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[Boutique] Zero's Event Shop *Update 1/7*

Posté : dim. 03 mai 2015, 10:34
par ZeroPointLibra
Bonjour et bienvenue dans ma boutique d'évents !


Ici vous trouverez des events de la 3e jusqu'à la 6e génération. Tous mes évents sont clonés mais sinon 100% légit.

CA: 3840-7483-8858
IG: Tori
Ce que je cherche: \o/
  • tous les évents non-touchés (NT) qui ne sont pas sur ma liste, surtout les évents français :3 Des clones sont acceptés bien sûr.
  • des évents NT que j'ai déjà mais dans une langue différente
  • des codes pour des events (européennes et japonaises)
  • quelqu'un avec My Pokémon Ranch qui peut me capturer tous les Pokémon d'Eulalie
  • des shinys peuvent être proposés s'ils ont le pentagone mais je m'intéresse seulement au stade initial et je n'échange pas des évents très rares contre des shinys
Ce que je ne cherche pas: :waitno:
  • des hacks & des clones illégaux (faites par des moyens externes : Powersave, Pokecheck, file trade en général)
  • des évents de la 6e génération avec la date Powersave
  • des évents touchés
  • des Pokémon strats

Les règles o>
  • Avant de me proposer un évent, vérifiez qu'il est NT, donc: aucune expérience en plus, pas de ruban en plus, pas de Pokérus, etc.
  • Vérifiez aussi sur des sites comme Poképédia, Bulbapedia ou Serebii que tous les dates de votre évent soient correctes, donc le bon (et seulement le bon) ruban, capacités, etc.
  • Pour me proposer un Pokémon, donnez-moi au moins les mêmes informations que je vous donne : langue, Pokémon, ID, nature, caractéristique, stats (au moins les PV), la date pour les évents de la 6e génération
  • svp n'utilisez pas de français trop familier pour que je puisse vous comprendre :'D

