Page 18 sur 42

Posté : mar. 30 juin 2009, 21:55
par meexup
Edwin illan a écrit :D'ailleurs, par curiosité, Tomberoche faisait aussi obligatoirement -1 Vitesse en 386 ?
J'crois que oui. Sur ma cartouche émeraude, quand j'affrontais la championne de l'arène roche, y'avais toujours une baisse de vitesse quand l'IA utilisait Tomberoche.

Posté : mer. 01 juil. 2009, 08:49
par wtf
N' oubliez pas Métalosse ; Regirock ; Regice et Registeel hein ^^

Posté : mer. 01 juil. 2009, 08:50
par Nostik
Ainsi que Tentacruel, si tu veux parler des Pokemons avec la capacité spéciale Corps Sain (pas tout suivi paf: ).

Posté : mer. 01 juil. 2009, 09:10
par wtf
Oui c' est de cela que je parlais , ah oui y a aussi Tentacruel qui bloque les effets de Vent Glace et de Tomberoche paf:

Posté : mer. 01 juil. 2009, 09:12
par WhiteSpirit
Et chartor(avec écran fumée).

Posté : mer. 01 juil. 2009, 09:14
par wtf
Bon on devrait mettre fin à ce débat passionant , non paf:

Posté : mer. 01 juil. 2009, 10:11
par meexup
Espéon Heart a écrit :Oui c' est de cela que je parlais , ah oui y a aussi Tentacruel qui bloque les effets de Vent Glace et de Tomberoche paf:
Oui mais non, Tenta se joue avec Suintement ^^

Posté : mer. 01 juil. 2009, 10:17
par wtf
Oui mais il y doit avoir 99 % des équipes sans Tomberoche / Vent Glace ^^
Doc Tenta avec Suintement pour contrer chapi ; cotovol ; célébi avec Vampigraine je suppose, j' ai jamais joué tentacruel %)

Posté : mer. 01 juil. 2009, 10:25
par Nostik
Barnarika a écrit :Et chartor(avec écran fumée).
Ainsi que Papinox et Aeromite.

Posté : mer. 01 juil. 2009, 10:27
par wtf
Deshim va venir et va dire " Aéromite se joue avec Lentileteintée bon sang :o "
Papinox NU %)

Posté : mer. 01 juil. 2009, 10:29
par Nostik
Je ne citais que ceux qui peuvent empêcher les baisses de statistiques, pas uniquement ceux qui sont jouables.

Posté : mer. 01 juil. 2009, 10:31
par wtf
Ah Ok , sinon il y a chenipotte aussi %)

Posté : mer. 01 juil. 2009, 10:33
par Deshim / TA
Espéon Heart a écrit :Deshim va venir et va dire " Aéromite se joue avec Lentileteintée bon sang :o "
Papinox NU %)
Perdu *o*

J'pense qu'en Spiker relayeur, potable en UU, il est préférable avec écran fumé :baxter:

Posté : mer. 01 juil. 2009, 10:36
par wtf
Le débat d' Aéromite perce switch en OU m' a tellement marqué que je pensais que tu allais dire ceci.

Posté : mer. 01 juil. 2009, 17:58
par Goold
J'ai pas le Log mais voila:

Il y a 3-4 pour un gars sur Shoddy (Un truc du genre, il m'en reste 3 de sur et il en a 1 de mort de sur l'autre je sais plus trop)
CC Decisif sur mon Porygon_Z d'un Fire Blast, j'allais HPFight l'adversaire sinon.
CC Decisif sur mon Laggron, c'était un léviator en face, apres 4-5 Curse et lui Dragon Dance, on attaque, il me reste 50%-51%, et lui 17 (Poing Glace lol) et il me CC alors que j'aurais pu resister, et le Powned.
Flinch de Cascade sur mon Cress qui aurait pu l'achever (Son Leviator)
Resultat : 3-0 :?

