?
Hime #1 : But of course sweetie, it's all for inflict the trauma to thoses humans !
[Remonter en haut du chapitre]

Counterattack ! The Second Operation SN (Part 2 - En cours)
Myschin : People are saying that they will wait until 2018 to see Fall 15's report...
Inazuma : Commander, we even are in 2022 now ! Indeed your way to describe the situation take maybe too long time... You need to go to the essential-nanodesu...
Myschin : To the essential...

>> E-3 Clash ! The Second South Pacific Battle !

Myschin : To break into next area, Peluche came with a suggested composition...

Ryuujou / Shouhou / Ise / Fusou / Zuikaku / Kaga & Sendai / Inazuma / Akatsuki / Kongou / Maya / Ashigara were called.

Kaga : Oh my, using me already ?
Myschin : With what await us in this area, yeah, your presence is required. We won't took any risk here. Our objective is to pass this area as fast as possible.
Sendai : Said by an admiral who hoped to reach E-2 at the begin.
Myschin : Why don't give a try ? We have nothing to lost.
Sendai : Sure, let's go !

On the road to the last node, the fleet was attacked by several abyssal planes.

Shouhou : They are trying to stop us to advance more.
Maya : Leave that to me !

The heavy cruiser managed to wipe out most of the enemies's planes. And the fleet finally managed to reach the deepest node of the area.

Seaplane Tender Hime, smoking a pipe : Oh my, welcome shipgirls. It's fine, you know... ? How about coming over to this side... ?
Inazuma : Eh ?
Seaplane Tender Hime : Yesss, embrace the power of the abyss and become a part of it.
Ise : Like, never !
Seaplane Tender Hime, now holding a whip : Then sink for me ! More... more... Be engulfed by the darkness... Come on... Come ooon !
Ashigara : ... She's like a dominative mistress in a SM play...
Seaplane Tender Hime : Oh, I take that as a compliment, now sink !

Maya was heavily damaged.

Maya : Why me ?!
Seaplane Tender Hime : because you're lacking some girl power.
Maya : ...

In the end, the fleet didn't manage to sink that hime.


On the Communication Network

Myschin : So yeah... That new hime, Seaplane Tender... Ok she is strong but why is she also a SM dominatrix ?
Suna : Giving how she rekt us while being in Diamond formation, we have to fear for our future if she come back with another formation.
Myschin : That doesn't answer my initial question... Anyways, any progressions on your side ?
Suna : Yeah, somehow E-5 is quite easy after that terrible E-4...


Several fights with Seaplane Tender Hime later.

Maya, heavily damaged : AAAH FUCK THAT BITCH !
Myschin : ...
Maya : Why I am the only one who is targeted ?!
Ashigara : It can be for the reason she said, about your lack in girl power or something...
Myschin : Hey, what's wrong with appreciating a girl doing non-girly stuff ?
Ashigara : Nothing I guess ? You are the admiral after all, your tastes only concern you...
Inazuma : More importantly commander, that Hime is really on another level. It have been several battles so far, and we didn't managed to beat her once.
Myschin : Our lack in Night battle stuff must help this situation...
Sendai : Admiral, the path to second remodel isn't short or quick, I'm doing my best so far...

Finally, the fleet managed to score a total victory against Seaplane Tender Hime...

Myschin : But the only shipgirl you found was Kirishima... It's the 5th already.
Naka : You're doing it Easy admiral, that's why.
Myschin : But usually... She's quite rare, and here, she's almost common.
Naka : Who do you want ? Mizuho ?
Myschin : Who ?
Fusou : Anyways admiral, your friend on the Communication Network is calling for you.


Communication Network

Suna : Myschin, are you here ?
Myschin : Yes, why ?
* Klashikari joined the conversation.
Cap'tain Fist, Peluche, Myschin : ...
Suna : Welcome senpai... You have something to tell us ?
Klashikari : Yes, you should check node X, there is a certain hime here and even if I managed to clear this whole operation, I still can't understand why she's here ?
Peluche : Cleared the WHOLE operation ?! Already ?
Suna : He's not my mentor for nothing after all...
Cap'tain Fist : But...
Klashikari : Trust me, the Last Operation... Iron Bottom Sounds is like 1-1 in comparaison
Suna, Peluche, Cap'tain Fist, Myschin : ... Super reassuring...


Zuikaku : What's the plan admiral ? Do you think we need to reach node X ?
Myschin : Nah, even if we have it hard, we can win against that Seaplane Tender Hime on our own.
Ryuujou : Please don't put too much pressure on us...

And the fleet failed to win this time.