Events 3e génération :
Spoiler :
[ANG] PCNYc Pikachu | 00242 | Timide | Un peu coléreux | 95/65/53/56/64/107 | seulement pour de bons offres
[JAP] Wishing Star Jirachi | 30719 | Malin | Attentif aux sons | 25/16/17/13/15/16 | seulement pour de bons offres
[JAP] Berry Glitch Fix Rubin Zigzaton (shiny) | 21121 | Modeste | S'assoupit souvent | 20/7/9/8/9/12
[JAP] Berry Glitch Fix Saphir Zigzaton (shiny) | 21121 | Mauvais | Éparpille des choses | 20/8/9/8/8/12
[ANG] Berry Glitch Fix Rubin Zigzaton (shiny) | 30317 | Naïf | Aime faire le pitre | 19/8/9/8/9/13
[ANG] Berry Glitch Fix Saphir Zigzaton (shiny) | 30317 | Gentil | Extrêmement curieux | 19/8/8/9/11/11
[JAP] Tanabata Jirachi | 40707 | Hardi | Aime combattre | 25/16/15/15/16/15
[JAP] All Nippon Airways Pikachu | 41205 | Pudique | Adore manger. | 30/17/13/16/16/24
[JAP] Gather More Pokémon Campaign Bulbizarre | 60227 | Hardi | Extrêmement curieux | 30/16/15/20/18/15
[JAP] Gather More Pokémon Campaign Salameche | 60227 | Jovial | S'emporte facilement | 30/18/13/15/17/19
[JAP] Gather More Pokémon Campaign Leveinard | 60114 | Foufou | Très obstiné | 42/26/26/26/26/27
[JAP] Gather More Pokémon Campaign Germignon | 51124 | Sérieux | Adore manger| 31/15/19/16/19/14
[JAP] Gather More Pokémon Campaign Hericendre | 51124 | Timide | Adore manger| 29/14/14/18/15/20
[JAP] Gather More Pokémon Campaign Kaiminus | 51124 | Discret | Aime faire le pitre| 31/20/18/16/17/14
[JAP] Gather More Pokémon Campaign Cerfrousse | 60505 | Hardi | Esprit rebelle | 36/26/17/24/20/23
[JAP] Gather More Pokémon Campaign Arcko | 51126 | Sérieux | Adore manger| 30/16/12/20/16/20
[JAP] Gather More Pokémon Campaign Poussifeu | 51126 | Hardi | A horreur de perdre | 29/15/13/19/17/15
[JAP] Poképark Mew | 60510 | Malin | Aime se démener| 109/74/78/64/72/71
[JAP] Mitsurin Celebi | 60720 | Bizarre | Bête et impulsif | 42/26/26/26/26/27
[JAP] Hadou Regirock | 50901 | Jovial | Coquin | 122/93/170/51/89/94
[JAP] Hadou Regice | 50901 | Modeste | Un peu coléreux | 116/49/86/100/168/49
[JAP] Hadou Registeel | 50901 | Jovial | Aime courir | 121/72/129/68/128/62
[ANG] 10ANIV Dracaufeu | 00010 | Malpoli | Extrêmement curieux | 206/123/118/178/150/145
[ANG] 10ANIV Tortank | 00010 | Doux | Fuit rapidement | 190/138/136/136/169/13
[ANG] 10ANIV Alakazam | 00010 | Brave | Bonne endurance | 215/147/145/145/186/140
[ANG] 10ANIV Artikodin | 00010 | Solo | Corps robuste | 215/147/145/145/186/140
[ANG] 10ANIV Electhor | 00010 | Naïf | Très astucieux. | 215/147/145/145/186/140
[ANG] 10ANIV Sulfura | 00010 | Mauvais | Sait encaisser les coups | 207/167/152/184/115/134
[ANG] 10ANIV Mentali | 00010 | Pressé | Aime faire le pitre | 171/110/92/194/150/192
[ANG] 10ANIV Absol | 00010 | Docile | Aime courir | 175/198/94/115/93/124
[ANG] 10ANIV Pikachu | 06808 | Foufou | Un peu vaniteux | 141/91/61/100/86/139
[ANG] 10ANIV Dracolosse | 06808 | Solo | Aime combattre | 211/228/133/148/155/117
[ANG] 10ANIV Artikodin | 06227 | Modeste | Aime se démener | 206/127/147/165/180/133
[ANG] 10ANIV Entei | 06227 | Mauvais | Aime combattre | 250/195/128/135/104/149
[ALL] 10JAHRE Entei | 06227 | Relax | S'assoupit souvent | 252/170/137/138/117/138
[ALL] 10JAHRE Suicune | 06227 | Lâche | Sait encaisser les coups | 220/114/198/137/160/131
[ESP] 10ANIV Raikou | 06227 | Solo | Aime faire le pitre | 209/149/101/177/146/178
[ESP] 10ANIV Suicune | 06227 | Timide | Coquin | 231/108/184/152/181/143
[ITA] 10ANNI Latias | 06227 | Gentil | Aime combattre | 204/136/118/172/213/166
[ITA] 10ANNI Latios | 06227 | Brave | Aime faire le pitre | 203/159/123/201/163/160
[ANG] Mystery Mew | 06930 | Discret | Bonne endurance | 41/26/27/27/26/24
[JAP] Ageto Celebi | 31121 | Malin | Aime courir | 42/25/27/22/25/28
[JAP] Ile Lointaine Mew | 59046 | Lâche | Éparpille des choses | 142/67/73/159/132/95
[ANG] Ticketmystik Lugia | 00396 | Lâche | Très astucieux | 245/131/218/149/206/164
[JAP] Ticketmystik Lugia (shiny) | 06265 | Brave | Sait encaisser les coups | 291/251/161/213/277/156 T
[ANG] Ticketmystik Ho-Oh | 00396 | Malpoli | Très obstiné | 229/196/146/163/254/126
[ANG] Ticketmystik Ho-Oh (shiny) | 04114 | Solo | Coquin | 291/251/161/213/277/156 T
[ALL] Ile Aurore Deoxys | 58963 | Assuré | Sait encaisser les coups | 74/58/74/69/62/116
[ALL] Ile Aurore Deoxys (shiny) | 60080 | Pudique | Sait encaisser les coups | 72/49/110/147/104/62
[JAP] Passe Éon Latios | 18108 | Foufou | Très obstiné| 145/106/98/156/111/117
[ALL] Pokémon Colosseum Ho-Oh | 10048 | Brave | Souvent dans la lune | 242/221/141/278/235/118
Events 4e génération :
Spoiler :
[JAP] Concert Pijako | 10286 | Jovial | Fuit rapidement | 75/40/30/51/29/61
[JAP] WHF Manaphy | 12226 | Assuré | Attentif aux sons | 25/13/16/15/15/15
[JAP] Yamomoto Barbicha | 03217 | Gentil | Assez entêté | 173/86/71/88/101/70
[JAP] Makuhari PalCity Mew | 07157 | Bizarre | Un peu vaniteux | 167/113/113/108/115/111 | seulement pour de bons offres
[ANG] Toys“R“Us Manaphy | 00242 | Hardi | Aime se démener | 166/132/104/116/106/115
[JAP] Golgo Octillery | 10147 | Sérieux | Fuit rapidement | 139/124/85/119/85/64
[JAP] Strongest Pokémon Dracolosse | 01158 | Doux | Corps robuste | 158/146/99/115/105/86
[JAP] Strongest Pokémon Drattak | 02158 | Mauvais | Corps robuste | 163/158/95/124/83/111
[JAP] Strongest Pokémon Maganon | 12017 | Hardi | Aime se démener | 143/110/82/130/102/94
[JAP] Movie Regigias | 07198 | Jovial | Un peu vaniteux | 341/326/234/149/241/228
[JAP] Toys"R"Us Dracolosse | 11088 | Doux | Sait encaisser les coups | 151/147/103/119/109/99
[JAP] Sleeping Pikachu | 02079 | Relax | Attentif aux sons | 105/62/50/57/60/94
[ALL] VGC 2009 Milobellus (shiny) | 05309 | Timide | Très obstiné | 161/60/97/109/133/102
[COR] VGC Milobellus (shiny) | 07210 | Timide | Un peu coléreux | 159/70/90/115/142/99 | seulement pour de bons offres
[JAP] Susumu Mew | 11219 | Lâche | Corps robuste | 25/15/17/15/13/15
[JAP] VGC10 Evoli (shiny) | 05080 | Hardi | Un peu coléreux | 125/73/63/53/74/71
[ANG] PKLATAM Jirachi | 03010 | Solo | Un peu vaniteux | 26/17/13/15/16/15 | seulement pour de bons offres
[ALL] Printemps Pichu (shiny) | 03050 | Jovial | Un peu vaniteux | 60/30/18/25/32/51
[COR] Time Square Shaymin | 05010 | Calme | Assez entêté | 106/59/72/70/80/71 | seulement pour de bons offres
[JAP] Crown Entei (shiny) | 06180 | Rigide | Aime se démener | 116/81/61/59/51/68
[JAP] Movie Celebi | 07100 | Calme | Extrêmement curieux | 166/108/116/105/115/112
[JAP] NZ Manaphy | 08110 | Malin | Coquin | 169/113/123/106/112/108
[ALL] Automne 2010 Mew | 10160 | Doux | Aime faire le pitre | 25/15/14/16/16/16
[ANG] Ash's Pikachu | 01301 | Mauvais | Bête et impulsif | 98/71/50/60/57/108
[ALL] Hiver 2011 Raikou (shiny) | 02071 | Foufou | Bonne endurance | 98/61/56/85/63/77
[ALL] Hiver 2011 Entei (shiny) | 02141 | Rigide | Coquin | 116/81/61/59/51/68
[ALL] Hiver 2011 Suicune (shiny) | 02211 | Relax | Bête et impulsif | 103/55/86/65/77/55
[ALL] PKTOPIA Pikachu | 12077 | Hardi | Aime courir | 27/16/14/15/16/26
[ALL] PKTOPIA Elekable | 12077 | Rigide | S'emporte facilement | 142/90/84/149/109/100
[ALL] PKTOPIA Maganon | 12077 | Modeste | Corps robuste | 146/103/77/159/112/91
[ANG] Kyle Riolu | 03208 | Sérieux | Aime se détendre | 71/47/32/30/29/46
[ANG] Oblivia Heatran | 03060 | Discret | Attentif aux sons | 156/109/112/155/114/87
[ANG] Ranger Manaphy | 14593 | Assuré | Coquin | 13/6/7/7/7/7
[ALL] Mystécristal Latios | 56690 | Doux | Très volontaire | 115/82/67/123/103/97
[ALL] Ruines Sinjoh Dialga | 04436 | Doux | Très volontaire | 13/7/6/8/7/6
[ALL] Ruines Sinjoh Palkia | 12395 | Gentil | Très obstiné | 12/7/6/8/7/7
[ALL] Ruines Sinjoh Giratina | 65523 | Doux | S'assoupit souvent | 14/7/6/7/7/6
[ANG] Ile Nouvellune Darkrai (shiny) | 01445 | Timide | Sait encaisser les coups | 137/95/110/143/100/148 T
[ANG] Paradis Fleuri Shaymin (shiny) | 05586 | Timide | Très astucieux | 102/70/65/73/159/77
[ALL] EUKALIA Pikachu | 01000 | Jovial | Extrêmement curieux | 48/28/25/27/26/46
[ALL] EUKALIA Goupix | 01000 | Naïf | Sait encaisser les coups | 66/32/35/35/42/52
[ALL] EUKALIA Excelangue | 01000 | Naïf | Très obstiné. | 122/50/73/61/64/34
[ALL] EUKALIA Saquedeneu | 01000 | Mauvais | Un peu coléreux | 12/6/7/7/5/6
[ALL] EUKALIA Evoli | 01000 | Hardi | Persévérant | 80/39/43/37/49/43
[ALL] EUKALIA Ptera | 01000 | Jovial | Adore manger | 152/115/74/66/88/149
[ALL] EUKALIA Mew | 01000 | Gentil | Très volontaire | 170/105/100/116/132/114
[ALL] EUKALIA Yanma | 01000 | Mauvais | Souvent dans la lune | 117/82/56/85/51/98
[ALL] EUKALIA Ecremeuh | 01000 | Calme | Très particulier | 155/78/106/54/88/109
[ALL] EUKALIA Balignon | 01000 | Jovial | Très particulier | 119/45/67/48/65/40
[ALL] EUKALIA Wailmer | 01000 | Lâche | Hinterhätig | 182/68/42/79/42/62
[ALL] EUKALIA Okeoke | 01000 | Relax | Aime combattre | 12/5/5/5/6/4
[ALL] EUKALIA Etourvol | 01000 | Jovial | Très obstiné | 61/43/34/22/28/47
[ALL] EUKALIA Ecayon | 01000 | Doux | Adore manger | 163/64/100/109/138/99
[FRA] EULALIE Mew | 01000 | Naïf | Corps robuste |170/105/100/116/132/114
[JAP] Jukari Mew | 01000 | Brave | Très obstiné | 169/125/118/110/117/105
[JAP] Pokémon Sunday Miaouss | 12098 | Jovial | Bonne endurance | 49/25/24/23/21/49
[JAP] Pokémon Sunday Monaflemit | 01069 | Rigide | Coquin | 210/187/105/101/82/113
Events 5e génération :
Spoiler :
[JAP] Pokémon Smash Polarhume | 10220 | Calme | S'assoupit souvent | 46/24/20/24/20/18
[ESP] Película Victini | 12031 | Discret | Bête et impulsif | 168/116/108/128/109/106
[JAP] Best Wishes Boréas | 12161 | Prudent | Coquin | 202/170/117/178/144/177
[JAP] Best Wishes Fulguris | 12161 | Malin | Attentif aux sons | 200/169/115/165/127/175
[COR] Kanto Starter Egg Salameche | 15403 | Lâche | Attentif aux sons | 11/6/6/6/5/6 | seulement pour de bons offres
[COR] Kanto Starter Egg Carapuce | 44637 | Timide | S'assoupit souvent | 12/5/6/6/6/5 | seulement pour de bons offres
[JAP] Movie Golemastoc (shiny) | 06171 | Brave | Très volontaire | 220/217/121/98/138/80
[JAP] Movie Trioxhydre (shiny) | 06171 | Sérieux | Extrêmement curieux | 220/160/135/197/139/147
[JAP] Movie Genesect (shiny) | 07133 | Pressé | Aime se démener | 291/300/202/265/222/280
[ANG] World 2011 Baggaïd | 08141 | Brave | Bonne endurance | 134/118/134/59/122/60
[ALL] Printemps 2012 Reshiram | 03102 | Jovial | Un peu vaniteux | 320/249/229/274/276/211
[JAP] 15h Anniversary Rayquaza | 02102 | Docile | Aime se détendre | 349/331/207/318/190/219 | seulement pour de bons offres !
