Topic HS n°8 - Can't let you post that, Starfox

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Re: Topic HS n°8 - Can't let you post that, Starfox

Message par Hullabaloo » jeu. 19 juil. 2012, 23:47

Image Image Image

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Re: Topic HS n°8 - Can't let you post that, Starfox

Message par Pokéclément » ven. 20 juil. 2012, 00:28

Ouais pareil.

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Re: Topic HS n°8 - Can't let you post that, Starfox

Message par Brybry » ven. 20 juil. 2012, 00:30

Flex' a écrit :
Brybry a écrit :Ouais mais moi je veux pas de Flex' avec une tenue de soubrette :(.
Fais gaffe, vu qu'on habite tous les deux en Suisse, je pourrais venir chez toi habillé en infirmière sexy et t'enfoncer un thermomètre dans.... Bref.
Oh non :'(.

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Re: Topic HS n°8 - Can't let you post that, Starfox

Message par Flex' » ven. 20 juil. 2012, 00:41

Pokéclément a écrit :Ouais pareil.

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Re: Topic HS n°8 - Can't let you post that, Starfox

Message par Pokéclément » ven. 20 juil. 2012, 00:42

Cht, je te parlais pas. Laisse-moi plussoyer ma fangirl yaoiste de dame quand j'en ai envie merci.

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The Miz
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Re: Topic HS n°8 - Can't let you post that, Starfox

Message par The Miz » ven. 20 juil. 2012, 00:43

Brybry a écrit :
Flex' a écrit :
Brybry a écrit :Ouais mais moi je veux pas de Flex' avec une tenue de soubrette :(.
Fais gaffe, vu qu'on habite tous les deux en Suisse, je pourrais venir chez toi habillé en infirmière sexy et t'enfoncer un thermomètre dans.... Bref.
Oh non :'(.
En réalité tu te dis

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Re: Topic HS n°8 - Can't let you post that, Starfox

Message par Sugimura » ven. 20 juil. 2012, 03:13

The Miz a écrit :J'ai regardé le dernier pokémon radio show et je trouve que Gravja et MauriceHaurioux sont de purs bg.
The Miz a écrit :D'ailleurs ce sont eux qui auraient du présenter cette émission à la place de Walker.
Je demande le grade d'admin pour Miz suite à ces sages paroles.
Flex' a écrit :(mon dieu, que de politesse sur le forum bipien)
Je te comprends, c'est une expérience nouvelle pour toi.

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Re: Topic HS n°8 - Can't let you post that, Starfox

Message par Flex' » ven. 20 juil. 2012, 06:45

T'es chou \^o^/

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Maurice Hauriou
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Re: Topic HS n°8 - Can't let you post that, Starfox

Message par Maurice Hauriou » ven. 20 juil. 2012, 08:53

Je plussoie Gravja, Miz a magnifiquement cerné ma personne.
Pokéclément a écrit :Ouais pareil.
J'allais faire une trinité mais je ne t'ais point pardonné pour la journée de vendredi, vil faquin.

Flex' a écrit :Miz & Kuja : Miz, tu sauras peut-être un de ces quatres, Kuja, t'es pas encore prête à savoir :huhu:


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Re: Topic HS n°8 - Can't let you post that, Starfox

Message par ShiroiRyu » ven. 20 juil. 2012, 10:43

Comme quoi ... Créer des Monsters Girls et les aimer, c'est pas être cinglé, loin de là :
Spoiler :
Hello, MGU members.

I`m Kenkou Cross, the author of Monster Girl Encyclopedia.
Recently, there are some problems between us, so I asked Nagel to convey this message.

Some years ago, an English mail introduced MGU to me.
I`m not good at English, but I asked one of my friends for translation, so I could grasp the contents of MGU.
It was surprising and glad for me that MGE was accepted by not only Japanese but also foreign people.

But unfortunately, some of you didn`t seemed to understand the aim and intent of MGE, and those people not only complained about settings, but also distorted my intention and spread it around, blaming me as a public enemy, and even started to say that they want to kill me.
Also, some of you contacted me and claim that I should change the settings and pick up monsters the way they liked.