Posté : sam. 04 juil. 2009, 23:41
par MeganiumXD
Spoiler :
Dragonite used Lance-Flamme!
(329 damage)
A critical hit!
It's super effective!
Bronzong used Stealth Rock!
Pointed stones float in the air around Julle's team!
Bronzong's Restes restored its HP a little!
End of turn #1
MeganiumXD's Bronzong: 30 HP
Julle's Dragonite: 100% HP

Begin Turn #2
MeganiumXD withdrew Bronzong!
MeganiumXD sent out Blissey (Lv.100 Leuphorie)!
Dragonite used Lance-Flamme!
(126 damage)
A critical hit!
Aaaaaaaah mais c'est pas possible! (J'ai par la suite perdu 2 - 0 suite à un...Coup Critique :
Spoiler :
Sceptile's Restes restored its HP a little!
Jungko is hurt by poison!
End of turn #22
MeganiumXD's Jungko: 18 HP (Empoisonné)
Julle's Sceptile: 25% HP

Begin Turn #23
Sceptile used Lame-Feuille!
(18 damage)
A critical hit!
It's not very effective...
Jungko fainted!

Posté : mer. 08 juil. 2009, 12:24
par wtf
Un des matchs les plus longs de ma carrirère , je jouais ( en random , je précise ) contre Maaf Nos équipes était :