Seaplane Tender Hime : Seriously, I came here to deal with an admiral who was supposed to be a threat, but all I see is a pityful weakling.

Ise : So sorry admiral, we failed another time.
Myschin : I guess we were lucky that other time...
Kongou : I'm so SORRY admiral, I was damaged in the battle before the boss's.
Myschin : I noticed that you take a lot of damages Kongou, are you okay ?
Kongou : YES, I think that the Wo-classes just hate me that much.
Myschin : That maybe will mark the end of our Event if things don't get better in the next days...


Next Day, on the Communication Network

Peluche : Hey Myschin, I studied the stuff you shared from your arsenal. Try this assignment on your carriers
* Peluche sended "E-3 Plane Comp"
Myschin : Thanks, I'll try that.

Shouhou : Admiral, It's clear that Seaplane Tender Hime will be defeated soon !
Akatsuki : Are you really sure about that ?
Fusou : Oh no, she clearly has enough to loose her time with us I guess ?
Maya : Then let's kick her ass once and for all.


Seaplane Tender Hime : Look sweeties, all of you are WEAK ! I'm really upset right now !
Seaplane Tender Hime : Not before I have sunk all of you !

A ferocious battle began between the shipgirls and the abyssals, until only Seaplane Tender Hime was still standing on the abyssal side, but most of the shipgirls were in a bad state.

Seaplane Tender Hime : Pff, if only the 2 Onis sisters have come along, things would have been a lot more funny.
Maya, literally ready to explode : Say it... I dare you, say it AGAIN !

Then Seaplane Tender Hime grabbed Maya by the neck.

Seaplane Tender Hime : You are WEAK ! Now sink for me !
Maya : Gotcha !

Without any other warning, Maya fired at point blank at the hime's face.

Seaplane Tender Hime, confused : ... ?? ... ?! ... ?
Maya : Now eat shit and LEAVE !!

She punched the hime in the upper part of her belly with all her might and sent her flew away with a kick in the face. The rest of the fleet remind speechless for several minutes.

Fusou : Ufufufu, she was like when I was a little angry before I found my beloved Yamashiro <3
All of the other shipgirls : * A LITTLE ?! *
Maya, picking up a plane : Hey, look like that bitch dropped something while she was sent in space.
Zuikaku : Hey... I know this plane !


Back at the base.

Kongou : Hey admiral, look like we managed to WIN against the Seaplane Tender Hime.
Myschin : Hu ?! How ?!

Nobody said anything but all eyes turn at Maya.

Maya, blushing very bright : Hey... Hey !
Myschin : Maya, you managed to win against that hime ?
Maya, still blushing a lot : Weeeell, the whole fleet helped me after all.
Fusou : Don't be so modest Maya-chan, you sent her in space all by yourself
Maya, blushing : Sdgfgdgsg !!
Myschin : Okay okay, enough. All that matter now is the fact that we won.

Tenryuu : Good work Maya !!
Kawakaze : Aneki so strooong =D !
Haruna : Tch, I guess you can take the spotlight for now...
Kongou : Haruna, I told you to CALM down a little.
Haruna : Yes aneki, I'm sorry.

Zuikaku : Admiral, we didn't found any new comrade in the area so far, BUT ! We found something interesting...
Myschin : A 4-stars plane ?!
Kaga : It's a Type 97 Torpedo Bomber, but not any Type 97. It's the Type 97 piloted by the Murata squadron. It was once Akagi's finest squadron you know ?
Myschin : Zuikaku, why are you so excited ?
Zuikaku : Because, because this plane was transferred to my sister Shoukaku after Midway. It's a plane that carry the legacy of the Nagumo task force.
Kaga : And if by any chance Shoukaku will join the base before the end of the operation, then you could perform a model conversion with it.
Myschin : Shoukaku... I really want to meet her, but will she come that quickly ?
Zuikaku : Hey, I'm here aren't I, and Hiryuu is here too.
Myschin : We will search for her for sure if we can't progress anymore... And it maybe come quicker than we think...


Abyssal's place

Light Cruiser Oni : Hu ? Why are you there ?!
Seaplane Tender Hime : That Maya, I'll make her pay someday !
Light Cruiser Oni : YOU LOOSE ?!
Seaplane Tender Hime : Oh no my dear, I gave up. This admiral was too weak ! I can't understand how YOU loose to him !
Light Cruiser Oni : ...
Hime#1 : Now now sweeties, just because Seaplane-chan gave up doesn't mean that we have loose already. I guess it's time for our lovely old friend to return once again on the battlefield.
Hime#2 : IT IS MY TURN ?!?!
Hime#1 : Yes. Now you can unleash your fury and craziness on this world once again.