[JAP] Nobunaga’s Rayquaza (shiny) | 03172 | Discret | Adore manger | 248/216/144/256/135/129
[JAP] Train Station Ludicolo | 03172 | Brave | A horreur de perdre | 145/83/77/103/119/75
[JAP] Train Station Gardevoir | 03172 | Modeste | Extrêmement curieux | 142/67/73/159/132/95
[JAP] Train Station Kaimorse | 03172 | Sérieux | Bonne endurance | 173/93/109/104/95/73
[JAP] PC Fukuoka Kyogre (shiny) | 03172 | Hardi | Sait encaisser les coups | 254/188/173/253/235/15
[JAP] PC Fukuoka Groudon | 03172 | Bizarre | Persévérant | 225/246/252/170/162/149
[FRA] Printemps Mewtwo | 02112 | Pressé | Coquin | 249/165/120/242/135/214
[ANG] May 2012 Dakrai | 05392 | Docile | Aime combattre | 141/109/96/141/95/143
[JAP] Shokotan Keldeo | 06232 | Naïf | Assez entêté | 53/30/35/47/32/41
[ALL] Eté 2011 Carabing | 06011 | Brave | Assez entêtél | 112/90/60/57/64/69
[ALL] Printemps 2013 Meloetta | 03013 | Malin | Persévérant | 161/96/105/128/133/100
[ESP] Primavera 2013 Meloetta | 03013 | Pressé | S'assoupit souvent | 175/88/85/135/143/112
[JAP] Eigakan Meloetta | 07142 | Modeste | Très volontaire | 55/28/29/48/47/36
[ALL] Eté 2012 Pikachu (shiny) | 07012 | Timide | Aime se démener | 201/131/104/125/112/237
[JAP] Recital Tiplouf | 07202 | Jovial | Aime faire le pitre | 42/21/23/20/24/20
[JAP] Adventure Camp Kabuto | 07192 | Malin | Bonne endurance | 36/29/39/19/21/24
[JAP] Adventure Camp Ptera | 07192 | Jovial | Attentif aux sons | 51/41/27/20/29/52
[JAP] Adventure Camp Lilia | 07192 | Calme | Sait encaisser les coups | 45/15/31/26/34/13
[JAP] Adventure Camp Anorith | 07192 | Jovial | Extrêmement curieux | 41/36/20/18/20/30
[JAP] Adventure Camp Kranidos | 07192 | Modeste | Corps robuste | 48/39/21/15/16/25
[JAP] Adventure Camp Dinoclier | 07192 | Prudent | Aime combattre | 34/21/41/18/36/14
[JAP] Adventure Camp Carapagos | 07192 | Foufou | Fuit rapidement | 42/30/34/21/18/16
[JAP] Adventure Camp Arkéapti | 07192 | Pressé | Dort beaucoup | 45/41/16/30/19/29
[ESP] Été 2012 Keldeo | 08272 | Calme | Esprit rebelle | 54/24/32/46/38/40
[JAP] Strongest Class Single Battle Dracolosse | 09152 | Gentil | Coquin | 293/282/194/213/251/173
[ANG] VGC Embrylex (shiny) | 03032 | Rigide | Fuit rapidement | 21/13/10/9/10/10
[ANG] Ray’s Metalosse (shiny) | 05113 | Rigide | Extrêmement curieux | 130/146/123/87/89/68
[COR] VGC Léopardus | 08313 | Jovial | Est fier de sa puissance | 57/45/25/37/25/53 | seulement pour de bons offres
[COR] VGC Cresselia | 08243 | Modeste | Aime courir | 255/90/177/117/189/137 | seulement pour de bons offres
[FRA] Plasma Deoxys | 06013 | Hardi | Persévérant | 237/311/134/305/130/324
[JAP] Ruby & Saphire Anniversary Kyogre | 11212 | Pudique | Ist beharrrlich | 328/220/214/313/313/199
[JAP] Ruby & Saphire Anniversary Groudon | 11212 | Assuré | Sait encaisser les coups | 338/300/375/225/226/224
[JAP] PC Tohoku Victini | 11252 | Foufou | Fuit rapidement | 334/209/219/239/217/234 T
[JAP] Masuda Deoxys | 12152 | Timide | Esprit rebelle | 237/288/118/313/132/352 | seulement pour de bons offres !
[ANG] Toler Ludicolo| 04143 | Jovial | Est fier de sa puissance | 45/41/16/30/19/29
[JAP] PC Nagoya Magicarp | 03203 | Prudent | Est fier de sa puissance | 162/54/122/55/72/176
[JAP] PC 15th Anniversary Torterra | 06053 | Assuré | S'emporte facilement | 304/226/255/179/183/128
[JAP] PC 15th Anniversary Simiabraz | 06123 | Prudent | Sait encaisser les coups | 270/223/178/203/168/245
[JAP] PC 15th Anniversary Pingoléon | 05153 | Calme | Fuit rapidement | 297/178/183/239/246/149
[JAP] PC 15th Anniversary Majaspic | 05223 | Calme | Corps robuste | 263/147/225/167/239/242
[JAP] Pokémon Hills Mewtwo | 06153 | Timide | Attentif aux sons | 352/225/187/344/201/325
[JAP] Tanabata Jirachi | 07013 | Timide | Bête et impulsif | 165/101/108/114/109/127
[ANG] World Championship Queulorior | 08113 | Jovial | Aime se démener | 122/40/51/24/56/104
[FRA] World Championship Queulorior | 08113 | Jovial | Coquin | 117/40/48/36/53/104
[JAP] Iris Tranchodon | 06232 | Mauvais | Extrêmement curieux | 176/198/128/93/94/150
[JAP] Cynthia’s Spiritomb | 08286 | Discret | Adore manger | 150/135/155/148/94155/59
[JAP] Bleu’s Roucarnage | 02276 | Mauvais | Extrêmement curieux | 190/132/114/108/97/146
[JAP] Year of the Dragon Draby (shiny) | 08232 | Relax | Très particulier | 11/6/6/6/5/5
[JAP] Year of the Dragon Drakkarmin (shiny) | 08232 | Rigide | Attentif aux sons | 12/7/7/5/7/6
[JAP] Golgo’s Tenefix | 09153 | Brave | Extrêmement curieux | 117/99/81/85/77/61
[ALL] Eté 2013 Giratina | 09273 | Rigide | Un peu coléreux | 431/249/249/186/248/198
[ALL] Île Liberté Victini | 60420 | Foufou | Aime faire le pitre | 55/38/37/40/34/39
[ANG] Dreamworld Mentali | 34858 | Rigide | S'emporte facilement | 33/22/19/28/24/29
[ALL] Dreamworld Mesmérella | 26297 | Lâche | Aime courir | 88/34/61/58/61/47
[ANG] Dreamworld Arceus | 32685 | Timide | Est fier de sa puissance | 362/247/266/256/259/300
Events 6e génération :
Spoiler :
[FRA] XY Poussifeu | 10123 | Malpoli | Très volontaire | 31/19/14/21/19/14 | 01.01.2014
[JAP] Birthday 2013 Evoli | 10123 | Naïf | Sait encaisser les coups | 31/17/18/17/16/16 | 22.11.2013
[JAP] Birthday 2013 Aquali | 10123 | Doux | Un peu vaniteux | 48/20/15/31/26/18 | 22.11.2013
[JAP] Birthday 2013 Voltali | 10123 | Foufou | Aime se démener | 34/21/19/31/23/31 | 14.01.2014
[JAP] Birthday 2013 Pyroli | 10123 | Pressé | Aime se démener | 33/34/17/26/29/22 | 26.11.2013
[JAP] Birthday 2013 Mentali | 10123 | Gentil | Bonne endurance | 33/19/17/33/26/27 | 03.01.2014
[JAP] Birthday 2013 Noctali | 10123 | Malpoli | Coquin | 40/19/28/19/35/18 | 31.10.2013
[JAP] Birthday 2013 Phyllali | 10123 | Docile | Attentif aux sons | 34/27/31/19/20/27 | 26.11.2013
[JAP] Birthday 2013 Givrali | 10123 | Malin | Est fier de sa puissance | 33/19/30/28/25/19 | 12.10.2013
[JAP] Birthday 2013 Nymphali | 10123 | Lâche | Sait encaisser les coups | 41/19/23/27/29/19 | 03.01.2014
[JAP] Birthday 2014 Pikachu | 10014 | Jovial | Coquin | 27/17/13/16/17/27 | 31.10.2013
[JAP] Birthday 2014 Aquali | 10014 | Prudent | Attentif aux sons | 47/20/17/25/26/20 | 16.11.2014 | seulement pour de bons offres
[JAP] Birthday 2014 Voltali | 10014 | Timide | S'assoupit souvent | 36/17/18/28/25/34 | 11.10.2014 | seulement pour autres Birthday 2014 (demandé par la personne qui me l’avait donné)
[JAP] Birthday 2014 Pyroli | 10014 | Naïf | Très particulier | 34/33/17/26/24/20 | 05.01.2015
[JAP] Birthday 2014 Mentali | 10014 | Timide | Fuit rapidement | 33/16/18/31/25/31 | 11.10.2014
[JAP] Birthday 2014 Phyllali | 10014 | Docile | Attentif aux sons | 36/28/34/19/18/25 | 08.11.2014
[JAP] Birthday 2014 Givrali | 10014 | Rigide | Un peu vaniteux | 33/20/29/27/27/19 | 19.11.2014
[JAP] Birthday 2014 Nymphali | 10014 | Malin | Esprit rebelle | 39/19/22/24/33/17 | 10.11.2014
[JAP] CoroCoro Carchacrok | 11153 | Calme | Fuit rapidement | 163/121/102/89/103/116 | 25.11.2013
[JAP] Pokémon Center Tokyo Bay Sepiatop | 11223 | Rigide | Corps robuste | 32/18/18/12/16/15 | 30.11.2013
[JAP] Nuketta Qulbutoke | 12063 | Rigide | Aime faire le pitre | 59/14/18/11/19/14 | 20.01.2014
[ANG] XY Nymphali | 01044 | Naïf | S'emporte facilement | 40/20/20/29/28/18 | 19.01.2014
[COR] Eeevee House Nymphali | 02013 | Mauvais | Dort beaucoup | 41/22/19/28/27/17 | 08.01.2014
[ALL] Pokébank Celebi | 49197 | Lâche | Attentif aux sons | 77/83/58/33/52/42 | 04.02.2014
[ALL] Pokébank Meganium | 52487 | Doux | Corps robuste | 141/88/108/107/110/89 | 11.03.2015 (femelle)
[FRA] Pokébank Meganium | 50143 | Foufou | Aime se démener | 145/102/119/113/99/88 | 03.05.2015
[ALL] Pokébank Typhlosion | 52487 | Naïf | Sait encaisser les coups | 151/99/98/114/91/129 | 11.03.2015
[FRA] Pokébank Typhlosion | 50143 | Timide | Souvent dans la lune | 147/87/94/128/98/129 | 03.05.2015
[ALL] Pokébank Aligatueur | 52487 | Pudique | Très volontaire | 157/115/106/86/103/89 | 11.03.2015
[FRA] Pokébank Impergator | 50143 | Jovial | Dort beaucoup | 158/118/117/83/189/94 | 03.05.2015
[COR] Happy New Year Ectoplasma | 02024 | Timide | Sait encaisser les coups | 70/40/42/72/47/71 | 23.01.2014
[COR] Happy New Year Cizayox | 02014 | Rigide | Un peu vaniteux | 77/83/58/33/52/42 | 23.01.2014
[COR] Olleh TV Dracaufeu-X (2e distribution) | 07264 | Malin | Aime courir | 103/74/70/83/68/87 | 26.07.2014
[COR] Olleh TV Dracaufeu-Y (2e distribution) | 07264 | Naïf | S'emporte facilement | 108/75/66/91/61/89 | 26.07.2014
[COR] Spring Carnival Carchacrok | 04124 | Rigide | Attentif aux sons | 170/154/110/81/99/117 | 13.04.2014
[ALL] Printemps 2014 Electek | 04014 | Brave | Un peu vaniteux | 84/61/39/62/63/63 | 15.04.2014
[ALL] Printemps 2014 Magmar | 04014 | Malin | Souvent dans la lune | 85/63/48/63/60/64 | 19.04.2014
[ALL] Arash’s Mammochon (shiny) | 05034 | Rigide | Très astucieux | 178/151/89/79/69/97 | 03.05.2014
[JAP] PCBC Mysdibule 1re distribution | 06164 | Rigide | Coquin | 110/105/101/65/65/66 | 16.06.2014
[JAP] PCBC Mysdibule 2e distribution | 07074 | Rigide | Aime se détendre | 124/97/103/61/72/66 | 14.07.2014
[JAP] PCBC Tyranocif 1re distribution | 06094 | Timide | S'assoupit souvent | 165/125/119/103/108/78 | 10.06.2014
[JAP] PCBC Tyranocif 2e distribution | 07074 | Doux | Un peu vaniteux | 169/145/106/114/115/73 | 10.07.2014
[JAP] PCBC Ectoplasma 1re distribution | 06024 | Timide | S'assoupit souvent | 135/68/68/140/88/134 | 02.06.2014
[JAP] PCBC Ectoplasma 2e distribution | 07074 | Malpoli | Aime se démener | 128/80/72/144/96/105 | 19.07.2014
[JAP] PCBC Kangourex 1re distribution | 05264 | Hardi | Aime faire le pitre | 174/101/93/51/91/104 | 01.06.2014
[JAP] PCBC Kangourex 2e distribution | 06234 | Docile | Assez entêté | 173/108/99/47/99/106 | 28.06.2014
[JAP] PCBC Cizayox 1re distribution | 05194 | Assuré | Sait encaisser les coups | 135/126/132/61/86/72 | 21.05.2014
[JAP] PCBC Cizayox 2e distribution | 06234 | Prudent | Est fier de sa puissance | 143/150/119/58/93/84 | 28.06.2014
[JAP] PCBC Leviator 1re distribution | 05104 | Pressé | A horreur de perdre | 162/133/81/69/111/101 | 11.05.2014
[JAP] PCBC Leviator 2e distribution | 06234 | Docile | Attentif aux sons | 161/136/86/71/111/94 | 01.07.2014
[JAP] Atsuto Uchida Pikachu | 00022 | Jovial | Aime se démener | 49/36/28/24/30/50 | 15.06.2014 (hardware-checked)
[ITA] Jessie’s Qulbutoke | 06214 | Brave | Sait encaisser les coups | 82/15/26/17/23/15 | 22.06.2014
[COR] WCS14K Demolosse | 07064 | Timide | Très particulier | 137/94/65/129/95/110 | 06.07.2014