EH ( Moi ) : Cochignon ; Lixy ; Staross ; Sulfura ; Macronium et Feunard
Maaf avait : Manaphy , Miaouss , Dimoret , Racaillou , Queulorior et Tarsal
Spoiler :
Rules: Random Battle
Maaf sent out Manaphy (lvl 100 Manaphy).
Espeon Heart sent out Piloswine (lvl 100 Piloswine ?).
Espeon Heart: OOOOO
Espeon Heart switched in Shinx (lvl 100 Shinx ?).
Shinx's intimidate cut Manaphy's attack!
Manaphy used Double Team.
Manaphy's evasion was raised.
Maaf: j'ai une bête d'équipe en plus
Manaphy used Mud-Slap.
It's super effective!
Shinx lost 32% of its health.
Shinx's accuracy was lowered.
Shinx used Thunder Wave.
Shinx's attack missed!
Manaphy used Mud-Slap.
It's super effective!
Shinx lost 30% of its health.
Shinx's accuracy was lowered.
Shinx used Thunder Wave.
Manaphy is paralysed! It may be unable to move!
Shinx used Double Team.
Shinx's evasion was raised.
Manaphy used Grass Knot.
Shinx lost 15% of its health.
Shinx used Rest.
Shinx fell asleep!
Shinx restored 78% of its health.
Manaphy used Mud-Slap.
It's super effective!
Shinx lost 30% of its health.
Shinx's accuracy was lowered.
Shinx is fast asleep!
Manaphy used Mud-Slap.
It's super effective!
Shinx lost 30% of its health.
Shinx's accuracy was lowered.
Shinx is fast asleep!
Manaphy used Mud-Slap.
It's super effective!
Shinx lost 32% of its health.
Shinx's accuracy was lowered.
Shinx woke up!
Shinx used Rest.
Shinx fell asleep!
Shinx restored 92% of its health.
Manaphy used Mud-Slap.
Manaphy's attack missed!
Shinx is fast asleep!
Manaphy used Mud-Slap.
Manaphy's attack missed!
Espeon Heart switched in Bayleef (lvl 100 Bayleef ?).
Manaphy used Mud-Slap.
It's not very effective...
Bayleef lost 4% of its health.
Bayleef's accuracy was lowered.
Maaf switched in Ralts (lvl 100 Ralts ?).
Bayleef used Energy Ball.
Ralts lost 86% of its health.
Bayleef used Energy Ball.
Bayleef's attack missed!
Ralts used Will-o-wisp.
Bayleef was burned!
Bayleef was hurt by its burn!
Bayleef lost 12% of its health.
Bayleef used Energy Ball.
Ralts lost 86% of its health.
Maaf's Ralts fainted.
Bayleef was hurt by its burn!
Bayleef lost 12% of its health.
Maaf switched in Smeargle (lvl 100 Smeargle ?).
Smeargle used Blizzard.
It's super effective!
Bayleef lost 41% of its health.
Bayleef used Energy Ball.
Smeargle lost 86% of its health.
Smeargle's Ganlon Berry raised its defence!
Bayleef was hurt by its burn!
Bayleef lost 12% of its health.
Smeargle used Flash Cannon.
Bayleef lost 14% of its health.
Bayleef used Energy Ball.
Smeargle lost 74% of its health.
Maaf's Smeargle fainted.
Bayleef was hurt by its burn!
Bayleef lost 12% of its health.
Espeon Heart's Bayleef fainted.
Maaf switched in Weavile (lvl 100 Weavile ?).
Espeon Heart switched in Moltres (lvl 100 Moltres).
Weavile is exerting its pressure!
Moltres is exerting its pressure!
Weavile used Toxic.
Moltres was badly poisoned!
Moltres used Hidden Power.
It's super effective!
Weavile lost 36% of its health.
Moltres is hurt by poison!
Moltres lost 6% of its health.
Weavile used Beat Up.
Weavile's attack!
Moltres lost 6% of its health.
Geodude's attack!
Moltres lost 3% of its health.
Meowth's attack!
Moltres lost 2% of its health.
Moltres used Hidden Power.
It's super effective!
Weavile lost 37% of its health.
Moltres is hurt by poison!
Moltres lost 12% of its health.
Weavile used Quick Attack.
Moltres lost 14% of its health.
Moltres used Hidden Power.
It's super effective!
Weavile lost 36% of its health.
Maaf's Weavile fainted.
Moltres is hurt by poison!
Moltres lost 18% of its health.
Maaf switched in Meowth (lvl 100 Meowth ?).
Espeon Heart: Racaillou maaouss
Moltres used Extrasensory.
Meowth lost 88% of its health.
Meowth used Knock Off.
Moltres lost 3% of its health.
Meowth knocked off foe Moltres's Hard Stone!
Moltres is hurt by poison!
Moltres lost 25% of its health.