>> E-4 Into the Strait ! Destroy The Enemy Air Field !

It all started with a message sent by an abyssal plane.

Myschin : ... The Hell was that ?!
Destroyer Hime : I see that they have unleash a real threat once again.
Myschin : You know the sender ?
Destroyer Hime : Yes, she is a crazy joyful person who is way more extreme than my friend Light Cruiser Oni. She's feared even by others himes as well. And, she is responsible for the Iron Bottom Sound trauma.
Myschin : We are screwed !

Ooyodo : Admiral, here is the infos you need to know about that new mission...
Myschin : Let's see... Type 3 Shells are required... I think we have some in the arsenal... Very specific branching rules... Oh my god... Night Battles ?!
Sendai : Someone called me ?!
Myschin : Erm no, but the next operation involve night battles...
Sendai : HOORAY ! I'M IN !!
Ooyodo : Light cruisers aren't allowed in that operation.
Sendai : Eeeeeh ?! Fuck you Headquarters !
Inazuma : What are you gonna do commander-nanodesu ?
Myschin : Pray, really. I mean I can follow the branching rules but... The required ships will not be very effectives... We can give it a try anyway.

Later in the day, Haruna / Kongou / Shigure / Yuudachi / Atago / Takao were summoned by the admiral in his office.

Ooyodo, Inazuma, Destroyer Hime : ...
Inazuma : Hu yes-nanodesu, I can see the problem here.
Haruna, menacing look : Someone got a problem with us ?
Myschin, raising his voice : To be honest yes. You are supposed to attack the enemy airfield in the next operation, but YOU Haruna, you aren't even close to a remodel.
Haruna : If you want to punish me for my bad conduct, I can understand perfectly !
Myschin : It's not that... It's just... With what await us now, can we really try with you all ?
Atago, raising her hand : Admiral, I have a question~
Myschin : Yes ?
Atago : Why me and Takao ? Shouldn't you bring Maya-chan & Ashigara again ?
Myschin : Those two deserve a good rest after their battles.
Takao : We are weak too...
Myschin : Our main objective here is to see if we can reach the boss's lair. We will see afterward how to deal with the enemies.
All 6 shipgirls in the fleet : Yes admiral !

On the road to the enemy airfield...

Yuudachi : It's, like, horrible ! I'm on the verge of fainting.
Takao : They know we are weak and they don't give us any gift...
Myschin : Please report the situation...
Kongou : This is quite bad admiral, Takao and Yuudachi are moderately damaged.
Myschin : But not heavily damaged right ? Can you advance more ?

Suddenly, the compass faeries showed up.

Compass faeries : NOT SO FAST !
Kongou : ARGH, them again !
Compass faeries : Let's spin the compass !
Haruna : Why ? The airfield is straight ahead.

The compass pointed to a dead end.

Haruna : What the fuck ?!
Yuudachi : Oh come on-poi !
Atago, pointing her guns at the faeries : Mind explaining the meaning of this ?!
Compass faeries, with the most serious face : Look at all of you girls, if you approach closer than this, the enemy will kill you instantly without any chance of fighting back !
Kongou : Wait-desu, does it mean that we lack some Line of Sight ?
Compass faeries : Totally ! Come back with a better setup !

Back at the base...

Kongou : So that what happened.
Myschin : But... I though it was enough...
Haruna : Apparently not.
Myschin : Okay, let's try the other path with the same composition...

But again, the fleet was sent to another dead end.

Myschin : So it's clearly Line of Sight problem... It's late now, we will deal with this tomorrow.
Destroyer Hime : You will notice that the compass faeries are kind enough to tell the fleet the danger of my "friend".
Myschin : Yeah, they are not that much of a troll as I can see...
Destroyer Hime : Because they know that my "friend" is one of, if not the most psychotic living being around.
Myschin : ... That doesn't reassure me at all.

Later on, after some adjustments about the equipments.

Myschin : Okay, it should be good now.
Kongou : With thoses seaplanes, I think we can spot the enemy from enough distance.
Takao : We will see if the compass faeries let us pass.

On the road to reach the boss's lair, Kongou and Yuudachi took several damages, but not enough to put their life in danger.

Yuudachi, sighing : I'm, like, not in a good condition to fight.
Shigure : Hang on Yuudachi.
Haruna : Are you OK aneki ?!
Kongou : Yes... I can still fight and to be honest I really want to kick some ass because the battle aren't that GOOD for us.

Then, the fleet arrive where the Compass faeries have waited for them.