[JAP] Movie Diancie | 07194 | Rigide | Coquin | 125/132/168/108/161/61 | 06.07.2014
[COR] Movie Diancie | 01155 | Relax | Coquin | 124/120/183/120/157/63 | 06.01.2015
[ALL] GTS Prismillon | 00108 | Naïf | S'assoupit souvent | 44/20/17/27/18/30 | 07.07.2014
[JAP] XY Dracaufeu-X | 07264 | Jovial | Sait encaisser les coups | 109/75/72/80/76/84 | 31.07.2014
[JAP] XY Dracaufeu-Y | 07264 | Timide | Un peu vaniteux | 108/65/65/84/77/88 | 29.07.2015
[JAP] Tanabata Jirachi (shiny) | 08014 | Assuré | Attentif aux sons | 40/22/30/28/26/28 | 02.08.2014
[JAP] Tanabata Jirachi (shiny) | 08014 | Relax | Sait encaisser les coups | 43/27/30/25/28/25 | 07.08.2014
[COR] Wishing Star Jirachi | 08144 | Bizarre | Aime se détendre | 25/5/5/5/5/5 | 27.08.2014
[FRA] Paris Prismillon | 06014 | Sérieux | S'assoupit souvent | 42/19/20/28/19/26 | 11.06.2014
[ALL] Pokéball Prismillon | 08134 | Pudique | Adore manger| 44/18/20/29/20/28 | 06.09.2014
[ANG] Pokéball Prismillon | 08134 | Mauvais | Coquin | 44/20/19/29/17/27 | 27.08.2014
[FRA] Pokéball Prismillon | 08134 | Timide | Sait encaisser les coups | 44/18/20/29/20/28 | 28.08.2014
[ITA] Pokéball Prismillon | 08134 | Modeste | Est fier de sa puissance | 42/18/19/31/17/29 | 21.08.2014
[ESP] Pokéball Prismillon | 08134 | Docile | Extrêmement curieux | 43/20/20/30/19/27 | 22.08.2014
[ANG] Wonderland Darkrai | 08074 | Naïf | Un peu vaniteux | 145/102/110/153/99/159 | 17.08.2014
[JAP] Cosmo World Pikachu | 08094 | Jovial | Fuit rapidement | 28/16/14/14/15/27 | 12.08.2014
[COR] Red Brick Warehouse Pikachu | 08094 | Calme | S'assoupit souvent | 30/17/13/16/17/25 | 16.08.2014
[JAP] Captain Pikachu | 08094 | Brave | Très particulier | 28/18/13/17/17/20 | 09.08.2014 (hardeware-checked)
[JAP] ♥♥Pika♥♥ Pikachu | 08094 | Bizarre | Souvent dans la lune | 27/16/13/17/16/25 | 17.08.2014
[ALL] GameStop Dracaufeu-Y | 08134 | Hardi | Esprit rebelle | 105/65/66/86/83/79 | 16.12.2014
[JAP] 2014 World Championship Exagide | 08164 | Discret | Assez entêté | 124/66/162/62/169/67 | 17.08.2014
[JAP] Halloween Ectoplasma (shiny) | 09134 | Rigide | Souvent dans la lune | 66/41/38/67/46/65 | 15.09.2014
[ALL] Horreur 2014 Pitrouille | 10014 | Pudique | Sait encaisser les coups | 126/85/90/50/62/61 | 10.10.2014
[FRA] Horreur 2014 Pitrouille | 10014 | Discret | Coquin | 134/80/89/70/67/51 | 03.10.2014
[ALL] Octobre Ectoplasma (shiny) | 10134 | Modeste | Aime se démener | 66/39/37/82/43/64 | 30.01.2015
[FRA] Oktober Ectoplasma (shiny) | 10134 | Docile | Sait encaisser les coups | 67/39/42/74/44/67 | 03.11.2014
[JAP] Tretta Motisma | 09254 | Bizarre | Bête et impulsif | 31/15/20/25/20/24 | 27.10.2014
[ALL] ORAS Demo Oniglali | 61756 | Malin | Aime se démener | 123/81/75/66/77/69 | 22.01.2015
[JAP] ORAS Demo Steelix | 22245 | Sérieux | Souvent dans la lune | 116/75/169/60/64/31 | 23.01.2015
[ALL] Novembre Diancie | 11064 | Solo | Un peu vaniteux | 125/126/150/120/170/70 | 11.11.2014
[ANG] Se Jun Park’s Pachirisu 1re distribution | 11154 | Malin | Un peu vaniteux | 135/65/99/51/110/115 | 15.11.2014
[COR] Se Jun Park’s Pachirisu 2e distribution | 04045 | Malin | Sait encaisser les coups | 135/65/99/51/110/115 | 05.04.2015 | seulement pour de bons offres !
[ALL] Pierre’s Terhal (shiny) | 11214 | Jovial | S'emporte facilement | 19/11/13/8/11/8 | 12.01.2015
[JAP] Pokéscrap Shaymin | 12014 | Assuré | Coquin | 57/35/39/39/39/36 | 21.12.2014
[ALL] Pokéscrap Shaymin | 12014 | Timide | Attentif aux sons | 59/33/39/39/39/42 | 04.02.2015 | seulement pour de bons offres !
[JAP] Pokéscrap Keldeo | 12014 | Calme | Aime se démener | 52/27/33/47/39/42 | 29.04.2015
[ALL] Pokéscrap Keldeo | 12014 | Timide | S'assoupit souvent | 56/23/35/48/35/46 | 04.02.2015 | seulement pour de bons offres !
[JAP] Pokéscrap Victini | 12014 | Relax | Attentif aux sons | 59/38/41/39/37/35 | 29.04.2015
[ALL] Pokéscrap Victini | 12014 | Rigide | Aime se démener | 59/42/39/35/38/39 | 24.02.2015 | seulement pour de bons offres !
[JAP] Christmas Jirachi | 12014 | Malin | Sait encaisser les coups | 55/36/42/35/39/36 | 01.08.2014
[JAP] Christmas Jirachi | 12014 | Assuré | S'assoupit souvent | 59/35/42/37/36/39 | 03.08.2014
[JAP] Pokémon Center Tokyo Grenousse | 12074 | Modeste | Très particulier | 22/11/10/16/11/16 | 10.11.2014
[JAP] Pokémon Center Tokyo Tiplouf | 12074 | Discret | Bonne endurance | 25/12/14/16/14/9 | 06.12.2014 (hardware-checked)
[JAP] SBB Amphinobi | 09134 | Timide | Sait encaisser les coups | 107/70/64/85/59/114 | 25.12.2014
[JAP] Pokémon Center Mega Tokyo Dracaufeu (shiny) | 12124 | Rigide | Un peu coléreux | 102/82/65/78/68/86 | 12.12.2014
[JAP] Pokémon Center Mega Tokyo Pikachu (shiny) | 12124 | Jovial | Sait encaisser les coups | 71/50/43/41/43/84 | 09.04.2015
[COR] Mysterious World Darkrai | 12204 | Timide | Coquin | 145/88/96/155/110/144 | 20.12.2014
[JAP] Jump Festa 2015 Lineon | 12204 | Gentil | Sait encaisser les coups | 152/89/72/55/74/105 | 20.12.2014
[JAP] Pokémon Café Pikachu | 01095 | Pudique | Persévérant | 27/17/15/16/15/23 | 09.01.2015
[JAP] Pokémon Center Mega Tokyo Egg Tarsal | 22754 | Discret | Dort beaucoup | 11/5/5/6/5/4 | 05.03.2015
[JAP] Pokémon Center Mega Tokyo Egg Tarsal (shiny) | 21960 | Bizarre | Coquin | 11/5/5/6/5/5 | 13.02.2015 | seulement pour de bons offres
[JAP] Pokémon Center Mega Tokyo Egg Carvanha (shiny) | 12177 | Discret | Corps robuste | 12/6/5/6/5/5 | 13.02.2015 | seulement pour de bons offres
[JAP] Pokémon Center Mega Tokyo Egg Chamallot (shiny) | 44009 | Calme | Dickköpfig | 12/6/5/6/5/5 | 12.02.2015 | seulement pour de bons offres
[JAP] Pokémon Center Mega Tokyo Egg Tylton (shiny) | 17747 | Relax | Corps robuste | 12/5/5/6/6/5 | 07.02.2015 | seulement pour de bons offres
[JAP] Pokémon Center Mega Tokyo Egg Draby | 11680 | Lâche | Bonne endurance | 29/19/13/20/17/14 | 25.01.2015
[JAP] Pokémon Center Mega Tokyo Egg Draby (shiny) | 10644 | Solo | Aime se démener | 12/6/5/5/5/6 | 21.02.2015 | seulement pour de bons offres !
[JAP] WHF Rayquaza (shiny) | 01185 | Mauvais | Coquin | 236/222/152/211/167/159 | 21.01.2015
[ALL] Cadeau Majaspic | 01225 | Modeste | Un peu vaniteux | 142/78/109/101/115/126 | 22.01.2015
[JAP] Cadeau Majaspic | 01095 | Timide | Fuit rapidement | 142/78/109/101/115/126 | 26.01.2015 (femelle)
[ALL] Cadeau Roitiflam | 01295 | Naïf | Bête et impulsif | 183/129/81/113/67/91 | 24.02.2015
[ALL] Cadeau Roitiflam | 01165 | Pudique | Assez entêté | 176/139/79/110/84/74 | 06.03.2015 (femelle)
[ALL] Cadeau Clamiral | 02105 | Solo | Aime courir | 158/121/86/121/82/87 | 24.02.2015
[JAP] Cadeau Clamiral | 01165 | Discret | Sait encaisser les coups | 165/109/105/134/77/81 | 27.02.2015 (femelle)
[ALL] Februar 2015 Darkrai | 02135 | Sérieux | Coquin | 136/110/110/155/99/136 | 07.04.2015
[ALL] PGL Ptyranidur | 01235 | Rigide | Un peu vaniteux | 32/26/22/12/17/17 | 23.02.2015
[FRA] PGL Ptyranidur | 01235 | Calme | Aime faire le pitre | 32/26/22/12/17/17 | 19.02.2015
[ALL] PGL Amagara | 03205 | Prudent | Un peu vaniteux | 36/17/15/18/22/16 | 09.04.2015
[COR] Guide Book Keldeo | 02055 | Pressé | Aime se démener | 52/31/32/48/36/41 | 07.03.2015 | seulement pour de bons offres !
[ALL] Serena’s Feunnec | 02265 | Hardi | Un peu vaniteux | 38/19/18/24/25/25 | 26.02.2015 (téléchargé moi-même)
[JAP] Serena’s Feunnec | 02265 | Hardi | Adore manger | 41/21/20/23/24/25 | 27.02.2015
[JAP] Desert City Arceus | 03075 | Jovial | S'assoupit souvent | 381/275/256/248/259/303 | 10.03.2014
[JAP] Desert City Arceus (shiny) | 03075 | Solo | Un peu vaniteux | 372/303/229/265/276/276 | 08.03.2014 (hardware-checked)
[JAP] Desert City Arceus (shiny) | 03075 | Jovial | Attentif aux sons | 379/276/276/245/276/303 | 10.03.2014 | seulement pour de bons offres !
[COR] WCSK2015 Lineon | 03055 | Malin | S'assoupit souvent | 153/80/86/52/71/105 | 16.03.2015
[JAP] CoroCoro Rayquaza (shiny) | 03145 | Prudent | Sait encaisser les coups | 236/222/152/211/167/159 | 19.03.2015
[ALL] Printemps 2015 Dracaufeu | 04015 | Timide | Assez entêté | 105/65/66/86/83/79 | 04.04.2015
[JAP] Spring 2015 Charizard | 04015 | Calme | Assez entêté | 106/60/64/92/76/91 | 07.06.2015
[FRA] Spring 2015 Kangourex | 04035 | Pudique | Éparpille des choses | 179/108/89/48/86/108 | 06.04.2015
[ITA] Spring 2015 Kangourex | 04035 | Solo | Un peu vaniteux | 173/123/84/47/98/101 | 09.04.2015
[JAP] Spring 2015 Kangourex | 04035 | Assuré | Aime courir | 172/102/100/58/97/110 | 08.04.2015
[COR] Spring 2015 Kangourex | 04035 | Doux | S'assoupit souvent | 180/100/85/59/99/108 | 09.04.2015
[COR] Spring Carnival Rayquaza | 05025 | Timide | Coquin | 248/204/152/236/145/174 | 02.05.2015 | seulement pour de bons offres
[ANG] Summer Town 2015 Rayquaza (shiny) | 03145 | Bizarre | Aime se démener | 248/236/140/236/131/153
| 11.05.2015 | téléchargé moi-même, impossible de l’échanger pour le moment
[COR] Olleh TV Dracaufeu-Y (shiny) | 04305 | Timide | S'assoupit souvent | 113/58/69/87/76/91 | 14.05.2015 | seulement pour de bons offres
[ALL] VGC 2015 Pachirisu | 05165 | Malin | Aime se démener | 135/65/99/51/110/115 | 16.05.2015 | téléchargé moi-même, seulement pour de bons offres
[ANG] Juin 2015 Dracolosse | 06225 | Relax | Un peu vaniteux | 174/156/136/128/132/88 | 24.06.2015
[JAP] Movie Legendary Kyogre | 06205 | Timide | Un peu vaniteux | 341/212/216/332/316/223 | 22.06.2015
[JAP] Movie Legendary Groudon | 06205 | Rigide | S'assoupit souvent | 341/369/316/190/186/209 | 22.06.2015
[JAP] Movie Legendary Dialga | 06205 | Modeste | Attentif aux sons | 310/248/250/353/236/216 | 26.06.2015
[JAP] Movie Legendary Palkia | 06205 | Timide | S'assoupit souvent | 321/241/236/324/252/259 | 22.06.2015
[JAP] Movie Legendary Giratina | 06205 | Brave | Sait encaisser les coups | 441/229/276/208/276/169 | 20.06.2015
[JAP] Movie Legendary Kyurem | 06205 | Naïf | Un peu vaniteux | 391/292/216/280/194/222 | 26.06.2015
[JAP] Hiroshima Magicarpe | 06265 | Calme | Aime faire le pitre | 11/4/6/5/5/6 | 27.06.2015
[JAP] Hiroshima Magicarpe (shiny) | 06265 | Jovial | Aime courir | 11/5/6/4/5/6 | 27.06.2015 | seulement pour de bons offres
[JAP] Hiroshima Léviator (shiny) | 06265 | Modeste | Très particulier | 73/54/41/37/46/41 | 26.06.2015
[FRA] Hiroshima Léviator (shiny) | 06265 | Foufou | Extrêmement curieux | 72/55/37/37/40/41 | 08.07.2015
[ALL] Passe Éon Latias | 26550 | Timide | Un peu vaniteux | 94/54/68/80/92/81 | 26.01.2015
[ALL] Passe Éon Latios (shiny) | 25637 | Timide | Attentif aux sons | 97/61/54/85/80/88 | 08.06.2015 | capturé moi-même en Honor Ball, seulement pour de bons offres