Maaf switched in Geodude (lvl 100 Geodude ?).
Moltres used Extrasensory.
Geodude lost 83% of its health.
Moltres is hurt by poison!
Moltres lost 31% of its health.
Espeon Heart's Moltres fainted.
Espeon Heart switched in Starmie (lvl 100 Starmie).
Starmie used Power Gem.
It's not very effective...
Geodude lost 30% of its health.
Maaf's Geodude fainted.
Maaf switched in Manaphy (lvl 100 Manaphy).
Starmie used Power Gem.
Manaphy lost 17% of its health.
Manaphy used Grass Knot.
It's super effective!
Starmie lost 51% of its health.
Starmie used Power Gem.
Manaphy lost 15% of its health.
Manaphy used Grass Knot.
It's super effective!
Starmie lost 52% of its health.
Espeon Heart's Starmie fainted.
Espeon Heart switched in Ninetales (lvl 100 Ninetales ?).
Ninetales used Iron Tail.
It's not very effective...
Manaphy lost 11% of its health.
Manaphy used Mud-Slap.
It's super effective!
Ninetales lost 11% of its health.
Ninetales's accuracy was lowered.
Ninetales was damaged by Sticky Barb!
Ninetales lost 12% of its health.
Ninetales used Iron Tail.
It's not very effective...
Manaphy lost 11% of its health.
Manaphy used Mud-Slap.
It's super effective!
Ninetales lost 13% of its health.
Ninetales's accuracy was lowered.
Ninetales was damaged by Sticky Barb!
Ninetales lost 12% of its health.
Ninetales used Iron Tail.
It's not very effective...
Manaphy lost 12% of its health.
Manaphy used Double Team.
Manaphy's evasion was raised.
Ninetales was damaged by Sticky Barb!
Ninetales lost 12% of its health.
Ninetales used Iron Tail.
Ninetales's attack missed!
Manaphy used Double Team.
Manaphy's evasion was raised.
Ninetales was damaged by Sticky Barb!
Ninetales lost 12% of its health.
Ninetales used Iron Tail.
Ninetales's attack missed!
Manaphy used Double Team.
Manaphy's evasion was raised.
Ninetales was damaged by Sticky Barb!
Ninetales lost 12% of its health.
Ninetales used Iron Tail.
Ninetales's attack missed!
Manaphy used Double Team.
Manaphy's evasion was raised.
Ninetales was damaged by Sticky Barb!
Ninetales lost 12% of its health.
Ninetales used Iron Tail.
It's not very effective...
Manaphy lost 12% of its health.
Manaphy used Double Team.
Manaphy's evasion was raised.
Ninetales was damaged by Sticky Barb!
Ninetales lost 12% of its health.
Espeon Heart's Ninetales fainted.
Espeon Heart switched in Piloswine (lvl 100 Piloswine ?).
Piloswine used Blizzard.
It's not very effective...
Manaphy lost 16% of its health.
Manaphy is paralysed! It can't move!
Piloswine used Blizzard.
Piloswine's attack missed!
Manaphy used Grass Knot.
It's super effective!
Piloswine lost 54% of its health.
Piloswine used Blizzard.
Piloswine's attack missed!
Manaphy is paralysed! It can't move!
Piloswine used Blizzard.
Piloswine's attack missed!
Manaphy used Grass Knot.
It's super effective!
A critical hit!
Piloswine lost 110% of its health.
Espeon Heart's Piloswine fainted.
Espeon Heart switched in Shinx (lvl 100 Shinx ?).
Shinx's intimidate cut Manaphy's attack!
Shinx is fast asleep!
Manaphy used Double Team.
Manaphy's evasion was raised.
Shinx woke up!
Shinx used Double Team.
Shinx's evasion was raised.
Manaphy is paralysed! It can't move!
Shinx used Charge.
Shinx's special defence was raised.
Shinx is charging power!
Manaphy is paralysed! It can't move!
Shinx used Charge.
But it failed!
Manaphy used Grass Knot.
Shinx lost 12% of its health.
Shinx used Double Team.
Shinx's evasion was raised.
Manaphy used Grass Knot.
Shinx lost 11% of its health.
Shinx used Double Team.
Shinx's evasion was raised.
Manaphy used Grass Knot.
Shinx lost 10% of its health.
Shinx used Double Team.
Shinx's evasion was raised.
Manaphy used Grass Knot.
Shinx lost 11% of its health.
Shinx used Double Team.
Shinx's evasion was raised.
Manaphy used Grass Knot.
Shinx lost 11% of its health.
Shinx used Rest.
Shinx fell asleep!
Shinx restored 54% of its health.