Compass Faeries : ... No need to tell anything, we can feel that now you can reach the boss without sinking in an instant.
Atago : Hmm, why there is a line draw here ?
Compass Faeries : It's the limit of the boss's Line of Sight.
Yuudachi : THAT MUCH-POI ?!
Compass Faeries : If you cross the line, the boss will attack you instantly.
Takao : I have doubts about that.

Then she crossed the line and immediately an enemy raid showed up to attack her.

Takao : Gyaaah !
Atago : Takao-chan !!
Kongou : SHIT ! Let's go !

An even bigger raid began but the fleet managed to reach the boss.

Kongou : Oh shit, it's HER !

The fleet faced the boss, a girl with very long hairs, 2 little horns and an adult-looking body. She was sitting on a large abyssal installation.

Airfield Hime : MWAHAHAH ! WELCOME TO MY HELL SHIPGIRLS !! Now sink and die for meeee !!
Shigure : Never !
Airfield Hime, with a crazy voice : OooOOOoooh you DARE to NOT listen to MEEE ?! DIE FIRST !!!

Shigure took heavy damages very quickly

Kongou : Aim at her, ignore the escorts !!
Atago : It's hard to do so with all those strong enemies on their side !!

The fleet only managed to sink 2 enemies, but Atago and Kongou were still fine.

Myschin, through microphone : We have nothing to loose, go for the night battle.
Airfield Hime : Oooooh the Night battleeeeeeeee ! It's Iron Bottom Sound all over agaaaain !
Kongou : RIGHT ! I'll show you something you won't like !

The battleship managed to aim at the abyssal installation and fired with the Type 3 Shell.

Airfield Hime : AOUTCH ! YOU BITCH ! HOW DARE YOU !!

The Hime heavily damaged Atago in response.

Airfield Hime : Come back again so I can kill you for reeeeeal nyahahah !

The fleet returned to the base in a very damaged state.

Kongou : We're baaack...
Myschin : Wow, I never saw you girls in such a bad state before...
Yuudachi : That hime is, like, crazy-poi !
Takao : She is strong too.
Haruna : But also weak to the type 3 shell. If we can manage to survive until the Night Battle, we can deal severe damages to her, maybe even destroy her.
Myschin : I must say that I like the idea of making her suffer a little. She needs to calm down.
Shigure : It will be hard to do so admiral.
Myschin : Anyway, go take a rest, then we will try again.
Atago : Even with us ?
Myschin : Oh, to be honest, I have a better idea.


Maya : Counting on us again ? Well, why not ?
Ashigara : Indeed we are strong.
Myschin : I wanted to give the others a chance but for now, our priority is to determinate if we can win against that Airfield Hime and you are our strongest force who can freely switch in the fleet.
Akatsuki : Indeed. You need me and Ikazuchi if you don't want to rely on Shigure and Yuudachi.

The new fleet got some interesting results, but not enough to destroyer the Airfield Hime. And to reach Airfield Hime's place, it's a whole world of randomness. It took a lot of runs for the fleet to reach the boss's place a few times. Until...

Kongou : Sure we are ! Our admiral have nothing to loose.
Airfield Hime, pissed : He will loose YOU sooner than you expected !

This time, the battle was mostly one-sided in favor to the abyssal force. The shipgirls only managed to sink a single destroyer escort, but all of the other ships were still alive and capable, while on the shipgirl's side, it was reduced to Haruna only, and Yuudachi who was paralysed by fear.

Airfield Hime : Ohohoh, great ! Now SINK for me !!
Myschin, through the microphone : Anyone still capable of charging into night battle ?
Haruna : ... I am the only one admiral, the boss is still much alive and she has four escorts with her ! Yuudachi can fight too but she's too scared to do anything !
Myschin : ... This is so bad... Haruna... Can you do something at least ?
Haruna : To avenge the others, I'll try !
Airfield Hime : SHUT UP AND DIE !
Airfield Hime, pissed : It's over ! I will kill you NOW !
Haruna, mimicking a death sign : FIRE !!

Haruna fired her Type 3 Shell ammunition in the night, and managed to go through Airfield Hime's body like it was butter. An awkward silence followed pretty quickly.

Airfield Hime, bleeding from the mouth : ... Hu ? Wha...
Haruna, shocked to see that she managed to aim correctly : ...
Myschin : Haruna ? What's going on ?
Haruna : I... I won ?
Ru-class Elite : RUN AWAY FOLKS !

While the enemies fled like their life depended on it, Haruna convinced Yuudachi to help her carrying the others girls back to the naval base.

Airfield Hime : I... Can't... Die here...

But she fainted quickly... And woke up several hours later in an unfamiliar place to her.