Re: [Boutique] Zero's Event Shop

Posté : sam. 13 juin 2015, 19:56
par raffox
Hello I am interested in your events, check my shop ... 30014.html

Re: [Boutique] Zero's Event Shop

Posté : dim. 14 juin 2015, 08:20
par ZeroPointLibra
Hi I've had a quick look at your list, impressive! I'll have a closer look at it next week since I'm on holidays at the moment and I should also update it since I have some new stuff as well. In which of my events are you interested?

Re: [Boutique] Zero's Event Shop

Posté : dim. 14 juin 2015, 20:12
par raffox
I want these

[JAP] Movie Regigias | 07198 | Jovial | Un peu vaniteux | 341/326/234/149/241/228
[ANG] PCNYc Pikachu | 00242 | Timide | Un peu coléreux | 95/65/53/56/64/107 | seulement pour de bons offres !
JAP] Mitsurin Celebi | 60720 | Bizarre | Bête et impulsif | 42/26/26/26/26/27
ANG] 10ANIV Entei | 06227 | Mauvais | Aime combattre | 250/195/128/135/104/149
[ALL] 10JAHRE Entei | 06227 | Relax | S'assoupit souvent | 252/170/137/138/117/138
[ALL] 10JAHRE Suicune | 06227 | Lâche | Sait encaisser les coups | 220/114/198/137/160/131
[ESP] 10ANIV Raikou | 06227 | Solo | Aime faire le pitre | 209/149/101/177/146/178
[ESP] 10ANIV Suicune | 06227 | Timide | Coquin | 231/108/184/152/181/143
[ITA] 10ANNI Latias | 06227 | Gentil | Aime combattre | 204/136/118/172/213/166
[ITA] 10ANNI Latios | 06227 | Brave | Aime faire le pitre | 203/159/123/201/163/160
ALL] EUKALIA Pikachu | 01000 | Jovial | Extrêmement curieux | 48/28/25/27/26/46
[ALL] EUKALIA Goupix | 01000 | Naïf | Sait encaisser les coups | 66/32/35/35/42/52
[ALL] EUKALIA Excelangue | 01000 | Naïf | Très obstiné. | 122/50/73/61/64/34
[ALL] EUKALIA Saquedeneu | 01000 | Mauvais | Un peu coléreux | 12/6/7/7/5/6
[ALL] EUKALIA Evoli | 01000 | Hardi | Persévérant | 80/39/43/37/49/43
[ALL] EUKALIA Ptera | 01000 | Jovial | Adore manger | 152/115/74/66/88/149
[ALL] EUKALIA Mew | 01000 | Gentil | Très volontaire | 170/105/100/116/132/114
[ALL] EUKALIA Yanma | 01000 | Mauvais | Souvent dans la lune | 117/82/56/85/51/98
[ALL] EUKALIA Ecremeuh | 01000 | Calme | Très particulier | 155/78/106/54/88/109
[ALL] EUKALIA Balignon | 01000 | Jovial | Très particulier | 119/45/67/48/65/40
[ALL] EUKALIA Wailmer | 01000 | Lâche | Hinterhätig | 182/68/42/79/42/62
[ALL] EUKALIA Okeoke | 01000 | Relax | Aime combattre | 12/5/5/5/6/4
[ALL] EUKALIA Etourvol | 01000 | Jovial | Très obstiné | 61/43/34/22/28/47

What do you mean [ALL]??
Before to trade you control that all events are UT, no 6iv and they haven't got any illegal ribbons

Re: [Boutique] Zero's Event Shop

Posté : mer. 17 juin 2015, 12:59
par Jojotes
[ALL] means Allemand in french, it's a pokemon from a german event.

Re: [Boutique] Zero's Event Shop

Posté : mer. 17 juin 2015, 13:58
par raffox
ExtrêmeSpeed a écrit :[ALL] means Allemand in french, it's a pokemon from a german event.
thanks very much.have you got events for trade?

Re: [Boutique] Zero's Event Shop

Posté : mer. 17 juin 2015, 15:53
par ZeroPointLibra
Ok, I'll have a look at your events tomorrow since I have to go to work soon. Btw I also have an event list in English if you prefer that one, I'm more familiar with the English terms as well xD
And yes, ALL stands for german :)

Re: [Boutique] Zero's Event Shop

Posté : mer. 17 juin 2015, 22:47
par raffox
ZeroPointLibra a écrit :Ok, I'll have a look at your events tomorrow since I have to go to work soon. Btw I also have an event list in English if you prefer that one, I'm more familiar with the English terms as well xD
And yes, ALL stands for german :)
Yes I prefer to see list in English, thanks. I wait your reply, bye.

Re: [Boutique] Zero's Event Shop

Posté : ven. 19 juin 2015, 10:45
par ZeroPointLibra
Here's the list in English. Do you happen to have one as well? Unfortunately I don't speak Italian so going through your list takes a while ;)
I'm wondering whether you are familiar with this hack list? ... acked-list
Your Wish Lickitung is on there :/