Manaphy used Grass Knot.
Manaphy's attack missed!
Shinx is fast asleep!
Manaphy is paralysed! It can't move!
Shinx is fast asleep!
Manaphy used Snore.
Manaphy's attack missed!
Shinx woke up!
Shinx used Double Team.
Shinx's evasion was raised.
Manaphy used Grass Knot.
Manaphy's attack missed!
Shinx used Charge.
Shinx's special defence was raised.
Shinx is charging power!
Manaphy used Double Team.
Manaphy's evasion won't go higher!
Shinx used Thunder Wave.
Shinx's attack missed!
Manaphy used Grass Knot.
Shinx lost 8% of its health.
Maaf: t'as pas d'attaques ? ^^
Shinx used Thunder Wave.
But it failed!
Manaphy used Snore.
But it failed!
Espeon Heart: Nan %)
Shinx used Thunder Wave.
Shinx's attack missed!
Manaphy used Double Team.
Manaphy's evasion won't go higher!
Maaf: c'est la loose XD
Shinx used Thunder Wave.
Shinx's attack missed!
Manaphy used Snore.
But it failed!
Shinx used Thunder Wave.
Shinx's attack missed!
Manaphy used Snore.
But it failed!
Shinx used Thunder Wave.
But it failed!
Manaphy is paralysed! It can't move!
Shinx used Thunder Wave.
Shinx's attack missed!
Manaphy used Grass Knot.
Manaphy's attack missed!
Shinx used Thunder Wave.
Shinx's attack missed!
Manaphy used Grass Knot.
Shinx lost 8% of its health.
Shinx used Thunder Wave.
But it failed!
Manaphy used Grass Knot.
Manaphy's attack missed!
Shinx used Rest.
Shinx fell asleep!
Shinx restored 16% of its health.
Manaphy used Grass Knot.
Manaphy's attack missed!
Shinx is fast asleep!
Manaphy used Snore.
Manaphy's attack missed!
Shinx is fast asleep!
Manaphy used Snore.
But it failed!
Shinx woke up!
Shinx used Thunder Wave.
Shinx's attack missed!
Manaphy used Snore.
But it failed!
Shinx used Thunder Wave.
But it failed!
Manaphy is paralysed! It can't move!
Shinx used Thunder Wave.
But it failed!
Manaphy used Snore.
Manaphy's attack missed!
Absoler has entered the room.
Shinx used Thunder Wave.
But it failed!
Manaphy is paralysed! It can't move!
Absoler: NFE VS OOBER?
Maaf: nan, random ^^
Espeon Heart: PPwaste Random
Shinx used Thunder Wave.
Shinx's attack missed!
Manaphy used Snore.
Manaphy's attack missed!
Shinx used Thunder Wave.
Shinx's attack missed!
Manaphy used Grass Knot.
Manaphy's attack missed!
Shinx used Thunder Wave.
Shinx's attack missed!
Manaphy used Grass Knot.
Manaphy's attack missed!
Shinx used Thunder Wave.
But it failed!
Manaphy used Grass Knot.
Manaphy's attack missed!
Absoler: ?
Espeon Heart: On se PPWaste , Maaf , sors miaouss
Shinx used Thunder Wave.
But it failed!
Manaphy used Grass Knot.
Manaphy's attack missed!
Maaf switched in Meowth (lvl 100 Meowth ?).
Shinx used Thunder Wave.
Meowth is paralysed! It may be unable to move!
Shinx used Double Team.
Shinx's evasion won't go higher!
Meowth used Knock Off.
Shinx lost 9% of its health.
Meowth knocked off foe Shinx's Razor Fang!
Shinx used Double Team.
Shinx's evasion won't go higher!
Meowth used Attract.
Shinx fell in love!
Shinx is in love with foe Meowth!
Shinx used Charge.
Shinx's special defence was raised.
Shinx is charging power!
Meowth is paralysed! It can't move!
Shinx is in love with foe Meowth!
Shinx is immobilised by love!
Meowth is paralysed! It can't move!
Shinx is in love with foe Meowth!
Shinx used Charge.
Shinx's special defence was raised.
Shinx is charging power!
Meowth used Secret Power.
Meowth's attack missed!
Shinx is in love with foe Meowth!
Shinx is immobilised by love!
Meowth used Secret Power.
Shinx lost 47% of its health.
Shinx is in love with foe Meowth!
Shinx is immobilised by love!
Meowth used Secret Power.
Meowth's attack missed!
Shinx is in love with foe Meowth!
Shinx is immobilised by love!
Meowth is paralysed! It can't move!
Shinx is in love with foe Meowth!
Shinx used Rest.
Shinx fell asleep!
Shinx restored 55% of its health.
Meowth used Secret Power.
Meowth's attack missed!
Shinx is fast asleep!