Airfield Hime, quickly raising up : ... ! Where I am ?!
Destroyer Hime : Don't move so quickly...
Airfield Hime : Warusame-chan ?!
Destroyer Hime : Stay calm.

She quickly checked her wounds, who had been healed.

Airfield Hime : Wha... What's going on ?!
Myschin : So you were the crazy lady who always was over the top in attitude...
Airfield Hime : HU ?!

She turned her head the other side to see the admiral looking at her.

Airfield Hime : ... Why are you here ?!
Myschin : You're actually in one of our dock, at our naval base. I picked you up after the battle to help you recover.
Airfield Hime : ... Why would you do such a thing ? You should have left me die.
Myschin : No, it's not my thing.

The admiral explained to the Hime all his reasons for taking the role of an admiral and his goal.

Airfield Hime : You're even more crazy than me ! I didn't think something like that would be possible ahahah !
Myschin : We'll see how it will end.

Later during the day, Airfield Hime left the naval base and returned to the deep seas, all dreamy.

Ooyodo : Admiral, the naval base was almost in quarantine because of the presence of that Hime-class in the docks.
Myschin : Don't worry, with my eldrazis creatures around, she couldn't have caused a lot of trouble.
Destroyer Hime : She was shocked for real, I never saw her so calm before.
Ooyodo : I don't know if I will get used to this situation.
Myschin : You should try at least. Now, about that new ship we found...
Hayasui : Are you REALLY sure you don't need my services admiral ?!
Myschin : Listen, I know most of the admirals out there treat you like shit and mock your name but it's not my case. So please don't strip if you don't have to.
Hayasui : Huuu, but I feel all alone and I need to serve someone !
Myschin : ... At least please wait until the end of the Event... We will surely find someone who need a "servant"


Abyssal place

Airfield Hime : ...
Hime #1 : This is VERY BAD for us !
Hime #2 : Oh come on sweetie, how can you fear this guy ?
Hime #1 : Just look at Airfield-chan mind you !
Hime #2 : Pff, so what ?
Hime #1 : What if he reach the Core ?!
Hime #3 : Eh ? You mean... My place ? What gonna happen ?
Hime #2 : ... All right, all right dear. I'll drawn their attention outside of the Core. You will have to thanks me later ! I'll take the foreign prisoner as a bait too.
Light Cruiser Oni : A bait my ass, you're gonna molest her !
Hime #2 : It's called "Love" sweetie.
Light Cruiser Oni : Get the fuck out you damn lolicon !
Hime #3 : So... What will happen to me ? What if they come ? They're gonna come right ?
Hime #1 : I'll never allow that !

>> E-5 Hard Fight! Western Deployment Fleet!

Ooyodo : Based on the infos we received, one of the strongest enemies plan to attack the western coasts.
Myschin : You're telling ME of all people to stop a monster of an abyssal ?!
Ooyodo : We don't have a choice, it's the next order we received from HQ...
Myschin : Urgh fine fine, since we don't use the shiplock mechanic, it should be doable at least...
Destroyer Hime : ...
Myschin : Something wrong ?
Destroyer Hime : Yeah, it's kinda weird. I didn't heard of this movement when I was at the abyssal's place.
Myschin : You think it's a trap ?
Destroyer Hime : I don't think so but please be very careful. The strength of this Hime is far more great than anything...

Haruna / Kongou / Mogami / Akatsuki / Inazuma / Zuikaku were called in the admiral's office.

Myschin : I'm sorry for asking you, but we need your strength again.
Kongou : NO PROBLEM ! I'm in a great mood for kicking some abyssal's butts !
Haruna : I hope you don't count on me to create another miracle !
Myschin : Nah but your results were pretty good and some more practice can always be good.
Inazuma : Awawa, is that true that we will probably encounter an Armored Carrier Hime on the path ?
Myschin : I heard she's a resident of the Southern Area (World 4) but since we didn't reach that part, I can't tell.

Later, during the sortie...

Armored Carrier Hime : Leave me alone ! Don't you know it's impolite to disturb someone who is eating ?!
Akatsuki, damaged : It's also impolite to hurt a lady !
Mogami : We really should leave her alone. Nobody heavily damaged ?
Akatsuki : I can continue, don't worry.

The fleet finally reach the boss's lair. A strong evil aura can be felt by everyone...

??? : Who dares disturb me when I'm in the middle of my mol... Hugging session ?
Kongou : Oh crap ! We're in deep trouble !
Mogami : What ? You know her ?
Kongou : Yes ! She's Battleship Hime !
Zuikaku : Damn she's indecent ! Look at that cleavage !
Inazuma : I'm pretty sure Murasame still have a bigger chest than her...
Akatsuki : I don't think it's time to talk about those things !
Battleship Hime : Mwahahahah ! I will... sink you... as many times... as I need... In order for me... To be able to molest someone else !

