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de froggy25


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Nouvelles cartes!
Tout d'abord, voci l'article de Pokégym sur la nouvelle extension japonaise, Phantom Holon:

''Today we have some exclusive news! Once again, for the fourth set in a row, we are revealing what the new set's name is! The next Japanese set will be named The Holon Phantom, and will be the predecessor expansion set to "The Researching Tower of Horon [Holon]." The set will be released on January 17th in Japan, and the theme for the set will be Pokemon in the inner part of Holon (and Holon is in the inner part of Eidolon Forest, so we're going really deep here).
This set will also continue the new type of delta speces Pokemon, which could be showing that they are here to say. As I said for the Researching Tower of Horon background info, delta species Pokemon were referred to as the "fourth type," as in saying that it is the new type of Pokemon to come to the TCG that will stay. Well, this next set confirms that theory, and if another set is to have delta species Pokemon, we can be sure they will be around for a while.
So, what could this set involve? On the same day in Japan, a Deoxys deck box holder will come out, which could be a clue that a/some Deoxys [Delta Species] will come out. But who or what is the Holon phantom? As I posted for the Researching Tower of Horon set, the researchers involved with the delta species Pokemon were also responsible for looking for Mew in Eidolon Forest, which is where the tower is. If you are a fan of the Japanese Pokemon anime, you may know that Mew is referred to as the "Phantom Pokemon." So, could the set somehow involve Mew, again? Mew is in Eidolon Forest afterall, and Holon is also in Eidolon Forest, so you never know. What else could it involve? Maybe ghosts? Maybe some secretive Pokemon? Deoxys? Legendary Pokemon? Only time will tell, but you can be sure that with this set, we will be your #1 source for it, as we have been with the past four Japanese TCG sets.''

Source: Pokégym.

En français, ça veut dire que l'extension Phantom Holon sortira le 17 janvier 2006 au Japon, qu'il s'agira de la suite de "The Researching Tower of Horon", et que cette extnsion contiendra surement d'autres Pokémon delta! Le même jour sortira d'ailleurs un half-deck aux couleurs de Deoxys au pays du soleil levant.

Voci maintenant les nouvelles cartes promotionelles 29 & 30 de Nintendo.
Il s'agit de 2 cartes originellement éditées sous wizards en promo avec le logo "Pokémon 4ever". A noter que le Suicune ci-contre se trouvait dans Aquapolis.

Cliquez ici pour Célébi n°029
Cliquez ici pour Suicune n°030

Enfin bref, des cartes avant tout pour les collectionneurs, étant donné leur faible puissance.
Vous pourrez retrouver ces deux cartes en français dans la Lunch Box sortie dernièrement par Asmodée!
Article ajouté le Dimanche 20 Novembre 2005 à 17h57 | |