Whenever I replied them, I said that MGE is designed for the Japanese.
Because there are some Japanese affairs behind the creation and success of MGE, so I don`t think it applies to you fully.

At this time, I felt the necessity of explanation about the state of things: Japanese society and the genre of "Monster Girls".
I don`t think your thoughts should be restricted by this, but if you are confused or want to know what is behind my works, please use this as reference.

1.Our society and the aim of MGE

Our society has several merits , but is also an oppressive and nervous atmosphere and forces selfless devotion to inhabitants.
So there are people who choose to commit suicide, known as Karoshi(death from overwork and mental stress).
Such atmosphere causes some of us to have a pessimistic view of life.
The world of MGE is created for those who are tired of this world and actual women for various reasons, so it is negative to the rule or taboo of the actual world, and MGs are active toward men.
We observe actual laws and discipline strictly, and hate to bother others. So we need a shelter in fantasy.

If Japanese MG fans see a succubus, they see her as an liberater who frees them from the choking rules and taboos of the actual world, and lets them indulge in the love and delight of sex. I think it is the reason why the Demon Lord is accepted among Japanese fans.

My goal is not to create a creepy, dark world, in spite of what some of you say.
For me, the actual world which commands its inhabitants to die in harnesses is far more creepy and dark.
Because it is the system which oppresses individuals, and forces them to live and die for the communal cause, like Lescatie.
Corruption is merely used as fetishism.
I don`t say it is perfect and beautiful, but MGE consistently aims for the world where one can fall in love with monster girls without being bothered by any worldly affairs.

So, MGE is basically the fruit of "opportunism". The settings are designed to help stir the imagination of the love with monster girls, and it isn`t suited for consideration of realistic integrity.

On the other hand, if the people whose values reflect the actual world see a succubus, they may see her as an evil existence who plunders everything from them and turns them into sex-crazed beasts. For those who make much account of integrity of settings, MGE may seems to be like poor patchwork. It is natural, because MGE is not suited for them.

2.Background of MGE

MGE originally targets a minority in Japan, so many of you doesn`t seems to understand the background and conventions of this genre.
The structure of MGE`s story(like"Brave"and"Demon Lord") or many other elements are based on JRPG.
For example, repeatings as a palette swap are welcomed in Japan as the style of beauty of JRPG.

The genre of MG itself was established from the idea of adding sexual meanings to the ways of attacking by monsters of JRPG.
And many of them were concluded as "eat me"or"melt me", the consequence was death by predation.
The reason why I started to create MGE is that I don`t like this grave consequence.(The episode of the Demon Lord traces this)
On the other hand, the situations like being toyed with by monster girls with extraordinary power is attractive, and to delete it is equivalent to deny the genre itself, so I didn`t want to do so.
So, MGE has the essence of masochism primary.

I think the translation of the word "犯す(okasu)"to"rape" caused confusion.
Actually, it is not used in serious nuance.
For me and Japanese fans, this part is interpreted like "Such attractive girl nestles and pushes me down! Yes!"
At least, we don`t consider it creepy or with denial of the dignity of man as you may feel from that word.

Additionally, the settings of the"author of MGE" may cause some misunderstandings.
He is a man who lives in the world of MGE, and separate from myself,
His descriptions are basicaly generalization, and it is not always true because he has not the viewpoint of the creater.
Also, he is sympathetic to MGs but maintain an attitude of neutrality, and sometimes is even critical.
And MGE is the book which is written in a "warn people of the menace of MGs" tone, so it`s descriptions are often more threatening than the monsters actually are.


These are common undestandings of we Japanese inhabitants of this genre, so there is a gap between us which can`t be fulfilled by translation. I`m glad that MGE was accepted by foreign people, but it is beyond expectations.

The points is the fact I create MGE in these values, settings of MGE is welcomed in Japan, and more than anything, to make what I want to make is the most strong incentive when I create MGE.