The attack began, and the fleet panicked when Battleship Hime grabbed Inazuma to... Touch her in inappropriate places.

Inazuma, heavily damaged : Uuuh...
Zuikaku : Is she a lolicon or what ?!
Battleship Hime : Come at me ! I'll hug your destroyers !
Kongou : She clearly is ! We must sink her if we want to stop her rampage !

But the Battleship Hime was indeed way stronger than any opponent the fleet has faced before.

Kongou, panting : Shit, we didn't managed to sink her even at 4 against one in Night Battle.
Mogami : How can she be so resistant ?
Zuikaku : I bet she's fuelled by her lolicon attitude !

Back at the naval base...

Myschin : Our enemy is a lolicon ?!
Destroyer Hime, sighing : She always was since Iron Bottom Sound.
Myschin : So, the solution is... To avoid sending Destroyers to her ?
Kongou : I think it's a very bad idea admiral. Branching rules appart, she will be even more powerfull if she can't "attack" a destroyer.
Myschin : ...
Akatsuki : I agree with Inazuma.
Myschin : But the rest of our fleet can protect you, you know ?

Several sorties later...

Kongou : It's no use ! Even if we can protect our destroyers from being molested by her, she's too strong to be sunk !
Haruna : And we hit the Last Dance point since a long time too...
Myschin : What can we do now ?
Ooyodo : How about sending another fleet to support the first one ?
Myschin : Ah ! Never though about that option before... But it will cost us more resources...
Zuikaku : We are fine on that side, aren't we ?
Myschin : Yes... I think I'll make some changes in the fleet too. Zuikaku, can you switch with Kaga ?
Zuikaku : Do you think it's a good idea ?
Kaga : Are you sure of your choice admiral ?
Myschin : You can still go with the support Zuikaku.
Zuikaku : Fine by me.
Myschin : Also, Yuudachi and Shigure, can you go with the fleet ?
Yuudachi : YES YES please-poi !
Shigure : I refuse to be molested by this Battleship Hime !... * Whispering to herself * Only Yamashiro can do this...
Yuudachi : You said something Shigure ?
Shigure : NOTHING !

While the first fleet sortied to the area again, a fleet led by Inazuma with Akatsuki, Fusou, Yamashiro, Zuikaku and Soryuu left the base to provide some shelling support at the boss's lair. But then...

Myschin : Support Fleet, please retreat. Yuudachi was heavily damaged by the Armored Carrier Hime.
Inazuma : Awawawa...
Yamashiro : I would have been shocked if this has worked on the first try.
Soryuu : We wasted resources...

At the naval base...

Myschin : Really, resources aren't a problem yet so we can afford several more sorties with the help of the support fleet.
Inazuma : As the flagship of the support fleet... Can I ask for something to motivate me even more-nanodesu ?
Myschin : Like what ?
Inazuma, blushing : I... I don't know ?
Myschin, head-patting Inazuma : How about this ?
Inazuma : AWAWAWAWA !!
Akatsuki : Commander ! Inazuma will be even more brighter than Fumizuki at this point !
Myschin : Let's pray that the Main fleet can reach the boss node again too...
Yuudachi : Give us motivation too !
Myschin : Some headpat ?
Yuudachi : No, like, this is something you do AFTER we won. Give me something else !
Myschin : ... How about... Some Yakisoba ?
Yuudachi, with big sparkles in the eyes : LIKE, REALLY ?
Myschin : If you reach and sink the boss, I'll treat you to some Yakisoba with the rest of the fleet.
Yuudachi : YAHOO ! Let's go-poi !
Shigure : ...
Myschin : As for you Shigure...
Shigure : No, I'm fine...
Mogami, thinking for helself : * She definitively want something to do with Yamashiro *

And the fleets left the naval again. On the path to the boss's lair, Kaga managed to neutralize Armored Carrier Hime even if Yuudachi took some damages. The idea of eating Yakisoba was so strongly implemented in the destroyer's mind that she managed to survive the attack aimed for her. Then the main fleet reached once again Battleship Hime's lair.

Battleship Hime : Look dear, you can't sink me. You never had before. I'm stronger than you all !
Kongou : Oh yes maybe, BUT ! We have support this time !

Kaga managed to sink one destroyer and hurt a Ri-class, then the support fleet arrived.

Inazuma : NANODESU !

Inazuma led the support fleet so well that they managed to sink every enemies beside Battleship Hime. There was only an injured Nu-class left.