Gen. III Events
Spoiler :
[ENG] PCNYc Pikachu | 00242 | Timid | A little quick tempered | 95/65/53/56/64/107 | good offers only!
[JAP] Berry Glitch Fix Ruby Zigzagoon (shiny) | 21121 | Modest | Often dozes off | 20/7/9/8/9/12
[JAP] Berry Glitch Fix Saphire Zigzagoon (shiny) | 21121 | Naughty | Scatters things often | 20/8/9/8/8/12
[JAP] Tanabata Jirachi | 40707 | Hardy | Likes to fight | 25/16/15/15/16/15
[JAP] Gather More Pokémon Campaign Schiggy | 60227 | Locker | Flüchtet schnell | 29/17/19/16/19/14 | nur gegen gute Angebote
[JAP] Gather More Pokémon Campaign Chansey | 60114 | Rash | Highly persistent | 42/26/26/26/26/27
[JAP] Gather More Pokémon Campaign Stantler | 60505 | Hardy | Strongly defiant | 36/26/17/24/20/23
[JAP] Mitsurin Celebi | 60720 | Quirky | Impetuous and silly | 42/26/26/26/26/27
[JAP] Hadou Regirock | 50901 | Jolly | Mischievous | 122/93/170/51/89/94
[JAP] Hadou Regice | 50901 | Modest | A little quick tempered | 116/49/86/100/168/49
[JAP] Hadou Registeel | 50901 | Jolly | Likes to run | 121/72/129/68/128/62
[ENG] 10ANIV Charizard | 00010 | Sassy | Highly curious | 206/123/118/178/150/145
[ENG] 10ANIV Blastoise | 00010 | Mild | Quick to flee | 190/138/136/136/169/13
[ENG] 10ANIV Alakazam | 00010 | Brave | Good endurance | 215/147/145/145/186/140
[ENG] 10ANIV Articuno | 00010 | Lonely | Sturdy body | 215/147/145/145/186/140
[ENG] 10ANIV Zapdos | 00010 | Naive | Thoroughly cunning. | 215/147/145/145/186/140
[ENG] 10ANIV Moltres | 00010 | Naughty | Capable of taking hits | 207/167/152/184/115/134
[ENG] 10ANIV Espeon | 00010 | Hasty | Somewhat of a clown | 171/110/92/194/150/192
[ENG] 10ANIV Absol | 00010 | Docile | Likes to run | 175/198/94/115/93/124
[ENG] 10ANIV Pikachu | 06808 | Rash | Somewhat vain | 141/91/61/100/86/139
[ENG] 10ANIV Dragonite | 06808 | Lonely | Likes to fight | 211/228/133/148/155/117
[ENG] 10ANIV Articuno | 06227 | Modest | Likes to thrash about | 206/127/147/165/180/133
[ENG] 10ANIV Entei | 06227 | Naughty | Likes to fight | 250/195/128/135/104/149
[GER] 10JAHRE Entei | 06227 | Relaxed | Often dozes off | 252/170/137/138/117/138
[GER] 10JAHRE Suicune | 06227 | Lax | Capable of taking hits | 220/114/198/137/160/131
[SPA] 10ANIV Raikou | 06227 | Lonely | Somewhat of a clown | 209/149/101/177/146/178
[SPA] 10ANIV Suicune | 06227 | Timid | Mischievous | 231/108/184/152/181/143
[ITA] 10ANNI Latias | 06227 | Gentle | Likes to fight | 204/136/118/172/213/166
[ITA] 10ANNI Latios | 06227 | Brave | Somewhat of a clown | 203/159/123/201/163/160
[ENG] Mystery Mew | 06930 | Quiet | Good endurance | 41/26/27/27/26/24
[JAP] Ageto Celebi | 31121 | Impish | Likes to run | 42/25/27/22/25/28
[JAP] Faraway Island Mew | 59046 | Lax | Scatters things often | 142/67/73/159/132/95
[JAP] MysticTicket Lugia (shiny) | 06265 | Brave | Capable of taking hits | 291/251/161/213/277/156 T
[ENG] MysticTicket Ho-Oh (shiny) | 04114 | Lonely | Mischievous | 291/251/161/213/277/156 T
[GER] Birth Island Deoxys | 58963 | Bold | Capable of taking hits | 74/58/74/69/62/116
[GER] Birth Island Deoxys (shiny) | 60080 | Bashful | Capable of taking hits | 72/49/110/147/104/62
Gen. IV Events
Spoiler :
[JAP] Concert Chatot | 10286 | Jolly | Quick to flee | 75/40/30/51/29/61
[JAP] WHF Manaphy | 12226 | Bold | Alert to sounds | 25/13/16/15/15/15
[JAP] Yamomoto Whiscash | 03217 | Gentle | Somewhat stubborn | 173/86/71/88/101/70
[ENG] Toys“R“Us Manaphy | 00242 | Hardy | Likes to thrash about | 166/132/104/116/106/115
[JAP] Golgo Octillery | 10147 | Serious | Quick to flee | 139/124/85/119/85/64
[JAP] Strongest Pokémon Dragonite | 01158 | Mild | Sturdy body | 158/146/99/115/105/86
[JAP] Strongest Pokémon Salamence | 02158 | Naughty | Sturdy body | 163/158/95/124/83/111
[JAP] Strongest Pokémon Magmortar | 12017 | Hardy | Likes to thrash about | 143/110/82/130/102/94
[JAP] Movie Regigias | 07198 | Jolly | Somewhat vain | 341/326/234/149/241/228
[JAP] Sleeping Pikachu | 02079 | Relaxed | Alert to sounds | 105/62/50/57/60/94
[KOR] VGC Milotic (shiny) | 07210 | Timid | A little quick tempered | 159/70/90/115/142/99 | good offers only!
[JAP] Susumu Mew | 11219 | Lax | Sturdy body | 25/15/17/15/13/15
[JAP] VGC10 Eevee (shiny) | 05080 | Hardy | A little quick tempered | 125/73/63/53/74/71
[ENG] PKLATAM Jirachi | 03010 | Lonely | Somewhat vain | 26/17/13/15/16/15 | Good offers only!
[GER] Spring Pichu (shiny) | 03050 | Jolly | Somewhat vain | 60/30/18/25/32/51
[KOR] Time Square Shaymin | 05010 | Calm | Somewhat stubborn | 106/59/72/70/80/71 | good offers only!
[JAP] Crown Entei (shiny) | 06180 | Adamant | Likes to thrash about | 116/81/61/59/51/68
[JAP] Movie Celebi | 07100 | Calm | Highly curious | 166/108/116/105/115/112
[GER] Fall 2010 Mew | 10160 | Mild | Somewhat of a clown | 25/15/14/16/16/16
[GER] Winter 2011 Raikou (shiny) | 02071 | Rash | Good endurance | 98/61/56/85/63/77
[GER] Winter 2011 Entei (shiny) | 02141 | Adamant | Mischievous | 116/81/61/59/51/68
[GER] Winter 2011 Suicune (shiny) | 02211 | Relaxed | Impetuous and silly | 103/55/86/65/77/55
[GER] PKTOPIA Pikachu | 12077 | Hardy | Likes to run | 27/16/14/15/16/26
[ENG] Kyle Riolu | 03208 | Serious | Likes to relax | 71/47/32/30/29/46
[ENG] Oblivia Heatran | 03060 | Quiet | Alert to sounds | 156/109/112/155/114/87
[ENG] Ranger Manaphy | 14593 | Bold | Mischievous | 13/6/7/7/7/7
[ENG] Newmoon Island Darkrai (shiny) | 01445 | Timid | Capable of taking hits | 137/95/110/143/100/148 T
[ENG] Flower Paradise Shaymin (shiny) | 05586 | Timid | Thoroughly cunning | 102/70/65/73/159/77
[GER] EUKALIA Pikachu | 01000 | Jolly | Highly curious | 48/28/25/27/26/46
[GER] EUKALIA Vulpix | 01000 | Naive | Capable of taking hits | 66/32/35/35/42/52
[GER] EUKALIA Lickitung | 01000 | Naive | Highly persistent. | 122/50/73/61/64/34
[GER] EUKALIA Tangela | 01000 | Naughty | A little quick tempered | 12/6/7/7/5/6
[GER] EUKALIA Eevee | 01000 | Hardy | Ist beharrlich | 80/39/43/37/49/43
[GER] EUKALIA Aerodactyl | 01000 | Jolly | Loves to eat | 152/115/74/66/88/149
[GER] EUKALIA Mew | 01000 | Gentle | Strong willed | 170/105/100/116/132/114
[GER] EUKALIA Yanma | 01000 | Naughty | Often lost in thought | 117/82/56/85/51/98
[GER] EUKALIA Miltank | 01000 | Calm | Sehr pedantisch | 155/78/106/54/88/109
[GER] EUKALIA Shroomish | 01000 | Jolly | Sehr pedantisch | 119/45/67/48/65/40
[GER] EUKALIA Wailmer | 01000 | Lax | Hinterhätig | 182/68/42/79/42/62
[GER] EUKALIA Wynaut | 01000 | Relaxed | Likes to fight | 12/5/5/5/6/4
[GER] EUKALIA Staravia | 01000 | Jolly | Highly persistent | 61/43/34/22/28/47
[JAP] Jukari Mew | 01000 | Brave | Highly persistent | 169/125/118/110/117/105
[JAP] Pokémon Sunday Meowth | 12098 | Jolly | Good endurance | 49/25/24/23/21/49
[JAP] Pokémon Sunday Slaking | 01069 | Adamant | Mischievous | 210/187/105/101/82/113
Gen. V Events
Spoiler :
[JAP] Pokémon Smash Cubchoo | 10220 | Calm | Often dozes off | 46/24/20/24/20/18
[SPA] Película Victini | 12031 | Quiet | Impetuous and silly | 168/116/108/128/109/106
[JAP] Best Wishes Tornadus | 12161 | Careful | Mischievous | 202/170/117/178/144/177
[JAP] Best Wishes Thundurus | 12161 | Impish | Alert to sounds | 200/169/115/165/127/175
[KOR] Kanto Starter Egg Charmander | 15403 | Lax | Alert to sounds | 11/6/6/6/5/6 | good offers only!
[KOR] Kanto Starter Egg Squirtle | 44637 | Timid | Often dozes off | 12/5/6/6/6/5 | good offers only!
[JAP] Movie Golurk (shiny) | 06171 | Brave | Strong willed | 220/217/121/98/138/80
[JAP] Movie Genesect (shiny) | 07133 | Hasty | Likes to thrash about | 291/300/202/265/222/280
[JAP] 15h Anniversary Rayquaza | 02102 | Docile | Likes to relax | 349/331/207/318/190/219 | good offers only!
[JAP] Nobunaga’s Rayquaza (shiny) | 03172 | Quiet | Loves to eat | 248/216/144/256/135/129
[JAP] Train Station Gardevoir | 03172 | Modest | Highly curious | 142/67/73/159/132/95
[JAP] Train Station Walrein | 03172 | Serious | Good endurance | 173/93/109/104/95/73
[JAP] PC Fukuoka Kyogre (shiny) | 03172 | Hardy | Capable of taking hits | 254/188/173/253/235/15
[JAP] Shokotan Keldeo | 06232 | Naive | Somewhat stubborn | 53/30/35/47/32/41
[GER] Summer 2011 Karrablast | 06011 | Brave | Somewhat stubbornl | 112/90/60/57/64/69
[GER] Spring 2013 Meloetta | 03013 | Impish | Ist beharrlich | 161/96/105/128/133/100
[SPA] Primavera 2013 Meloetta | 03013 | Hasty | Often dozes off | 175/88/85/135/143/112
[GER] Summer 2012 Pikachu (shiny) | 07012 | Timid | Likes to thrash about | 201/131/104/125/112/237
[JAP] Recital Piplup | 07202 | Jolly | Somewhat of a clown | 42/21/23/20/24/20
[JAP] Adventure Camp Kabuto | 07192 | Impish | Good endurance | 36/29/39/19/21/24
[JAP] Adventure Camp Aerodactyl | 07192 | Jolly | Alert to sounds | 51/41/27/20/29/52
[JAP] Adventure Camp Lileep | 07192 | Calm | Capable of taking hits | 45/15/31/26/34/13
[JAP] Adventure Camp Anorith | 07192 | Jolly | Highly curious | 41/36/20/18/20/30
[JAP] Adventure Camp Koknodon | 07192 | Modest | Sturdy body | 48/39/21/15/16/25
[JAP] Adventure Camp Shieldon | 07192 | Careful | Likes to fight | 34/21/41/18/36/14
[JAP] Adventure Camp Tirtouga | 07192 | Rash | Quick to flee | 42/30/34/21/18/16
[JAP] Adventure Camp Archen | 07192 | Hasty | Nods off a lot | 45/41/16/30/19/29
[JAP] Strongest Class Single Battle Dragonite | 09152 | Gentle | Mischievous | 293/282/194/213/251/173
[ENG] VGC Larvitar (shiny) | 03032 | Adamant | Quick to flee | 21/13/10/9/10/10
[ENG] Ray’s Metagross (shiny) | 05113 | Adamant | Highly curious | 130/146/123/87/89/68
[KOR] VGC Liepard | 08313 | Jolly | Proud of its power | 57/45/25/37/25/53
[JAP] Ruby & Saphire Anniversary Kyogre | 11212 | Bashful | Ist beharrrlich | 328/220/214/313/313/199
[JAP] Ruby & Saphire Anniversary Groudon | 11212 | Bold | Capable of taking hits | 338/300/375/225/226/224
[JAP] PC Tohoku Victini | 11252 | Rash | Quick to flee | 334/209/219/239/217/234 T
[JAP] Masuda Deoxys | 12152 | Timid | Strongly defiant | 237/288/118/313/132/352 | good offers only!
[ENG] Toler Ludicolo| 04143 | Jolly | Proud of its power | 45/41/16/30/19/29
[JAP] PC Nagoya Magikarp | 03203 | Careful | Proud of its power | 162/54/122/55/72/176
[JAP] PC 15th Anniversary Torterra | 06053 | Bold | Quick tempered | 304/226/255/179/183/128
[JAP] PC 15th Anniversary Infernape | 06123 | Careful | Capable of taking hits | 270/223/178/203/168/245
[JAP] PC 15th Anniversary Empoleon | 05153 | Calm | Quick to flee | 297/178/183/239/246/149
[JAP] PC 15th Anniversary Serperior | 05223 | Calm | Sturdy body | 263/147/225/167/239/242
[JAP] Pokémon Hills Mewtwo | 06153 | Timid | Alert to sounds | 352/225/187/344/201/325
[JAP] Tanabata Jirachi | 07013 | Timid | Impetuous and silly | 165/101/108/114/109/127
[JAP] World Championship Smeargle | 08113 | Jolly | Likes to thrash about | 122/40/51/24/56/104
[JAP] Blue’s Pidgeot | 02276 | Naughty | Highly curious | 190/132/114/108/97/146
[JAP] Year of the Dragon Bagon (shiny) | 08232 | Relaxed | Sehr pedantisch | 11/6/6/6/5/5
[JAP] Year of the Dragon Druddigon (shiny) | 08232 | Adamant | Alert to sounds | 12/7/7/5/7/6
[JAP] Golgo’s Sableye | 09153 | Brave | Highly curious | 117/99/81/85/77/61
[GER] Summer 2013 Giratina | 09273 | Adamant | A little quick tempered | 431/249/249/186/248/198
[GER] Liberty Garden Victini | 60420 | Rash | Somewhat of a clown | 55/38/37/40/34/39
[ENG] Dreamworld Espeon | 34858 | Adamant | Quick tempered | 33/22/19/28/24/29
[GER] Dreamworld Gothorita | 26297 | Lax | Likes to run | 88/34/61/58/61/47
[ENG] Dreamworld Arceus | 32685 | Timid | Proud of its power | 362/247/266/256/259/300
Gen. VI Events
Spoiler :
[JAP] Birthday 2013 Eevee | 10123 | Naive | Capable of taking hits | 31/17/18/17/16/16 | 22.11.2013