I don`t want any blind admiration or complete agreement to my works.
You have freedom to feel or speak anything obout it.
But if someone who feels MGE is not suited for himself and tells me to change, I can`t accept it.
Also you have no right to send me death threats or use my works for acts of vandalism.
I believe that these acts are not praiseworthy in your sense of values, and MGU will not allow them.
But please remember,if things like this happen again, I may forbid all use of my works on MGU.

I want you to enjoy MGE with understandings of these things.
If you see something unacceptable in MGE, please ignore it as long as possible.
There are some people who dislike corruption or minor changes in Japan, but they don`t say it should be stopped.
Because they understand that there are people who enjoy what they don`t like.

And if you can`t igonore such elements, please stop seeing MGE.
Because it will result in the consequence that are not happy for both of MGU and me.

I will continue to create the profiles and books of MGE, and I wish that they are pleasing for you.

Kenkou Cross
Par l'auteur de l'Encyclopédie des Monsters Girls. :o

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El Crefa'
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Re: Topic HS n°8 - Can't let you post that, Starfox

Message par El Crefa' » ven. 20 juil. 2012, 11:13

Le pokémon radio show le seul moment bien c'est avec Shinou et MH je plussune ! Je comparerais le reste au dernier album de M.Pokora.
Modifié en dernier par El Crefa' le sam. 21 juil. 2012, 09:46, modifié 1 fois.
Un ami est mort, mais l'amitié dure :).

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Re: Topic HS n°8 - Can't let you post that, Starfox

Message par Feunnec » ven. 20 juil. 2012, 13:52

Salut tout le monde! :lol:

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Re: Topic HS n°8 - Can't let you post that, Starfox

Message par Sugimura » ven. 20 juil. 2012, 15:15

Flex' a écrit :T'es chou \^o^/
Tu te retiens fort bien. :)
Wiz a écrit :Le pokémon radio show le seul moment bien c'est avec Shinou et MH je plussune ! Je comprerais le reste au dernier album de M.Pokora.
Les droits d'admin aussi pour Créfa svplz.
FrigoMotisma a écrit :Salut tout le monde! :lol:

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El Crefa'
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Re: Topic HS n°8 - Can't let you post that, Starfox

Message par El Crefa' » sam. 21 juil. 2012, 09:46

tafé1bidkeum :v !
Un ami est mort, mais l'amitié dure :).

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Re: Topic HS n°8 - Can't let you post that, Starfox

Message par Pokéclément » sam. 21 juil. 2012, 15:49



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Re: Topic HS n°8 - Can't let you post that, Starfox

Message par Raishini » sam. 21 juil. 2012, 15:50

:lol: Je crois que t'as un don pour promouvoir les topic ! Quoique, on se croirait à un stand de fête foraine :huhu:
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Ma fiction : A l'aube du pouvoir.

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Re: Topic HS n°8 - Can't let you post that, Starfox

Message par Makona1 » sam. 21 juil. 2012, 15:52

J'ai l'impression de lire une pub pour une voiture sur une pop-up.
Merci à Versus pour ce splendide travail !

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Re: Topic HS n°8 - Can't let you post that, Starfox

Message par Raishini » sam. 21 juil. 2012, 15:53

Moi j'imaginais plutôt le vendeur à la sauvette qui harangue les foules ou le petit vendeur de journaux :v
Code ami 1: 2036 7695 3858 ; Safari : Obalie/Grelaçon/Cochignon

Code ami 2 : 1865 1972 2115 ; Safari : Clic/Magnéton/Trousselin

Messagerie ouverte aux propositions ~
Ma fiction : A l'aube du pouvoir.

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Re: Topic HS n°8 - Can't let you post that, Starfox

Message par Makona1 » sam. 21 juil. 2012, 15:56

Oui aussi.
Clément est un concentré de tout ceci.
Merci à Versus pour ce splendide travail !

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Re: Topic HS n°8 - Can't let you post that, Starfox

Message par Feunnec » sam. 21 juil. 2012, 15:57

C'est plutôt les marchands dans les marchés qui gueulent comme ça.