Mogami : He's mine ! Give everything you have girls !
Battleship Hime : Don't fuck with me ! Your destroyers are MINE !
Kongou : Get rekt !
Battleship Hime : No you LOL !

Kongou was heavily damaged.

Kongou : What a shame...
Haruna : I'll avenge you onee-sama !

But before the night battle began, Battleship Hime was still alive and kickin'.

Battleship Hime : Ohohoh~, I'm not Airfield-chan, Type 3 Shells won't work against me !

Mogami tried to shoot at her but all she done was scratch damages. The abyssal princess managed to "hug" Shigure.


Shigure's counter-attack sure was ferocious but it didn't sink her opponent.

Battleship Hime : Ah... Ahahah... Who's your master now ?
Yuudachi : POOOIII !!

In a desperate attempt, Yuudachi gave all she had to severely hurt Battleship Hime who fall on the verge of sinking, but wasn't dead yet.

Battleship Hime : My love for destroyer is stronger than any of your will !

Haruna punched the abyssal princess in the guts and sent her flying, before firing at her with her cannons.

Battleship Hime, sinking into the ocean : This is no good after all... I'll be back...
Kongou : We... WON ! Hoora !
Myschin, through microphone : Well done girls ! Take your time to come back !
Mogami : Let's see if that abyssal left anything we can pick...
??? : Ara ara, perhaps you need some help maybe ?

Back at the naval base...

Myschin : Girls, I'm very proud of all of you ! You deserve a well deserved rest !
Mogami : And we met an incredible person too.
Mutsu : Battleship Nagato class's 2nd ship, Mutsu. Pleased to meet you. Don't play with fire too much, okay? Please...
Myschin; speechless : Holy Suwako...
Mutsu : Ara ara, are you the admiral perhaps ?
Myschin : Sure I am... Such a prestige to welcome you in our naval base, miss Mutsu.
Mutsu : You don't need to be so formal admiral.

Mutsu caught everyone's eyes in the naval base.

??? : Oy, big sis is impressive but I'm here too !
Myschin : Eh ?

The admiral noticed a very young girl with a pronunced tan and twintails.

Mogami : Ah yes, we found her tied up in Battleship Hime's lair...
Libeccio : Buon giorno! I'm Libeccio, a Maestrale-class destroyer! Just Libe is fine. Nice to meet you Admiral!
Myschin : Woah woah woah, wait a second. Are you a foreign ship ?
Libeccio : OF COURSE ! I am from the pasta country ! Italy !!
Myschin : ... How ?
Libeccio : Ah you know, I tried to follow Littorio and Roma 3 month ago and I got lost, then some weirdo abyssal captured me and started to hug me all the time.
Myschin, Kongou, Haruna, Mogami : ...
Myschin : Well at least now you're free from her.
Libeccio : Grazie ! So, where are Littorio and Roma I wonder ?!
Myschin : Ah...

The admiral had to explain the whole situation to the foreign destroyer.

Libeccio : Oooh... Welp at least this place is more friendly than the abyssal one !
Myschin : According to Ooyodo, we can search for Roma in this place. We will try for sure.


Abyssal's place

Light Cruiser Oni : I have bad news for you...
Hime #1 : Battleship Hime lost, right ?
Light Cruiser Oni : Yeah... You're the last wall who can protect our newly assigned princess...
Hime #1 : We underestimated him but as always nobody listen to what I have to say !
Seaplane Tender Hime : Guess we will listen to you more often.
Hime #1 : I knew this admiral wasn't normal at all. I need to confirm the situation with my own eyes before we make a move again.
Hime #2 : They will come ?
Hime #1 : They will not... I hope they will not...

>> E-6 Counterattack Operation! Advance to FS!

The next morning, in the admiral's office...

Myschin, chatting on the Communication Network : No, I took my decision. I won't change it.
Peluche : You idiot, you should have aimed for Medium on E3 ! You HAVE to pick Medium here in you want the Prototype Catapult ! Such an item is rare and precious ! YOU MUST HAVE IT !
Suna : ...
Myschin : Listen Peluche, I took assigment here because I want to give my shipgirls a decent life, not a perilious one even if it means that I will take the Easy option more often. It is MY NAVAL BASE, not yours. I do whatever I want within it.
Suna : As long as you not regret your decision...
Peluche : Just don't cry if you can't remodel your cranes sisters day one when it will come !
Myschin : I'm not in a hurry, and I don't even have Shoukaku yet... I wish I can find her if I want to upgrade the Type 97 Murata...
* Peluche left the chat *

Suddenly, every alarm in the naval base started to rang out.

Myschin : What the... ?!

An eldrazi creature came to the admiral quickly.