[JAP] Birthday 2013 Vaporeon | 10123 | Mild | Somewhat vain | 48/20/15/31/26/18 | 22.11.2013
[JAP] Birthday 2013 Jolteon | 10123 | Rash | Likes to thrash about | 34/21/19/31/23/31 | 14.01.2014
[JAP] Birthday 2013 Flareon | 10123 | Hasty | Likes to thrash about | 33/34/17/26/29/22 | 26.11.2013
[JAP] Birthday 2013 Espeon | 10123 | Gentle | Good endurance | 33/19/17/33/26/27 | 03.01.2014
[JAP] Birthday 2013 Umbreon | 10123 | Sassy | Mischievous | 40/19/28/19/35/18 | 31.10.2013
[JAP] Birthday 2013 Leafeon | 10123 | Docile | Alert to sounds | 34/27/31/19/20/27 | 26.11.2013
[JAP] Birthday 2013 Glaceon | 10123 | Impish | Proud of its power | 33/19/30/28/25/19 | 12.10.2013
[JAP] Birthday 2013 Sylveon | 10123 | Lax | Capable of taking hits | 41/19/23/27/29/19 | 03.01.2014
[JAP] Birthday 2014 Pikachu | 10014 | Jolly | Mischievous | 27/17/13/16/17/27 | 31.10.2013
[JAP] Birthday 2014 Jolteon | 10014 | Timid | Often dozes off | 36/17/18/28/25/34 | 11.10.2014 | only for other legit Birthday 2014 (demanded by the person who traded it to me)
[JAP] Birthday 2014 Flareon | 10014 | Naive | Sehr pedantisch | 34/33/17/26/24/20 | 05.01.2015
[JAP] Birthday 2014 Espeon | 10014 | Timid | Quick to flee | 33/16/18/31/25/31 | 11.10.2014
[JAP] Birthday 2014 Leafeon | 10014 | Docile | Alert to sounds | 36/28/34/19/18/25 | 08.11.2014
[JAP] Birthday 2014 Glaceon | 10014 | Adamant | Somewhat vain | 33/20/29/27/27/19 | 19.11.2014
[JAP] Birthday 2014 Sylveon | 10014 | Impish | Strongly defiant | 39/19/22/24/33/17 | 10.11.2014
[JAP] CoroCoro Garchomp | 11153 | Calm | Quick to flee | 163/121/102/89/103/116 | 25.11.2013
[JAP] Pokémon Center Tokyo Bay Inkay | 11223 | Adamant | Sturdy body | 32/18/18/12/16/15 | 30.11.2013
[KOR] Eeevee House Sylveon | 02013 | Naughty | Nods off a lot | 41/22/19/28/27/17 | 08.01.2014
[GER] Pokébank Celebi | 49197 | Lax | Alert to sounds | 77/83/58/33/52/42 | 04.02.2014
[GER] Pokébank Meganium | 52487 | Mild | Sturdy body | 141/88/108/107/110/89 | 11.03.2015 (female)
[GER] Pokébank Typhlosion | 52487 | Naive | Capable of taking hits | 151/99/98/114/91/129 | 11.03.2015
[GER] Pokébank Feraligatr | 52487 | Bashful | Strong willed | 157/115/106/86/103/89 | 11.03.2015
[KOR] Happy New Year Gengar | 02024 | Timid | Capable of taking hits | 70/40/42/72/47/71 | 23.01.2014
[KOR] Happy New Year Scizor | 02014 | Adamant | Somewhat vain | 77/83/58/33/52/42 | 23.01.2014
[GER] Spring 2014 Electabuzz | 04014 | Brave | Somewhat vain | 84/61/39/62/63/63 | 15.04.2014
[GER] Spring 2014 Magmar | 04014 | Impish | Often lost in thought | 85/63/48/63/60/64 | 19.04.2014
[GER] Arash’s Mamoswine (shiny) | 05034 | Adamant | Thoroughly cunning | 178/151/89/79/69/97 | 03.05.2014
[JAP] PCBC Mawile 1st distribution | 06164 | Adamant | Mischievous | 110/105/101/65/65/66 | 16.06.2014
[JAP] PCBC Mawile 2nd distribution | 07074 | Adamant | Likes to relax | 124/97/103/61/72/66 | 14.07.2014
[JAP] PCBC Tyranitar 1st distribution | 06094 | Timid | Often dozes off | 165/125/119/103/108/78 | 10.06.2014
[JAP] PCBC Tyranitar 2nd distribution | 07074 | Mild | Somewhat vain | 169/145/106/114/115/73 | 10.07.2014
[JAP] PCBC Gengar 1st distribution | 06024 | Timid | Often dozes off | 135/68/68/140/88/134 | 02.06.2014
[JAP] PCBC Gengar 2nd distribution | 07074 | Sassy | Likes to thrash about | 128/80/72/144/96/105 | 19.07.2014
[JAP] PCBC Kangaskhan 1st distribution | 05264 | Hardy | Somewhat of a clown | 174/101/93/51/91/104 | 01.06.2014
[JAP] PCBC Kangaskhan 2nd distribution | 06234 | Docile | Somewhat stubborn | 173/108/99/47/99/106 | 28.06.2014
[JAP] PCBC Scizor 1st distribution | 05194 | Bold | Capable of taking hits | 135/126/132/61/86/72 | 21.05.2014
[JAP] PCBC Scizor 2nd distribution | 06234 | Careful | Proud of its power | 143/150/119/58/93/84 | 28.06.2014
[JAP] PCBC Gyarados 1st distribution | 05104 | Hasty | Hates to lose | 162/133/81/69/111/101 | 11.05.2014
[JAP] PCBC Gyarados 2nd distribution | 06234 | Docile | Alert to sounds | 161/136/86/71/111/94 | 01.07.2014
[JAP] Atsuto Uchida Pikachu | 00022 | Jolly | Likes to thrash about | 49/36/28/24/30/50 | 15.06.2014 (has been hardware-checked)
[ITA] Jessie’s Wobbuffet | 06214 | Brave | Capable of taking hits | 82/15/26/17/23/15 | 22.06.2014
[KOR] WCS14K Houndoom | 07064 | Timid | Sehr pedantisch | 137/94/65/129/95/110 | 06.07.2014
[JAP] Movie Diancie | 07194 | Adamant | Mischievous | 125/132/168/108/161/61 | 06.07.2014
[KOR] Movie Diancie | 01155 | Relaxed | Mischievous | 124/120/183/120/157/63 | 06.01.2015
[GER] GTS Vivillon | 00108 | Naive | Often dozes off | 44/20/17/27/18/30 | 07.07.2014
[JAP] Tanabata Jirachi | 08014 | Bold | Alert to sounds | 40/22/30/28/26/28 | 02.08.2014
[JAP] Tanabata Jirachi | 08014 | Relaxed | Capable of taking hits | 43/27/30/25/28/25 | 07.08.2014
[KOR] Wishing Star Jirachi | 08144 | Quirky | Likes to relax | 25/5/5/5/5/5 | 27.08.2014
[FRA] Paris Vivillon | 06014 | Serious | Often dozes off | 42/19/20/28/19/26 | 11.06.2014
[GER] Pokéball Vivillon | 08134 | Bashful | Loves to eat| 44/18/20/29/20/28 | 06.09.2014
[ENG] Pokéball Vivillon | 08134 | Naughty | Mischievous | 44/20/19/29/17/27 | 27.08.2014
[FRA] Pokéball Vivillon | 08134 | Timid | Capable of taking hits | 44/18/20/29/20/28 | 28.08.2014
[ITA] Pokéball Vivillon | 08134 | Modest | Proud of its power | 42/18/19/31/17/29 | 21.08.2014
[SPA] Pokéball Vivillon | 08134 | Docile | Highly curious | 43/20/20/30/19/27 | 22.08.2014
[ENG] Wonderland Darkrai | 08074 | Naive | Somewhat vain | 145/102/110/153/99/159 | 17.08.2014
[JAP] Cosmo World Pikachu | 08094 | Jolly | Quick to flee | 28/16/14/14/15/27 | 12.08.2014
[KOR] Red Brick Warehouse Pikachu | 08094 | Calm | Often dozes off | 30/17/13/16/17/25 | 16.08.2014
[GER] GameStop Charizard-Y | 08134 | Hardy | Strongly defiant | 105/65/66/86/83/79 | 16.12.2014
[JAP] 2014 World Championship Aegislash | 08164 | Quiet | Somewhat stubborn | 124/66/162/62/169/67 | 17.08.2014
[JAP] Halloween Gengar (shiny) | 09134 | Adamant | Often lost in thought | 66/41/38/67/46/65 | 15.09.2014
[GER] Spooky 2014 Pumpkaboo | 10014 | Bashful | Capable of taking hits | 126/85/90/50/62/61 | 10.10.2014
[GER] October Gengar (shiny) | 10134 | Modest | Likes to thrash about | 66/39/37/82/43/64 | 30.01.2015
[JAP] Tretta Rotom | 09254 | Quirky | Impetuous and silly | 31/15/20/25/20/24 | 27.10.2014
[GER] ORAS Demo Glalie | 61756 | Impish | Likes to thrash about | 123/81/75/66/77/69 | 22.01.2015
[JAP] ORAS Demo Steelix | 22245 | Serious | Often lost in thought | 116/75/169/60/64/31 | 23.01.2015
[GER] November Diancie | 11064 | Lonely | Somewhat vain | 125/126/150/120/170/70 | 11.11.2014
[ENG] Se Jun Park’s Pachirisu 1st distribution | 11154 | Impish | Somewhat vain | 135/65/99/51/110/115 | 15.11.2014
[KOR] Se Jun Park’s Pachirisu 2nd distribution | 04045 | Impish | Capable of taking hits | 135/65/99/51/110/115 | 05.04.2015 | good offers only!
[GER] Steven’s Beldum (shiny) | 11214 | Jolly | Quick tempered | 19/11/13/8/11/8 | 12.01.2015
[JAP] Pokéscrap Shaymin | 12014 | Bold | Mischievous | 57/35/39/39/39/36 | 21.12.2014
[GER] Pokéscrap Shaymin | 12014 | Timid | Alert to sounds | 59/33/39/39/39/42 | 04.02.2015 | Very good offers only, resetted myself
[JAP] Pokéscrap Keldeo | 12014 | Calm | Likes to thrash about | 52/27/33/47/39/42 | 29.04.2015
[GER] Pokéscrap Keldeo | 12014 | Timid | Often dozes off | 56/23/35/48/35/46 | 04.02.2015 | Very good offers only, resetted myself
[JAP] Pokéscrap Victini | 12014 | Relaxed | Alert to sounds | 59/38/41/39/37/35 | 29.04.2015
[GER] Pokéscrap Victini | 12014 | Adamant | Likes to thrash about | 59/42/39/35/38/39 | 24.02.2015 | Very good offers only, resetted myself
[JAP] Christmas Jirachi | 12014 | Impish | Capable of taking hits | 55/36/42/35/39/36 | 01.08.2014
[JAP] Christmas Jirachi | 12014 | Bold | Often dozes off | 59/35/42/37/36/39 | 03.08.2014
[JAP] Pokémon Center Tokyo Froakie | 12074 | Modest | Sehr pedantisch | 22/11/10/16/11/16 | 10.11.2014
[JAP] Pokémon Center Tokyo Piplup | 12074 | Quiet | Good endurance | 25/12/14/16/14/9 | 06.12.2014 (has been hardware-checked)
[JAP] SBB Greninja | 09134 | Timid | Capable of taking hits | 107/70/64/85/59/114 | 25.12.2014
[JAP] Pokémon Center Mega Tokyo Charizard (shiny) | 12124 | Adamant | A little quick tempered | 102/82/65/78/68/86 | 12.12.2014
[JAP] Pokémon Center Mega Tokyo Pikachu (shiny) | 12124 | Jolly | Capable of taking hits | 71/50/43/41/43/84 | 09.04.2015
[KOR] Mysterious World Darkrai | 12204 | Timid | Mischievous | 145/88/96/155/110/144 | 20.12.2014
[JAP] Jump Festa 2015 Linoone | 12204 | Gentle | Capable of taking hits | 152/89/72/55/74/105 | 20.12.2014
[JAP] Pokémon Café Pikachu | 01095 | Bashful | Ist beharrlich | 27/17/15/16/15/23 | 09.01.2015
[JAP] Pokémon Center Mega Tokyo Egg Ralts | 22754 | Quiet | Nods off a lot | 11/5/5/6/5/4 | 05.03.2015
[JAP] Pokémon Center Mega Tokyo Egg Bagon | 11680 | Lax | Good endurance | 29/19/13/20/17/14 | 25.01.2015
[JAP] Pokémon Center Mega Tokyo Egg Bagon (shiny) | 10644 | Lonely | Likes to thrash about | 12/6/5/5/5/6 | 21.02.2015 | good offers only!
[JAP] WHF Rayquaza (shiny) | 01185 | Naughty | Mischievous | 236/222/152/211/167/159 | 21.01.2015
[GER] Present Serperior | 01225 | Modest | Somewhat vain | 142/78/109/101/115/126 | 22.01.2015
[JAP] Present Serperior | 01095 | Timid | Quick to flee | 142/78/109/101/115/126 | 26.01.2015 (female)
[GER] Present Emboar | 01295 | Naive | Impetuous and silly | 183/129/81/113/67/91 | 24.02.2015
[GER] Present Emboar | 01165 | Bashful | Somewhat stubborn | 176/139/79/110/84/74 | 06.03.2015 (female)
[GER] Present Samurott | 02105 | Lonely | Likes to run | 158/121/86/121/82/87 | 24.02.2015
[JAP] Present Samurott | 01165 | Quiet | Capable of taking hits | 165/109/105/134/77/81 | 27.02.2015 (female)
[GER] February 2015 Darkrai | 02135 | Serious | Mischievous | 136/110/110/155/99/136 | 07.04.2015
[GER] PGL Tyrunt | 01235 | Adamant | Somewhat vain | 32/26/22/12/17/17 | 23.02.2015
[GER] PGL Amaura | 03205 | Careful | Somewhat vain | 36/17/15/18/22/16 | 09.04.2015
[KOR] Guide Book Keldeo | 02055 | Hasty | Likes to thrash about | 52/31/32/48/36/41 | 07.03.2015 | Good offers only!
[GER] Serena’s Fennekin | 02265 | Hardy | Somewhat vain | 38/19/18/24/25/25 | 26.02.2015 (downloaded myself)
[JAP] Serena’s Fennekin | 02265 | Hardy | Loves to eat | 41/21/20/23/24/25 | 27.02.2015
[JAP] Desert City Arceus | 03075 | Jolly | Often dozes off | 381/275/256/248/259/303 | 10.03.2014
[JAP] Desert City Arceus (shiny) | 03075 | Lonely | Somewhat vain | 372/303/229/265/276/276 | 08.03.2014 (has been hardware-checked)
[JAP] Desert City Arceus (shiny) | 03075 | Jolly | Alert to sounds | 379/276/276/245/276/303 | 10.03.2014 | very good offers only! I've redeemed and resetted it myself and invested quite an amount of money in the codes and time in the resetting process
[KOR] WCSK2015 Linoone | 03055 | Impish | Often dozes off | 153/80/86/52/71/105 | 16.03.2015
[JAP] CoroCoro Rayquaza (shiny) | 03145 | Careful | Capable of taking hits | 236/222/152/211/167/159 | 19.03.2015
[GER] Spring 2015 Charizard | 04015 | Timid | Somewhat stubborn | 105/65/66/86/83/79 | 04.04.2015
[JAP] Spring 2015 Charizard | 04015 | Calm | Somewhat stubborn | 106/60/64/92/76/91 | 07.06.2015
[FRA] Spring 2015 Kangaskhan | 04035 | Bashful | Scatters things often | 179/108/89/48/86/108 | 06.04.2015
[ITA] Spring 2015 Kangaskhan | 04035 | Lonely | Somewhat vain | 173/123/84/47/98/101 | 09.04.2015
[JAP] Spring 2015 Kangaskhan | 04035 | Bold | Likes to run | 172/102/100/58/97/110 | 08.04.2015
[KOR] Spring 2015 Kangaskhan | 04035 | Mild | Often dozes off | 180/100/85/59/99/108 | 09.04.2015