Meowth used Secret Power.
Shinx lost 40% of its health.
Shinx is fast asleep!
Meowth used Secret Power.
Meowth's attack missed!
Shinx woke up!
Shinx is in love with foe Meowth!
Shinx used Rest.
Shinx fell asleep!
Shinx restored 40% of its health.
Meowth used Secret Power.
Shinx lost 42% of its health.
Shinx is fast asleep!
Meowth used Secret Power.
Shinx lost 42% of its health.
Shinx is fast asleep!
Meowth is paralysed! It can't move!
Shinx woke up!
Shinx is in love with foe Meowth!
Shinx is immobilised by love!
Meowth used Secret Power.
Meowth's attack missed!
Shinx is in love with foe Meowth!
Shinx used Rest.
Shinx fell asleep!
Shinx restored 84% of its health.
Meowth is paralysed! It can't move!
Shinx is fast asleep!
Meowth is paralysed! It can't move!
Shinx is fast asleep!
Meowth is paralysed! It can't move!
Shinx woke up!
Shinx is in love with foe Meowth!
Shinx is immobilised by love!
Meowth is paralysed! It can't move!
Shinx is in love with foe Meowth!
Shinx used Thunder Wave.
But it failed!
Meowth is paralysed! It can't move!
Shinx is in love with foe Meowth!
Shinx used Thunder Wave.
But it failed!
Meowth used Secret Power.
Meowth's attack missed!
Shinx is in love with foe Meowth!
Shinx is immobilised by love!
Meowth used Secret Power.
Meowth's attack missed!
Shinx is in love with foe Meowth!
Shinx used Thunder Wave.
But it failed!
Meowth used Secret Power.
Meowth's attack missed!
Shinx is in love with foe Meowth!
Shinx is immobilised by love!
Meowth used Secret Power.
Meowth's attack missed!
Shinx is in love with foe Meowth!
Shinx used Thunder Wave.
But it failed!
Meowth used Secret Power.
Shinx is paralysed! It may be unable to move!
Shinx lost 42% of its health.
Meowth used Dark Pulse.
Meowth's attack missed!
Shinx is in love with foe Meowth!
Shinx used Rest.
Shinx fell asleep!
Shinx restored 42% of its health.
Sacred_SGOT has entered the room.
Shinx is fast asleep!
Meowth used Dark Pulse.
Meowth's attack missed!
Shinx is fast asleep!
Meowth used Secret Power.
Meowth's attack missed!
Shinx woke up!
Shinx is in love with foe Meowth!
Shinx used Double Team.
Shinx's evasion won't go higher!
Meowth used Secret Power.
Shinx lost 41% of its health.
Shinx is in love with foe Meowth!
Shinx is immobilised by love!
Meowth is paralysed! It can't move!
Shinx is in love with foe Meowth!
Shinx is immobilised by love!
Meowth used Secret Power.
Shinx is paralysed! It may be unable to move!
Shinx lost 43% of its health.
Meowth used Dark Pulse.
Shinx lost 10% of its health.
Shinx is in love with foe Meowth!
Shinx is paralysed! It can't move!
Meowth used Dark Pulse.
Meowth's attack missed!
Shinx is in love with foe Meowth!
Shinx is immobilised by love!
Meowth is paralysed! It can't move!
Shinx is in love with foe Meowth!
Shinx used Rest.
Shinx fell asleep!
Shinx restored 94% of its health.
Shinx is fast asleep!
Meowth used Secret Power.
Shinx lost 45% of its health.
Shinx is fast asleep!
Meowth used Secret Power.
Meowth's attack missed!
Shinx woke up!
Shinx is in love with foe Meowth!
Shinx used Rest.
Shinx fell asleep!
Shinx restored 45% of its health.
Meowth used Secret Power.
Meowth's attack missed!
Maaf: t'en as encore beaucoup des Repos ?
Shinx is fast asleep!
Meowth used Secret Power.
Meowth's attack missed!
Espeon Heart: 4
Shinx is fast asleep!
Meowth is paralysed! It can't move!
Shinx woke up!
Shinx is in love with foe Meowth!
Shinx used Double Team.
Shinx's evasion won't go higher!
Meowth used Knock Off.
Shinx lost 9% of its health.
Shinx is in love with foe Meowth!
Shinx is immobilised by love!
Meowth used Secret Power.
Shinx lost 40% of its health.
Shinx is in love with foe Meowth!
Shinx used Rest.
Shinx fell asleep!
Shinx restored 49% of its health.
Meowth is paralysed! It can't move!
Shinx is fast asleep!
Meowth used Knock Off.
Meowth's attack missed!
Shinx is fast asleep!