Myschin : A strong enemy presence was spotted approaching the naval base ?!
Inazuma : What's... What's going on ?!
Myschin, grabbing a micro : Everyone, please calm down. I'll go figure what's going on.

The admiral gathered a few eldrazi creatures and went to the point where the abyssal was spotted. He quickly encountered an abyssal princess with very long hairs that share some similarities with Kaga. The princess was escorted by a Ta-class Flagship, the same kind the fleet encountered on E-2 area's last dance. The new princess looked at the admiral with a strong stare.

??? : I am the Aircraft Carrier Hime of the abyssal force.
Myschin : ...
Aircraft Carrier Hime : I came here because most of my fellow abyssal beings didn't listen to me when I warned them about the danger you represent !
Myschin : Why a 1-month old admiral such as me could be of any kind of danger to you ?
Aircraft Carrier Hime : Because I can see that you carry such abnormal creatures with you. Where they come from ?
Myschin : From outside of this world. They sole purpose is to protect MY naval base from external agressions and invasions. Is that all you wanted to know ?
Aircraft Carrier Hime : Even so... I can't allow you to reach your next destination.
Myschin : Why ?
Aircraft Carrier Hime : You captured Destroyer Hime before, right ? She must had tell you how we care for each other.
Myschin : Indeed...
Aircraft Carrier Hime : If our newly assigned princess had to face you, one can wonder what kind of disaster it can create...
Myschin : Wait a minute, this Seaplane Tender Hime was new too, isn't she ?!
Aircraft Carrier Hime : Her case is different. Seaplace Tender Hime has a strong will of her own. She didn't loose to you, she choose to left because you were not worth the trouble.
Myschin : ...
Aircraft Carrier Hime : I'm giving you a fair warning here. Don't come near the FS Area, our Core for this operation, or I won't go easy on you !
Myschin : I'll take note... Thank you I guess ?

Soon after, the Aircraft Carrier and her escort left the area...

Aircraft Carrier Hime : This is very bad ! Those creatures are far more dangerous than us !
Ta-class Flagship : But I highly doubt he will use them outside of his base, the almighty Gods won't allow him to attack us with those creatures.
Aircraft Carrier Hime : He will try to come for sure, we must be prepared to stop him !

On the admiral's side...

Myschin : ...
Destroyer Hime, Inazuma, Sendai, Zuikaku, Fusou etc... : ...
Myschin : Damn that abyssal princess is scary ! I almost wet myself when I saw her stare toward me.
Destroyer Hime : She is one of our strongest unit after all.
Myschin : I mean, her level seems way beyond Battleship Hime's. Can we even stand a chance against her ?
Sendai : We can't be sure unless we try, don't we ?


A combined fleet with Fusou / Yamashiro / Shouhou / Soryuu / Zuikaku / Kaga and Sendai / Akatsuki / Inazuma / Maya / Ashigara / Haruna went out on the new area. The fleet encountered many hazards on the way, some who almost forced the fleet to retreat, but they finally reached Aircraft Carrier Hime's place...

Aircraft Carrier Hime : So you've came eh ? Don't complain that I didn't warn your admiral... Now, Be wrapped in flames...and sunk instantly !

Despite the numerous advantage, the fleet didn't done much damage to the Aircraft Carrier Hime, and even at night battle, with all 6 ships perfectly capable in the escort fleet, they couldn't sink the abyssal princess, even they were close to.

Aircraft Carrier Hime : It's no use ! My will to protect our Core can't be matched. You will never win against me !!

And she was right. The fleet tried again and again, when they reached Aircraft Carrier Hime's again because the hazards caused major troubles here and there, forcing the fleet to retreat. There was even one time when the fleet advanced with Shouhou being heavily damaged and the admiral had to make an emergency call back to avoid the loss of someone he cared for.

Myschin : I am SO SO sorry Shouhou !
Shouhou : Admiral...
Myschin : It was my fault for not being careful enough.
Shouhou : The worst case scenario was avoided... Please take some rest admiral, you really need it.

But even so, for several days, the fleet could as best scratch Aircraft Carrier Hime, but not sink her at all.

Kaga : Admiral, we can't win even when we have the best conditions on our side.
Myschin : We need more training and more good planes. We could use this opportunity to try to find some new comrades in previous areas. Sendai, our victory strongly rely on you, too. Can you endure it ?
Sendai : Of course admiral !

The girls began their training in the E-2 area and the admiral used this opportunity to go to Light Cruiser Oni's concert. The fleet managed to find Akigumo and Makigumo as new ships.
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Article ajouté le Lundi 20 Février 2023 à 17h31 | |