Re: [Boutique] Zero's Event Shop

Posté : ven. 19 juin 2015, 14:30
par raffox
unfortunaly i don t have english list,but the differences are few(ability and nature).i think that you can see it.

yes know kevin s hacked list but i use this for my trade becouse is more specific. ... rk=fw#3122
when i give this lickitung i don t know of list.what do you want of my list?.

Re: [Boutique] Zero's Event Shop

Posté : ven. 19 juin 2015, 21:16
par ZeroPointLibra
So here's my list of 23 Pokémon. As I said in the French text, I don't want any Pokémon distributed as files because they are forbidden on the German forum I originally come from. Since they are usually tolerated on other forums I'll have to decline Pokémon that are otherwise legit so don't wonder. To check whether that is the case, I need the characteristic (the sentence like "mischievous", "somewhat vain" and HP value. This is only necessary for Gen. V events and Gen. IV events with ribbons though.

Please make sure that these do NOT have a fateful encounter:
Exeggcute,AO ASH,ID 62296,mite,clorofilla
Mudkip,AO ヨコハマ,ID 51126,Gather More Pokemon 1,modesta,acquaiuto
Pikachu,AO ヨコハマ,ID 50319,Festival Pokemon GW,ingenua,statico
Taillow,AO JAP,ID 51493,PokePark Egg,decisa,dentistretti
Jirachi,AO タナバタ,ID 50707,Daisuki Club,timida,leggiadro
Typhlosion,AO 10 ANIV,ID 00010,10th Anniversary,lesta,aiutofuoco
Tyranitar,AO 10 ANIV,ID 00010,10th Anniversary,furba,sabbiafiume
Deoxis,AO DOEL,ID 28606,TV toy museum,quieta,pressione
Psyduck,AOしげしげ,ID 38793,Ken’s Psyduck,cauta

For these I need characteristic + HP value, first one in English please
Mew,AO GIULIA,ID 01000,Pokemon Ranch,calma,sincronismo
Trapinich,AO KOR,ID 08232,Year of the Dragon,scaltra,ipertaglio KOR
Swablu,AO KOR,ID 08232, Year of the Dragon,furba,alternacura KOR
Bagon,AO KOR,ID 08232,Year of the Dragon,seria,testadura KOR
Audino,AOオーサカ,ID 11040,Audino Birthday,calma,curacuore
Whimsicott,AO PC,ID 06012,Powerful Tag,timida,burl
Volcarona,AO kor,ID 06092,National Korean 2012,timida,corpodifuoco
Bulbasaur,AO PPnet,ID 39279,Kanto Starter Egg,modesta,erbaiuto
Charmender,AO PPnet,ID 39279,Kanto Starte Egg,timida,aiutofuoco
Squirtle,AO PPnet,ID 39279,Kanto Starter Egg,modesta,acquaiuto
Pikachu, AO PCT, ID 05293, Pokémon Center 15th Anniversary - Tokyo, docile, parafulmine
Emboar,AO PCO,ID 06193,Pokémon Center 15th Anniversary - Osaka,cauta,aiutofuoco
Samurott,AO PCF,ID 06263, Pokémon Center 15th Anniversary - Fukuoka,calma,acquaiuto
Kingdra,AOヤマモト,ID 09293,Pokémon Smash,nuotovelox,timida

Re: [Boutique] Zero's Event Shop

Posté : sam. 20 juin 2015, 16:44
par raffox
i control my events with our lists:exeggute and deoxis have fateful encunter,other 21 events don t have nature and charatteristics hacked.when we can trade?

Re: [Boutique] Zero's Event Shop

Posté : dim. 21 juin 2015, 12:36
par ZeroPointLibra
I know from a trustful source that both the Wish eggs and the Doel Deoxys lose the fateful encounter when being transferred to Gen. IV and I suppose that yours aren't in Gen. III anymore?
As I said, I need the characteristic and HP value for Gen. V events and for those in Gen. IV that couldn't be traded via the GTS. I've changed my list so that it includes more Gen. III and less Gen. V Pokémon.

These are fine:
Mudkip,AO ヨコハマ,ID 51126,Gather More Pokemon 1,modesta,acquaiuto
Pikachu,AO ヨコハマ,ID 50319,Festival Pokemon GW,ingenua,statico
Taillow,AO JAP,ID 51493,PokePark Egg,decisa,dentistretti
Jirachi,AO タナバタ,ID 50707,Daisuki Club,timida,leggiadro
Typhlosion,AO 10 ANIV,ID 00010,10th Anniversary,lesta,aiutofuoco
Tyranitar,AO 10 ANIV,ID 00010,10th Anniversary,furba,sabbiafiume
Psyduck,AOしげしげ,ID 38793,Ken’s Psyduck,cauta
Wailord,AO PCNYb,ID 00377,Pokemon Center New York,ingenua,indifferenza
Pikachu,AO 10 ANIV,ID 00010,10th Anniversary,ritrosa,static
Dragonite,AO 10 ANIV,ID 00010,10th Anniversary,sicura,fuocodentro
Celebi,AO 10 ANIV,ID 00010.10th Anniversary,fiacca,alternacura
Charizard,AO 10 ANNIV,ID 06227,10th Anniversary,ingénue,aiutofuoco
Ho oh,AO 10ANNIV,ID 06227,10th anniversary,timida,pressione
Raikou,AO 10ANNIV,ID 06227,10th Anniversary,decisa,pressione
Rayquaza,AO KOR,ID 05025,Spring Carnival Rayquaza,allegra,riparo,05/05/15,ITA

For these I need characteristic + HP value, or we just do a 15:15 trade
Mew,AO GIULIA,ID 01000,Pokemon Ranch,calma,sincronismo
Trapinich,AO KOR,ID 08232,Year of the Dragon,scaltra,ipertaglio KOR
*Swablu,AO KOR,ID 08232, Year of the Dragon,furba,alternacura KOR
*Bagon,AO KOR,ID 08232,Year of the Dragon,seria,testadura KOR
Audino,AOオーサカ,ID 11040,Audino Birthday,calma,curacuore
Bulbasaur,AO PPnet,ID 39279,Kanto Starter Egg,modesta,erbaiuto
Charmender,AO PPnet,ID 39279,Kanto Starte Egg,timida,aiutofuoco
Squirtle,AO PPnet,ID 39279,Kanto Starter Egg,modesta,acquaiuto

Btw I strongly suggest to include at least the characteristic to your list. I've gone through your Gen. III events and only looking at the nature, I had to stay away from more than half of your events because there are hacks with the same.

Re: [Boutique] Zero's Event Shop

Posté : mar. 23 juin 2015, 14:59
par BraveSoldierSS

j'ai tout les events EULALIE en français

je suis intéresser par :

[JAP] Spring 2015 Kangourex | 04035 | Assuré | Aime courir | 172/102/100/58/97/110 | 08.04.2015
[COR] Spring 2015 Kangourex | 04035 | Doux | S'assoupit souvent | 180/100/85/59/99/108 | 09.04.2015

Dis moi si tout d'abord tu est toujours intéresser par les events EULALIE, et si oui lesquel

Bonne journée

Re: [Boutique] Zero's Event Shop

Posté : mar. 23 juin 2015, 16:02
par ZeroPointLibra
est-ce que tu les a téléchargés toi-même ? Je suis très intéressée, malheureusement je n'ai trouvé que Mew. Y a-t-il autre chose qui t'intéresserait ?
Si non, j'aimerais Apitrini et Pachirisu stp :)

Re: [Boutique] Zero's Event Shop

Posté : mar. 23 juin 2015, 16:55
par BraveSoldierSS
Mes events proviennent de my pokemon ranch, ils sont tout à fait legit, sinon ton :

[ALL] PGL Amagara | 03205 | Prudent | Un peu vaniteux | 36/17/15/18/22/16 | 09.04.2015

m'interesse également, tu peux choisir un autre event Eulalie

Je recherhce également cet event : ... _Charizard

et celui là ... 5_Rayquaza

Mais je ne le vois pas dans ta liste...

Re: [Boutique] Zero's Event Shop

Posté : mar. 23 juin 2015, 21:13
par ZeroPointLibra
J'ai les deux, comme il n'y avais pas de demandes ici avant la semaine derrière, je n'ai pas actualisé ma liste. Je l'ai déjà actualisée en allemand, maintenant il me faut terminer la traduction en anglais et français. Je la mettrai demain :)
Comme les deux sont plutôt rares, serait-il possible de faire un échange 2:1 ?

Re: [Boutique] Zero's Event Shop

Posté : mar. 23 juin 2015, 21:37
par BraveSoldierSS
C'est possible de faire du 2vs1 si il n'ont pas les dates powersaves

Re: [Boutique] Zero's Event Shop

Posté : mar. 23 juin 2015, 22:34
par ZeroPointLibra
Super, merci ^^ Pour les dates powersaves, j'utilise ce liste :
Les deux ne sont pas au-dessus, je ne pense pas qu'ils sont disponible sur Powersaves. Ils ont déjà été vérifiés mais je mettrai les infos demain :)

Re: [Boutique] Zero's Event Shop

Posté : mar. 23 juin 2015, 22:53
par BraveSoldierSS
Très bien on voit donc cela demain :)