Meowth is paralysed! It can't move!
Shinx woke up!
Shinx is in love with foe Meowth!
Shinx is immobilised by love!
Meowth used Secret Power.
Meowth's attack missed!
Shinx is in love with foe Meowth!
Shinx used Double Team.
Shinx's evasion won't go higher!
Meowth is paralysed! It can't move!
Absoler has left the room.
Shinx is in love with foe Meowth!
Shinx used Double Team.
Shinx's evasion won't go higher!
Meowth used Secret Power.
Meowth's attack missed!
Espeon Heart: Combien de secret power ?
Maaf: 4
Shinx is in love with foe Meowth!
Shinx used Charge.
Shinx's special defence was raised.
Shinx is charging power!
Meowth is paralysed! It can't move!
Shinx is in love with foe Meowth!
Shinx is immobilised by love!
Meowth used Knock Off.
Meowth's attack missed!
Shinx is in love with foe Meowth!
Shinx used Charge.
Shinx's special defence was raised.
Shinx is charging power!
Meowth used Knock Off.
Meowth's attack missed!
Shinx is in love with foe Meowth!
Shinx used Charge.
But it failed!
Meowth used Secret Power.
Shinx lost 43% of its health.
Shinx is in love with foe Meowth!
Shinx is immobilised by love!
Meowth is paralysed! It can't move!
Shinx is in love with foe Meowth!
Shinx used Rest.
Shinx fell asleep!
Shinx restored 43% of its health.
Meowth is paralysed! It can't move!
Shinx is fast asleep!
Meowth is paralysed! It can't move!
Haldar has entered the room.
Haldar: un random ?
Haldar: %)
Maaf: oui XD
Shinx is fast asleep!
Meowth is paralysed! It can't move!
Espeon Heart: Exact
Shinx woke up!
Shinx is in love with foe Meowth!
Shinx used Double Team.
Shinx's evasion won't go higher!
Meowth used Secret Power.
Meowth's attack missed!
Shinx is in love with foe Meowth!
Shinx is immobilised by love!
Meowth used Secret Power.
Meowth's attack missed!
Shinx is in love with foe Meowth!
Shinx is immobilised by love!
Meowth is paralysed! It can't move!
Shinx is in love with foe Meowth!
Shinx used Charge.
Shinx's special defence won't go higher!
Shinx is charging power!
Meowth used Knock Off.
Meowth's attack missed!
Shinx is in love with foe Meowth!
Shinx is immobilised by love!
Meowth used Knock Off.
Shinx lost 8% of its health.
Shinx is in love with foe Meowth!
Shinx is immobilised by love!
Meowth used Knock Off.
Meowth's attack missed!
Espeon Heart: Plus de secret power ?
Shinx is in love with foe Meowth!
Shinx used Charge.
Shinx's special defence won't go higher!
Shinx is charging power!
Meowth is paralysed! It can't move!
Haldar: c est quoi ce haxx de ouf x)
Maaf: m'en reste 1
Shinx is in love with foe Meowth!
Shinx is immobilised by love!
Meowth used Knock Off.
Meowth's attack missed!
Shinx is in love with foe Meowth!
Shinx used Charge.
Shinx's special defence won't go higher!
Shinx is charging power!
Meowth used Knock Off.
Shinx lost 9% of its health.
Maaf: ben il est boosté au Reflet...
Shinx is in love with foe Meowth!
Shinx is immobilised by love!
Meowth used Secret Power.
Meowth's attack missed!
Haldar: j ai remarqué %)
Shinx is in love with foe Meowth!
Shinx used Double Team.
Shinx's evasion won't go higher!
Meowth used Knock Off.
Meowth's attack missed!
Double Team has no PP left!
Shinx is in love with foe Meowth!
Shinx is immobilised by love!
Meowth used Dark Pulse.
Shinx lost 7% of its health.
Shinx is in love with foe Meowth!
Shinx used Thunder Wave.
But it failed!
Meowth used Dark Pulse.
Meowth's attack missed!
Shinx is in love with foe Meowth!
Shinx used Thunder Wave.
But it failed!
Meowth used Knock Off.
Meowth's attack missed!
Shinx is in love with foe Meowth!
Shinx is immobilised by love!
Meowth is paralysed! It can't move!
Sacred_SGOT has left the room.
Shinx is in love with foe Meowth!
Shinx used Thunder Wave.
But it failed!
Meowth used Knock Off.
Meowth's attack missed!
Thunder Wave has no PP left!
Shinx is in love with foe Meowth!
Shinx used Charge.
Shinx's special defence won't go higher!
Shinx is charging power!
Meowth used Knock Off.
Meowth's attack missed!
Shinx is in love with foe Meowth!
Shinx is immobilised by love!
Meowth used Knock Off.
Meowth's attack missed!
Shinx is in love with foe Meowth!
Shinx used Charge.
Shinx's special defence won't go higher!
Shinx is charging power!
Meowth used Knock Off.
Meowth's attack missed!
Shinx is in love with foe Meowth!
Shinx is immobilised by love!
Meowth used Dark Pulse.
Meowth's attack missed!
Shinx is in love with foe Meowth!
Shinx used Charge.
Shinx's special defence won't go higher!
Shinx is charging power!
Meowth used Dark Pulse.
Shinx lost 7% of its health.
Shinx is in love with foe Meowth!
Shinx is immobilised by love!
Meowth used Knock Off.
Shinx lost 8% of its health.
Shinx is in love with foe Meowth!
Shinx used Charge.
Shinx's special defence won't go higher!
Shinx is charging power!
Meowth is paralysed! It can't move!
Shinx is in love with foe Meowth!
Shinx is immobilised by love!
Meowth used Knock Off.
Meowth's attack missed!
Shinx is in love with foe Meowth!
Shinx used Charge.
Shinx's special defence won't go higher!
Shinx is charging power!
Meowth used Knock Off.
Shinx lost 9% of its health.
Shinx is in love with foe Meowth!
Shinx is immobilised by love!
Meowth used Knock Off.
Meowth's attack missed!
Shinx is in love with foe Meowth!
Shinx is immobilised by love!
Meowth used Knock Off.
Meowth's attack missed!
Shinx is in love with foe Meowth!
Shinx used Charge.
Shinx's special defence won't go higher!
Shinx is charging power!
Meowth used Dark Pulse.
Meowth's attack missed!
Shinx is in love with foe Meowth!
Shinx is immobilised by love!
Meowth used Dark Pulse.
Meowth's attack missed!
Shinx is in love with foe Meowth!
Shinx is immobilised by love!
Meowth used Dark Pulse.
Meowth's attack missed!
Shinx is in love with foe Meowth!
Shinx is immobilised by love!
Meowth used Dark Pulse.
Meowth's attack missed!
Shinx is in love with foe Meowth!
Shinx is immobilised by love!
Meowth used Dark Pulse.
Shinx lost 7% of its health.
Shinx is in love with foe Meowth!
Shinx used Charge.
Shinx's special defence won't go higher!
Shinx is charging power!
Meowth is paralysed! It can't move!
Shinx is in love with foe Meowth!
Shinx used Charge.
But it failed!
Meowth used Dark Pulse.
Meowth's attack missed!
Shinx is in love with foe Meowth!
Shinx used Charge.
Shinx's special defence won't go higher!
Shinx is charging power!
Meowth used Dark Pulse.
Shinx lost 7% of its health.
Shinx is in love with foe Meowth!
Shinx used Rest.
Shinx fell asleep!
Shinx restored 64% of its health.
Meowth used Knock Off.
Meowth's attack missed!
Shinx is fast asleep!
Meowth is paralysed! It can't move!
Shinx is fast asleep!
Meowth used Dark Pulse.
Shinx lost 7% of its health.
Shinx woke up!
Shinx is in love with foe Meowth!
Shinx is immobilised by love!
Meowth is paralysed! It can't move!
Maaf: bon j'en ai marre, je vais manger XD
Maaf: et en plus j'ai plus que 2 PP offensifs...
Maaf has left the room.
Espeon Heart wins!
Haldar: c est qui le dernier de Maaf ?
Espeon Heart: Je garde le log
Espeon Heart: Manaphy
Espeon Heart: PPWasté paralysé
Je comprends Maaf , après toutes les Paralysies et miss des attaques de Manaphy et Miaouss :lol:

Je me marrait comme un ouf :lol:

Sinon Lixy n' avait pas d' attaques offensives %) Les moves du random c' est n' importe nawak sur Pokéhaxx Battle paf:

Posté : mer. 08 juil. 2009, 12:28
par moutte
J'ai joué un match de plusieurs heures contre nkekev, en DP, une fois :x

Posté : mer. 08 juil. 2009, 12:29
par wtf
Moutte , le log est sur bip , je vais aller le retrouver , enfin il me semble ^^

Posté : mer. 08 juil. 2009, 12:31
par moutte
Une partie du log il me semble, j'ai été bloqué par la limite de caractères par messages. 'fin j'ai peut être noté le nombre de tours.